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The SEAL’s Unexpected Triplets

Page 10

by Knight, Katie

  “Can I touch it?” Melody asked.

  “Yes, but not today.” Paige was doing okay, for a little girl with a broken leg. The doctors assured Cora and William that she would heal quickly, no more than four weeks in the cast. In the meantime, it was going to be a bit of an ordeal. They’d stopped at a drug store on the way home and William had run in and purchased a special wrap to put on the cast at bath time along with some other items.

  William came through the door with Paige in his arms, being careful not to bump the injured leg. Spying the other girls, he lowered Paige so they could see her. Whether he realized it or not, the man understood children—their needs, their fears, their concerns.

  “Cool cast, huh?” he asked and got a tiny smile from each. “She’ll get a new one she can walk on in a few days.”

  “We’ve had an okay day.” Ben Albright spoke up from behind Cora. “They ate a little dinner and played inside.”

  “Thanks,” Cora said, grateful that Ben had kids of his own and knew what to do with them. Staying indoors had been a wise choice. She feared the kids might be traumatized by what happened in the back yard. “Time for baths then.” She could see the sleepiness in their eyes. The sooner she got them settled for the night the better. “Upstairs, girls.”

  “Can I see you for a minute?” Ben gestured to William. A concerned look passed between the men.

  “Let me carry Paige upstairs for Cora.”

  “I can get her,” Cora offered.

  “No way.” William gave Paige a grin. “I get to carry the brave girl.” He took Paige to the master bathroom and put her down on a stool.

  “I’m just going to sponge her off while the other girls are in the tub,” Cora said as she turned the water on and adjusted the temperature. “I can handle this. You go on.”

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He touched her arm, gave each girl a tap on the nose, and went into the hallway.

  She shouldn’t need him like she did, Cora thought as she began the process of undressing the girls. She had been caring for them on her own but having his support meant so much to her.

  “You two,” she pointed to Melody and Haley, “in the tub. Not too much splashing today.” She got them started and turned her attention to Paige, who looked at her with sleepy eyes. “We’ll get you in bed soon, sweetheart.”

  “I want William.” Paige had been the last of the triplets to succumb to William’s charms, but he’d earned her loyalty that day. She was his little girl, just as her sisters were.

  “He’ll be back.” Cora ran warm water in the sink and dipped a washcloth in it before wiping Paige down. Her hair could wait for another day, Cora decided, while keeping an eye on Melody and Haley. They were washing each other’s hair, getting bubbles everywhere and dumping cups full of water over their heads to rinse as she’d taught them.

  Despite the day, Cora felt so fortunate to have these three little people in her life. It was challenging being responsible for them, but she loved them so much. And William, he was part of their lives, too. For how long she didn’t know, but he made everything better. She’d have to accept that for what it was and be happy about it.

  “Ready for pajamas?” William asked, returning to the bathroom. His face looked tense with little lines cutting across his forehead. What had he been talking about with Ben? She’d ask him as soon as the kids were in bed.

  “Can you get those two dried off?” Cora asked as she finished with Paige and picked her up, carrying her like a damsel in distress as William had.

  “No problem,” he said, grabbing the hooded towels with their names embroidered on them. “Up and out, girls.”

  Cora took Paige into the nursery and dressed her for bed. She eyed the cribs. Soon she’d have to switch the girls to toddler beds, but for now, with so much change in their lives, she’d let them stay where they were a little longer.

  “Does it hurt, Paige?” Cora worked a sock on the girl’s uninjured leg.

  “Little,” Paige mumbled.

  Cora gave her a dose of the medicine the doctor prescribed as William entered with the other girls. Faster than she would have thought possible, he had them ready for bed. The kids were docile, subdued after the day’s events. At least they weren’t weepy. These were some resilient children, and Cora loved that about them, too.

