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Poppy Wilde and the Wild Thing

Page 15

by L A Moore

  “Anywhere is a better place than here with him.” Poppy said, pulling on the chains, trying to break them, her efforts futile.

  Samuel walked in then, from outside, and slammed the door behind him. “Good, you’re awake!” he stated with glee and then walked over to the stove and poured them each a cup of lukewarm coffee. “Here drink this, it will help.” He demanded, and thrust the cups at them.

  Poppy took the cup but refused to drink it as did Avianna.

  “Don’t drink it, I don’t care. But what you are going to do is listen.” Samuel stated, his crazy eyes glued to them in disgust. He had hoped to have a nice conversation with them, where they would be reasonable and cooperative and yield to his demands like all good women should do for a man, but he could see these women were heathens and wouldn’t adhere to his ways easily. “We’re going to play a little game and you’re going to help me. Escape is futile, you will never find your way back to town or back to the creature, so you may as well give up. If things go well, you will be taken back to town, free to go in a few days and if you fight me, I’ll just kill you. Either way, we’re going to play this game.” Samuel explained.

  “What sort of game?” Poppy asked bravely.

  “The sort that will bring that creature out in his true form where I can show the world I’m not crazy!” Samuel answered gruffly.

  “You are crazy; you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Avianna insisted.

  “He won’t play that game.” Poppy added with insistency.

  “He will too, once he sees evidence of what I’m doing to the two of you.” Samuel said, sneering.

  “And just what might that be?” Poppy asked.

  Samuel pulled a knife out from his pocket on the side of his pants and took a step towards them.

  It was late that night when the call finally came. Ari answered on the second ring, realizing it was Poppy’s cell. “Poppy? Where are you, baby? Tell me and I’ll come get you. Are you ok?” Ari blurted out in a rush.

  “Shut up you filthy animal. The bitches are with me and, if you want to see them again, you’re going to do as I say. We’re going to play a little game, and it starts now. Check the front door.” Samuel demanded and then hung up the phone.

  Ari didn’t think to call the Sherriff first, he did what he was told and went to the front door and opened it. There lay another box, this one solid white, tied with a red ribbon with a large tag with the words, “to creature from Samuel” scrawled on it. Ari picked up the box and took it to his kitchen table, shutting the door behind him with his foot. Carefully, he untied the ribbon with his heart beating a mile a minute and a chill running through his body. He was terrified to open the box; yet he knew it was the only clue he had to finding Poppy and his Mother. He lifted the lid of the box, the smell of blood hitting him instantly. Tears ran down his face as he removed the lid fully and set it aside, revealing a bloody pair of pants. They were his Mother’s, but the blood was Poppy’s, he was sure of it. His hands shook as he lifted the note neatly folded and laid on top.

  You will find more of me as you search your property. Come alone, or next time you will find a crime scene.

  He read and reread the note, his stomach rolling and pitching and threatening him as fear and realization settled into him. Samuel didn’t want Poppy or Avianna, he wanted him and he had a good feeling he knew why he wanted him. He had been put in the mental hospital because he saw his Father turn, and now he was after proving he wasn’t crazy after all, that big foot was real. The problem was, he couldn’t reveal himself or he would be shot down. He had a choice to make; he could either stick with the Sherriff and cause Poppy or Avianna’s death, or he could call in reinforcements from higher up and maybe save Poppy and Avianna without revealing himself. His mind made up, he picked up the phone. If Samuel wanted big foot, he was going to give it to him, but not in the way he expected.

  Chapter 60

  “There’s a problem, my Mother and Fiancé have been kidnapped by a crazed man, hell bent on proving big foot is real. He already killed my Father; I can’t let him kill the rest of my family too. I’m calling in for reinforcements.” Ari stated determinedly.

  “Hmm; I see but why should we help you?” the voice answered at the other end of the phone.

  “Because if you don’t; I will expose the entire big foot community.” Ari threatened.

  “You know the penalty for that.” The voice answered.

  “I do, but I’m willing to do it if you don’t help to save my family.” Ari clarified.

