Easton (Four Kings Empire Book 2)

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Easton (Four Kings Empire Book 2) Page 20

by Sam Crescent

  Without looking back, she took the stairs back up to the waiting room.

  Liam was waiting. Romeo and Karson were still there.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  She spoke quietly to him so he was the only to hear what happened.

  “Is it wrong to think of how hot you are right now?”

  “I didn’t mean to get so angry.”

  “She threatened our man. We can’t have that, and all you can do is whatever it takes to save and protect our family. I’ll have your back always. I’m not having anyone throwing Easton’s past back at him.”

  Scarlett held onto Liam as Axton and Taylor returned. The couple were holding each other, and it looked like Taylor had been crying.

  Good. She had no desire to end Taylor’s suffering. She didn’t even want to think about how long Easton had been suffering at her hands.

  This was the first time since being married to Liam she’d been violent. The emotions of the day were starting to finally get to her. Pushing some hair off her face, she let out a breath.

  Just as she closed her eyes, she heard the door to the waiting room open. The doctor was there to finally tell them all what had happened. She couldn’t lose Easton. They had a fucked-up past, but that didn’t mean she wanted to see him dead. Not ever. They were given a second chance at this. She wanted to apologize and to make up for all the lost time they had missed.

  A second chance to be together and she didn’t want to fall apart. Liam held her hand, but it was all too much.

  Would Easton live or die? He had to live. She had so much to make up for.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Over eleven years ago

  This was it.

  He had to go home.

  Had to go back and face reality, which really fucking sucked. His friends would be waiting for him.

  Easton glanced down at the time, waiting for Scarlett to arrive. The last couple of weeks with her had been the best time of his life. He hadn’t loved Carla, and it made her death even worse. She’d been a fling, a bit of fun. He cared about her, but after knowing Scarlett, he didn’t love her.

  He loved Scarlett. His Scar. His world.

  They had come together and it had been the most magical time of his life, and now, he was going to have to walk away even if it killed him.

  As he ran his fingers through his hair, rain fell down around the gazebo.

  Part of him hoped she wouldn’t turn up. She’d stay gone as just a summer camp fling, but there was no stopping Scarlett when she started.

  She ran toward the gazebo, all in white. It made this so much harder.

  He couldn’t run with her.

  His father would find him, and when he did, Scarlett would die. He’d underestimated Nial before, and he wasn’t going to do it again.

  “Hey,” she said, wrapping her arms around him. “I’m so sorry. A couple of the kids didn’t want to leave, and I had to see them off. You know how it is.” She kissed his lips. She’d already admitted she loved him the other day. He’d told her the same thing. He loved her and wanted to be with her for the rest of their lives.

  Now, he had to break her heart, shatter it, destroy every single trace of love he had for her.

  “What’s wrong?” Scarlett asked, letting him go.

  He’d not held her back, not given her any indication he wanted to even hold her.

  He stood, hand in his pocket, waiting for the right moment.

  Even as he smirked at her, he knew he was screaming inside, begging for her to not listen to him. to know he never wanted to hurt her.

  “I’m heading home tomorrow,” he said.


  “Look, I hate to do this, but it was a summer fling, you know. Not really anything for us to think that was great and wonderful. It was sex. Granted, really great, and fucking amazing sex, but that was all it was.”

  “You told me you loved me.”

  “Yeah, about that, I kind of lied. I’m sorry. You were this persistent bitch in fucking heat all along, and you know, a guy can only handle so much.”

  “You’re lying. Why are you lying? Why are you being this way?”

  He sighed. “You’re really going to make me spell it out for you, aren’t you, babe? It was just sex. I wanted a nice wet cunt, and the only way of getting it, was by telling you what you needed to hear. Come on, Scarlett. You really think I would be happy with a lifetime with you? With being with a woman so fucking poor it was sickening. I can’t stand the thought of having to wake up every single day, staring at you. I mean, no offense, you’re not the prettiest girl in the world now, are you? I can do way better. By the time I get home, I will have a whore on my face and another sucking my cock. If I wanted, I’d probably even get one licking my asshole if I so desired. You are nothing. You will never be nothing to me. I lied. I don’t love you. I never could, but I have to say, it was really nice popping that cherry. It’ll be a good old story I tell to the Four Kings when I get home. Give them something to beat one out. The next guy you fuck, tell him he’s welcome. I broke you in.”

  Tears had filled her eyes and started to fall down her cheeks. Easton’s heart was breaking inside and he wanted to take it all back, but he had to shatter her. “You want another round for the road? I mean, it’s a little boring all the moaning and gasping, but I can give you a pity fuck.”

  Scarlett didn’t say anything.

  She spun on her heel and left.

  It was over.



  His heart shattered in a way he’d never known it could.

  He had broken the only good thing in his life, and it made him no better than his father.


  Present day

  “You know I can take care of myself,” Easton said as Scar brought him a cup of coffee, his morning tofu scramble, and his laptop.

