Easton (Four Kings Empire Book 2)

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Easton (Four Kings Empire Book 2) Page 21

by Sam Crescent

  “Yes, but what I want will require Easton as well, if he’s willing.”

  “I’m willing.”

  She held her hands up. “I wouldn’t be so quick to jump in and offer your services. I may ask for something you’re not willing to give.”

  “There’s nothing you can ask that I wouldn’t be willing to give.” Easton stood up, and she saw the outline of his cock pressing against the front of his pants. “And whatever you want, I will do it for you.”

  “I want you to fuck Liam while I watch and then, later on, while you’re fucking me, I want him to have you.” She nibbled her lip. She hadn’t wanted to speak the words aloud, but now they were out, there was no reason for her men not to know the truth. She wasn’t going to hide from them. From either of them. This could make or break what they had.

  The men were happy playing with each other, but she had a bigger stake in this game.

  She wanted both Easton and Liam.

  The dream Liam had told her about when they first got married, was so close, she could taste it. But she had to give these men a nudge in the right direction. Otherwise, it would all be lost, and she couldn’t have that.

  Easton looked at Liam, and she saw the men exchanging glances.

  They didn’t speak.

  “Do you two have your own special language I don’t know about?” She forced a laugh, hoping it didn’t sound nervous.

  “It’s called guy talk,” Easton said. “I’m curious if Liam’s attraction to me extends to wanting to fuck me and have me inside him. I’m game for anything. I’ve been wondering when these games would move along.”

  She tried to hold her wince. “Easton, this is not a game.”

  “I know it’s not a game. I want to fuck Liam. I have no idea why I want to, but when I look at him, I want to kiss him, fuck him, make him mine. I want to do everything to him to keep him close.”

  “I’ve got no problem with that,” Liam said.

  He got up, and she watched her men as they kissed. She loved watching this as they both lost themselves in each other.

  “Bedroom,” Scarlett said.

  She rushed out of the room and went straight to the bedroom. She’d already set the scene. There were rose petals on the floor and on the bed. It had taken her some time to pick the petals off the flowers, and she’d gotten a thorn or two for her trouble, which was no real trouble at all.

  Removing her clothes, she lay on the bed, waiting for her men.

  She didn’t have to wait long as they entered the room. Liam was first and Easton following up the rear.

  “Do you want to do the honors of getting us naked?” Liam asked.

  “Nah, I’m more than happy to watch the two of you.” This wasn’t just about her. She wanted to watch her men lose themselves in each other and to know she’d been the one to help bring them together. It was what she wanted more than anything.

  Easton was the first to react, grabbing Liam’s shirt and pulling it over his head. Getting naked was more like a wrestle with each other, but it didn’t detract from Scarlett’s overall need for both men.

  They were sexy, and each one had their own set of ink as well.

  By the time they were naked, Liam took the lead, pressing Easton to the bed. She watched him wrap his fingers around the length and working his cock. Pre-cum was already leaking out of Easton, and Liam went to his knees, wrapping his lips around the length. Easton groaned, sinking his fingers into Liam’s hair, holding him in place as he fucked his mouth.

  It looked so good, and she moved her own fingers between her thighs and began to stroke her clit.

  The pleasure hit her, and she slowed down her movements as Easton pulled Liam’s mouth off his dick, in much the same way Liam had.

  “Are you ready for me?” Easton asked.

  “Yes.” Liam moved to the bed, and he grabbed her, pulling her down so her pussy was at the right level with his mouth. “I’m going to have you come all over my face as he fucks my ass.”

  “You are so dirty.”

  “And you love me for it.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  She stared over his shoulder at Easton, who already had a condom on and was spreading lube all over his shaft. Easton had felt amazing in her ass, and Liam had also taken her ass. She loved these men so damn much.

  The past could suck it.

  She knew the truth.

  Easton, even when they were teenagers, had tried to protect her. She had forgiven him. It hadn’t been easy, but seeing Taylor, witnessing that woman’s spiteful grief, she knew she didn’t want to turn out that way. The only way to get over what happened was to accept, and move on. She didn’t want to spend her life hating someone who really didn’t deserve it.

  She loved Easton just as she loved Liam. They were her men, the loves of her life, and she would do whatever was necessary to keep them both.

  Liam stopped licking her pussy as Easton started to slide inside him.

  “How does he feel?” Scarlett asked.

  “Amazing. I don’t want him to stop.”

  “You heard the man.”

  Easton gripped Liam’s hips and worked his cock inside him.

  Only when Easton was deep enough did Liam go back to licking her pussy.

  She wanted to watch, but with the pleasure on both of their faces, and her own orgasm so close, she found it hard to focus on all senses.

  Easton leaned over, biting onto Liam’s neck as he fucked his ass, working his length in and out of him.

  “He’s going to come soon,” Easton said. “His cock is so big, and he’s going to make a mess of the bedding.”

  “I don’t care.”

  Easton had become her cleaning helper. They spent many hours a day cleaning. That time would come to a close when he had to go back to work, but it had reminded her just how much she loved spending time with him.

