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A Whisper in the Wind

Page 5

by Amy Sparks

  Chapter Ten

  "Savannah!" I hear my brother's voice in my room and I grab my pillow and throw it directly in his face.

  "What???" I mumble those words since it's still early in the morning and I'm tired as fuck. He also throws the pillow right back at me with a hard yet gentle force.

  "Should I tell mom you’re sick and that you can't go to school?" I nod and filled with happiness as my brother remembers what I told him to do yesterday. I guess my brother really does love me, since he is covering for me. I'm missing school because of him. This is awesome!

  "Okay then. I gotta go. Bye, Savannah, love you." The words "I love you" circle through my brain and I'm about to cry as I remember those words coming out of William's mouth. I say them back to John in a mumble but I know for sure that I'm too late. He's already gone and is downstairs telling my mom I'm too ‘sick’ to even go to school again. I check my phone and it's eight o'clock. Holy shit it's still early. I groan and set my phone back on the table and I return to sleep. I wake up four hours later which surprises me because it's been the longest I've slept in years. I wake up feeling energized and somehow happy. I get off from bed and walk to my bathroom. I take a nice hot shower which awakens me and my whole body. After I'm done I dry my hair and leave it down as I go back to my room and put on a pair of black tights and William's hoodie. I grab my phone and go all the way downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I'm starving and somehow all I'm thinking about is a Big Mac. I groan and wonder if I should really go all the way to McDonald's to buy a Big Mac just because William told me they were good, or should I just make some eggs and toast some bread? Eggs and toast it is. I make the food under twenty minutes which surprises me since I am such a lazy person and also a lazy chef. I put the eggs and toast on a plate and I walk all the way to the living room to eat my breakfast and watch some TV. I'm scrolling through the channels, trying to find something good on TV but nothing pops up. As I'm about to close the TV, the doorbell rings. What the fuck? I have no clue who it could be right now because no one really comes to my house. Only my friends or John's friends, but that's about it. Maybe it's John because he forgot something at home? Well if it’s him that would be weird since he has his keys and he wouldn't really ring the doorbell since he can just unlock the damn door. I stand up from the couch and walk all the way to the door so I can open it and see who it is. I open the door and as I look up to see who it is, my heart fucking stops. I slam the door and it closes with a loud slam that echoes through the damn house. Could it be? No fucking way. I'm shaking right now and trying to come up with a reason as to why I'm seeing things that shouldn't be seen. Why I see him standing in front of my door like it's totally normal. I bite my lip and blow out a breath as I go back to the door and open it again. My heart stops again but I don't close the door in his face and panic as I know this can't be true. I'm about to faint because this should be a dream, or a nightmare, or both! He's here. William is here.

  Chapter Eleven

  "Hi, Savannah." I jump at he says those words and by how his voice sounds the same like it was in my head. It can't be. William is standing in front of me, smiling as he takes me all in. I rub my eyes, thinking that he was going to disappear, but he still stands in front of me, smiling like it's a normal thing to do. I take one step closer to him and touch his arm to see if he's real or not and if my mind is playing with me or something. William grabs my hand and holds it like it's nothing. I take my hand away like he's somehow burning me and my mind. I check him out and that's when I see it. The headphones are on his neck and he's wearing his fucking jersey like he's going to play a football game. My eyes are filled with confusion and I look at him to try to figure out on why he's here, alive and not just a voice anymore.

  "You're uh. You’re uh... what the fuck?" William laughs and my body jerks as I hear his laugh like I'm hearing it in my head. Except he's here, and I know for sure people can see him too. Not just me.

  "I missed you Savannah. I told you I was going to come back. Did you accept my follow request?" He smiles at me and I remember how I used to wonder what his smile would look like in real life. Now I do.

  "This is messed up. You're dead! I'm dreaming, I have to be! You’re not real William. You were just a voice." My voice goes quiet as he puts his arm on my lower back and pulls me close to him. Really close.

  "Yeah, I was dead. I told you I was going to come back Savannah. I needed to finish the puzzle. I needed to find the last piece of the puzzle alone and of course, God kind of helped me with that." He laughs and I'm still stuck in a phase that I can't get over with. William is dead, he told me himself and even his brother, yet he's still here. Like nothing ever happened to him even though something did.

