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A Whisper in the Wind

Page 3

by Amy Sparks

  "Leaving?" He stands up as he puts his phone in his pocket.

  "Yeah, sorry. I found what I was looking for." He nods as he rubs his whole face and yawns.

  "I'm guessing William also told you about his stupid thing about proposing to his long-term girlfriend." I pause and I can hear William saying oh, shit over and over again.

  "Um, what do you mean?" Andrew laughs as he thinks how stupid it is since William was about to propose and honestly, I'm with him on this one.

  "William told me about almost five months ago, when he was alive of course, that he was going to propose to Katie."

  "Katie? Not Jennifer?" Andrew rolls his eyes and rubs his face.

  "Nah, not Jennifer. Katie was his long-term girlfriend for about two years. He thought it was "true love." That is until he saw her cheating on his stupid little ass." Andrew laughs with a sad tone and shakes his head.

  "I thought he dated Jennifer though."

  "Oh, he did. For about a month, before he found Katie. Trust me, as soon as I saw Katie I knew she was bad news, but somehow that little idiot didn't listen to me. I mean, who would listen to their younger siblings? But anyway, he was gonna propose to her at the place they had their first date. As he was going to see her, he saw her kissing some other asshole, I guess. I don't know, after a month later, William..." Andrew is close to crying and I want to say something but I got nothing. He looks at me and coughs as it seems to cover his sadness.

  "Anyway, it's late. I have school tomorrow and I need to sleep early. Sorry for being such an asshole for saying that." I shake my head fast and smile.

  "Oh no, don't worry. I totally get it. I need to leave as well." I walk to the door and open it and walk out. I turn around and wave at Andrew.

  "Bye Andrew, and thanks." He smiles and shrugs as he knows that he didn't really help me with anything but I know he did.

  "Bye, Savannah. Have a good night."

  "You too!" I shout as I run to my car and get in as fast as I can. I turn on my car and the heater as well since it's kind of cold. I lean back into my seat and hit my head on the back of the seat.


  "What next? I don't have all day and the faster we move, the faster you leave." I must sound like some bitch but I'm mad. He didn't tell me and I feel like he should've at least told me part of it.

  "Really, Savannah? That's it?" I roll my head and my neck cracks. He puts so much pressure on me that my neck actually cracks.

  "Yes. That's it. Now, where to next?"

  "Fine whatever. Go straight. I'll tell you when to turn and shit. Just drive." Now he sounds mad and that makes two of us. I put the car in drive and hit the gas as we move fast out of his stupid neighborhood. Now I'm wondering if I should just stop and ask the doctor for more pills so I can stop listening to his stupid voice. That sounds better than agreeing to this and actually getting this stuff for him. I put the key in the back where the hoodie and the headphones are. I'm almost done. The sooner I finish this the sooner he leaves. I should feel happy about this but I'm not. I feel sad and I have no idea why.

  Chapter Seven

  "I don't want to do this." I'm still in the car but I'm parked right outside of his stupid other girlfriend's house. Katie. That stupid cheating bitch that broke his damn heart. I'm getting myself mad for no good reason and I now want to punch something hard. Extremely hard.

  "You're doing this. Now get out." I look out of the window and pay close attention to her house. She's probably banging some other guy and not thinking that her ex-boyfriend, who was going to propose to her died.

  "Look, I feel really sorry about how this happened, but I don't care enough to go up and knock on your girlfriend's door."

  "Ex-girlfriend. Plus, you heard what Andrew said. You really think I still like her?" I think about it and wonder if he actually still likes her. Maybe he does, and maybe he doesn't. But what do I know? I don't even have a boyfriend and I don't want one.

  "I don't know. Even if you do still like her it doesn't matter anymore because she cheated on you and oh yeah, you’re dead!" I open the door and lock my car as I cross the street and make it way to her house.

  "Stop. Yelling won't work and you’re gonna make yourself mad and me too."

  "I am already. I don't know about you but I'm fuming. Now shut up so I can do this and get it over with. I don't have all day." I make way to her house and step on her porch. I'm about to ring her doorbell until William, of course, stops me.

