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Poppy Wilde and the Wild Thing

Page 20

by L A Moore

  “You’re upset, and understandably so, but you’re forgetting the evidence we have. The High Counsel is firm, yes, but they are also reasonable and will hear us out before making a decision. You must remember what all we have on our side versus that of Samuel.” Ari said.

  Chapter 86

  Samuel sat in the padded room all tied up in a strait jacket. He had tried and tried to tell them what Ari was, but they wouldn’t listen to him. They thought he was a nut job, just like before, and had put him back in the mental ward. It wasn’t until he began an uprising with the other inmates that he had been put in the padded room. Unlike last time, his fellow inmates believed him and there were a couple he thought could be talked into escaping with him. That is where he went wrong, he didn’t have the help he needed to watch over those damn women while he took care of business. He almost had him too; if it hadn’t been for those damn police officers he would have had him. He underestimated Ari; but he wouldn’t next time. Next time; he would be even more prepared and he would get him good. Then people would be sorry, sorry they ever doubted him. Bigfoot was real; and if it took his whole life, he was going to prove it come hell or high water. That no good Michael Mooreland; it was his entire fault, every bit of this went straight back to him and the day he shot him. He didn’t know how, but somehow he had changed from a big foot to a human the moment he had shot him. By all accounts, he should have stayed a big foot but he hadn’t and that had been the start of his trouble.

  Chapter 87

  It took Poppy several days to adjust to the idea of going to the High Counsel, as well as how she came to be saved but, in the end, she agreed to go. Being a human unattached to a Sasquatch mate she had the option of not going, but she agreed to marry Ari and she knew she was going to have to go and support him through this, just as if they were already married.

  Finally the day arrived for them to head to the High Counsel. It was the week of Thanksgiving and they had celebrated early, knowing they might not get the chance otherwise. Poppy had cooked up a storm and, when she was done, they had had a feast fit for a king. She said she wanted to make this holiday a memorable one, just in case it was their last together. They were packed and ready to go when the limo arrived. It would have been exciting to Poppy if it were under better circumstances, instead she solemnly climbed into the back and took a seat by the other door while Ari sat across from her and Avianna sat beside her, near the door they had entered through. They had dressed in suits that they had went shopping for, and had made a day of it; going into the city to shop for suits and formal attire and have lunch and look around like tourists, trying to make their every moment as memorable as they could just in case it was some of their last, which made each day and every moment bittersweet. Poppy and Avianna had chosen to wear navy suits with skirts with black heels and had twisted their hair up in French twist and for their makeup, had worn nudes to make them look serious. The skirts were their way of reminding the High Counsel of their ordeal, as it showed Avianna’s horrific scar and Poppy’s prosthetic leg. Ari had chosen to join the girls and went with a navy suit and a white button up shirt with a maroon tie and black shoes. Together, they looked unified and refined, which is exactly the image they wanted to give during their stay with the High Counsel. They were to be there exactly 3 days, counting travel time, and so they had planned and coordinated every detail of their wardrobe to show that they were unified as one, to remind the High Counsel that they were of one and to punish one was a punishment to all of them.

  Chapter 88

  Number 1 met them upon their arrival and led them through the orchard to their suite, which Ari explained later was good because, had they thought him guilty, he would have been taken immediately to the prison instead of the suite. Number 1 debriefed them, handing each of them the itinerary with maps of the grounds and their schedule while they were there. Today was free, they could wander as they pleased, around the approved areas of course, and their only event scheduled was dinner. They were to come dressed and would be sitting near the High Counsels table where they would each be introduced to each of the four members at some point during the meal and then after, they would return to their own table to finish their meals and, once dinner was over, they were once again free to do as they pleased.