  “Fine, I’ll send you a pack by tomorrow but keep in mind, I’m watching you.” The voice threatened back.

  “I understand, and thank you.” Ari answered and then hung up.

  All that was left was to divert the Sherriff enough to keep him away while Ari and the pack could find Poppy and his Mother, but first, he needed to search his property for clues. He took off, using his senses to search as he went for anything out of place or obvious. Thankfully, he didn’t have to look too hard or for too long. He found his first clue at his favorite spot in the woods, the one where he had taken Poppy to see the deer’s. The white box sat upon a rock by the stream, right in front of the camera he had sat out. He went to the box, slowly but deliberately and opened it, this time prepared for whatever might be inside. Instead of something bloody or horrifying, he found a note:

  Your cameras, my cameras, together we will make the world believe. If you want

  To save them you will need to be your true self. The real clue is nearby.

  Ari refused to give in to his demands and, instead, used his senses, scanning the area, looking for anything out of place but found nothing. He knew if he transformed into a dog or even into his true form his senses would be heightened, but he knew he couldn’t do that, not knowing where Samuels’ cameras were. The pack would have to be careful if they were to find Poppy and Avianna. After searching every rock, nook, and cranny he could find, he finally caught his Mother’s scent. It was faint, but it was there. He searched until he found the ground to be disturbed beneath the tree he and Poppy had sat the day he had brought her there. He dug carefully until he found a baggie with Poppy’s socks soaked with his Mothers’ blood, enough to piss him off and let him know he had been watching him for a while before he had acted. Now he understood the relevance of the deer he had delivered to him. It was meant as a threat, even then, to show he had been watching him even then. On the baggie however, was a sign pointing up the mountain and tomorrow’s date and a time of 10am. It was clear he would find his next clue tomorrow somewhere up the mountain, although he had a pretty good idea where this would lead to… the place Poppy had had her accident and he had transformed to save her. He took time to look for more cameras, but found none and finally gave up, taking his own camera with him, just in case it had any other evidence on it for him.

  Chapter 61

  Poppy fought but Samuel was stronger and soon had her by the hair, pulling her across the room to the table, leaving Avianna pinned against the post, unable to help Poppy, with the full length of the joined chain stretched out. Samuel took the knife and ran it along her body but Poppy refused to be scared of him and stood stock still and smiled at him.

  “You’re smiling now; tell me, will you still smile after I cut you?” Samuel whispered as he cut her thigh just deep enough to draw a significant amount of blood.

  Poppy winced at the pain, but held on to her cry and forced the smile on her face, refusing to give him the satisfaction he was looking for.

  He took Avianna’s pants and wiped the wound with them, tying them around her leg to get the maximum amount of blood on them and then removed them and bandaged her properly and returned her to her spot on the floor.

  “Thank you, you filthy animal fucker” Samuel sarcastically said. “Now it’s your turn Mother of the beast.” He spat out as he pulled her up by her hair and pushed Poppy back down, hard, on the ground as she tried futilely to fight back and keep Avianna safe.

>   “Leave her alone, you crazy bastard!” Poppy screamed as she ran to him, hitting him and kicking him, only to be pushed down and the wind knocked from her.

  He dragged Avianna across the room to where he had taken Poppy, by the small table in the room, and cut her in the same place he had cut Poppy, only Avianna wasn’t as strong as Poppy and she cried out as she fought back, begging him not to cut her.

  “Shut up bitch or I will remove your damn leg.” Samuel ordered.

  This time he used Poppy’s socks to mop up the blood, and then carefully bandaged her leg and returned her to the floor next to Poppy, who was just able to breathe.

  “You bastard, I’m going to kill you for this.” Poppy threatened.

  Samuel just laughed and kicked her hard in the stomach, then stepped on her thigh where he had just cut her, making her cry out. “You’re just an animal fucker, you’re not worth shit in my book, and you won’t do anything to me. Don’t you get it I’m the one in control; I will do what I want and there is NOTHING you can do about it.” Samuel spat out and then left the cabin, leaving only the medical supplies behind and two bowls of what looked to be canned beef stew and two mugs of water on the table.

