Religious Liberty On Trial

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Religious Liberty On Trial Page 28

by Debbie Lawrence

  The jury nodded, they were visibly sickened by Nancy’s description.

  “Then what happened.”

  “They would be unconscious for about 90 minutes, during which we would take them off the gurney and strap them into a chair. We would insert a metal dildo into their anus and a silver wire down the shaft of the penis about 6 inches. We would then start a drip of a combination of drugs. LSD to make them hallucinate, Epinephrine to create intense excruciating fear, and a paralytic so they couldn’t move. Then we would strap their head to the head rest, the arms to the chair, and the legs to the legs of the chair. Some of the staff called it the Electric Chair. There was nothing funny about it.”

  The Jury was wincing, turning away. They imagined themselves in a chair like this.

  “Then they would wake up?”

  “Yes, when they woke they would be disoriented, confused, and panicked. The drugs would put them into extreme terror! Then we’d start the movie.”

  “The movie?”

  “Yes, it was erotic films, usually of whatever fantasies had put them in there, in the case of someone like daisy, a woman getting dressed, putting on erotic clothing, and maybe even having anal sex with a man. What today would be triple X rated.”

  “That doesn’t sound so terrible.”

  “A doctor or nurse would watch for signs of erection, at the first sign of arousal, they would put several hundred volts of electricity into the probes. I’m told by the patients that it is agonizing. They aren’t even fully aroused, and they get a massive jolt of electricity. Of course, they couldn’t move, but they could scream. If they got too noisy, we would simply gag them.”

  “It sounds like torture”

  “With torture, the torturer wants something. Information. Give the information desired, and the torture ends, then they kill you. There was a possibility of a way to end the suffering. With this treatment, there was no information to be given, there was no way to end the pain. The sessions could last as long as 4 hours, and there was no escape. Even if you passed out, they would just revive you and continue.”

  So, what happened at the end of that session?

  We would usually continue until they passed out and couldn’t be revived. Usually a good jolt of electricity would do the trick. Then we’d strap them back into the gurney and wheel them back to their rooms.”

  “Oh! Then they could get a good night’s sleep?”

  “Oh NO! We’d strap them into their bed and play the music that annoyed them the most. If they feel asleep, we’d hose them down to wake them up. These were locked rooms, but we could use sprayers from above, or we could just use a fire hose.”

  “That sounds like a day in hell.”

  “Yes, but for those in Tina’s condition such treatments lasted NINETY days.”

  “They must have gone insane!”

  “Back then, they were already considered insane. In fact, one thing we had to watch out for, was dissociation. Essentially, this is when they would decouple their minds from their bodies. We could always tell. The most effective way to deal with that was more shock. We had a small unit next to the chair, so she could shock them if they stopped screaming.”

  “It sounds horrible, how did you do it?”

  “I hated that process and tried to avoid taking part as much as I could, but there were some on the staff who really enjoyed giving people those treatments. They would try to come up with new ways to make it worse.”

  “It sounds almost like the inquisition.”

  “In the inquisition, they didn’t care if they marked you up, and they would stop once you confessed - and gave them the names of 12 of your friends, sometimes they would give you a list and you could just point to names. Of course, the person being tortured didn’t want to name others because that would condemn their souls to hell. Especially knowing that those named would be in the same position in a few days.”

  “But for people like Tina, there would be no relief?”

  “Not for 90 days. After that, one of two things would happen. They would be so grateful that they were leaving, that they would act “cured”, just to get out of that hell-hole. But if they weren’t “cured”, they would usually give them a lobotomy. Some people who were “cured” would try to kill themselves. If they failed, they would go back for another 90 days of “treatment”.

  “Didn’t the families know?”

  “No, of course not. When family came to visit, we’d pump them full of drugs so that even if they talked, it sounded like crazy-talk. I hated watching several kids like Tina be “cured” only to kill themselves, often in horrible ways. Others, brilliant kids with open and loving hearts, were lobotomized. We had to remind them to eat. I left Pueblo and came to LHC.”