  Poppy wasn’t sure what she had expected, but pulling up to the four story mansion that was reminiscent of an old castle was not what she expected. As they drove through the gates of the estate, they were met with rows upon rows of blooming trees of all kinds. It was beautiful and it was heartbreaking as she realized the trees were prisoners; each sentenced for a crime the High Counsel had deemed their fault. Being situated so far from town up in the mountains and unguarded she wondered what kept them from just changing and hopping the wall, until she noticed they were guarded. Here and there squirrels ran up and down the aisles and up the trees and along the walls and it didn’t take a genius to know who and what they really were. It was a clever guise that even Poppy was astounded by. Had she not known, she would have thought it a simply wondrous orchard? Ari had explained the days previously that the real criminals were kept underground, beneath the estate and in the mountain behind the estate lay the military unit. It was an extensive set up all connected by tunnels and secret passages but the High Counsels resided in the mansion. He also had explained that there would be others there like them, some coming for trials, others for business with the Counsel but that none could be trusted so it was best to be polite but not become overly friendly.

  Number 1 showed them to their suite and left, promising he would do all he could for them and reminded the girls to be very detailed in their accounts so the Counsel could fully understand their ordeal; no detail was too small. But Avianna and Poppy had been practicing and they knew just what they were going to say. Before he left, Poppy went to him and shook his hand thanking him for his help in saving her and for all his help with the trial. He hadn’t expected to be thanked, and it threw him off momentarily but he had shaken her hand and said ‘you’re welcome’ in the end. In all his time and all the rescues, no one had thanked him, not a single one until Poppy. It went a long way in his opinion of her. Avianna also asked that he please thank the men that had rescued her and that she hoped to meet them during her stay so she might extend the thanks herself. Which again surprised Number 1 and he replied that he wasn’t sure she would get that opportunity, but that he would be sure to pass on her gratitude. He left charmed by the women and that was a surprise, as most people he escorted were so occupied by going before the Counsel that they were stiff and rigid and thought only of themselves.

  Ari, Poppy, and Avianna got settled in their joining suites. With Avianna taking the one to the left, and Poppy and Ari taking the one to the right.

  The suite was rich and elegant, in shades of cream and beige and gold and in the center of the suite, was the living room with crystal chandelier and mahogany furniture which matched the wood flooring. In the very center of the room stood a large opposing fireplace with an ornate mantle and, above it, hung a beautiful painting of a vase of flowers. There was a plush oriental rug that matched the tones in the room, and the overstuffed furniture. To the left was Avianna’s room, as well as a mahogany table and chairs, with another crystal chandelier hung over it and another oriental rug beneath. To the right, were Poppy and Ari’s room and an office set up with a mahogany desk with golden handles and a rich brown leather chair. On the desk sat a computer, and behind the desk was bookshelves lined with books on various subjects.

  Poppy and Ari’s room was decorated in a rich blue with a brocade wall treatment of blue and white. The floors were carpeted with plush white carpeting that felt like walking on clouds it was so soft. The king sized bed, which stood at the center far wall, was ornate and gold with a blue velvet headboard that was large and commanded your attention to the plush white bedding and blue throw folded neatly at the bottom of the bed. On either side of the bed stood white and gold nightstands and, to the immediate righ
t of the double doors, stood a matching armoire and dressing table. To the right was a row of windows that overlooked the orchard and were lined with gauzy white curtains. The bathroom was through the door to the left of the bed and was solid white with gold furnishings and reminded Avianna of a spa, down to the Jacuzzi tub and sauna shower and the plush white robe and slippers.

  Avianna’s room mirrored theirs only hers was set up for just her, instead of his and hers as Poppy’s and Ari’s was.

  They took time to unpack their clothes and set out their formal attire for dinner, then took a nap as the trip had been a long one, despite the comforts of the limo.