  “Let’s see if we can make you comfortable,” Cora said as she placed Paige into the crib on her back and grabbed a favorite pillow from the stack. “The doctor said to prop your leg up. How’s that?”

  “Okay,” Paige said, rubbing her eyes.

  “Good night.” Cora bent to give her a kiss. “Your leg will be all better in no time.” She moved to the other cribs and helped settle those girls and wish them sweet dreams while William went to Paige. Cora couldn’t hear what he said, but he coaxed a smile from her before she closed her eyes.

  William silently gestured that it was okay to leave, and they both crept from the room. In the hall, Cora breathed out a sigh. With any luck, the girls would sleep in the next day, but she’d keep an ear tuned for Paige in the night.

  She looked at William, who was studying her, and she managed a smile. “I can’t thank you enough for your help today.”

  His expression instantly darkened. “What happened is my fault.”

  “Of course not,” she protested.

  William shook his head. “Ben reviewed the security footage from the backyard while we were gone. The trampoline was tampered with when we were at the park the other day. The creep watching us was probably the look out.”

  “It was broad daylight,” she gasped. “Could Ben see who it was?”

  “The guy wore a ski mask. We’ve checked every camera. No shot of his face or what vehicle he was driving.”

  Cora felt a wave of sickness hit her with the reminder that this was intentional. How dare someone do this? How dare they try to hurt these girls? And then she was angry. “You’ll catch them.”

  “I should have already reviewed that footage, which would have prevented…” he gestured toward the nursery where Paige slept. “Poor kid.”

  “You are not to blame. The jerk who did this is.” She reached for him, wrapping her fingers around his forearm and squeezing his corded muscles.

  He glanced at where she touched him, his expression shifting as he drew her to him. “I’ll get these guys,” he whispered into her hair.

  “You will.” As soon as she said it, she had a moment of regret. He’d catch the bad guys and move on to another job, leaving her with three—make that four—heartbroken girls. But she had him at this moment, so she rose on tiptoes and kissed him. “I think we need to unwind from the day.”

  “Good idea. How about some wine? Maybe on the terrace?”

  “I’d like that,” wine under the stars with him would take the sting out of the day, “but the terrace is close to the girls’ windows.” She didn’t want anything to disturb them.

  “How about the treehouse?” he suggested.

  She considered the idea. “We’ll take the monitor with us. I can be back in the house in seconds if they need me.”

  “I think they’re down for the night,” he said with a glance toward the nursery door.

  “Probably,” she agreed. The girls had been exhausted. She should feel tired, too. But, as the stress of the day lifted, a wave of renewed energy hit her.

  “I want to check the house first.” He’d go through the house systematically and check each window and door, except her bedroom, which he left for her to do. It was his nightly pattern.

  “I’ll get a bottle and glasses. Meet you there in ten minutes.” She went to her room and shed the wrinkled t-shirt she’d been wearing. She needed something pretty, maybe a little sexy, so she changed into a floral sundress that ended at mid-thigh. After running a brush through her hair and adding a little makeup, she felt almost like a woman going on a date.

  She took one last peek into the nursery, then grabbed wine, glasses, and the monitor from the kitc
hen, and walked barefoot across the soft grass to the treehouse. The warm day had ended in a starlit night with a balmy breeze. She reached a staircase wound around the trunk of a large oak that led to a two-roomed house twenty-five feet up. The Lawrences had planned ahead with this, Cora thought, as she climbed the steps and pushed open the door. It was safe for kids to play in and would still be a cool hangout when they were teens.

  The first room had comfortable furnishings and soft lighting. The second room was a play space but had bunks that dropped down from three of the walls so the girls could sleep out there when they got older.

  Cora had uncorked the wine and poured two glasses by the time she heard William’s nearly imperceptible tread on the steps. Several times he’d been able to sneak up on her. Must be that SEAL training, she realized with a smile. The thought of his military background no longer brought the negativity it once had.

