Religious Liberty On Trial

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Religious Liberty On Trial Page 6

by Debbie Lawrence

  Daisy got serious "were you trying to kill yourself?"

  Ted nodded "Most of the time, yes. On weekends that I didn't go to parties, I would walk down a busy street, loaded out of my mind, trying to walk between the double yellow lines."

  Daisy propped her head up "Why didn't you stop drinking?"

  Ted giggled "Other times, according to my friends, I would end up in the coat room and give head to most of the guests at the party, guys and girls. Which explains why I got free drugs."

  "You don't drink much now though"

  Ted nodded "Yeah, when I got into theater, I started hanging out with the gays and the girls who liked them. Everybody thought I was gay anyway, so I figured I was safer with them. I had to stay sober through rehearsals and performances. I usually didn't drink until the closing night cast party, even then I didn't do as much or mix drugs. I was also driving by then and had to stay sober for that."

  Daisy nodded "So that's why you haven't been drinking this year, you're doing shows?"

  Ted nodded, "Shows, scenes, dance, music juries, too many performances to risk not having a clear head."

  Daisy snuggled in closer "So you're not trying to kill yourself these days?"

  Ted nodded "I still hate my body, but I don't have much choice. I'm stuck with it. I'll never be a pretty girl. I try not to think about it. I just try and find ways to relieve the pressure. Dressing up, pretty clothes, cross-dressing, but only in private."

  Daisy kissed his cheek "Not even with me?"

  Ted shook his head "It's kind gross. I don't mind shaving my legs, especially this time of year, but my arms would be noticed, and the rest would make a grotesque girl. I don't want to gross you out."

  Daisy nodded, face still against his chest "What if you could be a really pretty girl?"

  Ted smiled "I'd do it in a heartbeat!"

  With that thought, Ted turned to seduce Daisy a second time. It was after midnight when Daisy finally left Ted's room, barely able to walk, but feeling very loved after a second kinky session followed by more cuddling and hugs. "Ted is totally a girl inside"


  The next day at Lunch, Alice caught Daisy and herded her to an isolated corner. Ted had dance class, so there would be no lunch together anyway.

  Daisy gave Alice a full report. She described Ted's attempts to castrate himself, the overdose attempts, and the crazy walks down the center of the street.

  Alice was amazed "He tried to crush his own balls with a two-by-four?"

  Daisy nodded "That's what he said. He did say he only tried that once!"

  Alice looked worried. "This is much worse than I thought. How is he coping now?"

  Daisy was reluctant "Cross-dressing, in his room, alone"

  Alice sighed "That may be relieving the pressure, but he's a time-bomb. I need to talk to my mentor."

  Daisy was worried "Promise you won't give them his name or do anything that would hurt him!"

  Alice nodded "OK, I'll try. I'll get what information I can, but I can't be sure they won't consider him a danger to himself."

  Alice waited until after her class with her mentor. It was almost 20 minutes before her mentor was free, but fortunately she didn't have to be at her next class for almost 90 minutes.

  Nancy Johnson was a tall woman with wavy auburn hair, and usually wore skirt suits, unlike the nuns who taught so many of the medical and science classes. The sisters of Loretto were devoted to knowledge, science, nursing, and family skills. Many of the graduates would go on to marry Air Force cadets who were about to become officers. These men needed women who were smart and could carry on conversations about any subject without offending anyone, and without looking stupid. Other graduates went on to Nursing, becoming Registered Nurses when they graduated. Others, like Alice would go on to become therapists or social workers, eventually earning their credentials as a psychologist.

  "Hi Alice, sorry to keep you waiting so long. A couple of my less motivated students weren't happy about their grades on the last test and wanted me to raise them. Fortunately, that's not a problem for you. How can I help you today?"

  Alice was reluctant "I need to talk to you, but this has to be strictly confidential, not to leave this room, OK?"

  Now Nancy was curious "I understand, I can do that."

  "I have a friend here at school, her boyfriend might be transsexual. I was wondering if there was a way to help her? Or help her get help without her being locked up?"

