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Page 7

by Sam Crescent

“You do?” Misty nodded. “So what is the problem?”

  “I don’t want it right now? I don’t think I do. I wanted to have sex and get this itch out of my system. He took me home and kissed my cheek. I offered him coffee, but he didn’t take the hint. I’m useless.”

  “You’re not useless.”

  “I can’t go out with him again.”

  “Did you agree to?”




  “You can’t stand him up.”

  “No. I know. I’m just going to have to give him the worst freaking date he ever knew he had.”

  Anna laughed.

  “Don’t find this funny, Anna, I mean it.”

  “I thought I was weird, but it turns out, you still hold the special code for being the most weirdest person ever. You know how many women would kill to have a perfect date with a guy who had the same hopes and desires as you?”

  “I don’t care. If I settle down, you’ve got to. I can’t have you being single while I look on at your crazy partying life.”

  Anna laughed. “Seriously? My crazy partying life? I don’t party. I could totally tell you all about the quilt I’m making, but that’s about it.”

  “What am I going to do? He’s such a nice guy. I’m not usually attracted to a nice guy.”

  “Danny could have many secrets.” She thought about the Trojans MC visiting him the other day, and there was no getting away from the fact that Danny wasn’t as good as he made out he was. Or she was allowing drama to flood her brain cells.

  “Yeah. Let’s eat lunch and then get back to work.”

  As Anna finished off her baked potato and salad, Misty made quick work of her meal as well. She drank her tea on the way back to the ink parlor having picked Danny up a sandwich on the way past.

  She thought about Landon and his visit last night.

  He’d fucked her three times, and each one had been better than the last. She hadn’t complained and was a little thankful he’d been gone by the time she woke up. She wasn’t good with the whole morning after routine and preferred her peace and quiet to conversation in the morning.

  Having fun sex was all great, but she still needed to deal with the fact it was unprotected. She’d never been this stupid before.

  Entering the parlor, she found Danny at the cash register, writing things down in the appointment book.

  “I brought you lunch.”

  “Thanks. How was Misty?”

  She dropped the bag onto the counter. “Freaking out.”

  “Why?” He closed the book with a snap. “Didn’t she enjoy the date?”

  “She loved it.”

  “Then what is the problem?”

  “She didn’t want to enjoy it.”

  “That makes no sense to me.”

  “Join the freaking club. It makes no sense to anyone, but she’s my best friend and I’ve got to go with what she wants. Did you mean everything you said last night? The family? The kids? The dog?”

  “I didn’t mention the dog.”

  “You want one though, right?”

  “Does Misty?”

  “Why do you think I mentioned the dog? I know what my best friend wants.”

  “Are you trying to help me win your friend’s heart?”

  “I’m trying to help my friend find the happiness I truly believe she deserves.”


  “You’re welcome. Misty is … skittish. She doesn’t know what she wants. Well, she does know what she wants. She’s afraid. All she thinks she wants for now is to have fun. To win her, you can’t fall in love with her or win her like this now.”

  Danny frowned and folded his arms across his chest. “You know, none of this is helping me.”

  “I know it’s confusing. Misty confuses me too. If you love her and you want to have a future with her, you’ve got to give her time without giving her it.”

  “This is nonsense.”

  “Take her out. Have a good time. When she invites you in for coffee, take it. Misty is afraid she’s going to make the wrong choice. Believe me, I know where she is coming from. She won’t cheat on you even if you are having fun, trust me.”

  “This has got to be the strangest conversation in the history of all conversations.”

  “I know. She’s my friend, and I did set you up.”

  “Only so you didn’t have to go partying. Misty told me the deal you guys have.”

  She groaned. “Did she sound pissed?”

  “No. I knew what I was doing, and I showed her a good time. I want to give Misty the world, and if she’ll let me, she’ll want for nothing. Now, after this so not enlightening conversation, I’m going to go and get set up.”

  She watched him walk to the door. “Danny?” He stopped and glanced over at her. “Why are the Trojans doing business with you?”

  “I don’t talk about my business.”

  “At least tell me if you’re a bad guy or a good guy.”

  “I’ll be a good guy to her, that’s all you need to know.”

  She didn’t feel any better.

  Running fingers through her hair, she had to make sure Misty wasn’t making a mistake, and now, she had to figure out what Danny was hiding as well.

  The only person who could help her was Landon, and she didn’t want to use him.


  “Did she settle in okay?” Landon asked.

  He sat in Duke’s office at the clubhouse. Holly was with him, as were Pike and Raoul. They were the ones who had come to take Maya to the rehabilitation center.

  “As good as could be expected. She wasn’t happy to be going anywhere, you understand,” Duke said.

  “You did the right thing. I saw what she was like,” Holly said. “I can’t believe we didn’t see the damage she was doing to herself. Why didn’t we see it?”

  “It’s not your fault,” Duke said. He pulled his wife close to him, pressing his face against her neck as Holly held onto him.

  “She came onto all of us,” Raoul said. “She got naked and tried to give us a porn show. It was pitiful.”

