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Religious Liberty On Trial

Page 9

by Debbie Lawrence

  Tina giggled "You mean Alice? She whispered in my ear that she thought I was hot."

  Daisy smiled "Yes, I mean Alice! Would you be interested?"

  Tina nodded slowly "But she'd want me like this, wouldn't she?"

  Daisy nodded "I think she'd take you either way, but I think if she saw you in that outfit, she'd jump your bones even before you got the door fully open."

  Tina nodded "It just feels like I'd be cheating on you."

  Daisy smiled "That's so sweet. Here's what we'll do. We'll both come here, you get dolled up, and we can have a slumber party - us three girls!"

  Tina giggled "I don't think we'll be getting much sleep."

  Daisy laughed "Tina, you little SLUT! I can't wait! How about tomorrow night, it's Friday and we can sleep in if we have to."

  Tina smiled "But I don't have any nighties."

  Daisy smiled. "I'll bring something at least as good. Let me look at your blouse and your skirt, do you know your measurements?"

  Tina giggled "Top is size 16, skirt is size 14. My measurements are 38, 28, 38. And size 10 shoes"

  Daisy mocked anger "I hate you, you even have an hourglass figure."

  Tina giggled "If I only had boobs!"

  Daisy smiled "Can't help you there, but I did come here to repay my debt"

  With that, Daisy gave Tina a deep passionate kiss, pressed her thigh between Tina's.

  She reached down Tina's skirt and under her pantyhose, then under her panties. She was surprised that they were so thin. They were just a tricot satin, but they seemed to be as tight as control panties. She had trouble even finding her target. She couldn't even feel the shaft. Suddenly, she found the horizontal fold and pushed down. The shaft was already hard, all about 2 inches, she felt it stiffen a bit more.

  Tina giggled "I know you like 8 inches. I have about 6 centimeters."

  Daisy giggled "Now I KNOW you're a girl, no guy would EVER admit THAT!"

  Daisy started to caress her where Tina had told her. But Tina jerked in pain.

  "Let's try something a little different." She put her hand outside the panties and played gently with the satin fabric pressing the shaft against her belly. She found just the right spot and then pressed her leg, moving it slowly, as she kissed Tina passionately. Daisy had expected Tina to go off instantly, like he had that night in the dance outfit. But Tina seemed to be enjoying the full body experience. She would grunt like she was about to climax, then take a few deep slow breaths. After about 30 minutes, Tina finally pushed herself over the edge. She was quiet and only the wetness in her panties clued Daisy that the event had taken place.

  Tina smiled a mischievous smile "I think I owe you some change." She rolled toward Daisy and pressed her thighs between Daisy's. For the next three hours, Tina made love to Daisy passionately, lovingly. It was only when Daisy passed out again that Tina realized she'd pushed Daisy too far. Tina held Daisy tightly and closely until she came to.

  When Daisy woke, she was confused, and grateful to have Tina there cuddling her. She never wanted it to end. Then she looked at her watch "Oh no, I'm late, sorry Tina, I have to go."

  When Daisy got to Mohamed's room, there was another guy there playing backgammon. "Mohamed, I'm sorry I'm so late, I wanted to talk to you about what you did."

  Mohamed gave her a big hug and a wonderful kiss. "I'm sorry too, I would have loved to see you earlier, unfortunately, as you can see, I have a guest. Can we talk about it tomorrow? Perhaps we can also discuss my proposal?"

  Daisy was visibly disappointed, but she knew it was her own fault. She was supposed to be there two hours earlier and missed the date. In another way, she was relieved, she couldn't have taken another three-hour session of lovemaking, even though Tina had put her in the mood.

  "OK Mohamed, I just want you to know I really appreciate it, and yes I will consider your proposal. Things are a bit complicated, but we can discuss that too."

  Mohamed nodded "The Mukhannathun?" Seeing Daisy had no idea "I think in your country you call it Sissy. Girl in a boy's body, yes?"

  Daisy nodded "Yes. Ted. Tina. She's special to me and I want to let her down gently. I'm working it out. Is that OK?"

  Mohamed nodded "For you, yes. You are worth waiting for. If you want, we could take him back to Saudi and have him castrated, she could be a wonderful concubine."

