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Discovery Page 9

by Quinn Ward

  “You hate taking naps,” Teo protested. It was true, and if I fell asleep now, chances were high I’d be tossing and turning most of the night, but feeling Teo relaxed in my arms was too tempting to resist.

  “That’s true, but my boy needs a nap and I need my boy. This seems the easiest way for both of us to get what we need,” I explained as I stripped out of my own clothes. Teo pulled back the sheets and sat at the head of the bed waiting for me. He was worrying his lip again and I knew he had something on his mind. “What is it, Angel?”

  Matteo picked at the edge of the quilt, still not looking up at me. Occasionally, I’d see him squirm, and his hand slid down his chest, resting at the top of his thigh barely an inch away from his beautiful cock. “Is there something you need, Angel?”

  He finally looked up at me, and the raw lust nearly buckled my knees. I’d been trying so damn hard not to push him, but I’d been having a hard time concentrating as I edited the pictures we’d taken for John because my mind was so consumed by the fantasies of everything I wanted to do to my angel.

  “When are we going to do more than we already have?” Teo asked, his gaze still fixed somewhere on the far side of the room.

  I climbed onto the bed and straddled Matteo’s legs. “What is it you want more of, boy? Use your words and tell me.”

  Matteo’s fingers dug into my hips as he tried pulling me down on top of him, but I held firm. No way was he getting out of this without explicitly telling me what he wanted.

  “I feel like things between us have stalled out. I love what we do and how you make me feel, but I want more.”

  “Have you been thinking about what you want Daddy to do to you?” I slid my hands down his chest, resting one over the top of his erection. “Is there something you wish I’d do to you that I haven’t?”

  Teo nodded, pursing his lips as his head lolled to the side so he didn’t have to look at me.

  “Tell me, Angel. What is it you want Daddy to do to you?” I scooted back, curling my fingers around the waistband of Matteo’s underwear. As I waited for him to answer, I bent down to bite one of his nipples. My other hand slid between Teo’s legs, cupping his balls while my middle finger gently massaged his taint. When he still said nothing, I pushed my hand farther back, the tip of my finger resting at his entrance. “Do you want Daddy to touch you here?” He nodded again. “I told you before, Angel, you have to tell me what you need.”

  “I… Oh god… I want…” he stammered, unable to get the words out. While it was tempting to tease him and hold out until he gave me what I needed, I was growing more desperate. I spread Teo’s thighs wide enough for me to kneel between them and leaned over his body to get the bottle of lube. “How much time have you spent thinking about Daddy playing with your little hole? Have you been keeping this a secret from me?”

  “No, Daddy!” he exclaimed, curling up until he could prop himself on an elbow and watch what I was about to do to him. Good. I wanted him to see what I was doing, wanted to see the look in his eyes as I tore him apart. “I want this with you, want everything with you, but it still scares me.”

  “Why does it scare you, boy?” I flipped open the lid and dispensed a little bit of lube. I dragged my slicked fingers through his crack, never breaching him as I waited for him to speak.

  “Because I’ve never done this before,” he admitted. It wasn’t any surprise to me since we’d talked multiple times about how little he’d done or even considered doing until we met. “But now it’s all I can think about. In my mind what we’re doing doesn’t count as a real relationship because we’re not having sex.”

  I stiffened at his candid response. Although I appreciated his honesty, it did nothing to calm my own nerves about what he was asking me to do. “Angel, I assure you what’s happening between us is very real. There are some couples, even those who identify as gay men, who never have penetrative sex. That doesn’t mean they don’t truly love one another or what they have is some sort of fallacy.”

  “I understand, and maybe I’m not explaining myself properly.”

  I withdrew my hand from between his legs, not wanting to go any further until I knew we were both doing this for the right reasons.

  “No, don’t. Remember, I warned you my brain doesn’t always engage properly, and this is one of those times. If there was ever anyone I could see myself having sex with, it’s you. And I do see myself doing that. I’m just… I’m just nervous. You know how I get.”

