Mason's Winter

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Mason's Winter Page 5

by C. M. Steele

  “You like that don’t you?” he grunts above me. “Your pussy demands my seed, doesn’t it?” He drops down onto his forearms and kisses me deeply until both of us are breathless.

  “Wow, Winter. Now talk about spoiling me. I could get used to that.”

  “So can I,” I sigh, feeling totally relaxed.

  “I’m going to jump in the shower if you want to join me,” he says.

  “I’d like that.”

  As soon as I’m out of the shower, I see that I missed a call from my former professor’s wife. I check the voicemail. “Winter, I wanted to see if you still had plans to move in with us. We haven’t heard back and well, we’re getting worried. Please call us back.”

  I call her back right away. “Hi, Mrs. Reedy. Sorry, I haven’t called you sooner, but I’ve found a place to stay and have moved out of my step-father’s home. I can’t thank you both enough for everything you have done and offered.”

  “You’re welcome, my dear. We were just concerned. With the holidays around the corner, it’s terrible for you to be alone.”

  “Thank you, but I won’t be. Things have changed for me in the past few weeks. Perhaps we can get together and have dinner soon.”

  “Yes, that sounds wonderful. We’re going to see our daughter out of town next week for the holiday. We planned on inviting you, so if you change your mind, you’re more than welcome to come.”

  “Thank you, but I can’t. I hope you both have a great holiday.”

  “You too. Take care, my dear.” We hang up, and I fill Mason in about the offer they made me before we met.

  “They sound like pretty great people. I’m glad you had someone to lean on if you needed it. Now let’s go feed your belly monster before they deliver the tree.”

  Chapter 12


  I stare at her, knowing that this is just the beginning. She’s standing there in an off-white sweater, her hair spilling over her shoulders, holding a box of Christmas ornaments and picking the next place on the tree to put it. I know things won’t be this easy and perfect, but I’m a happy motherfucker, and I don’t want to lose this moment. I sneak out my phone and snap a picture. She hears the sound of the camera shutter and turns to me with a smile. I steal another shot of her. “You’re taking a picture of me?” she exclaims, blushing and I have to kiss her. Fuck, I have to do so much more.

  Rushing to her side, I take the box from her hands and set it on the table. Then I wrap my arms around her and lower my head for a kiss. She slides her slender fingers up my chest and around my neck. I pull back because I don’t want to get carried away before I get to do what I wanted.

  “I love you, Winter. In the few short weeks since we met, my world has changed for the better. I thought I had everything I needed until you. Now my life isn’t right if you’re not around.” I drop to one knee, open the tiny box I took out of my pocket, and finish, “Will you marry me?”

  She clasps her hand to her lips and the other to her chest, tears immediately falling, then she answers me after what feels like an eternity. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  I slide the ring on her finger and stand, kissing her again. “As much as I want to celebrate with you naked under the tree, we have to get this all together. I have a feeling my mother will be here sooner rather than later.”

  “Wait, she’s coming here for dinner? I haven’t taken anything out to make. Heck, I don’t even know if you have anything to cook.”

  “Don’t worry. We’re not having a fancy dinner. She wants to cook for us, but she’s bringing all the ingredients. She knows I don’t cook a lot since I’ve been alone for years.”

  “Oh, I thought we would go to a restaurant. This is actually better, but it would be better if I was doing the cooking. I don’t want her to think I’m not good enough.”

  I stop her sudden jitters and state as clearly as possible, “Winter, my mother is going to love you. As long as you make me happy and we’re trying for a baby, I don’t think she’d care if you ever picked up a spatula again.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Look, I get that you haven’t had the love and care that you deserved, but not everyone is like that. I promise, I isolated myself from assholes a long time ago. My mom is a total sweetheart and is already half in love with you and you two haven’t even met. Now let’s get this tree decorated.”