  When they awoke, they showered and Poppy and Avianna took turns helping each other with their hair. Ari dressed and shaved in white dress pants with a gold vest and gold tie and white and gold embroidered dinner jacket and deep brown shoes. Poppy and Avianna wore a vintage style art deco white dress, embellished with gold sequins with gold heels. They curled and twisted their hair up in an elaborate loose coif, leaving tendrils of curls to hang loose about their faces. For their makeup, they contoured and highlighted their faces, and they went with a smoky eye with a gold shimmer highlight and nude matte lips. For jewelry, they wore gold studs and a simple gold chain and bracelet. By the time they were done they were a sight to behold, their unity shining through.

  They walked into the dining area with Ari in the middle and Avianna and Poppy on either side of him. It was a beautiful room, tastefully decorated in a deep green and mahogany with several chandeliers lining the trayed, cream ceiling. Each table held a cream table cloth and napkins, with crystal glasses, silver cutlery, and gold and white plates. In the center of each table was an extravagant arrangement of flowers in solid gold vases. At the end of the room was one long table where the High Counsel was to dine and, in front of that were two lines of circular tables with a wide walkway between for the servers.

  The trio took their seats at the first table to the left of the High Counsels table, each taking the seat marked with their name card. It wasn’t long after before two men and two women walked in through a secret door in the paneling and took their seats in the high table. The men looked to be in their mid-forties, both dressed in deep blue dinner jackets with white shirts and blue cravats with black pants. The women looked to be in their early forties as well, and both wore deep blue silk dresses that twisted at the bust and had a jeweled decorative piece in the center beneath the bust. They wore diamond and sapphire jewelry and as they sat, they reminded Poppy of queens and kings ruling over their court. She supposed, in a way they, were the kings and queens and instantly her anxiety rose at the thought of meeting them.

  The first course arrived and so began the meetings. A finely dressed man in a solid black suit with a white button down shirt approached the people across from them at their table and they stood and excused themselves as they made their way to the table of the High Court. They spoke low and Poppy couldn’t understand what was said, but she could hardly focus on that as the gentleman that had approached the other people had now approached them. It was their turn next, and she was nearly shaking with fear and anxiety. Ari reached over and took her hand reassuringly, and Avianna gave her a warm smile that says ‘its ok, it will be alright’. Poppy put on her brave face then and held her head high and when the other people returned, she excused herself along with Ari and Avianna and they approached the high table. Ari spoke for all of them.

  “High Counsel, we come before you for a trial.” Ari announced.

  “Very well, we shall see you tomorrow.” They said in unison and that was that, they were excused.

  As they walked back to their table, Poppy let out a sigh of relief and Ari squeezed her hand. It really wasn’t as bad as she thought it might be but, then again, they still had tomorrow to get through.

  Tomorrow came all too soon for Poppy. They woke and dressed in cream colored suits and pulled their curled hair into a pile high on their heads, then did their makeup as Ari dressed and shaved. They were the first trial on the dockets and each one felt the heaviness of what they were about to do.

  Chapter 89

  Samuel was let out of the padded room and escorted through a long hallway to the shared showers and given a bag with soaps and a towel and rag. He showered, and when he was done, the guard handed him a safety razor and watched as he shaved his face ,then led him wrapped in the towel and naked at the waist across the hall to a dressing room where he was provided with a simple grey suit, white shirt, blue tie and black shoes. It smelled of cheap cologne and desperation, but Samuel dutifully put it on. He was finally going to have his day and he hoped, this time, they would listen to him and see reason.

  They took him again through long hallways with bright lights and many doors lining the way. Suddenly, they stopped before an elevator and they got on, just him and two guards. He could have taken them in the elevator, but he chose not to; he wanted to get his day in court, something that had been denied him before. He was confident that if the Judge would just listen to his story, that he would understand why he had done what he had done. When the elevator stopped and opened, he was led off of it and down yet another hallway to a set of wooden double doors and through them and to a box to the right where he was sat, and his guards stood behind him. He was the only one in the room so far, but he could see a matching box to the right with three seats in it instead of his one and a large desk in the front of the room with four chairs. On a board in front of his seat was evidence against him, all pinned up for all to see in baggies and printed off photos of Ari as a big foot and pictures of the girl’s wounds. There were also Doctor’s reports, and he smiled when he saw it, a gleam of pride; all he needed was in front of him. It was all he needed to prove his case and clear his name. They couldn’t deny the photos of Ari as a big foot. He had him now, now he would get his revenge!