  “Hey,” Landon said, getting to his feet. “She’s still one of us.”

  “What we saw last night, has she been like this for a long time?” Pike asked. “The truth.”

  “She’s been acting out for months, but I’ve never had her try to come onto me like that, giving me a show. The drugs, where did she get them?” Landon asked. “We control everything coming in and out of this fucking town.”

  “I’ve set up a meeting with Ned Walker. He’s the biggest dealer in the country and controls most of the shit that comes in and out. We don’t run the drugs, not anymore. Nothing should be coming in or out,” Duke said.

  “What has Diaz said? We know he handles drugs.” Landon looked toward Raoul.

  “Nothing on his radar. No guys going rogue. No deals with college brats. Nothing. It has to have come from the college. We’ve given her the privacy and respect and space to do her studies. Someone had to have gotten to her,” Raoul said.

  “She dropped out of college,” Landon said.

  “Doesn’t mean her supplier stopped. You need to check her belongings. Go back to your place, see if she left a phone number, calling card. Her cell phone. Anything that would lead us to who is supplying her,” Duke said. “Raoul, get Diaz to check for any possible ODs happening in the area. Any new products on the street that can be causing problems.”

  “On it.”

  “I’m going to call the clinic,” Holly said. “See how she’s doing. They had to sedate her. She was screaming and fighting it to the very end.”

  “I’m going to go and pick up Preach,” Pike said. “One of us has to.”

  “Shit, he’s coming home today?”


  Preach was one of the club members who had done the longest stint in the army. He was in his forties, but the club hadn’t seen him in over ten years. Whenever he had down time, he came
home, and waited to go back out, but his last deployment, he’d been in touch to let them know it would be his last and he was coming home, and not going back.

  Landon hadn’t met him yet. He’d been too new to even get a glimpse of the guy. He wasn’t spoken of either. From what he’d learned, Preach liked his privacy.

  “Right, let’s see what we can find out, and we’ll deal with this.”

  “I want blood,” Landon said. Whoever supplied Maya with drugs, they fucking knew what they were doing, and he was pissed.

  He hated drug dealers. They ruined people’s lives and even as he’d done drug runs, he’d never touched the shit. Never would either.

  Leaving Duke’s office, he headed out to his bike to see Matthew climbing onto his.

  “Off for a ride?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I cleaned the shit out of the toilets. I’ve done my shift. I’ll be back tonight.”

  “You off to see Luna again?” Landon asked.

  Matthew tensed, glaring at him.

  “You think you’re being secretive about stalking your ex?”

  “I’m not stalking her,” Matthew said.

  “Does she know you watch her?”

  Matthew stayed silent.

  “Thought so.”

  “Are you trying to impart some of your wisdom? Is that what this shit is?” Matthew asked.

  “You know, for a guy who used to screw around, and Luna was just one in a sea of girls, why does she have your cock by the balls?” Landon asked. “From what I saw, she meant nothing to you. You fucked your way through high school. What makes her so special?”

  Again, silence.

  “Is this because she didn’t pick you?”

  “You’re pissed you weren’t able to keep an eye on Maya and you’re taking this shit out on me.” Matthew laughed. “You can say what you want. I’m not going to hurt Luna. I want to make sure she’s okay. No harm in that. What are you going to do with your little brunette?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Who is doing all the lying now?” Matthew asked. “You use women, Landon. This woman you’ve got, she’s just one in a long line in a bunch of women for you. I’ve learned from my mistakes. I know who I lost, and if I could, I’d bring her back, and one day, I will. Luna’s my woman. She’ll see it one day. You’ll have used up the entire female population of Vale Valley, and be lonely.”

  Matthew revved his engine and took off.

  Landon smirked. There was a time talking about Luna would end up in a fight. Matthew had become very bloody over the course of a couple of months, but his anger issues were finally being put in check.

  They all taunted him, and well, the kid was turning out to be one hell of a prospect. A few years ago, he’d tried to prospect, thinking it was all fun. He thought that, being Duke’s kid, he’d get a certain level of respect and leeway. They had all taught the kid differently. It didn’t matter who you were related to. There was expectation, and prospecting was messy business for anyone who wanted to join.

  Matthew was wrong about Anna.

  Landon wasn’t using her, and he hadn’t been using her.

  He wanted to go and see her again, but he had to go and look through Maya’s things. A thought entered his head, and he pulled out his cell phone.

  “So, how do you feel about being nosy in a young woman’s things?” Landon asked the moment Anna picked up.

  “I have no idea. It’s kind of crazy, why?”

  “I call it a second date. I’ll pick you up.”


  Matthew never parked his bike at campus. The first time he did, Luna had tensed up seeing the bike, and he’d been watching her from a secluded spot. She’d looked nervous and had seemed agitated, almost waiting for something to happen, so he never put her through that again.

  Walking toward the grounds, he leaned against one of the trees that offered him some cover and looked across the field.

  Luna was sitting, reading a book and making notes.

