Religious Liberty On Trial

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Religious Liberty On Trial Page 27

by Debbie Lawrence

  “As soon as the guys started kicking her, she curled up into a little ball and covered her face. I knew what she was doing. She was trying to minimize the damage as much as possible. I learned to do it when I was in prison, but I also knew that we’d waste a lot of energy and get very little result with her in armadillo mode.”

  “So you uncurled her?”

  “Yeah, I had 8 guys, so we had 4 to hold her down, and 4 for kicking. The guys were very good, very methodical, I’d tell them where to kick to maximize the pain. At the same time, I’d stuffed her mouth with a rag, so she couldn’t scream loud enough to be heard.”

  “So you kicked her?”

  Betsy smiled “No! I didn’t kick at all, I let the guys have fun. The PCP, speed, and booze made them crazy. I was afraid they were going to kill her before we got to the grand finale.”

  “The grand finale?”

  “Yeah! Crushing his nuts and trashing his cock! Tina kept trying to pass out, so I had to keep waking her up. I had the biggest guy kick her in the nuts about 5 times while we held her legs open wide. I told Tommy we could just cut ‘em off, but he wanted to make sure that she was trashed.”

  “How did you do the penis.”

  “That was a challenge. I realized how tiny it was, and realized that this needed precision, so I put my heel where it would do the most damage, and punched through with all my weight, my heels didn’t have the rubber tips so they punched right through. I had to do it three times because I kept missing the big vein.”

  “And then you were done?”

  “Not quite! Tommy still wanted more damage, not immediately fatal, but bad enough to take her out for months, or even kill her.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I put my heel into her abdomen a few times and punched through a few times. I figured I got the pancreas, the liver, and some intestine, none should have been fatal, but Tommy and the boys wouldn’t know that.”

  “By doing it yourself, you tried to prevent them from killing her?”

  “Yeah. Unfortunately, one of the guys was so hyped up on PCP that he stomped her chest. I was afraid he’d crush her ribs and push them into her heart, so I signaled for him to stop. I suspect he punctured her lung.”

  “You’re saying the fatal blows were accidental? The result of drugs?”


  “So then what happened.”

  “We heard a girl blowing her whistle, so we got the hell out of there. We went down Sante Fe drive and I gave the guys their rewards half way down.”

  Defense smiled for the first time since the start of the circus.

  “So the near-death of Tina was the act of someone driven insane by drugs like PCP and speed?”

  Betsy saw where he was leading “Yeah, the drugs drove them crazy, so they did more damage than we planned.”

  “No more questions for now.” He thought “Quit while you have something good!”

  The prosecutor rose and smiled at Defense. She was going for the kill.

  “Elizabeth, can you tell me your experience of Tina while you were dancing with her?”

  Betsy was completely confused “Huh? She was OK I guess. She was nice. She told me how pretty I was, asked me about my life, and got excited when I talked about my passions. She was really nice. If she wasn’t a tranny freak, I would have loved her as a friend. I might have even made a play for her myself.”

  “So, to you, once you met her, was she a perverted tranny freak?”

  “No, she was actually really sweet.”

  “So why did you go through with the attack?”

  “I promised Tony I would do it for him. Besides, if I didn’t go through with it, Daddy would have cut me off.”

  “Wait, so you were being pressured by your father?”

  “Yeah, he told me that if I didn’t help Tommy, he would stop helping me and I’d end up going to prison for life the next time I got caught, because he wasn’t going to help me.”

  “You’re saying that your father, “Senator Thompson”, was making sure you didn’t go to jail, and he promised that you would if you didn’t fix things for Tommy?”

  “Yeah. He’s not my father, he’s my stepfather. Tommy is his golden boy. Senator Thompson would do anything to protect Tommy, so he could follow in daddy’s footsteps.”

  “Did Senator Thompson give you anything to help Tommy?”

  “Yeah, I got a new car, a Porsche 918! A really cool car!”

  “Seems like this was a contract killing for hire!”

