by Ronny Knape
Love Songs,
A Collection of Poesy,
Prosody, and Prose
Copyright @ 2016 Ronny Knape
All rights reserved
Love Songs,
A Collection of Poesy, Prosody, and Prose
By Ronny Knape
DEDICATION: the Celestial Hierarchy and the Western Tradition of Occult Initiation
The Secret Doctrine of All Ages
Secret societies are patterned after the mystery schools of the ancient world. The mystery schools served as centers of initiation where rites and ceremonies were performed to stimulate the new candidate to further activity within the bonds of the Order. The arcane schools of the ancient world had their seat within the temples of Greece and Egypt, Persia and India. From these centers of initiation came the doctrines concerning the nature of God, man, and the universe and from this source the traditional state religions in the present day had their inspiration. Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity; these doctrines of orthodox religions once established unto themselves as the dominate creeds and dogmas in place and time, assumed propriety over the secret and sacred teachings that preceded them and, thence resisted encroachment from any source. Ontologies not in agreement with imposed doctrines were to be assimilated or eliminated or forced underground. Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Platonism; the arts of alchemy and magic, being strange practices from the orient, were repressed because of their strangeness but more so because of their power and appeal to the people which undermined the legitimacy of sacerdotal authority and the divine right of the King to rule.
The Knights Templar
The centuries from the second century A.D. until the advent of the Crusades (approx. 1095 A.D.) were dark and barbaric times. The West, specifically, Northern Europe and the Mediterranean countries regressed from the glories of Athens and Rome to become cultural backwaters. The Crusades energized the Christian nations due to the influence of the Judaic and Islamic cultures encountered in the holy lands of Egypt, Palestine, and Arabia. The Knights Templar came to the Levant to make contact with the mystics and scholars of Islam and Judaism to effect the coming together of the three religions of the Abrahamic tradition and to promote the second coming of Jesus.
In the chambers and passages beneath the Temple Mount were relics and sacred manuscripts of the Essenes and Kabalists. Nine French knights, priests and warriors of a mystical and magical lineage, were ordained as the Order of the Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem. The founders of the Knights Templar took upon themselves a sacred obligation of fealty to God, the Order, and one another to the benefit of all mankind.
The treasure trove beneath the Temple Mount included as follows: 1. esoteric manuscripts of kabalistic origin on magic, divine astrophysics (astrology), and the nature of and how to command spirits. 2. The prayers and invocations of the Essenes, powerful and subliminal formulas and rituals of a purity approaching the divine and equal if not superior to Roman Catholic high mass, communion, baptism, and ordination of the priesthood having the authority of the source, Christ and the early Christian brotherhood. The Templar could lay claim to and authenticate Apostolic Succession, the chain of direct initiation not having been broken in secular councils and conclaves and promotion of unworthy and unqualified persons to the priesthood. Roman Catholicism is a corrupted reflection of the teachings of Christ. The Knight of the Temple is a more perfect expression of the Priest-King being an initiate of the priesthood of Melchizadek!
From these recovered documents the Knights learned the secrets of divine architecture, the laws of balance and proportion, and the science of the earth’s magnetic currents for site preparation of temples of worship and initiation. These principles of art and craftsmanship would be of great benefit in the coming centuries in Europe building churches and cathedrals of unequalled grace and beauty.
On a more personal level were alchemical treatises for spiritual development detailing how to transmute personality and character from dross ‘lead to pure gold!’ Among the many wonderful rituals and formulae, the most significant was of the concept of the Paraclete (the Holy Ghost or ‘Spirit of Truth.’) This ritual presented to the Templar the ‘good news’ that every one of us is a son of God having the right and capacity to perceive heavenly truths without the intermediary of a priest. It is obvious why the priesthood resisted the encroachment of the Order on the church’s presumptive preeminence on spiritual matters with such alarming violence. The majesty and power of the craft stood in stark contrast to the vengeful envy of the pope and his cardinals ‘pontificating’ in promotion of themselves and the ‘holy’ Catholic Church!
The Knights Templar, upon returning to Western Europe from Jerusalem, positioned itself as rival to the Roman Catholic Church. In retaliation the church began a campaign of lies and open aggression bringing dishonor to those of the craft. The enmity between the church and the craft would erupt into open hostility as conflicting doctrines of faith vs. works made for bitter rivals competing for the souls of men.