  “I’m curious, how did Tina not get subjected to treatment?”

  “That’s easy. Her mother had been through a similar treatment.”

  “Wait, Tina's mom had been through that horrible treatment and survived?”

  “Yes, she was considered to Boyish, so they tried to cure her. Fortunately, as fashions changed, her husband realized that Julie was telling the truth, and took her to a different hospital, a hospital that did NOT use these techniques.”

  “No wonder Tina never told anybody.”

  “As Ted, he tried, a few times. He talked to his mom, his doctor, and a psychologist who was trying to help him control the severity of his asthma attacks. When he told the psychologist, he couldn’t say the words, so he tapped them out in Morse code.”

  “What about with his doctor?”

  “The doctor noticed the blisters on his scrotum, from pouring boiling water on his testes and scrotum. When the doctor asked what they were, he assumed that Ted was being abused. Ted said he did it to himself so he wouldn’t turn into an ugly roaring hideous beast.”

  The jury squirmed again.

  “That sounds a bit crazy!”

  “Not at all, keep in mind that Tina had been violently beaten by boys three or more times a day for 8 years by then. He hated being a boy and he hated boys. To Tina, being a boy meant going through that brand of hell for another 50 or 60 years.”

  “Is that why he curled into a ball when he was attacked by Tom’s friends?”

  “Yes, Tina was regularly punched and kicked by gangs of 10 to 15 boys three times a day. She had been told that once she hit the ground, she should curl into a ball and cover her face so they wouldn’t kill her. She’s had some spinal damage, kidney damage, and some seriously nasty bruises, but much better than a ruptured spleen, perforated stomach, or other more life-threatening injuries.”

  “Like the ones inflicted on Tina by Tom’s friends?”

  “Exactly like those. They murdered Tina, only God knows why she’s still alive.”

  “No more questions at this time”

  Defense got up.

  “Wow Nancy, that’s quite a story. So, all your patients who were like Tina, insisting that they were girls, were given this treatment?”

  “Yes. Most of those like Tina were quite insistent at first, but by the end of the first 90-day spell, they would deny they were girls and claim to be all man.”

  “Then what would happen?”

  “Those who were released, usually killed themselves.”

  “What was the actually name of the condition that was treated in this matter?”

  Nancy didn’t want to answer “Gender Identity Psychosis”

  “And why was that?”

  “Freud considered gender issues to be normal in women, he called it Penis Envy, women simply wanted the rights and privileges men enjoyed. But a man, who wanted to be a WOMAN, well, he MUST be CRAZY!”

  The Jury laughed. The point was made too well.

  “What are the symptoms of Gender Identity Psychosis?”

  Nancy was uneasy “Depression, anxiety, paranoia, insecurity, inability to communicate with others, avoiding social interaction, self-imposed isolation.”

  Defense nodded eagerly “That sounds pretty CRAZY al
l right!”

  The Jury chuckled for a second, and then stopped.

  “What is the Prognosis for kids like Tina?”

  “About half are dead before they complete puberty. About two-thirds are dead before they are twenty-five.”

  “Has Tina ever tried to kill herself?”

  “Yes. Several times!”


  “Drug and alcohol overdoses, walking in front of cars or trucks, drinking herself into black-outs. She even drank on Antabuse once.”

  “Sounds pretty serious! Why didn’t you just turn her over to the police, have her taken to Pueblo?”

  “I thought about it. When Alice had told me she had a friend who wanted to be a girl, I realized that I might have to do exactly that. I didn’t know his name at the time, but I knew that Alice often sat with the kids from the theater program. There are plenty of effeminate boys, but Tina was the real thing. Everything for her was naturally feminine. In fact, even in jeans and a work-shirt I had to check her for breasts just to make sure she wasn’t a girl pretending to be a boy. It was really hard to tell.”