  “Yeah, but I just couldn’t kill her. I tried to make it look like I did, but still give her a chance to live.”

  “Earlier, you said you gave the guys the drugs?”


  “And the guys got too rough after you were done, because they were too hyped up on drugs?”

  “Yeah, that’s right, they were crazy”

  “But you made them crazy with the drugs you gave them!”

  “But I didn’t know they’d go THAT nuts!”

  “So you’re indirectly responsible for the damage that caused her death!”

  “No, wait, she’s not dead!”

  “No, but she was dead long enough that it was clearly an intent to murder.”

  “No, I didn’t mean to kill her!”

  “Like you didn’t mean to cut that guys nuts off with a jack-knife?”

  Defense “Objection”

  They prosecutor smiled “No further questions your honor?”

  “The defense rests”

  Judge Connor nodded “Any rebuttal witnesses?”

  “Yes your honor, two witnesses.”


  Alice Testifies

  The prosecutor rose “We call Alice Russel to the stand.”

  Alice came forward and was sworn in.

  “Miss Russel, you’re a student at Loretto Heights College, correct?”

  “Yes. I’m in the nursing program.”

  “What specialty?”

  “Psychology. I’m hoping to be a Certified Social Worker when I graduate.”

  “When did you meet Tina?”

  “I first noticed Tina when she was trying to be Ted or Teddy.”

  “Did you notice anything unusual about him?”

  “Yes, he caught my attention when the whole table chorused “I’m a Lesbian.” I figured they were joking but then I watched Ted more closely.”

  “What did you see?”

  “Ted was a bit of an intellectual, ridiculously smart, it was a way to avoid personal topics. Teddy was a clown, cracking jokes to make everybody laugh, but I later learned that he often told the absolutely truth as a joke, so nobody would believe him.”

  “Anything else unusual?”

  “Yes, I noticed that when Ted was relaxed, his gestures were very feminine. He held his straw with the tips of his fingers, he took smaller bites when he ate, he covered his mouth when he laughed or giggled, especially when he was loud. And he ALWAYS looked women in the eye, not in the breasts.”

  The women on the Jury laughed, and the men grinned.

  “What did that tell you?”

  “The eyes on eyes thing made me think he might be gay, but the other things made me realize that he was really a girl inside. He was trying to pretend he was a boy, but he kept slipping up. When people caught the slips, he’d clown to divert their attention, or he’d start one of his factoids or political debates.”

  “Sounds like she’s pretty smart.”

  “She is. She’s acutely aware of the world of women, and at the same time, knows how to maintain the appearance of being a man. I’m guessing Mensa would put her IQ at over 190.”

  The prosecutor smiled “Your honor, I’d like to submit Tina’s school records. Her IQ is actually over 198 according to Mensa”

  Alice smiled “She’s also been reading non-fiction and classics at the rate of 10 books a week since she was 6 years old.”

  “Did you follow-up?”

  Yes, I talked to
her friend, Daisy. They would flirt with each other shamelessly, until Daisy would practically order her up to her room, or Tina’s.

  “So Tina was promiscuous?”

  “No, just the opposite. She was fiercely loyal to Daisy and only considered dating me at Daisy’s invitation. Daisy had found a guy she liked and wanted to fix Tina up with me. She’s been exclusively mine ever since.”

  “You were able to confirm that she was transsexual?”

  “Yes, she even told me she’s a girl on the inside.”

  “And you did some research on it?”

  “Yes, the college library had a few articles on treatment, but they were very old, the conversion therapy - like torture.”

  “Yes, we showed that to the jury”

  “Nancy, my mentor at college, asked me to do additional research. I went to the main library and went through hundreds of articles. Nancy says I’m now a leading expert on transsexuals and transsexual treatment.”

  “You found a cure?”

  Alice smiled “Yes. Conversion therapy was ineffective, most of those treated that way, ended up dead, suicide, suspicious accidents, or lobotomized. The depression was so severe that it defied all sorts of treatment methods.”