  “Yes, Angel, I most certainly do. In fact, it’s one of your more endearing qualities.” I knew my boy well enough to understand I needed him completely relaxed and out of his head if we were going to do this. The best way I could think of to do that was to push his limits, if he’d let me.

  I slid next to Teo on the bed, running my hand up and down his stomach. “If you’re sure this is what you want, then it’s what we’ll do,” I promised him. “And I have an idea of how to get you to stop overthinking things so you can enjoy yourself. But before I do anything, before we go any further, I want us to talk about it.”

  The mornings when I had time to discipline Matteo, he was a sight to behold. With every crack of my hand against his flesh, he sank deeper into relaxation until he was completely pliable in my hands. I wanted him to have the same feeling now. Plus, if everything went well today it would give me confidence to go forward with what I wanted to do for him before I left town.

  Matteo scooted up on the bed, resting against the headboard. He swallowed hard as he nodded. One thing we still needed to work on was his ability to admit to what gave him pleasure. That would come in time. “What would you say if I told you I’d like to push your limits just a little bit today?”

  “I already told you, Daddy, I trust you to do anything. I know you’d never hurt me.” My boy’s submission was truly a gift, which was why I promised to myself to always cherish it.

  “What would you say if I told you I wanted to use a belt on your pretty backside? Would that be too much for you, Angel?”

  This time, Matteo gulped. He wasn’t eager to agree, but neither was he quick to tell me I was insane if I wanted to lash him and see my marks on his ass. “Will it hurt?”

  I laughed, because of course it was going to hurt. That was the point. But beyond the pain, I was relatively certain my boy would chase the discomfort I gave him, would take it for me, trusting me to stop before he reached his limit.

  “It’s not going to feel good,” I confirmed. “But from what I’ve been told, the initial pain doesn’t go away but combines with absolute pleasure. With the way your mind quiets when I spank you, I think it’s something you’d enjoy.”

  “Then let’s do it,” Matteo said, sitting up a bit straighter, completely committed to what I wanted to do to him. I wasn’t sure which of us was looking forward to it more, but before we did anything, there was one last thing we needed to discuss.

  “Angel, I love your eagerness and your openness, but I’m going to push you pretty far today,” I warned him. “By the time I’m done, you’re going to be begging me to stop even if you simultaneously want more. So if you are going to do this, I want you to pick out a safe word.”

  Until this point we hadn’t had this conversation because everything we’d done had been about me taking care of Matteo. Even when I gave him his morning spankings, I knew I wasn’t getting anywhere near his limits, and he trusted I’d stop if he asked.

  “Safe word,” Teo said, still looking straight ahead.

  “Yes Angel, I want you to choose a safe word. It’s a signal word if I’ve gone too far or I’m getting close to it, so we can stop and discuss what’s going on and whether you want me to continue,” I explained.

  Teo turned his head, offering me a shy smile. “I get what a safe word is, Daddy. I want my safe word to be safe word.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Well, that’s a new one. Are you sure you don’t want to pick something either a bit more original, or even something common like using the stoplight

  This time it was Matteo who straddled my lap. He placed his hands on my chest, leaning forward to kiss me softly. “Daddy, you know me. If you don’t manage to get me out of my own head, it’s going to be racing with a million different thoughts about what you’re doing to me. If my brain spirals out of control, you could hold a gun to my head and ask me what color on the stoplight meant to stop and I wouldn’t be able to tell you. But the one thing I am pretty confident about is if you reach my limit, the only thought that’ll be a constant in my head is I need to use my safe word.”

  “I think you’ve chosen wisely,” I reassured him. I supposed it wasn’t any different from the people who used “password” as their password, except in this case it wasn’t going to do any harm. “In that case, it’s time for you to get off my lap so I can get what we need.” Teo stilled and his eyes grew wide. I watched the rise and fall of his chest to make sure he was still breathing steadily and not on the verge of hyperventilation. He was nervous, but also calm.