  Liam would help in his own way when he was home, bringing them coffee. In the time it had taken Easton to recover from his surgery, they had become a family. A united unit. A collective.


  As one.

  This was what she had wanted for so long.

  And she hadn’t even realized she craved it.

  She came hard on Liam’s face, and he wasn’t willing to give her just one but he brought her to a second orgasm, quickly, and she screamed his name.

  Easton grunted next, and she watched the pleasure rush over his face as he did so.

  Liam was the last to come, and as he did, he collapsed to the bed.

  “I like when you’re in charge,” Liam said.

  She chuckled. “You do, do you?”

  “Yes, that was incredible.”

  He kissed her stomach, and for the first time, it made her wonder where all of this was going with them.

  The past pushed to one side, was there any chance of a future for all of them?


  Liam finished up the call he’d just made and sat back.

  It was done.


  Glancing across his office at Easton, he smiled. Scarlett was out with Junior to pick something up for Easton’s birthday. He had a small celebration in mind, and even though Easton was at home, he’d kept him confined to his office so they could throw a special party for him.

  It wasn’t every day a guy turned thirty, and Easton had tried to keep it from him.

  “You look happy.”

  “I am.” Liam grabbed his stress ball, tossing it into the air and catching it. “I love it when all my little plans come together in a nice neat tidy bow without me even having to lift a finger. Especially now.”

  “And a plan has come together that you didn’t instigate.”

  “Yes, in a way. Scarlett’s family will no longer be an issue. Their company has gone completely bust. Every single small holding, company, haven, you name it, it is gone. They are also being investigated for tax fraud. That little detail is not on me. I don’t break those kinds of laws. I was surprised ac
tually they were able to keep their finances that close to their chests.”

  “Wait, hold on a minute. You have completely destroyed her family, but it will all come down to their link to tax fraud?”

  “Bingo. I didn’t even need to make the final call to cut them down. It would appear when I started the process for them hemorrhaging money, they made mistakes, and in doing so exposed their underhand dealings. Not to mention lawsuits filed against them. Turn on the news. You’ll see.”

  Easton got to his feet, and Liam always paid careful attention to the other man. The doctor had warned him of potential dangers like loss of balance and memory for him to watch out for. It could show signs of either another tumor, or possible clot, or something else. Liam was going to take care of his family.

  The next person on his list to deal with, now that Scarlett’s family was taken care of, was Easton’s father, Nial Long.

  Easton turned the television on to breaking news about Scarlett’s family. Liam smirked as he watched it all unfold once again. This was going to be such a fun day.

  “You’re not worried in case Scar sees this and wants you to stop it.”

  “No can do, and when I asked Scarlett about going after her family, she was more than happy for me to do so. Believe me, she is not worried about this.” They had tossed her out of their life, and it was up to him to put her back together.

  Glancing down the length of Easton’s body, a need stirred within him, which he tried to hide.

  Easton whistled. “I’m so glad I’m not them, and I won’t ever be on your bad side.”

  “You can try it being on my bad side, I don’t mind.” Liam winked.

  “I know that look.”

  “What look?”

  “It’s the look you’re giving me that says you want to fuck me,” Easton said.

  “Am I? What do you think to that?”

  “It doesn’t matter what I think. Is it true? Do you want to fuck me?” Easton folded his arms, waiting.

  Liam smirked. “You know, you look sexier when you give me the smoldering look.”

  “You think this is a smoldering look?”

  “Yeah, it’s the one that is telling me to fuck you without saying the words aloud.” Liam glanced down his body. “And I want to fuck you so badly, Easton.”

  He’d been holding back with this man, giving him the chance to get comfortable with their situation. There’s no way he wanted to rush this, not if he wanted it to last.

  “Then come and get me.”

  Liam stood up, and without a second invitation, he grabbed Easton, slamming him against the wall and kissing him hard. Running his hands down his body, Liam took his fill of this man.

  “That feels so fucking good,” Easton said.

  “It’s going to get better.” Popping the button on his jeans, he slid down the zipper, and pushed his hand inside, cupping his dick. Running his hand up and down the length, he watched as Easton threw his head back, moaning as he did so. “I love your cock, Easton. I love how it feels inside me, and I love watching you with Scarlett. Taking her pussy.”

  “She’s got the best pussy.”

  “And she belongs to us.” He kissed Easton again and this time, moved him so he was near the sofa.

  Breaking from the kiss, he turned Easton so he was bent over the sofa.

  Pushing his jeans to the floor, he spread Easton’s ass cheeks, admiring his asshole that was going to belong to him.

  “Stay there.” He barked out the instruction, not wanting his man to move. He had lubrication hidden all over the house for an occasion like this. Returning to Easton, he unscrewed the cap on the lube, and squirted a generous amount over his anus before going to his cock. He got himself nice and slick and ready. “I’m going to take it nice and easy.” He put the tip right at the puckered hole, and slowly began to push inside.

  Easton groaned, but Liam hadn’t gone too far.

  “Play with yourself,” Liam said.