  Daisy was stunned "What, no. You castrate people like that?"

  Mohamed nodded "Yes, most of the time Mukhannathun know they are girls by the time they are very young. They will ask their parents to be castrated. If he is not the only son, they usually grant her wish, since she is a girl inside."

  Daisy nodded "Tina knew when she was very young too. But here, it's illegal to castrate a boy or a man unless they have testicular cancer."

  Mohamed held up a finger "One thing, you must not have intercourse with him. He has not been castrated so he could get you pregnant, and I want to know that any child is mine!"

  Daisy chuckled "I don't think that's even possible. She's got a large clit more than a tiny dick."

  Mohamed smiled "This is good to know. If you change your mind, or she wants to be a concubine, I could be happy to bring Tina with us. If you grow tired of her, I can act as her "father" and arrange for him to be another man's concubine."

  Daisy smiled "That's very generous of you, but Tina is only into girls."

  Mohamed nodded "This is too bad, she would have no trouble finding a loving man, she is beautiful."

  Daisy realized that this proposal would be a whole new world for her. But she DID have a handsome prince who wanted to take her away and give her a wonderful life. Maybe Alice could give Tina a wonderful life too.

  Friday morning, Daisy met up with Alice "It's on, and you get to meet Tina right away!"

  Alice was confused "Wait, who is Tina? What about Ted?"

  Daisy realized that Alice was completely lost "Ted is really Tina, Tina is the girl inside."

  Alice finally caught up "OH! And Tina wants to meet me? This is starting to get exciting!"

  Daisy nodded "Yes, she doesn't want to cheat on me, so I asked if we could have a slumber party in her room. She said yes. But it will be a very kinky slumber party. A three-way."

  Alice couldn't believe her ears "This is like a dream come true. I'm not sure what to do with his thing though"

  Daisy smiled "Not a problem, just stroke it through her panties, she loves it. In fact, she hates to have it touched anywhere but the underside. Like a clit."

  Alice was getting excited now "This just got really interesting, I can't wait."

  Daisy smiled wide "Just one thing. When it's her turn to please you, you need to be prepared for the wildest experiences you've ever had. She is - Those are beautiful earrings, where did you get them?"

  Alice clenched "Oh my god, that good! I'll make sure to wear my heels, hose, skirt, and satin blouse. I'll even bring a sexy nightie. Too bad we couldn't do it in my room, my room-mate's out this week-end with her boyfriend, and I don't think she would mind if I brought home a cute girl."

  Daisy shook her head "I could barely get her to come out of the drawer. In fact, I had to pull the clothes from his bottom drawer and lay them out on the bed and tell him to get dressed. That's when SHE came out. Tina is something special, I'll just say that. It's who she really is. Ted is just an iron mask with a clown's face painted on it."

  Alice nodded "I thought so. I'll see you at Dinner, will Tina be coming to dinner, or do we have to dress her up later?"

  Daisy shrugged "I think Ted will come to Dinner, but she'll change into Tina before you get there."

  "I'll see you at 6 for dinner. It's going to be a long night!" and Daisy walked off toward the theater.

  Alice went up to Nancy's office.

  "Nancy, good news, I'm in, and this may be better than I'd hoped for. I've met Ted several times, but tonight I get to meet Tina!"

  Nancy was bewildered "Who's Tina?"

  Alice paused "Tina is the name for the girl in
side Ted. Daisy got her to come out a couple days ago, and now Tina wants to meet me. We're going to have a slumber party." She couldn't keep a straight face.

  Nancy laughed a minute "You look like the cat that ate the canary. It's a good thing she's not your client, that would be unethical, but it sounds like you might have some real interest in Tina?"

  Alice nodded "I sat with him at dinner Wednesday night, and the girls were teasing him about how pretty he was. When one of the guys said, "I wish you were gay" a few of the girls chorused "You’re a Lesbian!". It's like they knew and didn't know at the same time. Ted protects himself by acting funny, making people laugh, even at his own expense.

  But I could see even in that short meal, that he wore it like an iron mask, it was painful, lonely, isolating. He kept people at a distance with his joking and factoids. He's a genius, but he is also very deceptive, playing the fool to hide his true secrets, perhaps even his true self. So, I leaned over and said, "I'm a lesbian and I think you're sexy."

