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Religious Liberty On Trial

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by Debbie Lawrence

  Religious Liberty on Trial

  A novel of LGBT rights

  Copyright 2018 Debbie Ballard

  1st Edition - 2018

  Although this project is based on a great deal of personal experience and research, this work is fictitious, and any similarities to any persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental. Mention is made of persons in public life only for the purposes of realism, and for that reason alone. Certain license is taken in respect of medical procedures, terms and condition, and the author does not claim to be the fount of all knowledge.

  The author accepts the right of the individual to hold his/her (or whatever) own political, religious, and social views, and there is no intention to deliberately offend anyone. If you wish to take offense, that is your choice, but it is not my prima intent.

  This work is property of the author, and the author retains full copyright, in relation to all material, whether on paper or electronically. Any adaptation of the whole or part of the material for broadcast by radio, TV, or for stage place or film, is the right of the author unless negotiated through legal contract. Any commercial use by anyone other than the author, without prior written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.


  This book is fictional in nature, but very well researched. In addition to being transgender and transsexual myself, I have spent over 30 years supporting the LGBT community including being an out Transgender Lesbian starting in the late 80s, long before it was “Fashionable”. I’ve worked with people in various online discussion groups, web sites, blogs, and social media groups, often early in their popularity.

  This story is based on those experiences, including my own, those of others, and the experiences shared with other members of the LGBT community. There may be some anachronisms and some sketchy timelines. I’m writing about a time when transgender wasn’t even a word yet, and transsexuals being encouraged to transition was considered controversial, irresponsible, and even unethical. A time, nearly a decade after the Stonewall riots, but before the AIDS epidemic was being called the “Gay Plague”.

  There may be portions of this book that may be disturbing to many people. This was intentional. I have tried very hard not to gloss over some of the persecution that so many of us in the LGBT community have experienced at the hands of people who have been misguided or just suffer from ignorance, and fear of that which they don't understand.

  This book explores a wide range of sexual identity and sexual preference issues which is probably unfamiliar to most readers. Even those who experience one dimension of being Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender (LGBT) rarely get a picture of what those in other groups are experiencing.

  This book is not just intended for those who are already LGBT, but also for friends, families, and those who seek to understand something of the thinking and pain we experience growing up, how we have learned to cope with those who support us, those who reject us, and even those who are hostile to us.

  This book is also intended for those who have known young people who have taken their own lives and did not make it clear exactly why they have done so. Having wrestled with these issues myself, both as a family member who has known others who died, and as someone who struggled with suicide myself, I hope this book will provide understanding, and compassion to survivors, and hope and strength to those who have struggled with these thoughts. There is something wonderful available on the other side of that pit, and I will share that experience, strength, and hope.

  Please enjoy this book, and I hope it will provide entertainment, hope, compassion, and even a bit of laughter to you, the reader.

  Table of Contents


  New Beginnings











  Dysphoria and Puberty


  Tina Emerges





  Stepping Out




  A Special Treat

  Ted and Nancy

  Tina's Debut

  Tina and Nancy

  Daisy's Engagement





  The Attack


  Colorado General


  Coming out to Parents





  The Trial

  Alice Testifies


  Grilled by the Press

  The Defense - Freedom of Religion

  Ground Rules

  Tina Assists

  Alice Assists

  Nancy Assists

  Disclosure and Panic

  Mob Rule

  The Defense

  Pastor Grey

  Pastor Blair

  Dr. Dobson

  Conversion Therapy Documented

  Pat Robertson CBN

  Tina Testifies for the Defense

  Dr. Freed Testifies

  Tommy Testifies

  Betsy Testifies

  Alice Testifies

  Nancy Testifies - Conversion Therapy

  Prosecution’s Closing Argument

  Defense Closing Arguments

  The Judge’s Instructions

  The Verdict

  The Deal






  Katie Leone

  New Beginnings

  Teddy was on the soccer field, suddenly one of the boys tripped him. Boys from both teams kicked the ball right into his middle. Teddy curled into a little ball, preparing for the inevitable.

  “Little sissy faggot, I can’t hit girls, like my little sister, but I can kick the snot out of you, because you’re so girly but you’re a boy.”

  Soon more boys were kicking him everywhere, 6, then 8, then 10. One of the boys called out to the boys standing away “If you don’t kick him 10 times, as hard as you can, you’re next! The boys were scared to death, they liked Teddy, he was nice to everybody, but they had to kick him. Teddy looked up at them and nodded. He had to help his friends.

  One of the friends kicked him, but the other boys screamed “You can kick harder than that! You kick like a girl, kick it HARDER!”

  The five boys kicked as hard as they could. They cried as they did. One got Teddy in the back, and he started to uncurl. The boys tried to uncurl him, so he spread out on his tummy.

  The boys called out “Stomp it out, it’s an abomination, we should send it to hell! Stomp on his head! Kill it quick, before it infects us all.”