  “I had asked Alice to do a little more research. She’d seen the old references to the Gender Identity Psychosis, but I knew there were more modern treatments, drugs like Haldol and Thorazine, essentially a lobotomy in a bottle. I knew Alice would hate me and probably leave school if I sent Tina to the Conversion Therapy.”

  “Alice found some articles written by Dr. Harry Benjamin. He had specialized in treating girls like Tina for over 15 years. I called Dr. Benjamin and found out that he had been very successful with letting people transition, live as the opposite sex. It seems that the cross-dressers usually lose interest after a few long weekends of full days in full female presentation, head to toe. On the other hand, girls like Tina, tend to thrive.”

  “But isn’t this really all just some sort of weird fetish?”

  “For some, that may be the case. Many have the fantasy of becoming a girl, but usually only for a short time, and often have no idea how to deal with the reality of being a girl. For others, their femininity goes far beyond wearing pretty clothes! It includes how they socialize, what they talk about, what they think about, their interactions, their mannerisms, their motions, even their gestures. It’s like they are trying hard to be boys or guys, and yet, their attempts look ridiculous. Tina trying to act like a boy was ridiculous. This is probably the reason that he was attacked so many times. There HAS to be a biological component, but I don’t know what it is exactly. Alice has become quite the expert in this field. You should probably ask her.”

  The Jury giggled. Nancy didn’t know that Alice’s credentials were in question and she just confirmed Alice's expertise.

  “Oh, I guess you have”

  The Jury laughed again.

  “Anyway, like I said, I talked to Dr. Benjamin and he suggested a “controlled transition.” Tina would start slowly and gradually spend more time as a girl. He figured it would take six months to a year before Tina would be ready to go to classes as a girl. However, Tina felt so natural, and was so quickly liked by nearly all the girls in the theater programs and most of Alice’s friends, that she was pretty much living as a girl all the time. Even when she wore jeans and tops, she was all girl, and wasn’t trying to hide it anymore. She told me that she has been wearing girls’ jeans since she was 13 because that’s the only way she can get pants that fit. She has a tiny waist and big hips and butt.”

  Defense had to try for blood “That’s all very interesting, but didn’t you say that most girls like Tina kill themselves? Did Tina ever try to kill herself?”

  Nancy winced “She gave me permission to talk about all this, so I guess I have to.”

  Defense nodded

  “Yes, Tina tried many times, hundreds in fact, to kill herself. She’d drink and drug to the point of overdose, yet she never quite did enough to die. She walked in front of traffic, but the cars swerved, and she even drank on Antabuse and on one occasion, she ate a quarter pound of glass and didn’t tell anyone for 4 days.”

  Defense smelled blood “So why wasn’t she in a psych ward instead of a women’s college?”

  Nancy smiled “This isn’t unusual. Transgender girls are so good at keeping their secret, that keeping a secret like a suicide plan, or a recently attempted suicide is child’s play to a girl like Tina. I’ve had girls like Tina in Pueblo who could hang themselves with a bedsheet and give no clue that she was even thinking that way. That’s the main reason we kept them strapped to the gurney when they were resting. They were unusually clever and creative when they made up their minds to do something. I think Mr. Thompson found that out the hard way!”

  “Move to strike”

  “Fine, but only the comment about Mr. Thompson.”

  “Nancy, isn’t there a possibility that Tina deliberately walked into the trap?”

  “Walked into a situation where she would be drugged, beat to a pulp, and left to suffer a long and excruciating death? No, I don’t think so.”

  “What makes you so certain?”

  “Three things. First, all her other approaches are success or fail and you know within a very short time. Poisons and overdoses either kill you within a few hours, or you recover. Remember, she wants to keep it a secret. She knows that if she is caught trying to kill herself, that a fate worse than death awaits her. She knew what happened to her mother.”

  “But wouldn’t Tina have killed herself eventually anyway?”