  As Liam sank inside his tight little ass, Easton followed instruction and worked his cock. Full to the hilt, Liam gripped Easton’s hips, and basked for a few seconds without moving, without doing anything.

  This man, he’d been waiting for him for a lifetime.

  Pulling out slowly, Liam took his sweet time. At first, he made love to Easton’s ass, letting him become accustomed to the feel of his cock.

  Only when he couldn’t stand to wait anymore, did he speed up his thrusts, powering into his ass at a pace that had them both growling.

  Liam waited for Easton to come first before he found his own release. Seconds passed, and they both filled the air with their panting.

  “I had no idea it would be like that. It felt incredible.”

  “You can’t have any other man,” Liam said. “No one else will ever make you feel that way.” He was being entirely selfish, and he didn’t care.

  “There will never be anyone else but you, Liam. Don’t worry. I know you’ve staked your claim.” Easton glanced over his shoulder, smirking. “We better get cleaned up before Junior and Scar walk in and well, you know.”

  “Scarlett would be aroused. Junior would need therapy.”


  Liam leaned down and kissed Easton. “Thank you.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. I love being here with you.” Easton gripped the back of Liam’s head, holding him in place. “I’ll stay for as long as you’ll have me.”

  “How about forever?” Liam asked.

  He knew without asking Scarlett that his wife wanted to keep Easton. They both did. They loved him, and he was going to make sure to take care of both of them.

  Chapter Sixteen

  One week later

  Easton couldn’t believe he’d decided to visit his father. The letter had been stuffed in his jacket, and he’d forgotten about it until yesterday when he’d grabbed said jacket to leave the house.

  He lived with Liam and Scar full-time now, and he’d put his apartment on the market. At the end of a busy day, he had no desire to go to a cold, empty apartment. His life, the people he loved and cared about, were in one large house.

  A house he was finding felt more and more like home than his childhood one.

  Sitting in a room, waiting to hear from his father, Easton knew it was a mistake even before seeing the man who’d raised him.

  One look at Nial Long, and Easton was shocked. He no longer looked like a scary monster of a man who could ruin his life.

  Nial Long looked old. Old and full of cruelty.

  He was pushed down into the metal chair, and Easton picked up the phone.

  Nial glared at him as he picked up the other side.

  “What the fuck brings you here?” Nial asked.

  “Hello, Dad,” he said. “If I recall I got your letter demanding my presence.”

  “I sent that months ago.”

  “Been having some personal problems.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Nial asked.

  Easton looked at his father. For so long he’d been afraid of this man, had spent so many hours in the day scared of what it actually meant to be his son. Worry, fear, anger, all of it had combined throughout his childhood, and it hadn’t dissipated until the past year.

  “I had a tumor,” he said. Staring at his father, Easton felt all of the worry ebb away. This man meant nothing to him. He wasn’t even worth the time to take talking to him right now.

  “A tumor?”

  “Yes. In my head.” Easton stayed perfectly still as he watched the man he called father. He didn’t even know why he was here.

  “You okay?” Nial asked.


  “Then let’s move on, you fucking pussy. I want out of this damn cell, and you’re going to help me do it. I’ve been talking to some of the other guys, and there was no proof. I can…” Easton listened as Nial listed all the reasons for a jury to overrule the conviction of him being in prison.

  Easton didn’t interrupt. He listen

  No one looked at them.

  They were all interested in their own lives. His father was a murderer, crook, asshole, and rotten from the inside out. There was no redeemable quality in him.

  “Well, what do you think?”

  “I have a son,” he said.

  “What?” Nial asked.

  “I have an eleven-year-old son. He’ll be twelve soon, and the past year I’ve gotten to know him.” Easton smiled. “You know, after you killed Carla, I honestly thought I would never father children. It turns out, I did at camp. The place I was sent to. I met a girl there. The most amazing, beautiful woman, and we fell in love, but I pushed her away. Now I have her back, and I’m not going to let her go. I’ve got a son who loves me, and I now know I’ll never be a bad father to him. I know what a bad father does to your soul. How it shatters a part of yourself and you can never get it back. I will never be the kind of man you are. I don’t want to be. I’m not going to help you, Nial. You deserve to be here, and I’m not going to be the person who helps you get away with what you did.” Easton put the phone back on the cradle as Nial began to spew anger and hatred toward him.

  He was done.

  It was finished.

  Getting to his feet, he went to the door, and the guards let him out. He didn’t stop walking until he got to his car. Climbing inside, he sat for several minutes just watching the prison.

  That place housed his father, and it was the best place for him to be.

  Easton expected his hands to shake, but they didn’t. He was ready for this. His father would no longer touch him or hurt him. He wouldn’t carry the guilt around with him for a moment longer.

  Turning over the ignition, he drove home. Not to the city, but to his, Liam, and Scar’s home, where his son was waiting for him.

  He guided the car through traffic, taking his time so he wasn’t in any kind of serious accident.

  When he arrived home, he saw Liam’s car parked in the driveway.

  It had been on the tip of his tongue to tell his father that not only was he in a relationship with Scar, but also a man. A very powerful man who could crush him like the bug he was.


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