  Chapter 90

  Ari, Poppy, and Avianna were met by Number 1 and as a surprise to Avianna, Number 2 and Number 3 as well. Avianna thanked them profusely for all their hard work and for rescuing her. Number 2 and Number 3 were embarrassed by the praise but accepted it with gratitude. Together they escorted Poppy, Ari, and Avianna to the trial room. When they got to the room, Number 1 stopped them and warned Poppy and Avianna that Samuel was in the trial room. The two exchanged a look of fear and held hands as together they walked bravely into the trial room and straight to their box across from Samuel, never even glancing in his direction.

  “I told ya you stupid bitches! I told you what he was, and now you can’t deny it! He’s a big foot sure and shit. How does it feel to know you have been fucking an animal?” Samuel said loudly and laughing.

  Poppy wanted so badly to tell Samuel off, but she knew they were watched even now so instead, she coward in fear of him, along with Avianna. They wanted the High Counsel to know how afraid they were of Samuel, not of Ari, so to sell the idea they hugged into Ari’s arms, hiding their faces. The High Counsel came in then and they had to stand, so they held hands and stood together, as one, as the guard pulled Samuel up by his arms.

  “I’m High Councilman Honor Mcgrath and these are High Councilman Justice Shavell, High Councilwoman Harmony Nobility, and High Councilwoman Purity Lorden. We are the High Council and will stand in judgement of you today. Today, we will hear your accounts of the crimes committed and tomorrow we will come to a decision. We ask that you not speak out of turn and that you remain calm and collected during the hearing. If you cannot obey these simple rules, you will be escorted from the hearing.” High Councilman Mcgrath stated and then they each took their seats.

  “Samuel Geissler, the Council will hear your testimony first.” Councilman Shavell stood and said.

  Samuel stood and smiled at Poppy, Ari, and Avianna, then recounted how he had first found Ari’s Father, and how he had been locked in the mental ward and how he had concocted his plan to capture Ari and prove he was not crazy. Then he recounted how he had tortured Ari and the women, and how he had come to be capt
ured. “So you see, your Honors, I was not crazy. Aurion Moreland is a big foot.” Samuel stated proudly.

  “Thank you Samuel; you may be seated now.” Councilman Shavell said.

  “Aurion Mooreland, we will now hear your testimony.”

  Ari stood and recounted, in as much detail as he could remember, his childhood growing up without his Father, his torture by Samuel, and the treatment of the women, as well as their recovery. “So you see, Council Members, I had no part in this plot against myself or my fiancé and Mother.” Ari said, remaining standing.

  “Thank you, Aurion, you may now be seated.” Councilman Shavell said.

  “We will now hear the testimony of Poppy Wilde.” Councilwoman Nobility said.

  Poppy stood and recounted her torture by Samuel, and made sure she used Samuels name as much as possible, then recounted how Ari had been such a help to her during her recovery after losing her leg and crying at times as she recounted her fear and agony. “So you see Council Members, it was Samuel who committed the crime, not Ari. He was just as much a victim as Avianna and I.” Poppy stated.

  “Thank you Poppy, you may now be seated.” Councilwoman Nobility said.

  “We will now hear the testimony of Avianna Mooreland.” Councilwoman Lorden said.

  Avianna stood and recounted the horror of having her husband taken from her, and then her torture by Samuel, and her recovery thereafter; being sure to mention Samuels name as much as possible. She even cried as she described how much she missed her husband and how afraid she was for not only herself, but for Poppy and Ari as well. She thanked the Council for sending guards and for hearing them out. “So as you can see, Council Members, my torture has always come from Samuel, not from my son.” Avianna stated.


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