  “But you said you found a cure?”

  “Yes. Dr. Harry Benjamin tried letting these people transition and become women. Most were much better with just hormone treatment, and better than normal after gender correction surgery.”

  “So Tina got the surgery?”

  “No, Dr. Benjamin suggested standards of care that helped to determine whether transition was necessary, advisable, and how much transition is needed.”

  “So, they don’t just get surgery and hormones as soon as they ask?”

  “No, normally, they can’t transition at work or school, so they only dress and act like women after work and weekends. After about a year of this, they start hormones. This will make them grow breasts and shut down the male reproductive system. Chemical castration to make it easier for the estrogen to do its job. After a year or so of living as a woman all the time, they qualify for the sex change surgery”

  “At that point, they become women?”

  “Alice shook her head. No, they are women already. The brain of a transgender woman is usually different. The average male brain is designed to fight, protect, and hunt. The brain of the average woman is designed to nurture children, hide when danger comes, and to cooperate with others. As gatherers, they also needed to be more perceptive of color, touch, smell, and taste.”

  “And a transgender girl like Tina?”

  “Has a brain that is much more like a woman’s than a man’s. When Tina was attacked, the doctors used a CT scan to check her brain for damage. I asked the doctor to compare Tina's scan to the scans of other women, and other men. Tina’s brain is NOTHING like a man's, and almost identical to a very feminine woman's brain. Tina is more feminine than I am.”

  “So Tina was a girl?”

  “More girl than man. They did blood tests right after her attack, her testosterone levels were only slightly higher than a girl’s, even though the testes were still functional just a few hours before the blood test. Furthermore, her estrogen levels were higher than a normal man’s. Medically, Tina was almost a eunuch even before the attack destroyed her testes.”

  “So the castration didn’t do that much harm?”

  “Not exactly. The damage to the scrotum and penis meant that she will not be able to get the normal surgery, where the penis is turned inside out. They will have to create a vaginal canal using intestine or grafts from her thighs. She won’t have the same sensations she would have had after surgery either.”

  The jury was visibly upset.

  “Does that mean …”

  “Tina can’t have orgasms through vaginal sex, nor can she have orgasms with her current equipment.”

  The Jury was even more upset, even men were getting upset.

  The prosecution had just eliminated any sympathy for the defendants. “Thank you. Alice, no more questions at this time.”

  The defense got up. “Alice, you are an undergraduate student at Loretto Heights College?”

  “Yes, a Senior.”

  “And you are not yet qualified to be a nurse?”

  “No sir.”

  “Then why should we believe that you have ANY expertise on transsexuals?”

  “Alice smiled. Nancy, my mentor, had me write a thesis based on the substantial research I’ve done this year. It’s about 400 pages, not including footnotes and references, which is another few hundred pages. Nancy says it’s looking more like a dissertation now. Nancy has it out in the hall if you’d like to see it?”

  Defense took the bait, “Sure I’d love to look, after all, how much of a dissertation could an undergraduate write anyway?”

  The Judge looked at the Prosecution “Why wasn’t this included in disclosure”

  The prosecutor smiled “We didn’t feel it was necessary to present it as evidence, Alice brought this with her on her own. We still have no intention to submit it as evidence as we feel that the testimony of the witnesses should be sufficient. However, if the Defense wants to submit this as evidence, he may do so.”

  The Judge turned to the defense “Do you wish to admit this as evidence?”

  “Only if it discredits the witness your honor, may I review the book to make that determination?”

  “You have one hour. If you do not submit it, we can assume that Alice's credentials and credibility is sound! Court is adjourned for 1 hour.”

  Nancy brought the books to the front of the room and gave it to the Defense lawyer.

  Defense started reading through the pages. The paper was lengthy and extremely well researched. There were two notebooks, the first was the body of the paper, the second was hundreds of articles on which Alice’s research was based. He saw the section on conversion therapy and turned to that page, hoping he could use it to trip Alice up. Instead, he found that indeed, 95% of those treated with conversion therapy, had been lobotomized, murdered by inmates, or kill themselves.

