by Ronny Knape
“Libertine Love Songs” is a collection of poesy, prosody, and prose concerning luminance, scandalous acts, longing, death, and redemption.
“Adam and Eve” contains two poems and a narrative that give the particulars of the fall from grace and the expulsion from the Garden.
“The Spirit in Search of Experience” is a fairy tale of romance and adventure.
“The Dream, A Vision” presents the projections from the unconscious of the dreamer in symbolic form.
“Lay Me Down, Down, Down; Lay Me Down So Low” is set in the tropical city of Merida in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. A woman fallen into disrepute has a chance at redemption but the world’s harsh criticism breaks the spell and love’s enchantment.
“The Forlorn Warrior, a misspent incarnation” is a treatise of occult doctrine. Reincarnation, karma, trance, unclean spirits, angelic guidance, and the psyche in love relations are of the subjects discussed. The information presented to the reader is accurate. The information is relevant to our world, “a world of chaos and strife,” where black magicians wage class warfare with impunity in a campaign of subversion seeking to undermine the common good.