  Four hours later and our home is completely decorated in silver and gold for the holiday. It looks like something out of a Hallmark Christmas movie, and I’ve won the heroine in the story. I stand back with a glass of brandy and picture what next Christmas will be like. Hopefully, we’ll be holding our little baby in our arms as we sit around the tree opening gifts that he or she won’t even care about. My thoughts are taken away from the image of us with my buzzer for the gate. It’s my mother. Showtime. I hope that everything goes as smoothly as I think it will, and that my mother doesn’t embarrass me with stories of me as a kid—or harasses Winter for grandbabies.

  I let her in the gate, then slip on my coat and boots, and meet her at her car. She kisses me on the cheek, opens her trunk, then says, “Mason, sweetheart, take the travel container.” I lean in to get it, and she runs ahead of me and into the house. Damn sneaky woman.

  When I step in the door with the large trunk container, she uses to bring me food in, I find her arms around Winter. “You are so beautiful,” she squeals.

  “Thank you,” Winter responds, blushing so damn perfectly. How the hell am I supposed to keep my dick down when Winter looks so innocent?

  “Yes, she is. Now that you’ve just barged in let me make the formal introductions.” I sit the bag container tote looking thingy on the table and say, “Mom, I’d like you to meet my fiancée, Winter Snow.”

  “Oh my God, even her name is adorable.”

  This woman. I shake my head and continue, “Winter, this lady here is my beloved Mother, Marianne.”

  “Well now that you’ve gotten that off your chest, Mason. You can leave us to finish dinner,” my mother says, shooing me away with her hand and picking up the container. I take it from her and carry it into the kitchen before she can argue with me. Setting it on the table, I pull Winter into my arms. “If you need me, I’ll be in my office, attempting to get some work done.” Then I take her mouth in a deep kiss, then pull back and leave the room.

  “Woo, it’s hot in here, and I haven’t even started cooking,” my mom adds.

  “Be nice,” I warn her.

  Chapter 13


  “I hope you’re not a vegetarian. I didn’t think to ask before I bought the dinner. I’m making steaks,” she questions, taking out the food from the travel carrier.

  “Oh no, I love meat and I love this organizer.”

  “Me too. Isn’t great? It’s perfect for bringing dishes with you or just plain going grocery shopping. I have so many options depending on what I’m storing in it. So tell me, when did you and Mason get engaged?”

  That’s blunt. She doesn’t beat around the bush at all. “This morning.”

  “Good boy. So, tell me about yourself. How did you and Mason meet?”

  “Um. Well, I was working for the owners of a company Mason wanted to buy. We literally crashed into each other a couple of times. We’ve been together since the last run in.”

  “Wow, Mason’s not usually the clumsy type.”

  “Well the last time, he didn’t technically bump into me.” Not the second time either, but I have no intention of telling her I almost let him have his way with me in an elevator. “He saw me coming out of a store and helped me to the car,” I explain. She knits her brows, and I wonder if she thinks I purposely ran into him and made these incidents happen.

  She smiles brightly at me before going to the fridge to put away a pie. “He must have made up his mind about you from the start. Bad boy didn’t tell me a thing about it.”

  “We didn’t really get to have conversations until the other night. And well, he’s amazing.�

  “Yes, he is. A really decent man. I’m so proud of him. I’m glad I had him at my side all these years. How about we get this started and you tell me something about you?” she says.

  “I’m an only child, but I’ve had three step-siblings over the years.”

  “Over the years?”

  “Well, my mom has been remarried twice.” I feel like I should shut my mouth about her, but something about his mom makes me want to blurt out my feelings. Maybe it’s that she’s been so kind to me or I just want to ease her own sadness with a taste of my own bitter tale.

  “Have you told her about your engagement?”

  “No, and I think it’s best if we don’t even bother,” I remark, wiping down the counter.

  “That’s a shame. Don’t you want her to be a part of it all?”

  I spin around and lean back on the counter. Shaking my head, I answer, “No. I haven’t spoken to my mother more than a dozen times in the last two years.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “It really is, but Mason reminded me that not all mothers are like mine.” An “ah-ha” moment hits her, and she decides to change the subject. She moves around the kitchen, knowing where everything is and doing most of the work. I feel like I’m not being useful. Then again, I’m sure that’s what she wants. I love her genuine motherly demeanor. Mason was right all mothers are different, and his mom is pretty stellar.