  At the end of the hour, the court reconvened.

  The Judge turned to the Defense “Do you wish to submit this material as evidence?”

  Defense shook his head “No your honor, we are satisfied that Alice has expertise on the subject.”

  “Do you have any more questions?”

  “Yes I do. Alice, what would have happened if Tina had told her parents, or a school counselor or a therapist that she was a girl inside when she was 6 or 7 years old?”

  Alice knew where this was going “They might have watched, hoping she would grow out of it, but if she had told too many people too many times, by the time she was 9 or 10, they would have taken her from her parents, locked her up in a psychiatric ward, shocked her, tortured her, and given the severity of Tina’s condition, they would have lobotomized her.”

  The Jury winced.

  “So how did she avoid being treated in this manner?”

  Alice nodded “She had to try as hard as she could to pretend to be a boy. No matter how bad the boys beat her up, she couldn’t tell anyone what she really was. Her parents made it clear that she should not tell ANYBODY, and especially teachers, therapists, and doctors.”

  “She was undercover, like an undercover cop?”

  “More like a Jew in Nazi Europe, like the ones in Holland or France who bleached their hair blonde, ate pork and other forbidden foods, and pretty much stopped making it obvious they were Jewish. Of course, like a Jew in Nazi Europe, Tina would have been put through a treatment so inhumane that it would be illegal to do it to a serial killer.”

  “So, Tina got off lucky!”

  Alice was startled “I beg your pardon?”

  “Instead of being tortured, shocked, and lobotomized, Tina only got kicked in the nuts!”

  Alice retorted “And about a hundred other places, and she almost died! I take it back, she DID Die!”

  “Still, isn�
��t she better off her, now, the way she is, than she would have been if she’d been locked up in one of those psycho wards and tortured then lobotomized?”

  Alice nodded slowly “Yes.”

  “So compared to the alternative, Tina was lucky!”

  Alice snapped back “But why did she have to suffer at all? She was doing beautifully as a girl. She was so pretty, so sweet, and so happy, for the first time in her life. Then these two terrorists here decided that Tina had to suffer miserably for months. She still has areas on her back where the scars will be there forever.”

  The jury was upset again.

  “Still, isn’t it better than a lobotomy? Being a vegetable for the rest of her life?”

  Alice smiled “If those were the only two choices, yes, she’s better off now. However, you haven’t offered the third choice, that they didn’t have to beat her up in the first place. She could have just become a girl and enjoyed her life!”

  The jury was nodding.

  “No more questions your honor.”

  Nancy Testifies - Conversion Therapy

  The prosecution called its last witness. Nancy Johnson.

  “Miss Johnson, what is your relationship to Tina Clark?”

  “I’m her counselor. Tina has been seeing me on a professional basis.”

  “What is your background in therapy?

  Nancy smiled “I have a PhD in psychology. I have also been a counselor and psychologist in the Colorado State Psychiatric hospital, and before that I was a psychiatric nurse at Mount Airy Psychiatric hospital.

  “Do you have experience treating girls like Tina?”

  “Yes, I’ve had to do the older conversion therapy on several people like Tina. I’m working directly with Dr. Harry Benjamin who has come up with a much more effective and reliable approach to giving girls like Tina a chance at a normal life.”

  “Can you tell us about the older therapy?”

  Nancy nodded “It was terrible. Every morning, we would have to go into the patient’s room, hold them down and strap them on the gurney. It usually took 4-6 orderlies to get hold of them and get them strapped down. From there, they would be wheeled into the shock room. We would strap their heads down and insert a tongue depressor wrapped with gauze. The doctor would apply the shock for 90 seconds. It wasn’t enough to kill, but it caused severe pain and convulsions. Imagine a cramp in your leg? Now imagine every muscle in your body cramping like that for 90 seconds, while strapped down, unable to move, and unable to see. Some of my patients would tell me what it was like. No wonder they fought so hard.”


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