  “Not my notion of a treehouse,” he said entering. He’d changed, too, trading in his tactical pants for cargo shorts.

  “It’s elaborate, but comfortable.” She took a seat on the couch, watching him. He had one hand behind his back. What was he up to? As he got closer, he revealed a red geranium blossom.

  “I don’t know what kind of flower it is, but I thought you’d like it.”

  “Thanks,” she said, overcome with emotion for a second. When was the last time a man had given her a flower? Years. And here William was with the romance again. She could get used to that. She tucked the flower behind her ear, letting its soft petals brush against her face. “Sit with me.”

  He did and draped an arm around her shoulders. They sipped their wine in comfortable silence for a minute as they listened to some movement in the nursery from the monitor. No unusual sounds, so Cora didn’t feel the need to check on the girls and relaxed further into him, loving his warmth and strength. She’d had half a glass when he took her wine from her hand and set it aside.

  “I was drinking that,” she said, poking him in the chest.

  “You can have it back later.” He shifted her so they were face-to-face.

  “Later? What’s happening now?” She knew perfectly well what was happening and welcomed it, but she wanted him to talk to her.

  “In about ten seconds, I’m going to push you down on this couch and take that dress off you. It’s sexy, and I like it, but it’s got to go.”

  “It’ll be easier to take off if I’m standing.” She pointed out.

  “Then, stand up, woman,” he growled in a sexy tone as he stripped away his own shirt.

  She stood and would have moved away, but he pinned her between his legs and with one motion removed her dress. Before she could put her arms around him, he took her down to the sofa and slid on top of her. She loved the weight of him, the feel of his muscles under her palms when she ran her hands over his back and butt.

  His mouth and hands were everywhere, teasing and caressing her. Her bra went across the room, followed by her panties and she could hardly catch her breath, she was so overwhelmed by sensation. Why was she the only one losing clothes? She pushed at his chest, making space between them and unzipped his shorts. His dark eyes flared as she stroked his length, pulling hard, and flicking her thumb over the tip. He gasped, inciting her to be more bold, so she gave him a nip on the shoulder.

  “Is that how we’re playing?” His voice was low and sexy as he brushed his teeth across her collar bone before moving his mouth to her breast where he bit her nipple softly. “You like that?”

  “God, yes,” she whispered, encouraging him. “I want more, William. I want you. Now.”

  He rolled off her, rapidly shedding the rest of his clothing and putting on a condom. He came back to her, entering her in one thrust. She parted her thighs wider, welcoming him deeper inside her. He filled her, possessed her, and drove her on until she cried out his name. Her entire body trembled with her release.

  He increased the rhythm, kissing her with an intensity that stripped away anything outside of them. She came a second time as he buried his face in her neck, his body shaking with his orgasm as he repeated her name over and over.

  After a moment, he shifted his weight onto his elbows and framed her face with his hands. She wanted to say something, to tell him what he was coming to mean to her, but no words could do that. She read the same in his eyes, so she smiled and kissed him, pouring her thoughts into actions.


  “Apple for you,” William pointed at Melody, “and grapes for you?”

  “Banana,” Haley corrected him.

  “Right. I should have remembered that from yesterday.” He needed to take notes. In the past three days, he’d become the full-time caretaker for Melody and Haley since Paige wouldn’t let Cora out of her sight no matter how much William cajoled and pacified the injured girl. Paige only wanted Cora, who had to do everything for her.

  Which left him with the other two and a growing list of security concerns he was struggling to find time to handle, considering the demands two toddlers made. They could be worse than some of the commanding officers he’d had.

  “What’s next, William?” Melody asked. She liked to know the plan. He pulled his phone from his pocket and checked the schedule he’d established for them after his first day of full-time care.

  “Looks to be inside play for the next thirty minutes. Two choices,” he said, having learned that limiting the choices was the way to go, “coloring books or puzzles. The decision has to be unanimous.”

