Book Read Free

What Hurts The Most

Page 17

by Cheyenne Barnett

  Chapter Sixteen

  Later that day, Logan and his family made the funeral arrangements while I stayed behind at the house. I didn’t feel comfortable going with them, even though Logan really wanted me to. I would go to the funeral but the arrangements were more of a family thing. Instead, I stayed in our room and caught up on my reading.

  “Caroline?” I look up from the book. Alex is standing in the doorway. “Logan said to come and get you. Some friends are downstairs that he wants you to meet.”

  “Logan wants me to meet people? I find that highly unlikely.”

  “Well, they want to meet you. Oh, and I would change clothes too. They’re kind of preppy…” He hints.

  “Right…” I add looking down at my t-shirt and jeans. He closes the door as I scramble to my suitcase. Preppy rich people. Great. I look through the clothes I brought and find a pair of black dress pants, a black and white lace top, and some wedge heels.

  Looks like that’ll have to do…

  I quickly change and touch up my hair and make-up. Once I head out of the bedroom, I see Alex waiting for me by my door. “Will this work?” I ask.

  “I think you’ll pass.” He laughs as we head down the main stairwell into a room full of people. “Be friendly, smile, and never look them in the eyes for a long period of time.” He mutters.

  “Gee, thanks! I feel like I’m being thrown into a room full of hungry animals.”

  “You’ll be alright.”

  Once my presence is noticed, all eyes are on me, and as soon as my heels hit the floor, people surround me. “Hey, hey, hey! Don’t act like vultures! I know you all are just as surprised as I am.” Alex says as we walk toward Logan.

  “What exactly are you surprised about?” I whisper.

  He smirks. “That Logan actually came home and he brought a lady friend with him.”

  “Why is that so surprising?”

  “Apparently, you don’t know Logan.”

  Okay? By the time we get to Logan, a few people have gathered around him. He’s smiling and nodding, so I’m guessing that’s a good thing?

  “There she is… I would like you to meet Caroline Woods.” He adds as I stand beside of him, unsure of what to say.

  “Pleasure to meet you…” An older woman adds, barely acknowledging my existence. “Where exactly do you live now?” She asks, looking at Logan.

  “Virginia. I live on base.”

  She cocks an eyebrow. “Base? As in army base?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Oh, I just thought you would live in a house…”

  “I do, it’s just on base. It’s free to soldiers and their families.”

  “That’s-uh-pleasant… I think I’ll go speak with your Mother.” She wanders off and a younger man starts conversation. “So you’re the famous Caroline?” He asks, looking me up and down.

  “Famous? No. Caroline? Yes.”

  He smiles sheepishly and walks off without another word. I look to Logan, “Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, just a tough crowd.”

  Very tough crowd…

  “Logan! How’s it going?” A man probably in his early twenties walks up and shakes Logan’s hand.

  “Going well, Steve. How about you?”

  He shrugs. “Business is slow, but you know how it is. And who might this be?” He asks, smiling at me.

  I introduce myself. “Caroline Woods, nice to meet you.”

  He looks back to Logan for an explanation. “She’s a very good friend of mine from back home. I’m sure you’ve heard.”

  “Oh, I have… I just wasn’t sure if it was true or not. So the rumors are correct? You are still in the army?”

  Logan nods. “Yeah, I’m a Captain now, stationed in Virginia.”

  “When do you get out?” He asks, catching us both off guard.

  Logan stumbles for words. “Uh, I don’t have a date. I was thinking about making it a career, actually.”

  “Career? The military? Isn’t that kind of… Lower class?”

  What? Lower class? “Okay, I don’t know who you are exactly but lower class really?” I ask, trying to maintain my temper.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Steve, Logan’s childhood best friend.”

  “Best friend?” I counter. “You sure don’t act like one. Just because Logan isn’t involved with corporations doesn’t mean he doesn’t have an important job.”

  “I never said that it just isn’t what his family expected out of him.”

  “Yeah, but you say that like it’s a bad thing. Logan is very good at what he does and if you didn’t hear him correctly, he’s a Captain! Do you know how big of a deal that is?”

  “I do understand, Caroline… He just didn’t follow the right path is all.”

  “The right path?” I ask as the last sliver of patience I had disappears.

  “Oh boy…” Logan mutters.

  “Yes, the right path. He was supposed to have followed in his father’s footsteps.”