  He’d gotten out of the hospital four months ago, and even the doctors had said he was fit and ready for work. His surgery had been a success. When he first woke up, he’d panicked as he’d not been able to speak, but the doctor had said they had to give it a couple of days. Liam and Scar were by his side every single step of the way.

  Axton, Karson, and Romeo were there as well. They were his lifeline, and he’d seen the worry his friends had.

  Liam had allowed them to stop by for dinner during his recovery. Junior had talked to them constantly, and his friends adored his kid.

  “I know you can take care of yourself, but while I’m willing to do all of this, you should allow me. I want to take care of you.”

  He wrapped his arm around her, hearing her cry out as he made her straddle his lap. “Like this? I think you should take care of another problem I have.” His hard cock pressed against her core.

  “Wait, there’s something I really need to say to you, and I don’t want you to get me all excited, and I need to tell you.”

  The last thing Easton wanted to do was to stop, but from the desperate look in Scar’s eyes, he knew he had to.

  “What is it?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry? For what?”

  “For keeping our son away from you. From not realizing sooner that there was a reason you broke it off with me. I was so hurt and blind by my own feelings, I didn’t even think as to why you’d want to break up with me. We were so close during camp, and I thought you had faked it, but I know now you were only trying to protect me. I was wrong keeping our son a secret and not giving you the chance to be a father with him.”

  “Scar, I don’t need to hear this.”

  “You do.”

  “I don’t know if I’d have been a good father then.”

  “I don’t care. You’re still his dad, and I was still in the wrong. Can you ever forgive me?”

  “Yes, you’re forgiven.” Now, he wanted to get back to what he truly wanted. He could draw out Scar’s apology, make her suffer, but he didn’t want to. They had already lost enough, and he wasn�
�t willing to lose any more time with her.

  So far, they hadn’t shared her again yet. Liam had said he expected a day of his own soon, but that hadn’t happened. Liam had been busy working, and with Junior at home, having that kind of fun seemed in the distant future.

  He wanted his woman and his man back.

  Yes, he’d started to see Liam as his.

  “You really think you’re ready for me?”

  “Come on, Scar, you know I am.”

  “And I can’t wait to see it,” Liam said, leaning against the door.

  Liam was in a suit, the jacket open as he had a hand on his hip, resting against the door. Easton’s cock hardened more, if that was even possible.

  “I thought you were at work,” Easton said.

  “I was, and now I’m home. Junior’s going to his friend’s tonight, and I spoke to your doctor. You’re all well and can handle anything. So, I was thinking I can have my day. What do you guys think?”

  “I thought the guys were coming over?” Scar said.

  “I canceled them. The way I see it, I got a day to myself, and I intend to take it.”

  “You didn’t have to worry about me,” Easton said.

  “You had a tumor, stupid man. Of course I had to worry about you. Taking care of you, Scarlett, and Junior is my life. I will do it because I know I’m the only one good enough at the task. Now, Scarlett, get your clothes off. It’s such a waste to hide that body of yours.”

  She stood up, and Easton wanted her back to straddling his waist.

  “Easton, come here,” Liam said.

  Getting to his feet, he walked toward Liam. Anticipation filled the room as Liam grabbed him, slammed him against the wall, and kissed him, hard.

  It was the kind of kiss that left Easton breathless, and he was so fucking happy. Arousal flooded his body, and he heard Scar moan.

  “She likes it, you know. She likes the two of us fucking, making out. It gets her all hot and horny, doesn’t it?” Liam asked.

  “Yes.” She was already naked, and her fingers slid between her thighs, stroking her clit.

  Easton dropped to his knees in front of Liam. “I’ve been thinking about doing something, and I want to do it now.”

  “I’m not going to stop you,” Liam said.

  He’d been wanting to do this for some time, especially after watching Liam fuck Scar. They hadn’t stopped sharing a bed, and he’d wake up to see Liam watching him.

  He loved this couple. No doubt about it.

  Liam had found a way into his heart, his thoughts, his mind, and now, he was totally consumed by this man. His level of care was addictive, and he couldn’t give it up, not even if he wanted to.

  “Do you have any idea what you both do to me?” Liam asked.

  Easton pulled out the long length of his cock, feeling how firm and stiff it was in his hands. “I’ve got a rough idea.” The tip was already soaked in pre-cum, and he licked that right off, moaning as he did. He’d licked Scar’s pussy when she had some of Liam’s cum inside her, and he’d known he’d wanted to do this.

  This wasn’t about being with just any man. This was about being with Liam.

  The man was impossible to deny, and above all else, he didn’t want to.

  Taking the head of his dick into his mouth, he swallowed him down, moaning as he sank the dick to the hilt, almost gagging on it.

  “Oh, fuck!” Liam growled, and he gripped the back of Easton’s head.

  Staring up his body, he looked into Liam’s blue eyes as the man fucked his mouth, shoving his length to the back of his throat, repeatedly.

  It felt so good, so incredible, and he didn’t want it to stop.

  Just as suddenly as he sucked Liam’s cock, he was pulled off him.

  “No, I don’t want to come in that pretty mouth of yours. I want us to come inside Scarlett, together.”