  “Do you plan on working after you and Mason marry?” she asks, pulling out a cutting board and a large knife. “Can you cut the tomatoes?”

  “Sure.” I rinse the tomatoes and begin cutting. “I need to find a job again,” I remark. I don’t want her to think that I’m just going to use her son.

  “Why?” she asks turning on the grill top on the stove.

  “Our relationship caused a bit of anger from the owners, and well, I was fired,” I answer honestly because I know it’s going to come out, unfortunately.

  “That’s lousy, but I meant why would you want to work when you don't have to. It’s going to be hard with all the grandbabies you two are going to give me.” She smiles playfully.

  “I just graduated from college, so at this point, I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’m letting Mason lead the way for now.”

  “I wish I had more kids, but after learning about my husband, I’m glad it was only Mason.” There’s a story there, but I’m not sure I should ask. I finish up the tomatoes for the salad and toss them in with the rinsed mixed lettuce.

  “I’m sorry about your husband.”

  “I’m sorry I wasted so many years with the cheating bastard,” she mutters out. Wow, Mason didn’t mention that, but then again, it’s not something you go bragging about. “Sorry, let’s not dampen the mood. I just want you to know that Mason is nothing like his father.” She pours herself a glass of wine and I can see that the past still burns. I can’t imagine being in that position after raising a family.

  “I hope that we have several kids. I grew up without siblings and my step-siblings were nothing more than strangers to me,” I admit. Thinking of having Mason’s babies hits me straight in my chest. I can imagine little boys looking adorable with their father’s light eyes and dark brown hair.

  “You never got along with your step-siblings?”

  “No, the first ones were already adults in my mother second marriage, and my latest step-sister hates me.”

  “Really, I can see why.” Before I can be offended, she adds, “You’re beautiful, sweet, and educated.”

  “She’s educated and beautiful,” I add.

  “Yes, but if she felt like you were competing for her father’s love or maybe a boyfriend’s attention, she would hate you.” I can’t help but laugh at that.

  “What? Did one of her boyfriends fall for you?”

  “No, but she wanted Mason and Mason wanted me.”

  “Ah. That explains getting fired,” she replies. “Dinner’s ready. Do you want to call Mason for me? Wait better yet, I’ll do it. If you go, he’s going to be attacking you again, and the food is going to get cold.”

  Chapter 14


  I did my best to let the two of them bond, but I couldn’t wait for my mom to leave. As soon as she pulls out of the gate, I’m on Winter, claiming her mouth in a delayed kiss. For three hours, I barely had a stolen peck or two, and I’m going through withdrawals.

  “How about we go celebrate upstairs?” Winter suggests.

  Shaking my head, I have a whole different suggestion. “Take off your clothes, right here, right now. I want to Christen the tree.” Winter stares at me for a minute, biting her bottom lip nervously before finally grabbing the hem of her creamy sweater. Her tits bounce when her arms go over her head and then jiggle some more as she brings them down again. I strip out of my clothes, growling in the process like a possessed beast. Pulling the throw out of the ottoman, I lay it over the tree skirt. Then I drag my beautiful fiancée to the floor. On our knees, we share kisses, licking and biting gently until I lower her onto the throw. My hands move up and down her sides, caressing her taut breasts. I drop my head and suck on her nipple through the lacy cream-colored bra.

  “Thank you, Winter. Thank you for being mine,” I whisper, kissing her all the way down to the waist of her yoga pants. I drop kisses on her mound over the fabric causing her to squirm from the sensations. “You smell so damn good. I need your pussy. Are you ready to come for me, Winter?”

  “Yes,” she cries out, thrusting her hips up and her hands wrapping around the throw, pulling on it tightly. “Please, Mason. Make me come.”

  “How do you want me to make you come? Like this?” I ask, stroking her pussy through the material with two fingers. “Or like this?” I slide my hand under her waistband and slip my fingers into her slit.