  Nancy huffed "Locked up, that's ridiculous! Why would you lock a boy up just because he's a sissy?"

  Alice discussed the articles she had been reading on the topic, some of which she had copied and brought with her. "Some of the treatments of the 60s were like something out of a horror movie. It reminded me of the part in Clockwork Orange where they are trying to turn this violent gang hood into a docile timid person who can't hit anybody without throwing up."

  Nancy nodded "I remember those days. It was horrible. Parents would bring 12-year-old boys in for these horrible treatments, hoping we could "cure" the problem. It never worked. Most either killed themselves shortly after they got released or they had to be lobotomized so they wouldn't kill themselves."

  Alice nodded "That's what I'd read. I guess now, they are just pumping them full of drugs like Thorazine and Haldol, so they can't do much of anything?"

  Nancy nodded "Yes, again, this was usually an attempt to please parents who wanted their child to be a normal boy. It doesn't work either. As soon as they get off the drugs, they get suicidal. It actually makes the problem worse."

  Alice was completely deflated "So there is nothing we can do for him?"

  "I don't know about that. As you know, there are quite a few feminine boys at the school now, possibly including your friend's boyfriend. I came across an article by Harry Benjamin that suggests that the best treatment might be to actually let them live as girls."

  Alice was confused "How is that even possible?"

  Nancy smiled "I'll have to dig up the article now, but there was a period of cross-dressing, being a girl at night and on weekends, then starting hormones, then moving to full time, and finally having sex change surgery. I'd need the article to get the details"

  Nancy turned to Alice "I'm VERY impressed with the research you have done. It is remarkable work. Not surprising that it's a bit out of date, but then again, you were probably using the school’s books and periodicals, weren't you?"

  Alice nodded "Yes, I figured that would be a good place to start."

  Nancy smiled "That's wonderful. If you decide to write up a report, I'd love to give you extra credit or better yet, you could submit it as an independent studies thesis. It might even be a good basis for a master's thesis."

  Alice smiled "I might do that, but for now, I was hoping we could help my friend"

  Nancy jotted down a few notes, terms, medical terms, and names. "I want you to go to the downtown city library, where they have newer journals and periodicals, and see what you can find on these terms. Make copies of the articles and bring them back."

  Alice smiled "I can go tomorrow and go back on Saturday if necessary."

  Nancy nodded "Perfect. I do have to ask a couple of questions now. They are really important, so we can figure out what needs to be done and when."

  Alice swallowed hard "Yes ma'am"

  "Has this guy ever harmed himself or tried to harm himself?"

  Alice nodded slowly "Yes. When his testes dropped, he was eleven, he tried to castrate himself"

  Nancy was stunned "How did he try to do this?"

  Alice paused "He poured boiling water on them, tied them with string or rubber bands, and packed them in dry ice, he tried those techniques a few times each"

  Nancy couldn't decide whether to smile or cry "I assume those were ineffective?"

  Alice nodded "He even tried to crush them with a board and a hammer"

  Nancy groaned as if in pain "I assume he only did that once?"

  Alice bowed her head "Ye
s ma'am"

  "Has he tried anything like that recently?"

  Alice smiled "No, not since he found out he was a bass, I guess by then it was too late"

  Nancy was starting to get worried again. "How did he react when he found out he was a bass?"

  Alice paused, afraid this might be the end game "He started drinking and drugging. He had black-outs, and he did some stupid things"

  Nancy was really worried now "What kinds of drugs? Was he trying to overdose?"

  "Brandy, pot, antihistamines, and Valium, all at once!"

  Now Nancy was worried. "Any idea of how much of each?"

  Alice winced "half a pint of brandy, half an ounce of weed, 5 mg Cloratrematon, and 30-40 mg of Valium."

  "Jesus, I'm amazed that didn't kill him. And he did this regularly?"

  Alice stared at her hand. "Yes, usually every week."

  "Is he still using?"

  Alice took a breath, "No ma'am, he quit and now only drinks a little at the end of the semester."

  Nancy took a deep breath too "Thank goodness, I was afraid we might have to act immediately."

  Alice cocked her head "What do you mean?"