  Poppy and Avianna took turns eating at the table and, by stretching the chains as far as they could go, Poppy reached the bed and removed the blankets for them to use. She used the two blankets to wrap herself and Avianna up and then they huddled together by the stove for warmth as night was setting in and they were freezing without their clothes. Poppy didn’t sleep much that night, she was worried that they would develop a fever from their wounds, and she kept checking Avianna for any sign of fever and her bandage to make sure it wasn’t soaked through for the first few hours of the night. After that, she kept watch out for their crazy capturer. It was late before he came back and, when he did, his boots were coated in dirt and grime from the woods. He had stood over them, looking at them before he had pulled a sleeping bag from under the bed and laid it on the bed to sleep himself. Poppy had been afraid he would kick them, or hurt them for taking the blankets, but he seemed unaffected by that.

  Chapter 62

  Sherriff Barnes was at Ari’s house at first light. “Were going to search the woods near where they were last seen. As before, stay here and wait for any sign from the kidnapper.” He had explained reassuringly.

  “Yeah, that’s a good idea, maybe you will find them.” Ari said, faking hope and thanked the Sherriff for coming by, eager for him to leave before the pack arrived.

  No sooner had the Sherriff left than the pack of 3 arrived, coming not by car, but on foot, through the woods in their true forms, loaded with weapons and backpacks.

  “Welcome, and thank you for coming. Come on inside and I’ll fill you in on the details.” Ari said and lead them all inside where he had prepared a hearty breakfast for the pack and filled them in as much as he could.

  After that, they all headed out to the woods where the next clue was due to be found. They spread out, hoping to capture Samuel in the act of leaving the clue, but it was futile. He had long ago come and gone as was apparent when 10am came and went with no sign of him. Left with no other choice, Ari began searching the area with the help now of the pack in their human forms. It didn’t take them long to locate a small hidden camera, disguised as a rock, with a tag on it with Ari’s name. He took the chip out of the camera and stuck it in the laptop that the leader of the pack had brought along; he was known only as number 1 and his fellow pack members as number 2 and number 3. On the chip was a video that looked to be taken from somewhere near this same area. It was of Ari transforming and lifting Poppy up and running down the mountainside.

  “We have to find this person, and quick, before he releases this video.” Number 1 stated.

  “I agree, this is why I called you guys in; this guy is seriously dangerous, and not to just me.” Ari said.

  “I don’t get it; if he wanted to prove he was right, why not just release this video?” Number 2 asked.

  “Because videos get dispelled easily and are easy for us to cover up; he wants real proof. He wants Ari in his true form.” Number 3 answered.

  “So let’s give him what he wants, let’s give him a Sasquatch.” Number 1 said.

  Chapter 63

  This time, Samuel didn’t harm them further, but took their underwear and changed their bandages. Then he made himself a fine meal of steak and potatoes and ate in front of them, daring either of them to speak a word. When he was done, he opened a can of beef stew and dumped it into a bowl and left it on the table for them to eat ‘since they had been so well behaved’ ,he had said, as he moved to the bed and took a nap, leaving them to take turns eating. After a long while, Samuel got up and left again, this time taking their panties with him.

  “Avianna, wake up!” Poppy commanded as she shook the other woman who, somehow, had managed to fall asleep on the hard wooden floor. She had waited a long while to make sure Samuel was long gone before she attempted to waken Avianna.

  “What is it?” Avianna asked, sitting up abruptly and disoriented.

  “He’s left, and the key fell out of his pocket onto the bed. If we are careful and hurry, we can get the key, unlock ourselves and get the hell out of here before he returns.” Poppy explained hurriedly.

  Avianna quickly uncovered and got into place; putting herself as close to the center beam as possible as Poppy stretched out the chain and reached for the key. It took her several tries, but she finally managed to reach the key, just as she heard a thunk outside as if someone had dropped something very heavy.