  Nancy nodded "Be careful, you're playing with someone's heart, and from what I've read of your research, she could be very vulnerable once she's exposed. Consider it an honor."

  Alice nodded, "Yes, I've read all of that, and I'm willing to make sure that she doesn't get hurt by coming out to me. I know how hard it was when I came out to another girl and she blabbed it all over the school that I was a lesbian. I had to give a jock a blow job to prove that I wasn't. I hated it."

  Nancy nodded, "I know, I've been there. Try to get him to come and talk to me. Maybe I can help if things get ugly. I have a few new things I'd like you to look at too. They are personality tests that are supposed to measure gender orientation of men. I'd like to see how he, or she, does with it." She pulled an envelope out of her drawer and handed it to Alice.

  "I'll look at it this afternoon. Meanwhile, here is some of the write-up I've done so far, including my hypothesis and outline. You've already seen my reference materials." Alice handed Nancy a notebook already two inches thick.

  Nancy took the book "This may end up being a dissertation. Going for a PhD as an undergrad?"

  Alice laughed "I'll just be happy if I can get my CSW so I can earn my way to a master's degree."

  Nancy smiled "I have no doubt that you will be an outstanding psychologist. Hopefully sooner than later."

  After Alice left, Nancy dialed the phone "Harry, this is Nancy Johnson from Loretto Heights College, I may need to consult with you about a transsexual woman on our campus. I've read your paper and you seem to be the only one whose ideas on this issue seem to make any sense at all. Can you help me?"

  Harry nodded "If you have a transsexual woman at a women's college, this could indeed be an interesting study. Do the other kids know he's transsexual?"

  Nancy nodded "I think they suspect, and they tease him about it, but he's very deceptive, throwing them off the track by making it a joke."

  Harry laughed, "Yes, that sounds about right. Since she's still hiding out, this is a tricky time for her, she could be discovered at any time and either be welcomed and loved or rejected and suicidal. Yes, keep in touch."

  "Yes, Doctor Benjamin, I'm looking forward to working with you."

  Dinner that night was more unusual than usual. Several of the guys had driven home for the weekend, and so it was mostly girls, Larry, and Eddie, both were gay, unfortunately both were bottoms, but they liked each other.

  Daisy and Ted sat down, with Ted at the end of the table, the seat next to him was for Alice. Daisy was wearing a short skirt, 2-inch heels, and a satin blouse. Ted was wearing jeans and his leotard with his shirt unbuttoned.

  Larry couldn't resist "God, look at all these women! It's an estrogen overdose! Teddy darling, you'd better be careful, if you hang around this crowd to long tonight you might grow boobs."

  Teddy went into full queen mode "Oh honey, from your mouth to God's ears!"

  The entire table started laughing together, even Ted gave a nice smile. Only Daisy knew how very serious he was. Was Tina about to come out? Was letting the kids see his leotard, the wrap, his way of saying he was a she?

  Just at the moment of the outburst, Alice walked into the Cafeteria. She picked up her food, salad and a thin slice of fish, and came to the table. She was also wearing 3-inch heels, black hose, a mid-thigh A-line skirt, and a Burgundy button-down satin blouse the top button was open allowing Ted to see her black satin bra underneath. Ted noticed, looked closely for a second, and then locked onto Alice's eyes.

  Eddie couldn't contain himself "Oh my god, some kind of hot party going on tonight? Somebody going to get laid?"

  Alice winked at Ted "Maybe".

  Eddie saw the wink "Oh, Alice honey, you're wasting your time with that one, he's as cold as ice. Are you still a virgin Teddy dear?"

  Teddy did the limp-wrists to his face "Only from the waist down honey!" Again, the table burst out roaring with laughter.

  Alice knew that Tina must be screaming inside, begging to be set free. Why couldn't she just tell them who she really was?

  Shannon noticed the top "Oh my god, what a sexy top! Is that what you wore to dance class today?"

  Teddy went back into queen mode "Why, do you think it's a bit much? To slutty?"

