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Page 14

by Evangeline Anderson

  “I’m not saying anything,” Liv repeated. “Just wait.”

  The time seemed to crawl, and Lauren swore that the five minutes Sylvan had asked her for had turned into five days or possibly five years. But just as she couldn’t take it anymore and was about to grab her cousin and demand an explanation, Sylvan came back inside the room. Olivia looked at him and he nodded once, a small smile on his lips.

  “I was right then?” she asked.

  Sylvan nodded again. “You’re quite the diagnostician, mate-of-my-kin.”

  “Right about what?” Lauren nearly yelled. “Come on, you guys, I’m dying over here. Well, not literally, I mean…that is, I hope,” she added, feeling suddenly uncertain. “But I—”

  Olivia laughed. “You’re not dying, Lauren. You’re pregnant. Sylvan, show her.”

  With a smile, Sylvan produced a small, perfectly formed pink flower and handed it to Lauren who took it and stared at it. She’d heard about the Kindred pregnancy test from her cousins and Kat but the results were almost always a blue flower. A pink flower meant…

  “A little girl! Oh my God, you’re going to have a little girl!” Kat yelled. With a squeal of excitement, she rushed to hug Lauren who accepted the gesture and then hugged her friend back as the reality of the situation began to sink in.

  “A little girl,” she whispered. “I didn’t…didn’t think it was possible. Not after Xairn lost the human DNA he had from me when he went back to the Fathership that last time.”

  “Enough of it must have remained to make pregnancy possible.” Sylvan smiled. “Congratulations, Lauren, Xairn. In about a year you’re going to be parents.”

  “And you’re only a quadmester or two behind me.” Liv grinned. “My little boy and your little girl will grow up together.”

  Sophia spoke up suddenly. “It’s the prophecy,” she said, her face strained and white. “The one the AllFather was hunting Liv and me for in the first place. It said that a female would come who would regenerate their race by having girls—isn’t that right?”

  “That’s right.” Xairn nodded slowly and Lauren couldn’t help noticing that his face was paper-pale as well. “The prophecy has come true. My female…my female is with child. I am going to be a…a…” He shook his head, clearly unable to finish.

  “Honey?” Lauren said anxiously, looking up at him. “Are you all right?”

  “I…I’m fine.” He took a single, weaving step toward the door and then another. “I just can’t believe…I…I need some air.” He opened the door and was halfway out before he wobbled and his knees crumpled.

  “Oh my God, catch him!” Kat shouted at the same time Liv yelled,

  “He’s going down!”

  Unfortunately, none of them but Sylvan was close enough in size to catch the huge Scourge warrior without being completely flattened. And Sylvan was on the other side of the room. He ran to catch Xairn but Lauren could see he wasn’t going to be in time.

  “Oh, no!” she gasped, hoping her man wouldn’t fall flat on his face and break his nose. “Xairn, honey!”

  But disaster was averted at the last moment by the biggest, scariest looking male Lauren had ever seen. He appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and caught her man under the armpits just before Xairn hit the floor.

  “So this is the Scourge who helped defeat the AllFather,” he rumbled, turning to Sylvan. “Where do you want him?”

  There was shocked silence for a moment and then Sylvan smiled. “I’ll have another cot brought in until he recovers,” he said, leaving the room. “Thank you Merrick—good catch.”

  “A very good catch.” Olivia looked at him with one eyebrow raised. “You must be Sylvan’s friend, the one we were expecting for the bonding ceremony.”

  “Yes.” He nodded and Lauren noticed that he had mismatched eyes—one bright blue and the other gleaming gold—and fangs like a Blood Kindred. A long, crooked scar bisected one side of his face, adding to his frightening appearance. But it was his size and strength she couldn’t get over. He was still supporting Xairn’s full weight without the least sign of any effort and his shoulders completely filled the doorway. Good Lord, he’s big! Even bigger than the Kindred and the Scourge, she thought wonderingly. I’ve never seen anyone that tall outside the pro Basketball circuit and none of them are nearly as massive as he is. How the hell did he get like that?