  Ted woke up screaming, he’d torn the covers off his bed. It had been an afternoon nap. He was terrified. Even though it had been over 5 years since he had been attacked like that, the nightmares and flashbacks were still terrifying. The dreams were so real, so horrible, he could still feel the pain, even as. He cleared his head.

  It was a long hard summer. Ted had worked all summer, working at a local electronics store, he had earned some nice commissions, and had earned enough to pay the down payment on his tuition. His freshman year, he had lived at home, but this year he was going to live on campus. Perhaps he could finally enjoy social activities. In a college of 800 women, and only 30 men, he mig
ht even be able to get a date, kiss a girl, or even just hang out with the other girls, and just be one of the girls.

  He had gone to dinner early. He hadn’t eaten so well since he quit cooking for his family. He loved to cook, but when he asked his father to put some of the money his father was saving toward his college tuition fund, his father did nothing but gripe about the food he prepared. The real problem was that his father’s drinking was getting worse and eating at home made it easier for mom to track his drinking. Ted quit cooking.

  He went to the lounge on his floor and started writing in his diary. He was so lost in the writing that he didn’t even notice John coming in. John finally just put out his hand to Ted “I’m John Smith, I’m in Nursing, a Freshman.”

  Ted smiled cheerfully, “I’m Ted Clark, sophomore in the Music Theater program.”

  John smiled “Sophomore huh? I bet you got laid a lot last year.”

  Ted’s mind went back to last year. He recalled his dance partner in the musical telling him he needed to take showers every day. Ted’s dad almost had a fit “You know the rule, only two baths a week, one on Wednesday and one on Saturday, so you are clean for church. Hot water costs money, almost $2 per tub. It’s bad enough that you insist a new tub-full”. Maybe on campus, he would be able to take a shower every day. He had taken one that afternoon.

  Ted snapped out of it “Not so much, I lived at home last year. Maybe things will be better this year. A word of advice though, treat these women with respect, you’re in their world now, and being a sexist pig is a good way to spend your time here celibate.”

  John snapped “OK, I’ll do that. I really do want to be a nurse and was glad when I was able to get into this program.”

  Ted smiled and nodded “Yes, they have an excellent nursing program. Very demanding. You were lucky you got in. They only let a few male nursing students here. Most of the other men on campus are Theater or Music or Music/Theater.

  They continued to talk, about home, families, and girls. John was almost annoyed at how Ted focused on the brains and talent and abilities of the women and seemed to know nothing about getting laid. Was Ted gay? He was so feminine, but not effeminate, not like the gay boys he had known in high school.

  A young girl walked in, about 5’6”, about size 12, wearing a dress that came mid-thigh, V-Neck collar, with cap sleeves, and little daisies in the fabric pattern. She posed in front of them “I’m Daisy Miller, I’m a freshman. I’m into theater and blow jobs”.

  Ted smiled “Well that got everyone’s attention. I’m Ted, pleasure to meet you. He looked directly into her eyes as he held out his hand to shake, a firm and polite handshake. Daisy was thrown off balance, usually guys were staring at her breasts or legs at that point, but Ted was still looking into her eyes.

  Daisy was intrigued by Ted. He had wavy light brown hair that come down past his collar, just touching his shoulders. He had a clear complexion, and a soft gentle smile, and dark brown eyes. He was tall and thin, but there was something unusual. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

  Ted grinned, “I’m in the theater program, a sophomore. Music/Theater and Directing. I love that dress, it brings out the color in your Hazel eyes. Do you sing as well?”

  Daisy was stunned, frozen. “Pleased to meet you. I love your hair! Long and wavy.” Daisy rolled her eyes, it was like she was talking to another girl.

  John picked up easily “I’m John, I’m in the nursing department. You’re very sexy, we should talk about our COMMON interest.”

  Ted realized that he had blown it again. “I’m kind of tired, I’m going to head to my room. Pleasure to meet you Daisy, I hope I’ll see you around soon. I’d love hear more about you sometime, get to know you better?”

  Daisy grinned at John “Well, that’s new. So, what do you say we go to your room and continue this conversation in private.”

  John smiled, “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”


  The next morning, Ted heard a tap on the door to his room. He quickly pulled on a pair of pants and a T-shirt and opened the door. It was Daisy.

  “Hi, John was lots of fun last night, but I want to check you out now?”

  Ted smiled “I’d love that. I assumed you were going for John. Would you like to get breakfast? You can tell me more about yourself.”

  Ted had eggs and bacon, and some fruit juice. The bacon was extra crispy, almost charcoal, just the way he liked.

  Daisy had some eggs and fruit, and 1 slice of extra-crispy bacon.

  Ted grinned “You won’t have to worry about watching your weight much longer. Sally’s Stage movement class will not only help you control your weight, but you’ll be in much better shape. We call her sergeant Sally, because she has the unenviable job of taking actors, many of whom can barely walk, and teaching them to move gracefully. Lots of dance work, movement, and even some simple gymnastics, like cartwheels. I’m taking Modern Dance this semester, much harder and more work, but I love to dance.