  Shannon smiled "Honey, if only you were gay, the men would be begging for a spot in your bed"

  Teddy started it "I AM Gay", he and the other girls chorused "I'm a lesbian"

  Shannon howled "Honey as sexy as you look in those tight jeans and that sexy leotard, I'm beginning to believe you really ARE a lesbian! Too bad you got that thing between your legs; no lesbian would know what to do with that."

  Teddy went into southern belle mode "That little ol' thang. Hell, nobody'd even notice it. Nobody has yet!"

  Again, the entire table roared with laughter.

  Anna could barely breathe "You MUST be a girl; no MAN would EVER admit to that!"

  Teddy pulled open the wrap just enough to look at his chest "Oh shit! Not yet!"

  The table roared again. Only Daisy and Alice knew that every word Teddy had said was painful truth, and the kids laughed at him as if it was a big joke. No wonder he was afraid to come out of the drawer.

  Daisy looked over to Ted "Let's go, I'm getting hot just thinking about it!"

  Then Shannon laughed "Daisy, why don't you just give him a collar, that way you can just lead him on the leash."

  Daisy laughed silently, if they only knew that it was Daisy who got tied up and couldn't resist Tina's wonderful charms. Then it dawned on her, even with the truth spilling out, Tina was still safely in hiding.

  Eddie noticed Alice got up too. "Hey Teddy, got a date with two hot babes?"

  Daisy couldn't take it anymore "Yeah, and we're going to show him how girls REALLY do it!"


  Daisy took Ted's right hand, and Alice took his left hand. They didn't even bother to put away their trays. Both could see that with all the laughter, Tina was scared out of her mind and might go back into hiding.

  As soon as they were out on the quad Daisy started "Come on honey, you need to get ready"

  Alice smiled "So how long do you need to get ready dear?"

  Tina looked at them, "About 30 minutes. Just need to clean up and get dressed. By the way you both look very beautiful. Elegant and sexy at the same time. I wish I had something like that."

  Ted went to his room and started to shave when there was a knock on the door.

  Alice was holding a red satin blouse "You liked mine so much I thought you might like this. It's a little big for me, but it should fit you nicely."

  Tina started to tear up "Thank you so much Alice, you have no idea what this means to me!"

  Alice knew how much it meant "This is the first time anyone has given you beautiful women's clothes isn't it?"

  Tina hugged her close "How did you know?"

  Alice pressed her full body into the hug "I see how well you keep secrets, even when you're telling the truth. I'll let you get ready
now. See you in thirty."

  Tina finished shaving her face extra smooth and extra close. Not even a hint of stubble anywhere. She had become very adept at shaving against the grain to leave as little hair as possible.

  Tina got dressed as quickly as she could, taking care not to run her nylons. Then she put on the satin blouse and her skirt, the only skirt she had. Then she opened one of her drawers and reached into the back. She found a tube of pink frost lipstick he had purchased a few days earlier at Woolworths. She used the Ben Nye stick as a foundation and used water to keep it from being too thick. Tonight, it had to look natural and not come off, so she thinned it. Then he added some blush and used a bit of eye-liner on her lower lid. She put some of the lipstick on each cheek and blended it in, then she did her lips. She brushed out her hair, and pulled it across her forehead again, giving it a feminine look. She was tempted to go to the bathroom, so she could see herself in a full-length mirror. She just had to trust that it would be enough."

  Just then, there was another knock on the door, and Tina opened the door for Daisy.

  "Wow, you look incredible! You could go out tonight, but every guy in the club would be hitting on you all night long. If I didn't know you were a lesbian, I'd be worried about my boyfriends’ hitting on you!"

  Tina needed the confidence. "I really look OK? I was tempted to check myself out in the full-length mirror in the bathroom, but I didn't want anybody to see me this way."

  Daisy understood. "I doubt anyone would recognize you anyway. Even if they followed you back to see you go back to your room, they would think you were Ted's hot date."

  Tina grinned "Three hot babes in one night, Teddy would get such a reputation!"

  Daisy laughed but then got serious "Tina, you are a beautiful woman, and you have a beautiful woman right next to you, and Alice should be here any minute. You deserve to be loved for who you really are."

  Tina started to tear "Thank you, I love you so much, you are my bestest friend!"

  Daisy couldn't resist "You need waterproof mascara tonight. I normally never share, but - do you know how to use this?"


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