  Nancy shook her head “Not according to Doctor Benjamin. His patients have made remarkable recoveries. He’s treated many patients and the suicide rate among those patients is less than 5% and they are mostly people who are failing it transition. A transsexual girl with a dark heavy beard she can’t get rid of. Too tall, obese, or obviously failing. Like you in a dress!”

  The jury laughed!

  Defense smiled “I’d look pretty terrible, that’s for sure. What about Tina?”

  Nancy smiled “Tina was a beautiful girl. The first time I saw her as Tina, she was radiant. As Ted, it was like she was carrying the weight of the world, he was smart, and functional, but he was sad. I think if I had told him he had to go back to being a Ted, he might have ended his life.”

  Defense was startled “Really?”

  “Yes. Switching from Ted to Tina was easy, free, she felt light, joyous and happy. She was full of life. Shifting from Tina to Ted however, was painful, she would forget things, she would get so tired, and she was in pain. It was like she had to put on a suit of armor, with no padding, that cut into her body, and her helmet was like a mask - she once said “It was like nails inside, but the outside is painted like a smiley face so nobody has to know how much it hurts.”

  Defense was moved. So was the Jury.

  “No more questions your honor.”

  Judge Connor nodded “I think we’ve all had enough for today. We’ll do summaries tomorrow. Court is adjourned until 9AM tomorrow morning.”

  Prosecution’s Closing Argument

  The court reconvened and the Prosecutor presented his closing arguments.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, we began this case by showing you evidence of an attack so violent that it actually killed the victim. Unfortunately, she recovered, so we can’t charge the defendants with murder.

  Instead, we have several other charges. First, the defendants used drugs to disable Tina so they could kidnap her and take her to a place where they could brutally assault her hundreds of times. When the victim tried to defend herself by curling into a ball, Betsy had the boys she was leading stretch her out so they could maximize the damage. They even admitted here in court that it was their intent that Tina would die a very slow and painful death. We have presented evidence of attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

  Thomas was very clever, he didn’t engage in the assault himself, he hired others to be his killers, to do his dirty work for him. He paid them by pimping his sister in a quid-pro-quo arrangement.
  And why did Mr. Thompson do this? Because Tina had exposed his pattern for using high stakes bets to get revenge on girls who turned him down. We are not charging him with rape or conspiracy to commit rape. That will be dealt with at a later time.

  The defense tried to claim that this heinous crime was motivated out of religious zeal, outrage at the existing of Tina - because she was transsexual. The defense even called highly recognized celebrity preachers from several churches to come and testify on Mr. Thompson’s behalf, and yet, Mr. Thompson’s knowledge of the Bible was woefully poor. He could barely quote a few verses and had no memory of the teachings of Jesus, even though he claimed to be a Christian.

  The ministers, Thomas, and Dr. Freed all claimed that Tina was an abomination, a heretic, Dr. Dobson even suggested she might be Demonically possessed. Yet Tina was not only a member of a church, she was a leader and supporter of three different churches, including leadership roles in one of those churches, and even an honorary priesthood in the Catholic Church.

  Ladies and Gentlemen this is a crime of hate. I ask that you convict Betsy of attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, aggregated assault, and rape. Yes, Rape. Betsy, in an act of hate, assaulted Tina’s sexual organs for the purpose of revenge, hate, and anger. Rape is not a crime of sexual passion, it’s a crime of hate and violence.”

  I ask you to convict Thomas of murder for hire, conspiracy to commit murder, and the proxy rape of Tina Clark. It was Betsy’s heel that did the damage, but it was driven by the hate Thomas had for Tina, for nothing more than exposing him as a serial rapist by proxy.

  I ask you to ignore the argument of “Freedom of Religion.” After all, Tina was not a member of any of these churches, and they tried to punish Tina, who was a member of a church that loved and accepted her, because a church she didn’t even belong to decided, based on a dozen verses, that Tina didn’t deserve to live. Where was Tina’s freedom of Religion? Where was her freedom of expression? It was killed in the emergency room because a doctor didn’t want to treat the sicko tranny faggot.”


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