Mason's Winter

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Mason's Winter Page 6

by C. M. Steele

  “Enough with the giggles, Madison.”

  “I’m not,” she says holding back the giggles.

  “Lying ass. Winter, come on. There’s a lot of work to do today so we can enjoy the Christmas break.”

  After we enter his office, and he closes the door, I ask, “Did I miss something back there?”

  “I’m guessing my mother called her.”

  I don’t know what their relationship is, but now I can’t let it slide. “Have you and her?” I stutter out truly afraid of the answer.

  “God, no,” he exclaims. “My mother wanted us to get together because, well, she wanted me to find someone. We’re not anything more than boss to employee. And lately, I’ve been extremely moody, and now she knows why.”

  “Oh. But why would you be moody?”

  He closes the distance, sliding his hands around my waist and looking down in my eyes, and states, “Because all I could think about was you and you did your best to avoid me or at least they did it to hide you.”

  “That’s true. I suppose I wasn’t in the best moods after we met, and I thought you were engaged to Carissa. In fact, I was miserable.”

  He flinches then shudders in revulsion. “That’s a miserable alternate universe.” And it’s my turn to giggle. “Oh, you think it’s funny.” He starts tickling me around my waist, and I can’t stop laughing.

  “Stop, Mason. Stop,” I chuckle and pant, trying to catch my breath. I clench my fist and bang on his arm until he stops.

  “Say you’re sorry,” he orders.

  “Sorry.” He loosens his hold on me. “Not sorry.” He shakes his head and moves over to his desk.

  “Sit your pretty ass down, while I get some work done.”

  “Do you need me to do anything?”

  “Just to sit down before I pin you to the desk and fuck your brains out.”

  “Is that a promise or a threat?”

  “A promise. Just try me. And I don’t give a fuck who hears me smashing your pussy.”

  “Just so you know. You’re not thinking this out very well. It’s as if you’re asking me to misbehave.”

  “Maybe I am,” he growls, standing back up and stroking his hard bulge through his slacks. I bite my lip and stare. “Keep looking at me like that, and I’ll keep you very busy on your knees.” My pussy is rioting, demanding I rebel. I squeeze them together, hoping to stave off the urge to undo his pants.

  His phone rings before I can cross around his desk, but he wags his finger at me, calling me to him. I do because…I just can’t get enough of Mason.

  “James, what’s up?” I can’t hear what his friend is saying, but from the growling coming from Mason, it’s not good. I wonder what it’s about. “I’ll talk to her. Yes. I’ll call the cops.” He looks at me, and I can see the concern in his eyes. “Yeah, okay. Talk to you later.” He hangs up the phone and sets it on his desk.

  “We need to talk.”

  “What’s this about?”

  “When they brought your things, they found a tracking device. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t know what it was for or why it was there, but they decided to see if they were being tracked. Someone showed up at James’s house and attempted to shoot him and his sister.”

  “What! Oh my God,” I screech, nearly fainting. Mason holds me tight, hoping to call me down. “Who would do that?”

  “Well, she’s in custody.”


  He pauses longer than I expected, then reluctantly comes clean. “Your mother. She was implicated by the actual shooter who was caught on James’s surveillance.”

  “What? Why?” I thought it would be Carissa for sure.

  “All I know is that she has a life insurance policy on you. How she got anything in there is a mystery to me, but they’re questioning her now.”

  “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. She’s always looking for another jackpot. I told her that I was going to be moving out some time after graduation the last time we spoke.”

  “Wow, she didn’t hesitate. I won’t let her harm you, but the police are wanting us to join them downtown.”


  “As soon as possible.”

  We get down to the station, and I pretty much listen to what Mason has to tell them. I only add my last conversation with my mom when they ask. It’s frustrating to feel like this, but what can I do.

  “I’m curious how she got a tracking device inside my things,” I question.