  “Why does everyone keep saying that? What are you? God or something? No one is supposed to choose someone’s path for them! It’s Logan’s decision. He is supposed to be whatever he wants to be! You and everyone else should be ashamed of how you talk and treat him. It’s disgusting!” I yell and storm off toward the stairs.

  “No offense, Logan, but I think you should keep her on a leash.” He laughs and then I hear someone’s fist connect with someone’s face. I don’t dare turn around as I already know what happened.

  That’s Logan for you.

  That’s my Logan…

  Logan and I stayed upstairs the rest of the night. I thought he would be mad at me, after all, I was the one that came up with this whole idea, but he wasn’t. He said that he was actually happy that he came. He had been wondering what Steve was up to these days and he wasn’t that shocked to find out that he was a total jerk. I asked him if he was like that growing up and he said no, but I guess when you get old enough to realize your family’s rich, it goes to your head.

  After about an hour of being alone, Alex came upstairs and told us that the guests had cleared out and their mom wasn’t happy about what Logan had done. But of course, Logan didn’t care and we continued goofing off in our room the rest of the night.

  I think that was the best part of the day, actually. After Alex left, Logan loosened up a little and became the Logan that I once knew. We played card games, and watched stupid game shows, in which resulted in us both yelling at the TV, but it was actually fun…

  I, of course, could not help but make him watch chick flicks with me. Movies such as Dear John and The Notebook always made me cry, but somehow they always made Logan cringe. I, for one, thought it was hilarious. By the time midnight came around, the credits began to roll and Logan and I both were fast asleep.

  The next morning came way too fast and it was time for the funeral. This was the day that I had dreaded the most. After what happened yesterday, I wasn’t sure of what to expect. I was becoming more anxious by the minute and Logan took notice. “What is wrong with you? I can hear your heartbeat from over here.” He says, looking at me from across the limo.

  “Nothing, I’m fine…”

  He didn’t buy it. “No, either you’re having an anxiety attack or you’re having a heart attack. Neither of those are good, so which is it?”


  “And what are you nervous about?”

  “Do you think we’ll be shunned?” I ask and he just laughs.

  “Shunned? No. If anything we’ll be the life of the party.”

  “Party? Logan, it’s a funeral.”

  He nods. “I know what it is but after yesterday, trust me, everybody is going to want to know what happened and who said what. Don’t worry about it.”

  He made me feel a little better, but a part of me still didn’t want to go…

  Once we pulled up to the gigantic funeral home, each family member slowly exited the limo. Logan and I were the last to enter the build
ing and as soon as we did, all eyes were on us. I remembered what Alex said to me, “Never look them in the eyes for a long period of time.” Except I tweaked the rule and made it, “Never look them in the eyes period.”

  Logan and his family went up to the casket and shook everyone’s hand as they went by. I found a nice seat in the back corner, where I was safely out of people’s way, but could still see Logan clearly.

  It seemed like I sat there for hours until finally, someone sat down beside of me. Hoping it was Logan, I turned around but was quickly disappointed to see Steve.

  “What do you want?” I ask coldly.

  “I wanted to apologize for what I said yesterday. You were right, Logan should be able to choose what he wants to do with his life and if he’s happy with living middle class, then so be it.”

  “Oh, so now we’re middle class. Joy.” I add sarcastically.

  “Why are you with him?” He asks, quickly.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I can tell, you love him. But why? Why not find someone rich? Someone powerful? Someone like me.”

  I could not believe what I was hearing. “You? Ha! I’d rather die!”

  “Alright then answer my question. Why him? He has nothing.”

  “Logan is a real man. He may not be rich and own all these megacorporation’s, but he’s been there for me when no one else could. I don’t even know you, but I can tell that you are just a rich, preppy, little boy who thinks he can buy everything and anything he wants. You don’t know what love is and that’s one thing you can’t buy.” I start to stand up, but he grabs my arm. “I would advise you to let go. I know Logan very well and I know for a fact that he’s going to look over here in about thirty seconds and if you still have a hold of me when he does, you’ll be begging for my mercy.”

  “Your mercy?” He chuckles.

  “Logan has a very bad temper… Now, I suggest you let go now, the clock is ticking, and I’m the only person in this room that can keep him from killing you. And right now, I don’t feel like saving anyone’s life…” I smirk.

  “Is that a threat?”

  “It’s a promise.” He reluctantly let's go.

  “Is there a problem?” Right on time. I turn around and see Logan staring at Steve.