  “Ah,” she moans, rolling her hips. I lean over and kiss her mouth, then pull my hand out, getting a brief pout until I reach for her pants and tug them off. She’s naked and I have her openly displayed for me. I move down her body, lifting her legs over my shoulders, then ask, “Or like this? My tongue drags across her folds, tasting her soaking wet pussy. I love the way she tastes. Her flavor is driving me to lick and dip my tongue into her sweet center like a mad man. I can’t get enough. My hands grip her flesh tighter, holding onto her body and taking what I need.

  “Yes, like that. Don’t stop, Mason. Oh my. Holy hell,” she pants. Squeezing her ass cheeks, I part them and run my finger into her pussy, then I glide them down to her ass, circling her little hole. “Please, Mason,” she begs. I suck on her clit and push my finger into her ass, setting her off into a screaming orgasm. “Mason, I love you. Damn. Oh, God.” Her body arches, fucking my face.

  I pull out my finger, and glide myself up her body, rubbing my skin against hers and loving every second of it. “I’m going to fuck your ass very soon and it’s going to be so damn good. I want to claim every inch of you. Are you going to let me bury my cock in there?”

  “Yes,” she whispers, throwing her hands around my neck. Feeling possessed, I pull her hands off me and raise them above her head, intertwining our fingers while I grind my cock deep inside her womb.

  “Good. I’ve never wanted that before, but the thought of possessing every part of you makes my dick so hard.” I drag it out and then thrust my cock back into her pussy, and she clenches around it. “You like that. You want me to own your ass.”

  “Please, Mason. Give me more. I’m close again.” I kiss her roughly, pounding my throbbing shaft into her unprotected womb until we’re both coming. I unload every drop into her pussy, then pull out and raise her legs over my shoulders, exposing her eager ass. I stroke my cock between her cheeks, rubbing my tip at her entrance. I lean down and suck on her tits, then push the head in her tight pucker. She freezes for a second and relaxes. “Good girl. Relax, Winter. You’re mine now.” I thrust inside her ass, claiming it. I’ve never tried this, but now, I might have to fuck her little hole whenever she gets this
wild. It feels so damn good, and I can feel her pussy clenching even though it’s her ass that’s got my big fucking cock in it.

  “Can you come for me again?” I ask, hoping that she can.

  “I think so,” she moans, biting her lip and tugging on her nipples.

  “Oh, you will.” My dick was just getting back to full rock status. I’m not coming until she does. I kiss her, pushing my dick deeper inside. I lower her legs but keep them bent and wide open for me. “Fuck, you drive me crazy. I have to be on you, in you and with you.”

  “I need you too.” I rock my hips in long, lazy strokes, feeling her pussy drip our release on my cock and giving me the lube, I need to keep working her ass.

  Sitting up, I reach between us and tease her little clit, pumping two fingers in her pussy. “Damn, I’m going to come again,” she utters, tossing her head back. I look down at my beautiful Winter as I fuck her ass, and finger fuck her pussy, taking in how sexy she is splayed open and giving it all to me—only me. She grips down on my fingers and comes, I thrust once more in her ass, pulling out and coming all over her middle.

  “Wow, I’m a sticky mess,” she complains.

  “It’s okay. I’ll help clean you up.” She kisses me this time, nipping on my bottom lip.

  “I need to shower then you can ravish me in the morning.” I help her up, then carry her into the shower for a quick wash. After that, we fall fast asleep.

  Chapter 15


  It’s the Monday before Christmas, and Mason wants me to come with him to work. We drive into the city, getting some Dunkin on the way. Once we’re in his office building, I’m shocked. It’s enormous, and apparently, he owns the whole thing.

  At the front desk on his floor is a beautiful woman who instantly stands up and smiles. “Hello, Mr. Hunt.”

  “Madison, I’d like you to meet my fiancée, Ms. Snow.”

  “Hello, Ms. Snow.” She can’t stop smiling.


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