  “Yes, that is tricky since she hasn’t been there since she filed for divorce, she claims, but the shooter revealed that little tidbit to us. His cousin worked at the Grable estate and did it on her behest. Apparently, they were lovers. It explains how it got in your belongings.”

  “Thank you for your quick actions, officers.”

  “You’re welcome. It was your acquaintance Mr. Smith that did the work.” We leave the police station on State Street and head home. I just want to wash my hands of all of this. Since the crime was perpetrated on his friend, we won’t have much to do with the case even though we were the intended targets.

  Chapter 16


  Christmas morning comes faster than we expected. After a night of passion, we slept in. I wake up, slinking downstairs to make some coffee for us.

  When I come back, she’s stretching in the bed, smiling at me. “Merry Christmas, Winter.”

  “Merry Christmas,” she replies, kissing me as I hand her the coffee. It’s hot, but I made sure not to fill it too high. “This feels too good to be true,” she moans, taking a sip from her mug.

  “Well, it is.” I take a drink of mine and set it on the nightstand. "In a few years, we’ll be waking to kids jumping on the bed, rushing to open presents.”

  “How many babies do you want?” she asks me. We haven’t really talked about exact numbers. I can afford a whole brood of them if we want.

  “A hundred,” I tease.

  She scoffs and takes another drink. “Um, I don’t think that’s possible. Even if I could manage to have kids in my sixties.”

  “Fine. I suppose five is good enough,” I grumble. I’m so happy, I want to pin her to the bed and claim her all over again, but I’ll just steal some kisses for now. I take her coffee and set it on the nightstand next to mine. “We better get to it then.” Then I pounce on her for a lovely Christmas morning that started with deep kisses and finished with Winter screaming my name.

  We finally make it downstairs around noon. There’s a game on today, so we’re going to watch some football and have dinner with a couple of my friends and my mother. She loves Winter and can’t wait for us to marry. Although not as much as I want to marry Winter. I’m losing my mind, hoping that we can get married before the new year, but with the drama with her mother and everything happening so fast I didn’t want to push her.

  Winter’s in the kitchen prepping our dinner while we wait for our guests. I tried to help, but she kicked me out. The gate buzzes just as I plop down on the sofa with my beer. I open it the gate with my phone when I see it’s my mom.

  “Merry Christmas,” she cheers as I meet her at her car. She brought her boyfriend with her. It’s not a big deal to me. I’ve already had him investigated, not that I’d tell her. He’s clean and seems to be on the up and up. We’ll see from there. “Harry, this is my son, Mason. Mason this is Harry.”

  “Hello, Harry. Merry Christmas.” He doesn’t shy away from my hand, shaking it with a firm grip as he looks me in the eye.

  “Hello Mason, your mother has told me a lot about you. I hear congratulations are in order.”

  “Yes, I’m getting married as soon as I can convince her.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll get her to it. A quick service for the New Year sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?” my mom says, smiling and walking into the house.

  Before we even eat dinner, my mom has Winter planning out the wedding for the new year. I could kiss that old woman.

  James and his sister, Rebecca a
rrive before dinner. Followed by my friend Rob, who’s a bigger loner than I used to be.

  “Hey Mason, thanks for the invite,” Rob says, shaking my hand.

  “Thanks for coming. Dinner’s about to be served. Let me introduce you to my future wife.” After a quick introduction to everyone in the room, I notice that Rob’s not paying attention to anything other than Rebecca. This is the first time they met. Her eyes turn to his several times as she tells a story to Harry and my mom. The stolen glances aren’t missed by James who is very protective of his sister.

  After dinner, we gather around the tree with pie and coffee. “So Mason, since you’re not taking the deal with Grable. Are they going under?” James asks.

  “I’m not quite sure. I’ve cut all contact with them, but with the scandal going around, they might sell it to you at a fair price if you’re interested.”

  “Hey, I hear he’s fired his daughter and taking over until he can sell the company,” Rob adds.