  “How do you want me?” Oh, wasn’t that a loaded question. I wanted Matteo in every way, in every position possible, but for now I needed to focus first on his lashing.

  “When I get back, I want you on your hands and knees, ready and waiting for me.”

  Matteo watched me as I walked to the closet, flipping through my belts to choose the right one. The goal today was pain, not the marks it would leave or the possibility of broken skin. At the bottom of the pile, I found a belt so old the leather was soft and pliable. That one would do nicely. On my way back to the bed, I stepped into the bathroom, digging through the cabinet and praying I still had condoms in case my boy wanted to get thoroughly fucked after I’d marked his skin.

  As I’d requested, Teo was waiting on the bed for me, his head hanging low as he rocked back and forth gently. His thick cock and balls hung low between his thighs and I noted his erection hadn’t softened at all with the anticipation of what was to come. If anything, he was even harder than when I left him.



  My limbs shook as I got onto the bed and into the position Daddy wanted me in. I wasn’t sure I could do this, but for him, I was going to try. He’d asked me to trust him when we’d started the daily spankings and I’d come to love them, so maybe he was right about this, too. Still, there was no denying getting whipped with a belt wasn’t going to be nearly as pleasant as his hand on my butt.

  “You look beautiful waiting for me, Angel,” Daddy praised as he stepped up next to the bed. I braced myself, ready for the first blow, nearly collapsing when it didn’t come. He laid the belt on the mattress next to me and started massaging my shoulders. “You have to relax, otherwise this is going to hurt a lot more than it has to.”

  “Is… is there a way to make it not hurt at all?” I asked, earning a chuckle from my daddy.

  “I’m sorry, Angel, there really isn’t. But I promise I will go out of my way to avoid injuring you.” I believed him. Daddy was always telling me how much he cherished me and wanted to protect me. More than anything, he showed me daily how much I meant to him. That was why I wanted to take things between us to the next level. “Do you remember your safe word?”


  “Tell me, Angel,” he prompted, his attention shifting to my backside. He kneaded the muscles there and I felt my dick getting even harder.

  “Safe word.” Saying it now, I felt stupid for not picking something more original, but I knew myself well enough to know everything would fly out of my mind if I was overwhelmed, which seemed to be his intention.

  “If you truly think you can’t take anymore, use your word and I’ll stop.” I yelped as he swatted my butt, not hard, just enough to make my body even more aware of what we were doing. He landed another strike on the opposite side and this time I moaned. I wished I knew why I loved him spanking me so much, but for now it’d remain one of life’s mysteries. Daddy traced a finger around the imprint of his hand. “Love seeing my marks on you. You’re going to look even better with my stripes.”

  “Want it. Please, Daddy. Want to make you proud of me,” I pleaded, canting my hips back, silently begging him for more.

  “Such a needy little boy.” The next crack of his palm on my skin wasn’t nearly as tender. The sting radiated through my body. “What have I told you about getting impatient?”

  “That you’ll give me what I need when I need it,” I recited. Patience and trusting Daddy to know the right pace seemed to be the rules I struggled with the most. I sucked at waiting, but I was trying to get better for him.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Daddy pick up the belt and I stilled. This was it. I could say my word and he wouldn’t strike me with it. He wouldn’t hold it against me if I changed my mind and decided I couldn’t do any of what I’d been begging him for, but I would. I’d never forgive myself if I let the fear overwhelm me.

  I jolted when I heard the crack of the leather, shocked when I didn’t feel anything on my skin. Daddy placed a hand at the center of my back to steady me. “Easy, Angel. You still want this?”

  “Need it, Daddy,” I admitted. I sucked in a deep breath and held it, the air escaping my lungs on a shout with the first strike of Daddy’s belt. My butt was on fire and I wasn’t sure how much more I could take, but I rocked back, ready for the next blow.