  "Uh then, what is the last piece of your puzzle?" William smiles at me and pulls me even closer.

  "Well Savannah, I'm looking right at it." Oh no. It can't be me. How can it be me??? I'm not even a good last piece for a puzzle, let alone any piece for anything!

  "No. It can't be me. You’re lying. Please tell me you’re kidding." I'm praying right now that he's lying because I am his last piece of the puzzle, then I might just break down and cry.

  "Nope. Sorry, Savannah. I always knew you were the last piece of my puzzle and that I needed to find you and tell you in person that you were the last piece of my puzzle Savannah. Also, I love you. You didn't say it back because it was too late and I was gone, but now I'm here and I'm not going anymore. Now Savannah, this is where you say it back." I bite my lip and shake my head as I'm looking down on the ground, still confused as to why William is alive. I mean it kind of made sense as to why he's here but then there's still something that's not adding up.

  "But you died, William. You committed suicide five months ago and everyone you know thinks you’re dead! Even me." William shakes his head and lifts my head up so I can look directly into his eyes. Ugh, even his eyes look crystal clear and full of life. The irony in this is just silly.

  "Yeah, I did die. I did commit suicide about five months ago and I was only a voice in your head, making you help me find all the things that were all pieces to put together to complete my puzzle. Yet my puzzle was not quite done as I did not have the last piece. God gave me another chance to start over my life and to find you and to make you my last piece of the puzzle. Everyone that I know in life doesn't even know that I died Savannah. Only you. To them, it's like I was always here, but I never was. Now, this is where I shut up because it's now your turn to talk. Now Savannah, I'm hoping you know what you're going to say next because I'm praying that you do." I laugh as William looks closely at me, wondering what I'm going to say next. Luckily, I know just the right thing to say since a little voice helped me out. I come closer to William as I put my hands on his shoulders, and I rise on my tippy-toes since he is quite tall. I brush out a piece of hair that's blocking his perfect eyes and he laughs as he brushes it out as well.

  "Oh, so it's now my turn to talk?" William nods. "Well thank god since all you've been doing since the day I've met you is just talking. Not once have you've ever let me talk and I'm telling the truth since you let me hanging last night. You made me think I was some bad guy. Like an asshole." William smirks as knows that I'm basically describing him.

  "An asshole huh? Are you sure not a bitch?" I laugh and push at his chest as he almost falls down on the grass.

  "Maybe both. Who knows. But I guess I can't really sound like one since I'm saying..."

  "Saying what Savannah?" He knows it and I know it too. Now, this could be a crazy dream that makes William leave right after I say the words to him, but maybe I could be wrong. I'm praying that I'm wrong.

  "I don't know anymore I guess. I mean, I feel like if I say those words to you, you might leave and break my heart. So I'm saving myself for not saying the words to you." William's smile falls and I know for sure I've made him sad.

  "But I won't leave you, Savannah. Believe me, if I left you, I think I might just kill myself again." He starts laughi
ng but then stops as he sees me not even close to laughing. I don't think I can laugh about that. Killing himself again? Haha, so funny...

  "What about Katie? Or Jennifer? I thought you wanted to propose to Katie Will. I mean yeah, she did cheat on you but did you ever talk to her about it?" William shakes his head and rubs his whole face as he is in frustration because of me.

  "No. Now look, I think there was a point in my life where I wanted to talk to Katie about that whole fucking situation but then I didn't. You wanna know why?" I nod rapidly. "Because of you, Savannah. I guess when you find the right person in this sick, fucking life that we call ‘reality’, that right person somehow changes the whole perspective of that other person and the world around him. I don't need Katie or Jennifer or Ben or Andrew. I need you. We've only been together for about over ten hours, but I want to know. Would you go out with me, Savannah?" His eyes sparkle as he answers me that question, and I think that my heart just blew up into a big balloon. I jump at him and he catches me in his arms, but almost falling backward since I did jump on him. William laughs as he holds me close to him and putting his arms around my back. My feet are wrapped around him and I know for sure if my brother came home right now, he would be kind of concerned as to what's happening here in front of our house.

