What Hurts The Most

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What Hurts The Most Page 9

by Cheyenne Barnett

  Chapter Eight

  “Is there any specific state you’re interested in?” Logan asks as he types Google into my laptops address bar.

  I shake my head. “Not really… I always thought I’d live here.”

  “Okay, what about characteristics? Or climate?”

  I think a moment before answering. “I’ve always wanted to live near the beach.”

  “Really? Well, now that you mention it, I talked to the General earlier and he informed me that I am officially Captain Logan Cook-”

  I cut him off before he can continue. “Congratulations!”

  “Thank you, but he would like me to get to the base as soon as I can so that I can fulfill my new responsibilities…”

  I nod reluctantly. “Of course… Well, I understand, I mean-”

  “Let me finish, he wants me to go back to the base but he wants you to come along.”

  “Like move there?” I definitely wasn’t expecting that but it wasn’t a bad idea.

  “Yes, it’s in Virginia, very close to the beach, it’s called Fort Lee.”

  “That doesn’t sound too bad… How expensive are houses in that area?” I ask curiously.

  “Well, that’s another thing I’d like to discuss with you… You see, the base offers housing on site for soldiers and their families. I’ve been in the houses themselves before, they are very nice and up to date. Most of them are set up like duplexes, others are like condos. They are completely free of charge.”

  “But I’m not family.”

  He nods. “True and usually it would be against the rules, but the General pulled some strings and its fine. He said you can live there long term or just for a little while until you find a place of your own, it’s up to you.”

  “So, I would basically be living with you?”

  “Basically.” He nods.

  “Wouldn’t that kind of be awkward?”

  “Caroline, the only difference is that we would be sleeping in the same house. That’s it. I’m here pretty much all day anyway.”

  He had a point. “What do they look like?”

  “Glad you asked…” He says and pulls up some pictures. “The General sent these to me earlier, if you agreed, this would be the house. There’s two bedrooms, one and a half baths, a kitchen, laundry room, living room, and a bonus room upstairs.”

  I take a look at all the rooms as he clicks through the pictures. The house was very nice and modern, just as he had said.

  “So?” He asks.

  “Okay, I have one more question.”


  “When you first came here, I asked you about the ‘rules’ you had to follow and there was one in particular that we would be breaking if I agreed to this. You aren’t supposed to spend the night so if I moved in, wouldn’t that be breaking the rules?”

  “It would be if I was still your grief counselor.”


  “When we arrive on base, I will be sworn in as Captain, then I will no longer be your grief counselor, well, I won’t have that title anyway… But I’ll still be your friend, an occasional therapist, and if need be a cop.”

  “I do like having a cop around,” I add and smile.

  “So, would that be a yes?”

  I look around nervously. “Alright, but hear me out. Just like the military, I too have rules you’ll need to follow.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Rule number one, nothing changes between us, no awkwardness of any kind. Rule number two, we are not allowed in each other’s bedroom ever, unless it’s a life or death matter. Rule number three, as soon as we get settled in, I will start looking for my own place. Once I find the right one, I’ll move out. Do we have a deal?”

  He nods. “I can accept that. Shall I call the General?”

  “Yes, you may.”

  He smiles and gets his phone out. “You might want to start packing because he’s probably going to want us out of here ASAP.”

  “Yes, sir.” I salute him and head to my room. I plan on letting my parents sell the house, as I just don’t want to stay here any longer than I have to. I’m just going to pack the bare necessities and leave the rest for them…

  After an hour of packing all of my clothes, shoes, hair products, and what not, I head downstairs. Logan is still sitting on the couch. “What did he say?”

  “First, are you done packing?”


  “Good, we need to head to the airport, our flight leaves in an hour.”

  I was shocked. “An hour? Dang, he does move fast. So how long does it take to get to Virginia?”

  “About an hour and a half.” I nod and look up on the mantle. Nick’s flag is still sitting there along with a picture of us when he proposed. “Take it. If you don’t, I promise you, you’ll back for it within a week.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’m not leaving him.” I mutter and walk up to the fireplace. I take the flag first and safely place into one of my duffle bags along with the picture. “Ready?” I ask.

  “Yeah, we just need to stop by the hotel so I can sign out and get my things. The General said I can leave the rental car at the airport and someone will pick it up later.”

  We exit the house one last time. I lock the door and take a step back.

  This was the house that Nick was supposed to come home to… We would come back from our honeymoon and enter the house as husband and wife. Our kids would come home from the hospital here. All of those things, I had imagined in my future. But, that’s the magic of life. You can plan all you want but in the end, life will win.

  I stepped away from the door and got in the car with Logan.

  While he was getting the rest of his things at the hotel, I called my parents and informed them about what was going on. They surprisingly understood and agreed to take care of the house for me. I also called Heather and filled her in. She wasn’t happy that I was leaving but she knew I had to. I had to start over…

  Once Logan and I got to our seats on the plane, it hit me.

  I was really doing this… I was leaving the only place I had ever known.



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