  “It’s very nice to meet you, I’m Sylvan’s wife.” Sophia nodded politely at the stranger holding Xairn, but Lauren thought she had a troubled, strained expression on her face. “Don’t worry about the ceremony, it went perfectly well without you.” She blushed. “Oh, no offense.”

  Merrick’s mismatched eyes flashed. “None taken,” he rumbled.

  Sophia’s cheeks went pink. “I…I mean, not that we didn’t want to have you in it because we did, very much! But we were still okay and…and…” She shook her head. “Could you excuse me, please?”

  “Sophie?” Kat touched her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, womb mate—what’s going on?” Liv asked.

  “Nothing. I’m fine.” Sophia nodded briskly but Lauren saw that her big green eyes were suddenly filled with tears. “I’m fine,” she repeated, even though it was clearly untrue. She took a long look at the pink flower in Lauren’s hand and then nodded. “Congratulations again, cousin. I’ll see you later.”

  With a stifled sob, she slipped out the doorway, leaving Lauren to wonder what in the world could be wrong.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “They’re going to what?” Rast demanded.

  “Shhh!” Nadiah put a finger to her lips as she handed him the steaming hot bowl she’d brought for his dinner. “Not so loud. This is a public area—anyone could be listening.” She looked around the grove of snow flower trees as though an army of spies was hiding behind their slender, pale trunks.

  “Tell me again,” he growled. “Tell me what your slimy fiancée and his parents and your parents are up to.”

  “They’re going to try and fix the challenges.” Nadiah looked miserable. “It’s completely unacceptable, I know, but there’s nothing we can do about it.”

  “How about if we confront them with it—tell them we know what they’re doing?” Rast said.

  “And get Lydiah in trouble?” Nadiah put a hand to her hip. “She risked everything to tell me what she heard, Rast. She could be severely punished or even lose her own chance to be bonded if her parents decide to declare her rebellious and unbondable.”

  “All right, all right,” he muttered, picking up the carved wooden spoon she’d provided with the bowl. He poked morosely at the steaming mass of gray pudding that was his dinner. “I don’t want to get your friend in trouble but I don’t see what else we can do. I’m already playing against a stacked deck here.”

  Nadiah bit her lip. “You could…could withdraw from the challenge, if you want,” she offered in a small voice. “I know it isn’t fair to ask you to do this, especially when you don’t even really care for me in a romantic way.”

  “Don’t care for you? I l—” Rast stopped himself abruptly. “I mean, I like you just fine, sweetheart. And you deserve someone who isn’t going to cut and run when things get a little tough.” He put down the spoon and took her hand in his. “I’m not quitting—no matter what.”

  Nadiah looked relieved. “Thank you, Rast. Thank you so much.”

  “Anything for the sweet little lady who brings me oatmeal for dinner.” Rast picked up the spoon again and took a big bite…then nearly spit it out. He took a quick look at Nadiah and swallowed with difficulty. “That tastes like…like raw liver or something. What the hell is it?”

  “Steamed vorteg brains.” Nadiah looked at him anxiously. “Is it still too hot to eat?”

  “A vorteg? Isn’t that the animal that looks like a cross between a snake and a spider?”

  She looked at him, surprised. “Why yes, I guess it does look like a mixture of those two Earth animals. Have you been studying my planet’s fau

  Rast shook his head. “Nope—just something Sylvan said.”

  “I made it the traditional way,” Nadiah told him. “Seasoned with the venom of a tis’rock and cooked in a vranna skull cooking pot. It’s this whole long recipe that every Tranq Prime female is supposed to learn before she’s bonded.” She blushed. “I’m only supposed to make it for my intended but I wanted you to have it instead. Mamam always says I’ll never master it but I’d like to think I proved her wrong.”

  Rast was touched. “I’d say you mastered it all right.”

  She smiled. “It’s one of our most famous dishes. Well, aside from fleeta pudding. But I didn’t think you’d like that—it’s made of fleeta beetles.”

  “Mashed up beetles, huh?” Rast shook his head. “Kind of puts the whole brains thing in perspective.”

  “Don’t you like it?” Nadiah asked anxiously. “I can bring you something else if you don’t.”