  Melody and Haley put their heads together and whispered for a minute. He wasn’t giving in to a third option after the disaster the previous day when they’d fought over a baby doll and who was going to get to change its clothes. He’d ended the disagreement by putting the doll and its accessories on the top shelf in the nursery, so no one could have it.

  The wailing that had ensued had been loud enough to bring Cora at a run. She’d defused the situation in seconds by suggesting a way to share the baby doll’s care. Peace had reigned for a good twenty minutes, long enough for him to dash down and check the security feed and make it back to the nursery before they tired of that activity. William wondered how the hell Cora did this every day with three of them.

  “Coloring. We want markers,” Melody, the spokesperson, stated.

  Markers seemed more dangerous than crayons, but it was a concession he was willing to make. “Okay, where are they?”

  Haley slipped out of her chair and dashed to a cabinet. She pulled out a bucket of markers and lugged them back with her. When William checked, he saw they were washable markers. Smart.

  “You have to rip the pages out.” Melody returned with a stack of coloring books, hoisting them onto the table—Cinderella, Frozen, Strawberry Shortcake—whatever that was—and one with beach scenes. He let them each pick a page and carefully removed it from the book.

  “Wait,” he said when they each had a marker in hand. He slid pieces of newspaper under their coloring pages, proud of himself for realizing the marker would go straight through to the table. Maybe he could do this nanny thing.

  “How’s it going?” Cora slipped into the room, carrying Paige, a few minutes later. “Nice work, Haley. The blue on Elsa’s gown is just right, and, oh, look at that happy sunny beach you’ve got going, Melody. Beautiful.”

  Damn, William thought, Cora nailed the part he’d missed. His concerns were safety, food, and sleep. It didn’t occur to him to offer praise. He tapped a quick note on the list in his phone. He’d get this right.

  “How are you?” he turned his attention to Paige, who snuggled more closely into Cora. The girl who’d demanded him at the hospital, had turned shy toward him and clingy to Cora. It bothered him, even though he knew he shouldn’t let it. Paige’s attachment to Cora was natural since she’d been with the toddlers for as long as they could remember.

  “Tough day,” Cora said. “I think the leg hurts more.”

  “Stuff like that always hurts more when it starts to heal.” William had experi
enced his share of injuries.

  “How about some coloring for you?” Cora suggested to Paige. “I’ll bet we can find a lovely picture that needs your artwork.”

  “Okay.” A few minutes later Paige was seated at the table, coloring along with her sisters. They babbled, telling each other stories, and sharing markers.

  William tugged Cora a step back. “Can you keep an eye on all of them for a minute? I need to pack up for s-w-i-m l-e-s-s-o-n-s.” He spelled the destination and kept his voice low since Paige couldn’t go and wasn’t happy about it. “I’ll be five minutes.”

  At her nod, he dashed through the house, taking the steps two at a time. In the nursery, he grabbed a bag and stuffed it with anything he thought he’d need. A change of clothes for afterwards. Better take one for each and a spare. Make that two spares. Kids, he’d learned, were unpredictable.

  In a cupboard in the bathroom, he found swim supplies. He sorted through goggles in a variety of colors. Which were the girls’ favorites? Not worth guessing. He scooped five pairs into the bag added two different kinds of shampoo and soap for cleaning up after the lesson and zipped the bag shut.

  He made a quick stop in his room for swim trunks and a t-shirt since this was a “mommy and me” swimming lesson. He figured he could handle the in-water assignment after SEAL training, but he didn’t need anyone asking about the scar on his torso.

  “That was fast,” Cora said, when he re-entered the kitchen. Her eyes dropped to the bulging bag, and she smirked at him.

  “I like to be prepared.” This kid thing was challenging even his ability for preparation, but he was learning.

  “I’m aware of that,” she murmured to him as she placed a soft kiss on his lips.

  “Kids,” he said against her mouth.

  “Not looking at us. You didn’t come to me last night.”


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