  “Such a beautiful boy,” he praised, running his hand down the length of my spine. “You took your lashing better than I expected. Did you like it?”

  “I… maybe, Daddy?” My response came out more as a question than a statement because I wasn’t sure. I wanted more. Wanted him to stop. Wanted the insecurity in my head to shut up and let me enjoy the moment.

  “You ready for more?” Daddy leaned over my back, kissing my shoulder as he waited for me to answer.

  I swallowed hard as I worked up the ability to sound more confident than I felt. “Yes, Daddy.”

  My back arched with the next strike. I could still feel the welts from the first searing my skin. He didn’t pause after the second. I never knew if the next swing would be soft or hard, where it would land, how it would feel. Tears welled in my eyes and my vision blurred as they fell to the mattress below me.

  Eventually, the pain receded. I still felt every blow, but I no longer feared what was to come. I craved it, chased him, dropped my head to my forearms in front of me and stopped trying to anticipate what was to come. Daddy wanted this for me. I closed my eyes, allowing the sensations to wash through my body, the peace and quiet I never managed to find on my own.

  Somehow, I was wide awake and almost asleep all at the same time when I faintly heard the belt buckle clatter as it hit the floor. Then, Daddy was next to me, scooping me into his arms. “You amaze me, boy. So perfect for me.”

  “Mmmm,” I hummed, a faint smile forming at the corners of my lips. He was perfect for me, too, but I was too relaxed to tell him so.

  Daddy draped an arm over my hip and started playing with my dick. He wasn’t trying to jerk me off, just feeling it in his hands, letting his fingers graze over my balls. I rocked back, realizing, at some point, he’d stripped out of his clothes. I reached back, resting a hand on his hip as I ground against his erection.

  “You still want more, Angel?” I nodded because I was still too blissed out to find my words. I groaned when cold air hit the places where his hand and arm had just been when he rolled away from me. “Need to get you ready, boy. Not going to take you the first time without any prep.”

  “Okay.” The word was slurred. As eager as I was to try having him inside of me, I could just as easily fall asleep before my brain started running a million miles an hour again.

  “Remember, you can still use your word if you need,” Daddy reminded me as he ran a hand down my arm. “Don’t want to harm you. Couldn’t live with myself if I did.”

  “That’s why I want you so much, Daddy,” I admitted. I tried rolling over to take the kiss I was desperate for, but Daddy held me in place. If we
were going to do this, I wanted to see him, remember he was the one taking me. I struggled a bit more, needing more than just the physical connection between our bodies. “Please, Daddy. Let me hold you while you do this.”

  That got his attention. He pressed on my shoulder, arranging me on my back. “This better, Angel?” I nodded. “Thank you for telling me what you needed.”

  Once my eyes landed on the bottle of lube in his hand, my stomach clenched. We’d used over half the bottle over the past few weeks, but never like this. Today, Daddy was going to use it… there. My cheeks heated, and I turned my face away from him on the pillows so I could get control of myself. I was the one who’d begged him for this, and yet I couldn’t even think of where he was going to apply the slick, never mind say the word.

  Daddy pressed against my thighs until they were both on the mattress and he moved between them. I could practically feel his gaze watching my hole. The urge to clench my legs closed was strong. I felt more exposed than I ever had in my life.

  A lube-coated finger pressed against my hole and I tensed. “Easy, boy. You need to bear down and let me in.” I shook my head, suddenly convinced there was no way in hell I could do this. With his right hand still between my legs, Daddy bent down and brushed the hair away from my face with his left before kissing me. “You have to, baby. Otherwise, this is going to hurt.”

  For him, I’d try.

  “Take some deep breaths for me.” Daddy placed his free hand over my chest and urged me to look at him. Together, we breathed: in, then out. In and out.

  He didn’t stop until my muscles relaxed, then he pressed the tip of his finger into me. It felt weird. He pulled back, then pushed a little deeper, over and over again until he brushed against a spot inside of me that had me seeing stars. Oooh, that’s nice.


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