  "If someone is an immediate danger to themselves or others, as a licensed professional, I would have had to report this to the authorities. They might have taken him for a 72-hour hold, and if they got him, he might end up in the chemical straight jacket or worse. Fortunately, you're not licensed yet, so you didn't have to tell me who it was, but I would have had to try to find out."

  That night, Nancy came into the Cafeteria for dinner. She noticed that Alice was sitting with some kids from the theater program. There were several boys there, could one of them be the one Alice talked about? Suddenly, she saw Ted get up and take his tray to the dish line. It was so obvious! He had a bubble butt, his hips popped when he walked, and there was even a swivel in his hips. As he joined Daisy, Nancy could see that Ted was very tall. He had a tiny waist, big hips, and from the back, an hourglass figure. She recognized the pattern on the jean pocket and realized he was even wearing girl's jeans.

  "Alice really needs to hurry up with that research, we may not have much time."

  Nancy watched as Ted went back to the table full of girls. Even from the corner of the room, Nancy could see that Ted was very girly. As he drank, he held the straw with his fingertips, he covered his mouth when he laughed, and he even blushed a few times. This had to be the boy Alice was talking about.

  Nancy continued to observe the table, and there were several other boys there, but they were obviously gay. They were effeminate, but not feminine. They made a show out of being effeminate, but it was obvious that they were gay and putting on a show for the tops at the table.

  Ted and Daisy got up and walked out together, holding hands. She seemed to be leading him, pulling him, but he didn't seem to mind the way she had taken control. In fact, he rather enjoyed it.

  At this point, Nancy became much more interested in the entire situation. First, because as the school's therapist and counselor, she might need to deal with this young man soon, but also, she was now intrigued by the research Alex had dug up.

  Nancy taught a course in women’s studies, but the whole concept of a boy who in so many ways behaved like a girl was too intriguing to just ignore. This could be a golden opportunity.

  Tina Emerges

  Ted had stayed in dance class to learn a new combination, and Daisy could see that he was wearing his leotard under his shirt. She led him up to her room. Not chance of sneaking out this time.

  When they got into her room, she locked the door behind them. Then she pushed him up against the door, and kissed him passionately. Her tongue entered his mouth and he immediately yielded to her assault. Ted even whimpered with pleasure. When she pressed his hands to the door, he didn't even try to resist, but instead left them there even when she released them. Daisy realized these were the same reactions she had when a strong aggressive man kissed her before having sex with her.

  Daisy was having fun with this, so she grabbed his collar and just pulled the buttons that either opened or popped off. Ted just gasped but didn't move. "You like this don't you Ted?"

  Ted could barely breath "yes ma'am".

  Daisy couldn't resist. She unbuckled his belt and shoved his pants down. He discreetly removed his shoes. She stepped on his pants and she couldn't believe the beautiful sight.

  Ted was wearing a burgundy leotard, taupe tights that almost looked flesh tone. They were sheer enough that she could see his skin, but opaque enough that she couldn't have seen his leg hair, even if he had it.

  Daisy nodded. "Yes, I like this VERY much!" She pushed her right leg between his, and she noted that he yielded almost instantly.

  Ted was blushing a beet red, yet he made no protest. He prayed "please don't hate me."

  Daisy enjoyed this new feeling of power. It was exciting being the alpha in the room for a change. She loved the way Ted responded, submitting to her every whim at the slightest touch. Was this the girl coming out?

  Daisy stepped back to look. The leotard was a wrap, so it made his chest look almost like there was something there. His chest tapered quickly down to a tiny waist, then out to full flared hips that could rival any woman's. Just for fun, she pressed her hips against his, quite surprised to realize that his were wider than hers. She ran her hands up his hips to his waist, which was smaller than hers, then up to his chest, which opened to a broad chest but small lean shoulders. She couldn't resist any longer, she slid her hands forward onto his chest, feeling for his nipples. She was surprised to discover that there was a soft padding, but the nipples were erect and hard as erasers.