  “Everything is fine, I was actually getting ready to do a coffee run… Would you like some?” I ask as he finally looks at me.

  “You know I don’t drink coffee.”

  “You do when you’re nervous.”

  He thinks a moment. “No cream. Just black.”

  “Be right back.” I walk off, smiling ear to ear.

  It kind of pays to have Logan be slightly overprotective. It certainly gets me out of some sticky situations…

  After the funeral was over, some people came over to the house and dropped off food. They didn’t really stick around long and as soon as they left, Logan and I began packing our things. Our flight would be leaving in a few hours and by tomorrow morning, we’d be back home.

  Once we finished, we headed downstairs and saw Alex and his mother talking quietly by the door. “Where are you going?” Alex asks.

  “Home. Our flight will be leaving shortly.” Logan replies.

  “Why so soon, dear?” For the first time, this entire trip, I saw sadness in her eyes.

  “Honestly, mom, I don’t want to stay here any longer than I have too.”

  “I was hoping you would stay until at least tomorrow. I had a business proposition for you.”

  “Mom, I told you I don’t want anything to do with-”

  She interrupts him. “Just listen… You would be the CEO. You would be making more than a million dollars a year. I even picked out a nice house for you and Caroline. You could have whatever you want!”

  “As good as that sounds, I just can’t. It’s not me.”

  “Then what are you?” She asks.

  “Home is in Virginia. Home is base camp and having a career in what I love doing. I’m a Captain, mom, not a businessman. Why can’t you understand that?”

  She sighs. “I thought I would try one last time… I realize I haven’t been a very good mother, I’ve been so busy with your father, I never gave you boys enough attention. And I’m sorry that you didn’t want to come home. I know that was because of me and I hope one day, you’ll come back and visit.” She says and hugs Logan.

  She then turns to me. “I haven’t exactly been nice to you as of late, and I’m sorry for that… I hope that maybe one day, we can get to know each other better, as I’m sure you’ll be in my son’s life for a very long time… Thank you for bringing my son home, Caroline. Forgive me?” She asks and engulfs me into a hug.

  That was very uncalled for…

  “Apology accepted.” She pulls away and smiles at us.

  “Have a safe trip.”

  “I hope to see you guys soon,” Alex says as Logan and I exit the house, put our luggage in the trunk, and get in the taxi.

  “What has gotten into your mother?” I ask as we pull out of the long driveway.

  He shrugs. “I have no idea… But I do like her better this way.”

  “So do I.”

  It's quiet a moment before he continues. “Ya know, I haven’t forgotten about our little bet.” He says, smirking.

  “Actually, I was thinking about that earlier… No matter what the car dealer says, I’ll still go on a date with you.”

  “Really?” He asks curiously.

  “Really. You’ve done a lot for me these past few weeks, and the least I could do is go on a little date with you.”

  He looks at me questioningly then feels of my head, “Are you sick?”

  “No.” I swat his hand away. “I’m serious.”

  “Anywhere I want to take you?”

  “I’ll follow you anywhere.”

  “Even if we go swimming with sharks?” He asks, smiling.

  I cringe a bit. “As long as you’re with me and I never have to let go of you, then sure, why not?”

  “Well aren’t you the sweetest thing.” He leans in and kisses me. It wasn’t like the last time, I knew it was coming, but it still gave me butterflies.

  I smile as he pulls away. “What’s so funny?”

  “You didn’t let me finish.”

  “What were you going to say?”

  “Well, if a shark comes after us, it’ll probably want to eat me, since I’m the gorgeous one-”

  “Ain’t no denying that… Drop-dead gorgeous.”

  I blush at his compliment, “Anyway, if I go down, you’re going with me!”

  “I have no problem with that. But we aren’t going swimming with the sharks.” He laughs.

  “Then where are we going?”

  He shakes his head. “I can’t tell you.”

  “Well, when do I get to find out?”

  “Tomorrow night.”

  “Is that the date?”

  He nods. “Uh-huh. You’ll just have to wait until then…”

  I sigh, “I guess that’s not too bad.”

  “It’ll be worth the wait, promise.”

  The taxi stops in front of the airport. Logan gets our things and then we go through security and all that wonderful stuff. By the time we got on the plane, we were about ten minutes from takeoff.

  I wish I could just magically make time fast forward. I’m really looking forward to our date. I haven’t looked forward to anything since… Since what was supposed to be Nick and I’s wedding…


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