  "Hm. Let's see. Should I really go out with you William? Do you even want me to go out with you?" William nods really fast like he thinks I'm actually going to say no to him.

  "Hell yeah. Of course, I want you to go out with me, and I'm not leaving until you agree." I roll my eyes and even wonder if he'll even do that since my brother might just kick his ass for being such a creep.

  "Ugh, fine then. I guess I do have to say yes to you since you won't leave me alone and if you don't, my brother will kick your ass."

  "Please. I'll kick his ass back. I can take your brother down in seconds. Watch me." I laugh and wonder if he can really take down my brother. My brother is no wimp, so who knows what will happen if they fight. I know for sure that I don't want to be there when it happens.

  "Uh huh. Good luck telling my brother that."

  "So, are you saying yes or what?" I laugh and wonder how long we've been standing here and if William is getting tired of holding me.

  "Just asking, aren't you getting tired of holding me, William?" He laughs and shakes his head. He puts a piece of hair behind my ear and smiles as he looks at my eyes.

  "Fuck no. I could hold you for as long as I want. And I could you know."

  "Whatever, Hercules. Ugh, I think I really do love you." I shut my mouth as I put my hand over it and William has the biggest smile I have ever seen.

  "What did you say?" I groan and press my head on his chest. He's not dumb, he knows what I said. And I know it too. I look up and shrug.

  "I'm in love with you William. And yeah, of course, I'll go out with you. What did you think I was going to say?" William spins me around and I almost want to like throw up. I laugh as I know how stupid we must look right now. Incredibly stupid. Like some couple who hasn't seen each other in such a long time. Actually, that's exactly what we sound like.

  "I don't know. I always think for the worst. Also, I love you too, Savannah." I smile at him as I always knew that he loved me. I'm that awesome. Duh.

  "So, what do we do now?" William shrugs and touches my cheek. I blush as his touch makes me feel hot and alive.

  "Well, I kind of wanted to do something that was not really possible, but now it totally is."

  "Well, what is it?" William puts his right hand on my cheek and that's when I realize that he's gonna kiss me. I put my hands on his shoulder and I go in as he starts kissing me in front of my house. Perfect. I'm groaning at how kissing him feels so good and also jealous by how Katie and Jennifer and who knows who has also been kissing him before me. I want William all to myself, and I think I now got him to be mine forever. I stop kissing him so I can take a breather and I laugh as he looks super sexy with his hair messed up and his lips swollen because of me. I'm pretty sure I look like that too, but I don't care. I don't even think William cares, so why should I?

  "So, what happens now?" I ask and William kisses me again.

  "Well, I kind of want to kiss you more and more because that's all I want to do but I guess I gotta leave." William lets me down and my head is full of confusion. Is he leaving?

  "What? You’re leaving? William, stop. Why the hell are you leaving after when we just poured our feelings for each other. After I poured my feelings for you." My voice breaks down at the end and I now can't somehow talk anymore. William starts laughing and I look up to see if he's fucking playing with me or just driving me nuts.

  "Jesus, Savannah, you really think I was going to leave you after this? I'm only leaving so I can get ready for our date. Our date, remember?" I break down laughing as I run to him and kiss him as hard as I can. William takes a step back but then puts his arms around me as we just stand there making out in front of my lawn. It's funny. The way you know that life is the shittiest thing in this world, it somehow grants you the best thing in your entire life that can actually give you the feeling of life. People think that living and being alive is the best feeling in the world, but I think that finding the right person who can fill in your empty heart and that can actually make you believe once again in what love truly is, that's when you know what life is. That's when I know what life is. Now, ask me again, why in the hell am I agreeing to this date and why in the hell am I thinking that William is the only one who can steal my heart? Well, that's a good question. Why don't you ask him instead?

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  -Aria Grey,

  Editor of this book and designer of Amy Sparks’ covers.

  About the Author

  Amy Sparks is a seventeen-year-old author who lives in British Columbia, Canada. She has written seven books and she is planning on writing more books on the future. In real life, she has a best friend called Aria, on whom she has based two of her past book characters, Aria (in He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not…) and Aviva (in Scarred). Aria Grey often edits Amy Sparks’ books and designs her book covers, as well as managing her Facebook and Instagram accounts.




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