  Daisy grinned. She began caressing his nipples with her hands through the spandex. Ted responded with a gasp, and after a few seconds started to moan a bit. Could he actually be experiencing pleasure through his breasts? She continued, stroking them with her nails. Ted moaned again, his knees even started to buckle. At this point, she wanted to just seduce him like a girl. She kissed him and pulled him over to the bed. She pushed him down. She started to kiss him and reached down. That's when she realized, it was wet down there.

  Daisy pulled back to see for herself. "Did you just cum?"

  Ted gave an innocent grin, "No, I did that about 10 seconds after you pulled my pants down and smiled. "

  Daisy gaped. "You came when I was caressing your breasts?"

  Ted looked ashamed, and nodded slowly?

  "Why didn't you stop me?"

  Ted looked up through the corner of his eye, "I liked it so much I didn't want you to stop. I even came again, but not wet."

  Daisy was tickled, Ted looked so much like a girl at that moment. She just wanted to hug him and hold him and let him know how special he, or she, was to her. "You're amazing, you know that?"

  Ted gave a cute grin and still looking in a sidelong glance "Really? You like me?" It was almost a squeal.

  Daisy give him a full big hug, "Honey, I love you! I think you are the most wonderful person I have ever met, boy or girl. You are wonderful. I'm so glad you're mine."

  Ted smiled "Did you want me to please you now?"

  Daisy clenched at the thought. "Yes, but I want you dressed just like you are. This should be interesting!"

  Ted began to kiss her gently and softly. He caressed her calves while he kissed her thighs. When he got close, he started to tease, pulling away again, but Daisy closed her legs. "No escape for you now TINA. No more teasing, I want you tongue now." She then pressed his head against her.

  Tina seemed to come alive after that, she felt Daisy pulling her hair, and immediately got to business, Daisy was already having her first orgasm.

  Daisy could barely speak "Yes Tina, more, I want more like that!"

  For the next two hours, Tina took Daisy to peak after peak, giving Daisy just enough recovery time to make sure that Daisy would be ready and wanting the next. Daisy had realized that she could pace Tina just by pulling her head in when she was ready
for the next one. Of course, Tina's hands were doing their part as well, and the combination was doing amazing things to Daisy.

  Suddenly, without warning, Daisy just passed out. Tina noticed when Daisy stopped responding. She should be having an orgasm, and instead nothing. She pulled up and saw Daisy asleep, head still propped up on the pillows, so she could see, and hands still on her head.

  Tina knew that when Daisy came to, she would be confused and disoriented. She laid down next to Daisy and gave her a big full hug.

  Daisy did come to with a jolt. She started to shiver. She snuggled into Tina, resting her head on his lightly padded chest. She felt wonderful. She didn't want to move. She just sighed.

  "Mm, that was nice. I'm sorry I passed out. I thought I could go again, and in the middle of the climax, the lights just went out. I've never had that happen before."

  Tina smiled, her voice soft and light "I thought you might need to be held when you woke up."

  Daisy nuzzled in. "Mm hmm, you were right. If I'm going to pass out from sexual overload, nothing quite so nice as waking up in my lover's arms"

  Tina cuddled her closer “Tina, I like that name. Thank you!”

  The two just cuddled for several minutes. Just relaxing, enjoying the intimacy, and the bliss.

  Daisy reached down to feel the wet spot. She was surprised to find - nothing. No penis, no balls, nothing.

  Tina smiled "The dance belt packs it all up. I tuck the nub into the scrotum then pull up on the scrotum until the balls disappear, then pull up the belt to keep it all in place. Flat as a girl!"

  Daisy could feel indeed, that there was nothing there. She wanted to stay in Tina's arms forever, but then she looked at her watch. An Arab was paying a grand for the rest of the night with her, and she was already 30 minutes late. Daisy couldn't believe she had been having that much pleasure and intimacy for over 3 hours. She didn't want it to end, but she had to make her tuition payment too.

  Daisy was sad "I hate to do this, but I need to go. I was supposed to meet them 30 minutes ago."

  Tina smiled "OK, you have fun with him, just be ready for more tomorrow night. You can tell me about him tomorrow morning"


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