  “Sounds good to me. She’s killing the brand,” James remarks, biting into the apple pie that Winter made. “Winter, this is fabulous.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Are you interested in it, James?” I ask him, wondering if he’s willing to invest that kind of money into a failing company.

  “I’m not sure yet. I’m going out of the country next month for about two months and won’t be back until the middle of March. If the business is still hanging on, I’ll check it out. And I’m good at ignoring women like Ms. Grable.” Come to think about it, he’s just as bad as the rest of us when it comes to staying away from women.

  “Are you all available for New Year’s Day?” my mom interrupts.

  “We don’t have any plans.”

  “Goodie. Mason and Winter are getting married here at the house, so we expect you to be here.” I stare at her like she’s crazy, but she waves me off. “What Mason, it’s only a week away. You need to invite people before it’s too late.”

  “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Mrs. Hunt,” James adds.

  “Same here, Mrs. H,” Rob chimes in.

  “We’d love to have you all there,” Winter adds.

  My mom pats Harry’s knee then stands and addresses us, “Great, now if you’ll excuse us ladies. We have to talk dresses.” She leads Winter and Rebecca out of the room.

  “Wow, your mom is one tough woman,” James says, blowing out a harsh breath.

  “That she is. That she is,” I mutter, chuckling to myself.

  Chapter 17


  We just returned from a quick honeymoon on Isla Nubia when we got a call from the Will County sheriff’s department wanting us to come in for an interview regarding the attack on James and his sister.

  “I’m not looking forward to this.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I know this is fucking hard, but I’m not leaving your side.” Of all the damn people, her own mother was more ruthless than even the Grables. They were just petty and Carissa Grable jealous. It takes a lot more than that to put out a hit on your only child.

  “I know. I know, but do you ever worry that I’d be like her?”

  “God, no. Do you? Would you ever hurt our babies?”

  “Never. That’s a horrible thing to even think.”

  “Look, remember when I finally told you about my father. What did you say?”

  “First, it was your mother who let it slip that he was an adulterous bastard. And I told you that I’m nothing like my mother, so I know you don’t have to be like him.”

  “Sure, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, but I’ve come from my mom too, and you are part of your dad.”

  “Stop making so much sense.”

  “That’s what I’m here for. I don’t like seeing you sad. It pisses me off and makes me want to knock someone out.”

  “Chill Rocky. This is going to be a somber day for me, and we’re going to a police station. I can’t have you locked up for popping a cop in the mouth.”

  “I’ll behave. Maybe hit the home gym afterward, or maybe I’ll take you hard and fast as soon as we get home.”

  “Damn you, starting something you can’t finish. Let’s go in, big meanie.” She swats my arm and walks ahead of me, swinging the door open. She halts, freezing in her spot. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I get in and see both Grables standing there, talking to a man in a suit. When he turns, I remember he’s the detective we spoke to previously. He steps up to us and shakes our hands.

  “Hello, Mrs. Hunt. I’m so glad you could make it. We hope we didn’t ruin your honeymoon,” he remarks, rubbing in our marriage to them.

  “Thank you, but we returned the night before,” I say, relishing the scowl growing on her face.

  “You two are married?” she shrieks.

  “Yes, despite your lies,” Winter adds with a smirk.

  Ms. Grable throws her hands up in the air then points her finger at her. “Goodness, I hate you. Your mother is ruining our good name, and you are just as trampy as her. You better watch out Mason, or you’ll end up one of her victims too.”

  I lose my shit because no one talks to my wife like that. I slide Winter slightly behind me and warn Ms. Grable, “You better watch what you say about my wife, or I’ll just warn off my friends in the industry.”

  She throws her hands up in the air, screeching about the stupid company, and storms out of the station.

  Winter’s former step-father comes closer, takes a deep breath, and speaks, “Sorry about her. About all of this, Winter. I really wanted to care for you, but between your mother and Carissa, I just couldn’t get over the tension. Congratulations on the marriage. I’ve learned a great deal in the past week, and I’m truly sorry.” He walks by us without another word.