  "Wait! You need to ask her if she still has my football jersey." I roll my eyes and wonder what else this girl has from him.

  "Fine. Whatever. Is that all?"

  "Yeah. Now you can ring the doorbell." I ring the doorbell and wait as I wonder if she's even gonna open the door since it's almost midnight. I'm even wondering if John is still at his slutty ‘girlfriend's’ house or if he's at home. I'm thinking it's the first one but who knows?

  "I'm really positive she won't answer the doorbell. It's midnight for Christ’s sake. She's probably sleeping or maybe she doesn't want to answer the door to a fucking stranger!" I look around and wonder if anyone heard me yell since I did yell and it's night. If anyone saw me they would think how psycho I must look to be standing here in the middle of the night. It's also really cold and I'm wearing shorts. Ughhhhh!

  "Oh. I don't even think she's here."

  "Oh really? Well then, I'm out of here." I turn around and walk across the lawn to my car but of course, William stops me.

  "No, wait. I know a way in her house." I don't believe what he's saying.

  "You want me to sneak into her house?! You know how crazy you sound right now???" William laughs and of course, he doesn't know how crazy he sounds right now. He thinks how funny this is and how easy it might be, but he's not even doing this. He's not even here! It's all on me and if I get caught, I end up in jail. Not him. Me.

  "No. I've done it before, so don't worry."

  "You've done it before because you were once her boyfriend! I don't even know this girl and you want me to sneak into her damn house!" William shushes me and I roll my eyes. Oh God, I'm so gonna get in a lot of trouble because of this. Because of him.

  "Look. In the back, there's a window that she always leaves open. Just open it and slide in. This is gonna be easier for you because you’re smaller and slim. Now go." I turn to see that there's a door that I need to open to get to the backyard. Somehow the door is fucking locked. There is no way I'm going through there. There's no way. Unless...

  "Oh hell, no. You want me to jump over the fence?! Are you for real? I'm not that athletic and I won’t be for a long time. Possibly until the day I die." William laughs, then sighs as he listens to me talking my ass off.

  "It's easy. Don't worry. I'll guide you through it. You walk up to the fence and climb it. Then, you jump! Perfect. You got it?"

  "Are you insane? I have no athletic bones in my body!!! Did you not hear that big speech I gave like two seconds ago?" I walk to the fence and look up at how big and tall it is. Haha, no way.

  "Oh, I heard that. Look, it's not that bad. I'm telling the truth." I roll my eyes and make a quick little prayer before I end my life here.

  "Are you seriously praying for this?"

  "Well duh. I'm not ending my life because of your stupid little jersey stuck in your girlfriend's house." I jump and put my hands on the top of the fence. My feet are like dangling from the ground and I'm seriously about to die.

  "Ex-girlfriend. I told you once, and I'm not gonna tell you twice."

  "Whatever. You wanted to propose to her, not me. She cheated your little ass and it's your fault." I know for sure I went over the line on this but it's not my fault. It's his. William is talking but I'm not listening. I pull myself up and I somehow get on top of this stupid fence. I hold my posture and pray that I won't fall face down on the pavement. I take a deep breath and let it out as I bring my leg over so I can jump easily off this fence. I swear, if anybody sees me doing this, they're gonna call the cops
. I mean, I would if I saw someone climbing someone's fence in the middle of the night. I then bring my other leg over and I blow a huge breath after I'm done.

  "Damn, that was hard." I look down and it's not that far down but it's still far. I feel like a little kid can make this jump too, but I'm a huge wimp. An incredibly huge wimp. John would honestly laugh at me for this but also yell at me for doing this stupid thing.

  "Jump!" William says.

  "Shut up!!!" I look down and wonder if I could die. Could I? Maybe not but who knows. The more I think about this, the more I regret getting on top of this stupid fence. Damn you, William. Just…damn you. I blow out air every other second like some pregnant woman and I finally just say "screw it” and jump off the fence. Luckily, I land on my feet managing to not land on my face and break my entire body in pieces. I look around and it honestly looks like a regular backyard. Nothing exciting at all.