  She quickly scrambled back into place along with Avianna and covered up, pretending once more to be asleep. They waited for several long moments for Samuel to come stomping through the door, but he didn’t and, when he didn’t, they made their move. Poppy unlocked their ankles and hands and they carefully moved to the door, peeking out into the deep, vast darkness that was the night, hoping they didn’t see Samuel. To their relief and bewilderment, it wasn’t Samuel they saw, but a large bear digging through the trash.

  “Fuck, what do we do now? If we don’t move now we run the risk of Samuel finding us again, but if we do we run, there is the risk of being mauled and eaten by the bear.” Avianna unnecessarily explained to Poppy, as if their predicament wasn’t clear enough.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’d rather face that bear that another night with Samuel.” Poppy said, moving to open the door.

  “Are you crazy? We can’t run, hell, we can barely walk with our legs all cut up. That bear will smell you and make mincemeat out of you.” Avianna exclaimed.

  “You’re right, he probably will. But it is a better chance than we have with Samuel. He’s crazy as hell and Gods know what he will do to us if we stay here. It’s not safe Avianna; we have no choice, we have got to go and go now.” Poppy said and opened the door. She slid along the cabin wall slowly and quietly, followed by Avianna who’s shaking mirrored her own. Their hearts thrummed in their chest like a fine tuned motor and sweat began to glisten on their bodies as the hair on every inch of them stood up and took notice of the danger before them. It didn’t take long to make it to the end of the cabin and around the side, but just about the time they were about to cross the yard to the woods, Samuel pulled up to the house and his headlights caught them red handed.

  “RUN!” Poppy screamed and pushed Avianna ahead of her.

  Avianna took off running as fast as she could manage, which was faster than she imagined she could run with her leg injured so badly, but with the bandage she was able to manage to run. She ran for as long as she could, calling to Poppy to keep running and to keep up until it occurred to her that Poppy was no longer with her. She stopped running and looked back, then all around her but there was no sign of Poppy anywhere. With a croak, she managed to squeal out her name, calling into the night with a terror filled voice she hadn’t known existed inside her. ‘POPPY!’ but Poppy was long gone. She felt the emptiness of her loss like a jolt of ligh
tening to her body and for a few brief seconds she was stunned and shocked. She had just been there right behind her, she was so sure of it. Poppy had gotten away hadn’t she? Yes, she was sure of it, but where had she gone? It was too dangerous to stay in one place for too long; she couldn’t wait for her to find her and she couldn’t go back and look for her. She decided her best bet was to try to find civilization again and then find Ari and the sheriff. Maybe with her help they could find Poppy. Moving as quickly and quietly as she could, she took off again at a jog, moving across the mountainside and further into the woods. She knew Samuel would expect her to go straight to the road, so that was the last thing she was going to do; instead, she was going to keep going deep into the woods and find a place to hide till sunrise. Then she would go down the mountain to the road and wait for someone to pass by that she could flag down for help. It took her several hours, but finally she found a fallen tree that had brush all around it at the base but was clear inside it. It made for the perfect hiding spot. She could see all around her, mostly, and could make a quick escape if necessary. Once inside, she sat down and noticed the blood seeping through her bandages to her jeans; with all the adrenalin pumping through her body she barely felt the pain of her cut leg but the longer she sat there, the more she began to feel the pain creeping back into her leg. If she didn’t find help soon, it might be too late for the both of them. She prayed then, harder than she ever had to any and all Gods she could think of, that she would survive the night and find help and that Poppy would be ok, wherever she was.

  Chapter 64

  Ari and the men stood back and admired their handiwork. They had taken a ghillie suit and some animal fur and created a passable Sasquatch suit that mostly resembled what Ari looked like in his true form. The plan was for one man to wear the suit and flush out Samuel, while the other guys stayed close, ready to grab him. From there, they were going to drag the whereabouts of the girls from him if they had to torture it out of him and, after that, the men had their own ways of dealing with people like Samuel. They suited up and headed out with a hand written letter for Samuel to find, detailing a particular place on Ari’s land to meet him and to find Samuel’s latest clue. Ari wasn’t sure, but he thought he might know where the next clue would be.


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