  She’d already graduated college. One of the top of her class, but now, she was a teaching assistant, and she also had a job at a law firm. After a year, she had discovered she wanted to be an author and so studied English. She tried to get an internship at a publishing house but hadn’t made the cut. Matthew had wanted to go to his father to help get her the job, but he’d already asked for a lot by putting her through college.

  It was the least he could do.

  He’d been such a fucking idiot to her.

  An asshole.

  Luna had deserved so much more, even back then. She hadn’t been near him because of him being a Trojan kid. At first, he’d treated her like shit, expecting the same kind of stuff from her as he did all the other women who took the time to be near him.

  She’d proven him wrong, time and time again. Luna had been with him to help. She was only there to help him study, and he’d fucked it up.

  It hadn’t stopped her from falling for him though. He’d worked his ass off to get his grades up because his dad wanted him to succeed. No one wanted a dumb president, was what he was repeatedly told.

  There was no guarantee that when his father decided to pass the gavel onto someone else, Matthew would get it. Only the strongest would be able to succeed in doing so.

  He didn’t even know if he wanted to be president of the club. The prospecting was hard enough, but he’d also seen the troubles always heading the club’s way. From shady deals, to blackmail, to the risks, and of course, to the pain of loss. Matthew had no doubt his father’s life was difficult.

  Nothing ever came easy to them.

  Luna tucked her hair behind her ear, getting to her feet as one of the guys approached her.

  Matthew tensed up, recognizing him. He was the one he’d caught kissing Luna.

  The urge to take out the asshole was strong, but he couldn’t interfere. This was her life, and he didn’t have a part of it, at least not yet. He’d promised himself to give her time and space, to allow her the chance to live before he finally took her back home, to where she belonged.

  Chapter Eight

  “I don’t think I want to go rummaging around in another woman’s private place.” Anna looked around the dirty bedroom and wrinkled her nose. There was no way a woman lived her. At least, there were a lot of clothes thrown all around the place, mostly underwear, but how could a woman live like this?

  “I know it’s not the perfect dating material, but come on, it could be fun.”

  “You consider this fun?”

  “Not really, but it beats me taking you to the diner again.”

  “This is Maya’s room, right?”


  “What exactly are we looking for?” She turned in a circle, wondering if there were bugs or rodents running around underneath all the mess. She had never seen anything like this, not to this kind of standard.

  Landon didn’t answer, and she had no choice but to look at him to see his jaw was clenched.

  “Oh, come on. You want me to go searching in a strange woman’s room, but you won’t even give me a small clue of what I’m looking for.” She shook her head. “You can totally do this on your own. I didn’t want to go hunting through anything for the great unknown.”

  She made to walk past him, but he grabbed her arm. “Fine. Fine. If you must know, I want to know who is supplying her drugs.”

  “For real? You’re on a drug hunt?”

  “I’m on a hunt to find out who could have been hurting her. Drugs always lead to messy business. No one should be selling that kind of shit in the first place.”


  “Anyone ever tell you you’re nosy?”

  “Nope, but then I don’t have to be usually. You’re the one who is making this all mysterious.” She pulled the band off her wrist and tied her hair up. “We’re looking for phone numbers. Clues. Stuff like that.”

  “Yes, even little packs of the stuff.”

  “The drugs?”
/>   “Yeah.”

  “Why would she leave drugs lying around?” she asked, moving toward one part of the room and slowly moving through the dirty clothes. “Do you want to grab a bag for all of this? It can either be dumped or burned.” She’d recommend burned, but she wasn’t about to tell him that.

  “You never know what shit she left lying around. I didn’t even realize she was on drugs until it was too late.”

  “When is there ever a good time to find that someone’s on drugs? It’s not exactly a great calling card, is it?” she asked.

  “You’re crazy, you know that, right?”

  “So I’ve been told. Think about it. Drugs are highly addictive, so no matter which way you look at it, it’s never going to be a good time to be using.” She shrugged.

  “You never smoked pot, or done something, had a taste?”

  “Of drugs, hell, no. I’ve drunk, but again, I don’t see the point in not remembering your life. I have other vices.”


  “One of them.”

  “Sewing being the other?”

  “You got it. You’re not shocked by my liking of sex?” she said. As far as topics of conversation went, this was a little different than what she was used to.

  “Why would I be shocked? I’m not some asshole who thinks a woman’s place is to serve my needs. I am well aware of the needs for women. You ever been in a successful relationship?”

  “No. If I’d been in a successful one, I’d still be with them.” She brushed some hair away from her brow as she carefully moved jackets, shoes, underwear. She didn’t even want to think about what was in some of the clothes she moved. Stains and other bodily fluids. It was a mess. She also didn’t want to risk hurting herself on a potential needle. All of the clothes she checked, she placed into the large trash bag. This room needed some serious bleach. “I’ve been in a relationship before. We both wanted different things. I think it lasted for the most part because neither of us wanted to move on, you know. We were kind of stuck with each other. Anyway, we did finally split, and I haven’t had a boyfriend since.”

  “Do you think about having a boyfriend?”

  She looked toward Landon. “You trying to audition for the part?”

  “Not a chance. I do not want any kind of relationship. You can’t see other men,” he said.


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