  "Where now?" I ask William as I walk around the backyard while hugging myself to keep warm.

  "See that window over there?" I nod as I look at the window that looks surprisingly my size. "Now open it and slide in. Not hard." I roll my eyes and wonder how many times he's actually done this. I walk over to the window and push it. The window luckily opens right away and I'm happy that I don't need to break it with some brick or something.

  "So, I'm guessing you've done this before since you know what window it is and how to open it and whatnot." William laughs as I put one leg through the opened window and the other one.

  "Hmm, I'm guessing this is the basement right?"

  "Yup, why?" I look down and wonder how far I am from the ground but there's a couch so if I fall, I can land easily without feeling any pain.

  "Well, it is a basement. And you did say you would always sneak through this. I'm guessing you would sneak in when her parents would be sleeping and yours, and you would drive all the way here, sneak in the window and then have sex with her down here in the basement right? I mean look, there's a damn couch down here. I'm not even gonna be shocked if she still has condoms down here." I jump and land on the couch but also on my back which I groan.

  "Not a soft couch. Not even close to being soft." I fall off the couch and land on the floor which of course is freaking cold. I stand up and look around and wonder if they actually did have sex down here. Maybe they did and maybe they didn't. I bet my life though that they did.

  "You okay?" I rub my legs and walk around the basement."

  "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. So, did you two have sex in here or what?" I cringe as I wonder if the couch that I fell on is where they had sex on. Oh gosh, ew.

  "Savannah, really?"

  "What? I'm just asking. Nothing to be ashamed of. You guys were once dating so..." I must sound like some jealous person right now and I know for sure that I might be a tiny bit jealous. I mean look, I don't know William that much and he is dead but come on, this is just weird and creepy.

  "If you want to know, yes, we did have sex down here." I make a barfing sound and shake my whole body as if there are bugs on me.

  "Oh, ew. Blah. Please tell me it was not on that couch that I fell on. Please tell me it's not that couch." William stays quiet for a bit and I now wanna burn my clothes and even maybe myself.


  "Oh my god! I am so out of here." I'm about to step on that couch where they did it and I stop right away so I don't get any more of their disgusting sex germs on me.

  "Savannah, please. Just calm down." I groan and try to think of another way to get out of here because I feel like I might just pass out down here.

  "Calm down? You had sex with her down here and you want me to calm down? I'm trapped down here in someone's house and I have no clue where on earth is your stupid football jersey! You might as well leave it alone William. It's gone. Just like you." I'm being a bitch right now and I know it. I'm honestly getting mad for nothing and it's not even his fault. It's mine. It's mine for committing to do this and it's my fault for being jealous of a dead guy's ex-girlfriend.

  "You’re right. I am gone. I hate what's happening right now and you could be seriously in trouble because of me. But guess what? Life fucking sucks. At least you're alive and at least you can live your life! This has been the most fun I've had in a while and I know for sure it's the most fun you've ever had too." I bite my lip and actually wonder if he's right. Has this been the best day of my entire life? Has it all happened because of William? I sigh and wonder if maybe there is a part of me that I don't want to see William leave. If William leaves, what will I do without him? I'll just go back to being my boring self and having just whispers stuck in my head forever and forever. But William is somehow the only voice that I want to hear forever and forever. Dammit.

  "Where's the jersey?" I look around the basement and find stairs that must lead upstairs. Of course.

  "Probably in her room." I nod and run up the stairs very quietly without making any creaking sounds. I end up in the damn kitchen and try to wonder if her room is upstairs or on this level. I go around the living room and then to a room that's close to the garage. I open that room which of course only has piles of shit in there. Too bad she doesn't sleep in there...

  I close the door and then make way upstairs. I'm praying that there's nobody up there who's sleeping because I might just get caught. And end up in jail. Ugh, why do bad things always happen to me?

  “Psst, where's her room?" There are about six rooms in the hall and I'm really scared in opening one of them and possibly getting caught by her parents. Or worst, her parents having sex. Ugh.