Jacques DeMolay, Grand Master of the Templar
Seven hundred and two years ago Jacques DeMolay cursed pope and king from within the orifice of a slow-burning fire. His words resonated in a dire prophesy. Pope and king were dead within the year. The events of 1314 in Paris, France set the stage for the hatred that continues to the present. The Roman church and the mystical orders have deep-seated disdain one toward the other. Rosicrucian manifestos ridiculed popery deriding as superstition the dogma put forward by the Catholics who insist on blind faith and a servile obedience from the laity. Church superiors issued Papal Bulls and edicts that came down hard to put a stop to any deviance in word or deed from church doctrine. The fraternal brotherhoods of Masonic and Rosicrucian traditions remained firm in the knowledge of their gnosis as the better way, that works in the world instilling individual initiative and the strength of character coming through direct experience will win out over dogma, particularly, the doctrine that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus and the intercession of the priest.
The Catholic Inquisition broke the back of Knights Templar. Perhaps it was a just retribution when the French Revolution and the guillotine exacted tribute to avenge Jacques DeMolay’s immolation in priestly blood and severed heads of king and queen! A fitting denouement it was when a brother of the Order upon the beheading of King Louis XVI leaped onto the guillotine platform exclaiming to highest heaven and to the darkest corners of hell, “Jacque DeMolay is avenged!’
Adam Weishaupt and the Order of the Illuminati
The Order of the Illuminati was an abstruse secret society founded May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. The Illuminati promulgated a revolutionary philosophy of equal rights for women and freedom from the controls imposed by despotic monarchs and dogmatic churchianity. Considered too radical and dangerous, the Illuminati were forced to disband and Weishaupt had to flee Bavaria in 1785.
Taken as they are, these points of fact, equal rights for women and freedom from controls of despotic king and Pope, are right and good! Only supporters of king and Pope would take offense. But what of Templar, Illuminati, Freemasons and Rosicrucians as they were charged as blasphemers and sexual perverts? What of Saint Joan of Arc wrongfully accused of witchcraft, tortured to get confession, then burned alive in a sadistic trial by fire? What does Pope Leo and the holy church say about it?
I am a Master Mason. I have been duly and truly prepared. I am worthy and well qualified coming under the tongue of goo
d report. I neither stand suspended nor expelled from the Order. I know of no good reason why I should be. I have permission; yea, I am obligated to speak truthfully.
There is an ages-old struggle between ‘Sons of Light’ and those whose ambition and spiritual pride harden them to the suffering of the victims of their policies. Worldly power and glamour and wealth superseded honor and devotion to God when the early church joined forces with the tyrannical despots who ruled the earth. The church in Rome became the sanctioned religion empowered to anoint kings and agreeing to serve them faithfully as henchmen well positioned to ferret out apostasy and rebellion. Their service took the form of persecution and suppression. Enemies of the state were enemies of the church. Emboldened by the power, the church posed as the emissary on earth of God. The authority and legitimacy of Catholicism could not! Be challenged.
The tools and the techniques used by the church to force obedience from the multitudes and to maintain control were inquisitions, excommunications, witch hunts, and physical violence. The elitist nobility in collusion with a corrupted priesthood has been in power since forever! To this day we are being cunningly manipulated by those in control of our destinies. Posing as benign benefactors, statecraft and priestcraft have become ever more powerful and more obtrusive in our lives threatening liberty and the sanctity of self.
A peril to our very being, the enemies of mankind keep on accusing and vilifying in big shows of self-righteous indignation to confuse the issues while shifting the blame of their villainy from themselves onto whomever would stand against them. The future looks grim. “Is there no hope for the widow’s son?”