  “No, no, it’s delicious. Absolutely the best brains I’ve ever put in my mouth, really.” Manfully, Rast took another big bite and swallowed as quickly as he could while trying not to grimace. The things I do for love. “It’s just…a little rich,” he improvised, taking another spoonful. “I, uh, don’t want to be weighed down during the challenges tomorrow.”

  “Good thought.” Nadiah nodded. “I’ll get your some billa bread to go with it later.”

  “Bread—that sounds great.” Rast smiled and put the bowl down as unobtrusively as he could. “I’m too worried to eat right now anyway. What are we going to do about tomorrow?”

  “Well, I do have a few ideas.” Nadiah’s voice dropped to a whisper. “If they want to fix the challenges, there are a few fixes of our own we can make…”

  They talked for the entire hour Nadiah was allowed to be away from her parents’ domicile and then she left to get him some bread. She returned with a round, flat loaf that reminded Rast of pita bread only it was three times as big and bright blue. He sniffed it experimentally and then took a small bite from one side. To his surprise, a rich, mellow flavor like a cross between good coffee and a Krispy Kreme donut filled his mouth.

  “Mmm, this is delicious!” Rast tore into it, his appetite renewed. The bread’s texture reminded him of Cuban bread back home—crispy and chewy at the same time.

  Nadiah flushed with obvious pleasure. “I’m so glad you like it. I made it just for you.”

  “What’s it made out of? Wait—” He put up a hand. “Don’t tell me. I just want to enjoy it without thinking about that.”

  Nadiah watched, smiling as he polished off the whole thing and then took back the thin stone platter she’d brought it on. “I’m so glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Sweetheart, I didn’t just enjoy it—I loved it.” Rast smiled at her. “So much in fact that you can bring me more of it for breakfast—a lot more.”

  Her face fell. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to see you tomorrow morning. That is, I’ll see you but I won’t be able to talk to you. Someone else will bring you your breakfast and a tharp and boots to wear, but you and I will have to maintain silence during the first two challenges. Not until the third challenge when…when you give me your blood, will I be allowed to address you.” She blushed as she spoke and looked down at her hands, making Rast wonder if there was something more than a blood transfusion going on in challenge number three.

  “Is that a big deal?” he asked softly, ducking to look into her eyes. “Me giving you blood?”

  “Letting another drink of you…it’s a very intimate thing,” Nadiah admitted. “And my people also consider it very, um, sexual.”

  Rast finally got it. “Because of the whole Blood Kindred thing with their fangs and biting, right?”

  She nodded, her porcelain cheeks still rosy. “Yes.”

  “Well, then…” Rast lifted her chin and held her eyes with his. “It will be my pleasure to let you drink of me, Nadiah.”

  His words seemed to have the desired effect. Her lovely dark blue eyes with their exotic tilt were dilated and her cheeks were flushed—clear signs of arousal. Rast was struck all over again by her gorgeous, otherworldly beauty. God, how he wanted her! Wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her and mark her as his own so that no other male would dare to come near her…

  Nadiah frowned and sniffed the air. “What’s that scent?”

  “What scent?” Rast sniffed as well but didn’t smell anything. “What are you talking about?”

  “It’s dark and masculine…really nice but…” She sniffed again. “Actually, it smells like you. Like your scent. But I’ve never smelled it so strongly before.”

  Rast frowned. “Um, well, I don’t know what to tell you. Is there anyplace to get a shower around here?”

  “No, it’s not bad.” She put a hand on his arm. “I actually really like it. A lot. I didn’t think human males had mating scents—that’s all.”

  He shook his head. “We don’t. I don’t. So I’m not really sure what’s going on.”

  Nadiah sighed. “Never mind. Maybe it’s just my imagination.” Leaning forward, she kissed him lightly on the cheek. “I’d better go so you can get some sleep. I’ll see you in the challenge grotto in the morning.”

  “All right, see you. Nadiah…” He caught her hand before she could go.


  “I am going to see this through tomorrow,” Rast told her seriously. “No matter what it takes, no matter how hard it is, I’m not giving up until you’re free or I’m dead.”