  Daisy smiled “I don’t really sing much, I was in the chorus, and I don’t dance very well. Do I have to learn dance as well?”

  Ted smiled “Not unless you want to. The Acting track doesn’t require as much music or dance.”

  Daisy had an evil grin, she was so curious “Are you gay? I came on to you like a street hooker, but you have only invited me to breakfast and haven’t taken the bait yet?”

  Ted smiled and looked her in the eyes. “You mean the blowjob? I like going down too, but it’s been a few years. Many people think I’m gay, but I do prefer girls!”

  Daisy clenched, suddenly all she wanted was to see if Ted would give her head. Usually with guys, it was a one-way street. “Let’s go to your room – NOW!”, it was almost a demand.

  Ted smiled, the bossy girl was just what he needed to hear. She wanted him, she asked for him, and he wasn’t going to disappoint.

  By the time they got to Ted’s room, Daisy was out of her mind. She wanted this pretty boy, she wanted him to do what he promised. She kissed him, hard and deep.

  Ted responded by kissing her neck, very gently, caressing her arms, and stroking her hair. His touch was gentle, soft, slow, no rush. It was so different from her experiences with most men who just seemed to want to go straight to getting their rocks off.

  Daisy was so aroused, her whole body was covered with goose flesh, her panties were wet, her insides were turning to mush. She wanted Ted to caress her breasts, so she unbuttoned her shirt and opened her blouse.

  Ted didn’t rush into groping her breasts like most men did. He traced the outline of her bra, tracing his fingers along the lacy cups, up the bra straps, and slowly moved down her arms. He reached back and started scratching her back. It was heavenly, he seemed to know just where to scratch, and just how hard or gentle to scratch. When he finally undid the clasp on her bra, with a single motion, he scratched where the band had been.

  Daisy was going out of her mind. She’d never had this much foreplay with a man before. Ted seemed to be delighted.

  Ted was gentle, patient, touching her in wonderful ways, and even fully clothed, she could tell this was going to be an exciting experience. Throughout the afternoon, Ted kissed gently, and teased her, touching gently, then more intense as she responded to the intensity. He seemed to be aware of her breathing, noticing everything about her, and admiring her as a beautiful woman.

  Ted moved in close, his mouth inches from hers, she turned her head, expecting an aggressive kiss, but instead, he kissed gently, their lips barely touching, he pressed gently, exploring her lips, nibbling on the lower lip gently, letting her nibble on his. When she opened her mouth, Ted let his tongue enter her mouth, caressing her tongue with it, until she started sucking on his tongue. This was his queue to press into her, to hold her close, and raise the intensity. Daisy probed is mouth with her tongue and he yielded, letting her in and letting her explore. Daisy was overwhelmed by the intensity of her feelings. She wanted more. She pressed his shou
lders down as she sat on the bed.

  Ted took the queue and didn’t resist. He took his time here too, teasing her with his hands and his mouth. He was eager to please, and within a few minutes, Daisy was experiencing new levels of pleasure more intense than anything she had ever experienced before. She reached peak after peak, and Ted was still not rushing to get to anything else. Daisy felt as if she was going to explode, as if the next climax would kill her. “ENOUGH! STOP!”

  Daisy started to cry, Ted gave her a gentle kiss and hug and Daisy held on for dear life. Who was this amazing pretty boy who was doing these incredible things to her? She cried with joy, with bliss, and finally began to recover. Ted held her for an hour as she recovered.

  Finally, Daisy said “OK, now I want to do something for YOU!”

  She kissed him deeply, and then started to reach into his pants, she felt a tiny lump, not what she was expecting. Ted pulled away.

  Ted whimpered. “Please, no, stop!”

  Daisy was disappointed and withdrew “What’s the matter? Don’t you like me?”

  Ted was pained “Yes, I like you very much! I’ve just never done THIS part before!”

  Daisy couldn’t believe her ears “Are you telling me you’re a virgin?!?

  Ted smiled “From the waist down” as he folded his arms over his chest. He looked like he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar! “I never got further than this!”

  Daisy wondered. Maybe after he did his thing, they felt his tiny thing, not much bigger than a Vienna Sausage, and just lost interest. Daisy wasn’t losing interest, quite the opposite. She tried to play with him again, but she realized that he was shivering, he was shaking, he was afraid, in fact, he was terrified. He started to cry “I’m sorry, I like you, and I want to please you, but I don’t know if I can do that!”

  Daisy just held him and hugged him. She loved that he wanted to cuddle.

  Ted gave her a hug and a romantic kiss. “I think you are wonderful, and pleasing you makes me quite happy. Don’t worry about it.”

  They finally went to lunch. Some other girls from Ted’s class saw her with Daisy. They were holding hands! Soon they began talking among themselves


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