  Easton turned his gaze toward the woman in question. She was sitting on the sofa, fingers between her thighs, and he saw how wet she was from where he knelt.

  “Are you ready to take two of us?” Liam asked.

  They had talked about the both of them being inside her, often. Easton had been thinking about the moment they’d both be joined.


  “Should we take this upstairs to the bedroom?” Easton asked.

  “No. I think we’re more than okay to do this here.” Liam moved to the sofa and picked Scar up.

  She let out a little scream and a giggle as she was settled between Liam’s spread thighs.

  Of the three of them, Scar was the only one completely naked, and Easton liked it.

  “Easton, if you check my briefcase, you’ll see some lube. Grab it.”

  “Why do you have lube in your briefcase?” he asked.

  “You never know when the situation would call for it, and I’m thinking it calls for it right now.”

  Grabbing the briefcase, Easton flicked the locks open, and sure enough, a nice fresh tube waited.

  He picked it up, closed the case, and turned in time to watch as Liam took Scarlett’s pussy. He slid her down his length, and he wondered what it would feel like to have Liam inside him. He’d never been with a man before and for the most part, he didn’t think he’d ever want to, but with Liam, it was different. It was always so different.

  “Does that feel good?” Liam asked.

  Scar cried out as Liam held her hips and began to slam his length up within her as he pulled her down.

  It looked amazing, and Easton wanted to be part of it.

  Stepping toward them, he opened the tube of lube and released himself from his sweatpants.

  Wrapping his fingers around the length of his dick, he spread copious amounts of lube. His hands shook a little from the excitement, but he got control of himself. He wasn’t going to spoil this moment.

  Reaching between them, he stroked Scar’s clit, hearing her gasp and go a little wild on Liam’s cock. Kissing her neck, he used the tube to smear a good amount of lube on her anus and his free hand, after dropping the tube onto the floor.

  Pressing the clear gel into her anus, he heard her cries and loved them. This was what he wanted, and he was desperate to be inside her.

  Liam stopped his thrusts just as Easton got her close to the peak, but not allowing her to go over it.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Liam said. “It’s time. You tell us if you want him to stop.”

  “I won’t.”

  “It’s up to you. You’re the one in charge.”

  “I know.”

  “Please, I want to feel you.”

  Easton ran his dick across her puckered hole. Liam had both of her ass cheeks in her hand and had spread her open, making it a lot easier for him to slide in. She was so tight, and at first that ring of muscles kept him out, but after stroking her clit, she started to open to him, and he pushed the first couple of inches inside her, before going as deep as he possibly could go.

  They both paused for just a moment, allowing them to get accustomed to what was happening.

  Easton held her hip, with his other hand between her thighs. He felt Liam’s cock, the pulse of it, and, staring over Scar’s shoulder, this felt so right.

  “I want to keep you both,” he said.

  “You will always keep us,” Liam said.

  Easton would hold them both to that promise.

  Liam was the first to move, sliding out until only the tip of him was inside her, and as he plunged back Easton pulled out. They set up a pace. It was slow at first, giving Scar a chance to get used to the feel of both of them inside her.

  He’d never felt more connected to anyone than he did these two in this very moment. He didn’t want to let either of them go.

  As the pleasure mounted, there was no denying the need rushing through them. The instant hit of need and there was no waiting. He and Liam fucked Scar, drawing her to not one, but two orgasms before they found their own within her body.


  Scarlett sat at the t
able, watching her men as they played cards. Her body was on fire, and it had been a couple of days since Liam finally got his chance to be with the two of them.

  Easton was well.

  He was back to fitness and should probably go to work at some point, but she found it impossible to let him go.

  She wanted to take care of both of her men. Liam and Easton, they belonged to her just as she belonged to them.

  Junior had decided to have another sleepover, and with the holidays coming up soon, he wouldn’t be leaving the house all that much. He always had so much to say about his time with his friends. She missed him all the time, but like tonight, she was really pleased.

  “You know,” she said, entering the room. She ran the tips of her fingers up the length of the table as she walked toward her men. “I’ve been thinking about something.”

  “What’s that?” Liam asked.

  She smiled.

  If anyone would know what she was about to ask, it would be Liam. The man knew her better than she knew herself.

  “Well, you guys have enjoyed your fun, but what about me?”

  “I know what’s happening here,” Liam said.

  “And me,” Easton said. He sat back, this hint of a smile on his face as he watched her.

  This man, he reminded her of the boy she had known during camp. The one who wasn’t trying to break her heart and shatter her, but the man who had cared about her, even as he was afraid.

  “She’s horny,” Liam said. “Her nipples are nice and hard, and this house is warm.”

  “And she’s wearing a pair of shorts, so easy to see, and if you look closely, you’ll see she’s not wearing any panties, and her arousal is very clear.”

  Her cheeks heated under their assessment.

  “You know, I could go and help myself,” she said. “I know where your secret drawer is.”

  “It’s not so secret, and you don’t have to go anywhere. You just have to tell me what you want, and you know I’ll give it to you,” Liam said.


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