What Hurts The Most

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What Hurts The Most Page 8

by Cheyenne Barnett

  Chapter Seven

  Logan stayed the night with me. The General told him he could break the rules this time, since he had to make his decision by morning. I went to bed around midnight and Logan slept in the guest room downstairs. Well, he was supposed to be sleeping, but every time I woke up, I could hear him pacing the floor.

  And when I got up this morning, he was in the kitchen, drinking coffee. Coffee! He doesn’t drink coffee and when I asked him about it, all he said was that he needed it today. He never mentioned if he’d made up his mind and I never asked.

  After an anxious morning, the doorbell rang and I went to answer it.

  It was the General.

  “Good morning, Ms. Woods. May I come in?” He asks as I step aside.

  “Of course.” He walks into the living room as I shut the door. Logan and I enter at the same time as the General locks eyes with Logan.

  “I have an early flight and I’m afraid I don’t have much time. Now, Lieutenant, will you be accompanying me or not?” He asks.

  Logan stays silent for a moment before making eye contact with him. “I’ve been arguing with myself ever since I left the hotel yesterday. You made me an offer that I couldn’t refuse… I never thought I’d be able to reach the title of Captain, sure, I’ve always dreamed about it, but I never thought it would be something I could achieve…”

  The General smiles. “I’m glad you have chosen this-”

  Logan interrupts, “Sir, let me finish…”


  Logan pauses before continuing. “It was a very nice offer, but then I realized that, yeah, it sounded good and it would make me more superior but was that really what I wanted? A title? A new uniform? I continued to ponder on that thought until I finally realized what made me a good leader was that I never let my team down. I expected them to give it their all and they expected the same of me. When Nick died, I promised him something. I gave him my word that I would make sure Caroline was taken care of. General, Nick gave the army his all and he died because of it. I owe him, the army owes him… You know me, sir… I’m a strong willed person and I won’t give up until the battle is won. I was given this assignment and I will complete it. I’m sorry, but I will not be traveling back with you.”

  I just stare at him, unable to say a word.

  “Lieutenant, I respect your decision, but may I remind you that my offer may not stand after you complete this mission.”

  Logan nods. “I understand and my mind is made up. I’m staying.”

  “Very well. I will check back with you in a few weeks. Have a nice day, Ms. Woods.” He adds and exits the house.

  “You turned him down…” I state looking at the floor.

  He smiles. “I did. So, what are we doing today?”

  “Thank you, Logan. You’re a true friend.”

  Logan’s Point of View

  That night, I found it hard to sleep. No matter what I did, I couldn’t relax. My conscience wouldn’t rest. I kept arguing with myself on whether or not I made the right decision. My head kept telling me I should have accepted my new position and moved on with my life but my heart wouldn’t listen.

  If I left now, I wouldn’t have kept my promise to Nick and if I didn’t, I would have never forgiven myself. But even after that, I knew that wasn’t the only reason I had chosen to stay…

  It was because of her.

  She was so fragile, yet so emotionless. In a way, she reminded me of myself… I feel like I can tell her anything without worrying about what she might think or who she might tell… I can trust her and I’ve never been able to say that about anyone other than Nick…

  I tossed and turned for what seemed like hours and just as I was about to doze off, my phone rang. I groaned loudly and went to see who it was.


  “Hello? Something wrong?” I ask quickly.

  “Logan?” She asks as I hear something break in the background.

  “Caroline? What’s going on?”

  “Yeah, you know how you can only come in the middle of the night if it’s an emergency? Well, I think this is one of those times!” She screams.

  “I’m coming!”

  I quickly pull on a shirt and jeans and grab my car keys. I was about to walk out the door when I saw the pistol lying on the table. I go back and grab it then head toward the car.

  I drove frantically down the street until the house came into view. All the lights were on as I quickly slammed on the breaks and parked the car on the side of the road. I headed up to the front door. As I went to open it, all I could hear was screaming. “I hate you! You took my baby from me! I should have gotten rid of you when I had the chance! I kept telling Nick you were nothing but a little she-devil but you know how children are, they never listen to their parents!”