The Moral Law
Lightfoot’s Manual of the Lodge gives voice to the principle of morality being the cornerstone of the lodge. In this injunction the entered apprentice is carefully instructed. He is fervently admonished that he be a just and upright Mason, that “a good moral character is a prerequisite to admission into the mysteries.” The following quotations are to emphasize this central creed of morality as defining what makes a Mason:
1. “The sincere pursuit of goodness, beauty, and truth leads to God. The divine presence which any child of the universe enjoys at any given moment is limited only by the capacity of such a creature to receive and to discern the spiritual actualities of the super material world.” The Urantia Book
2. “The inner life is predominate in the life of the superior, the ‘homme du’ accion.’ This thinking on the inner life precludes thinking any other way.” Louis Claude Saint Martin
The ‘secrets’ of Freemasonry (occult secrets) are to be zealously guarded. Knowledge of the astral and mental planes and the ‘rites, lights, and ceremonies’ of initiation are not to be divulged nor will membership be proffered unless one is found ‘worthy and well qualified.’ A candidate for initiation is expected to maintain proper decorum. He is not to trivialize the workings within the lodge room nor bring discredit to himself with disreputable behavior.
A petitioner for admission into the occult fraternities is rigorously tested as to intelligence and character. If found worthy in these respects, the candidate for initiation into the mysteries passes through the portals into the Temple to be further instructed that he be given ‘more light.’ Tests are strict. Ordeals are severe. Progress depends on receptivity to the higher vibrations of divine influx. “The man who has been duly initiated, passed, and raised in a legitimate Lodge of Freemasonry is affected physically, psychologically, and psychically.”
The psychical faculties are quickened. Quickening is the signatory sign of growth into the verities of spiritual (occult) knowledge. As one’s awareness becomes more sensitized to the inner planes of consciousness, he is able to ‘travel to foreign countries,’ the planes of desire and abstract thought. In control of his desires, keeping passions within due bounds, and able to keep his thinking focused on difficult and abstruse subjects, he becomes the master of himself and of his environment. By benefit of the rites, lights, and ceremonies of initiation, he is raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. Masonic principles, the teachings of Freemasonry “become at once a part of the initiate’s sub-consciousness.” He is a very changed person having evolved to a higher state of being.
The Secret Doctrine is sacred. The Sacred Doctrine is the force behind human destiny. The Secret and Sacred Doctrine is a gift from the Divine Hierarchy overseeing the evolvement of all mortal destiny creatures living on these worlds making their way across the universes toward perfection.
“This shall regenerate the world, the little world my sister, unto whom I send this kiss.” The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley
Catholicism: Faith in Teachings of the Church,
the church takes upon itself the mantle of inviolability!
The following is a sampling of the harsh criticism directed toward Masonry by Papal Bulls and edicts:
1. “Their God is the devil.” Pope Leo XIII, 1884 A.D.
2. From the Vatican, 1902 A.D. “Its own statutes (Freemasonry) declare for the destruction of civil authority and the Christian priesthood as the foes of human liberty.”
3. From the Vatican, November 26, 1983 “Our negative judgment in regards to Masonic associations is unchanged. (The beliefs of Freemasonry are) irreconcilable with church doctrine. The faithful with Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.”
4. “Masons seek the suppression of the power of that divine religion. Freemasons hate and fear Catholicism.”
5. Thomas Jefferson wrote: “Arouse men to burst the chains of monkish ignorance and superstition that had persuaded them to bind themselves.”
6. Masonry: “Unrelenting warfare against Christ and his church in a battle for the soul of the American people. The threat of Catholic influence terrifies Masons.”
7. Masonry: “this foul plague!” Pope Clement XII in 1738, then Benedict XIV, Pius VI, Leo XII, Pius VII, Pius VIII, Gregory XVI, and Pius IX . . . Leo XIII (All the Popes revile Masonry.)”Rising against God himself! (Freemasonry is) planning the destruction of the holy Church!”
8. “33rd degree Masons stomp on a replica of the Catholic crown and say death to Rome and other such things in their satanic rituals.” (These are the words of a pope.)
9. Jefferson: “The mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of God.” (There is a philosophical war with the Church.)
The irony of the statements, the revelations in these words are more telling than anything a Masonic apologist could come up with as criticism of Catholic doctrine. Leave it to the reader to choose his way. SO MAY IT EVER BE
The Rosicrucian Order
The Martinist Order
The Corps of Finality
Clorene Roberson & A.B. Knape
Dr. Jessica Elizabeth Campbell
Lillian Daisy Clorene Knape
Wendoline Christina Evangeline Knape
Knowledge and Conversation
Holy Guardian Angel
Thought Adjuster
Theophrastus Bombastus Paracelsus of Hohenheim
Eliphas Levi
Carl Jung
Aleister Crowley