  “Oh, Rast!” Impulsively, she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him hard. “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear. “I don’t care why you’re doing this just…just thank you so much for caring.”

  “I do care for you, sweetheart. So much.” The words sounded lame and inadequate coming out but he didn’t know what else to say. He couldn’t admit his true feelings, couldn’t declare his love so he was reduced to mouthing empty pleasantries. To let her know how he really felt, he crushed her soft, slender body to his and gave her a slow, hot kiss on the cheek. “I can’t wait for you to drink of me tomorrow,” he murmured in her ear.

  “Rast…” Nadiah stiffened, then melted against him. Rast could feel her pulse racing and her cheek flushing against his own. “I want that too,” she whispered. “That and…so much more.”

  “Me too, sweetheart,” he growled softly, stroking her hair. “Me too.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “So everything is going according to plan?” Nadiah murmured, keeping her eyes forward as she spoke. She was sitting by herself on a low platform that faced the pit in the challenge grotto. Half of the pit was filled with glowing hot coals and the other half with icy water. Directly between the two sides ran a narrow walkway—little more than a beam actually, since it was only about six inches wide.

  “Everything’s fine,” Lydiah assured her, speaking out of the corner of her mouth as she poured water into Nadiah’s cup. “He put it on, no questions asked.”

  Nadiah sighed in relief. “That should help with the challenge of strength, at least.”

  “At least.” Lydiah gave her a fleeting smile. “And I’ve got something lined up for the challenge of wills too so don’t worry.”

  “Thanks, Lydiah.” Nadiah wanted to hug her friend but she was afraid the spectators sitting in the seats on the other side of the pit might suspect something. Instead, she squeezed Lydiah’s arm. “I really appreciate this.”

  “I’ll do anything I can to keep you from having to bond with Y’dex,” Lydiah said seriously. “He may be my brother but he’s also the cruelest male I know.” She shivered. “I can’t wait to be bonded myself just to get away from him.”

  “Is Havris excited too?” Nadiah asked, indicating Lydiah’s intended, who was sitting among the spectators.

  Lydiah smiled. “He is. I’m so lucky I was blood bonded to a male I actually care for.” She looked at Nadiah. “I wish the same for you, my dear friend. That your champion will win the challenge
so that you two can bond.”

  Nadiah tried to smile. “That’s very kind of you, but even if he wins, Rast won’t be bonding me.”

  “What?” Lydiah frowned. “But then…who will your soul anchor to?”

  Nadiah shrugged uncomfortably. “I don’t know. No one, I guess.”

  “But why—?”

  “Even if he wanted to bond with me—which he doesn’t—Rast made a vow to my kinsman, Sylvan that he wouldn’t change the color of my eyes or tie me to him,” Nadiah explained. “He’s an honorable male—he won’t break his vow.”

  “But Nadiah, surely Sylvan didn’t know how strong your bond with Y’dex is when he made Rast take that vow. You have to have someone to replace my brother or you could die.”

  “I know,” Nadiah said seriously. “But even death would be better than being bonded to Y’dex. I decided that long before Rast offered to challenge for me.”

  “But does Rast know? Know the consequences of breaking the bond without forming a new one will be your death?”

  Nadiah shook her head. “He knows it’s a possibility but I don’t think he realizes how strong the bond is and I didn’t want to tell him. I was afraid he’d feel pressured to do something he didn’t want to do—something he wasn’t ready to do.”

  “But, Nadiah—”

  “That’s enough chit-chat, girls.” Lady Licklow suddenly appeared at the foot of the platform, frowning at them. “Lydiah, let Nadiah rest and meditate. Your brother and the human challenger will be here shortly.” She sniffed. “At least he’s not Kindred even if he does look like one of them.”

  Nadiah stiffened. The Licklows were deeply into the Purist movement which stated that no off-worlder should be able to marry into a Tranq Prime family and “pollute” their bloodlines. They had a special hatred of the Kindred for doing just that.

  “The Kindred are an honorable people,” she said. She was going to add something pointed about how the Kindred would never try to cheat on a contest but the sight of Lydiah still standing by her elbow stopped her. Whatever else happened, the Licklows and her parents must have no idea she knew what they were planning.


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