  “Louise, I know that you’re still upset about all of this, but it’s all over, there’s nothing either of us can do to bring him back. Now put the gun down and let’s talk about this like mature women.” Caroline says, slowly.

  Gun? She has a gun? I roll my eyes and step quietly into the foyer, I peep around the corner and see Louise pointing a gun at Caroline in the kitchen. I quietly walk through the living room and enter the kitchen through the dining room behind Louise, with my gun drawled. Caroline sees me as I signal her to be quiet.

  “Upset? I’m more than upset! I’m furious! Not only did you get my son killed but you completely dishonored his memory! You’re cheating on him with his best friend! You think your neighbors don’t talk, but they do! And they all come running to me! But now, I’m going to end it all in the name of my son!” She screams, looking at her gun.

  “Louise put the gun down,” I add, slowly. She doesn’t turn around.

  “Ah, Lieutenant Cook, I knew you’d show up eventually… Actually I’m glad you did… You can watch her die…”

  “Louise, you know your son and I were very good friends, right?”

  She nods. “Yes.”

  “Then you and I both know that he wouldn’t want you to be doing this… He would want you to go home and sleep off whatever you’ve had tonight…”

  “I’m not drunk! Not this time! I want to be fully awake as I watch her take her last breath.” She adds and looks back to Caroline.

  “Louise, you know I can’t let you shoot her… I will have no choice…”

  She ignores me as she starts to pull the trigger,

  “I’m sorry, Nick.” I mutter as I pull the trigger just as Louise’s gun goes off and she falls to the floor.

  I look to Caroline who is pulling her knees to her head as she sits down. I walk over to her and pull her into a hug.

  “I just killed his mother…” She cries.

  “Actually, I did. And I had a good reason.”

  She shakes her head as I continue to hold her. I call 911 and then we just sit there.

  How am I going to handle this one? I wonder.

  Once the police arrive, I show them my ID and call the General who talks with them as the EMT’s arrive. I didn’t want Caroline to see any of this, so I made her go outside and sit on the patio. “I don’t want to live here anymore…” She mutters as she looks off into the distance.

  “Then don’t. I can help you move into a new house.”

  She shakes her head. “No, Logan… I don’t want to live anywhere near this place, this house, this town, not even this state.”

  “And that’s your choice, I can’t tell you what to do.”

  “Can you just leave me alone for a minute…?” She asks.

  I nod and go back into the kitchen, I pretend to shut the door but instead leave it cracked and watch her as she sits down on the steps. “I’m sorry, Nick… I’m so sorry…” She cries as the wind picks up. “I don’t know if you’re mad at me but you have to understand that too much has happened in this house. I can’t live here anymore. I found out you had passed away in that house, your mother attempted to kill me, and then your Mother died in there… All that house do
es is bring sadness and death into this family. I’m afraid I’ve taken all I can take, Nick… I have to go and I hope you still know that I love you and I always will.” She takes a ragged breath as she cries silently into her hands.

  “Lieutenant?” I turn around and see a police officer hand me my phone back. “He would like to speak with you.” I take it and answer. “General?”

  “Logan, I must applaud you for your decision. If you left earlier, Ms. Woods could be dead right now. I understand why you did what you did and just so you know, you have now fully earned the Captain position. Your position is and always will be waiting on you.”

  “Oh, thank you, sir.”

  “So, how is she?”

  “Not so good. Actually, sir, I’m not sure how I’m going to get her out of this one… I have a feeling, she’ll be finding a new place to live tomorrow.”

  “What do you mean? A new house?”

  I wish. “No, a new state.”

  “Wow. I can’t say that I blame her, though. Tell you what, why don’t you get her to move near camp?”

  “What?” I was shocked that he would even bring up the subject.

  “Well, you can go back to work and be near her at the same time?”

  “I can try, she might like that idea.”

  “Okay, then call me tomorrow and let me know. Good work, Captain.”


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