  “Wow,” the detective mutters.

  “Yeah, we were a dysfunctional family. Our story could be a soap opera. Can we just get this over with?” Winter asks, holding onto my hand a little tighter.

  “Come this way.” We follow him into a small interrogation room. I pull out the chair for Winter then take the other seat, dragging it closer to her and sit down.

  “So can you tell me about the day you moved out of the Grables?”

  “That night, I received a nasty voicemail from Mr. Grable telling me my things would be outside when I got back. Mason called James’s moving company, and they picked it up that night. The next morning, they dropped it off. I didn’t know about the device until the shooting, but Mason did.”

  I take over adding what I know. “They told me it was found in one of her boxes and would keep it with them. James took hold of it, and you already have his part of the story when it comes to the shooting.”

  He nods, acknowledging me then directs his gaze to Winter. “Yes, so please give me a little information about your relationship with your mother.”

  “We never had a good relationship. When I was younger, I remember my parents fighting about me, and my father looking into getting a divorce. They didn’t divorce because he died a week later. She moved quickly onto the next man, but he was old enough to be her dad. She used him until he had enough and divorced her.

  Again, saddled with me, she brought me along to win over Mr. Grable. After that worked, I was left to my own devices until she needed to show me off to his fancy friends and such. She filed for divorce and fled. This time I was old enough to not come with, and she was ever grateful for that one. Mr. Grable let me stay to finish my education as long as I assisted his daughter. Of course, it was to use it against her in the divorce to help him keep the majority of his assets. That’s pretty much it.”

  “Your story matches a lot of what Mr. Grable gave in his statement about your mother and you. That’s all we need to give the district attorney for the case to move forward.”

  “Is she claiming she’s not guilty?” Winter protests nearly popping out of her chair.

  “Yes, but the evidence is mounting. Her account of your relationship doesn’t match
either yours or Mr. Grable’s statements.”

  “Well thank you, detective. If that’s all, we’re going to be on our way,” I blurt out. This is too much for Winter as it is.

  We shake hands, and as he walks out, he adds, “Again, thank you for coming in.”

  “Can we go home? I’m so tired,” Winter complains, laying her head on my shoulder.

  I tug her closer around the waist, then give her a little kiss on her temple. “Absolutely. Still jetlagged?”

  “I suppose, but it could be that you kept me up last night, or your swimmers are Olympians.”

  “Shit, are you thinking you could be?” I ask, smiling from ear to ear.

  “I haven’t had my period, so it’s a huge possibility,” she remarks as if it’s not a big deal.

  “I’ll pick up a test after work. Will that be okay?” I doubt I’ll be able to hold back that long, but we’ll see.

  “You’d really do that?” she questions, stopping in front of the car.

  “Why not? Let everyone see that buying tests. I’m just making sure I knocked up my wife.” I puff up my chest, then open the passenger door and help her inside. I run around to the other side, feeling lighter than air right now. My gut tells me it’s true. She’s going to be having my baby. Now, if I could keep my cool, I might make it until after work tomorrow.

  Chapter 18


  I wake up from my nap and see it’s only nine at night. Mason’s not anywhere in our bedroom. I exit the room and look for him. “Mason,” I call out.

  “I’m coming.” He dashes up the stairs. “How are you doing, my beloved wife?”

  “I’m great. What’s going on?” I question. He’s looking rather suspicious.

  “Um. I left for a little while.”


  “I picked up these.” It was a bunch of roses and a box of pregnancy tests. I grab them both, laughing the entire time. He’s so adorable. I pull him in for a kiss then go back into the bedroom.

  “It might be too early to tell, you know,” I remark, closing the bathroom door before he can sneak in, locking it because I can’t trust his eager ass. Setting the roses in the sink, I open the box, pulling out a wrapped stick. I read the instructions, even though I’m pretty sure this is very basic. And it is: pee on stick, wait, read results. Bingo.


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