  "It's the last one on the right." I nod and walk slowly to the room that's on the right and the farthest from all of the other rooms. The door is closed and I'm wondering if maybe she's in there and sleeping. Oh God, I hope not.

  "Nope, not doing it. What if she's in there sleeping?"

  "You're fine. Calm down. If she is, just quietly close the door." Oh wow, when he says that, that makes everything seem so easy. Yet he's not the one doing this! I am! I groan and just prepare for the worst. I carefully turn the knob and open the door. The room itself is so dark that I can't see shit. Great. I do know though that she's not in here because I can see that if she were to be sleeping, I would see a lump on the bed. No lump. Meaning no girl. I blow out a breath and turn on the light. The whole room basically lightens up and it just looks like a normal girl's room. I wonder if he still remembers him and her having sex in here too. Why I even care? I have no clue. No clue at all.

  Chapter Eight

  "You don't know where the fucking jersey is????" I'm looking around her room, trying not to touch anything since it is his ex-girlfriend's room. Plus also, people have a tendency to notice when someone's been in their room and have touched something of theirs.

  "Check her closet. It should be there. Also, don't yell at me, I'm dead. I don't have a great memory for everything you know." I roll my eyes and wonder why on earth he even wants his stupid jersey back. It's a jersey for Christ’s sake!!!

  "Can you stop using the ‘I'm dead’ shit on me, since it doesn't work. Yeah, you’re dead but it can't be your reason for everything, you know. Come up with something else." William laughs as I walk over to Katie's closet in the fucking dark since William keeps on telling me not to keep the light on because her parents might wake up. At least he doesn't want me to get in trouble, but I can't see shit. I don't want to trip on anything so I walk super slowly and carefully like I'm some blind person. William keeps on laughing and I'm now getting annoyed by his stupid laugh.

  "Can you please shut up? Your laugh is annoying the fuck out of me and I'm trying to focus on not tripping on anything."

  "Wow, fine. Mean much?" I roll my eyes and stop as I feel my hand on some knob. I then say "screw it" and grab my phone from my pocket and turn on the flashlight. The light burns my eyes as I direct it at my face, then to the closet door.

  "Okay, now open it."

  "No shit, Sherlock." I open the closet door slowly trying not to make any
noise from it. As I open it I'm full in the face by pink clothes. Lots and lots of pink clothes.

  "What the hell? I'm guessing you had a thing for girls who wore pink, huh?" William laughs and I do too.

  "I guess so. Never realized she wore this much pink though. I'm beginning to see why she said her favorite colour was pink." I make a gagging sound as I imagining myself wearing this much pink. I don't even think I own any pink clothes let alone even liking the colour pink. Ugh.

  "Uh huh. Just shut up so I can look for your jersey." William sighs and I search through this girl's closet for his jersey. I'm trying to go super fast since I'm getting really tired and I have no time for this. What if she comes home and sees me rummaging through her clothes? What will she think then? What will I even say to her? Oh, look sorry I'm going through your clothes, I just wanted to find your dead ex-boyfriend's jersey since he told me he wants it back. Ha, yeah right. She would likely call the cops and put me in a mental institution. John wouldn't even save me since he already thinks I'm crazy and my parents agree. I mean yeah, I might be crazy for actually agreeing to do this and shit, but it's kind of thrilling. I don't ever get to do this and so this is my chance to actually have fun. With a dead guy...

  "Did you find it?" I roll my eyes, continuing to look for his stupid jersey. I'm about to quit trying to find his jersey until something in the corner of this closet catches my eye. Something that is not the colour pink. I move all the clothes aside and grab what looks like to be a blue fucking jersey!!! I grab it and do a little victory dance inside my head.

  "Holy shit, I found it. Haha, am I awesome or what?"

  "Yeah, yeah, you're awesome. Now let's get out of here before you get caught and thrown in jail." Oh right, forgot about that part. I close the closet door and close the flashlight that's on my phone. I put my phone in my pocket and rush out of her room. I make way downstairs fast but quietly without making any creaking noises. Phew. I also rush downstairs and about to leap out of the window until I realize something. I don't want to get on that damn couch.


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