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Page 21

by Evangeline Anderson

  Rast frowned. “Sealing the bond—your friend Lydiah said that several times, didn’t she? What was she talking about?”

  “Um…” Nadiah felt her cheeks flushing. It was funny how easily she used to talk about sex with her girlfriends back on Tranq Prime. But now that she was alone in a ship with the man she actually wanted to give herself to, she found herself completely tongue-tied.

  “Wow, whatever it is, it must be hot stuff. Come on, sweetheart, spit it out,” Rast said, grinning a little. Nadiah realized she’d been stalling for long enough.

  “In order to seal the bond between us, you’ll have to change the color of my eyes,” she murmured, looking down at her hands. “I think you know what that means.”

  “I know exactly what it means but I’m not going to do it. Not yet,” Rast said.

  “What?” She looked up at him in dismay. “Then you don’t really love me? I thought you said—”

  “Hey, whoa, slow down there.” Rast put a finger across her lips to stop the flow of worried questions. “First of all, know this—I love you like I’ve never loved anyone before.” He tilted her chin to look into her eyes and murmured, “To tell the truth, I’m fucking crazy about you.”

  Nadiah gave him a trembling smile. “I’m insanely in love with you too. I think I have been for awhile, I was just afraid to admit it.”

  “Me too,” Rast admitted, smiling.

  “So then why—”

  “Because I haven’t had a chance to talk to Sylvan yet.”

  “But I thought you didn’t care what he said,” Nadiah protested.

  “I don’t,” Rast said seriously. “I’m going to marry you whether he likes it or not. But I’m not going to make love to you and change the color of your eyes until after we tie the knot. I promised your cousin you’d be a virgin on your wedding day and that’s one promise I intend to keep.”

  Nadiah sighed mournfully. “All right. I knew you were an honorable male from the start. I just wish…”

  “What?” he said, laughing. “That I wasn’t quite so honorable.”


  “Well, as it turns out, I’m not.” He leaned closer and his eyes were suddenly half-lidded with lust. “Not quite.”

  “What…what does that mean?” The hungry way he was looking at her made Nadiah feel breathless.

  “It means there are a lot of things we can do without taking that final step. Without changing the color of your eyes.” Rast tilted her chin again and placed a hot, gentle kiss on her lips. “Do you know what I mean?”

  “I…I think so.” Suddenly Nadiah’s heart was beating so hard she could feel it in every part of her body. It seemed to shake her with its excited rhythm.

  “Good.” Rast gave her a slow smile. “Then be ready for me when I come out of the shower. All right?”

  “All right,” she murmured nodding.

  “See you in a few minutes, then.” With a last, meaningful look, he headed into the bathroom.

  Nadiah scrambled back to her tiny bedroom to get ready…then realized she really didn’t have much to do. She was already clean and naked under her tharp, her still damp hair falling in blonde waves past her shoulders. She never wore make-up and she didn’t have any perfume to put on. Still, shouldn’t she do something?

  Oh yes, of course! She whispered a command to her tharp and suddenly it went from being slightly a furry, opaque blue to a sheer, white silky material that draped seductively over her curves. Nadiah looked down in mingled embarrassment and satisfaction and saw that the pink points of her nipples and the plump V of her pussy were both clearly visible beneath the new gown. There, definitely sexier than blue fur, she told herself. But was it too much? After all, she didn’t want Rast to think she was trying to make him break his vow. Although it would be extremely interesting to see how far she could push him…

  Deciding to leave the tharp as the see through white gown, she tried to arrange herself in a seductive pose on the bed. Should she be lying on her back? No, too blatant. Sitting with her legs crossed? No, too demure. Well, what about on her side? Her breasts weren’t as full as some females’ she knew, but when she lay on her side, it formed some nice cleavage.

  Just as she was deciding that the side was definitely the way to go, Rast suddenly appeared wearing only a towel slung low on his hips. His massive shoulders filled the doorway and droplets of water clung to his broad, bare chest. His eyes were burning as he took her in, naked beneath the silky, sheer tharp.

  He didn’t say a word, just stood there and looked at her but the hungry expression his face made Nadiah forgot to worry about what position she was in. She only knew she wanted him and she could tell that Rast wanted her too. She whispered his name and held out her arms.

  That was all it took. Rast was suddenly on the bed with her, kissing her with an urgency that seemed to set her on fire. She could feel her nipples turning into hard little points beneath her tharp and her pussy was getting hot and wet and slippery too–ready for him. Ready to let him in, to let him take her.

  That’s not going to happen right now, she reminded herself. Not until we have an official joining ceremony. Silently she vowed to haul her handsome human to the sacred grove to say vows the minute they landed on the Mother Ship. And after that…

  “What are you thinking?” Rast murmured, surprising her. “You have the naughtiest look on your face.”

  Nadiah blushed, then smiled, one corner of her mouth going up. “I was just thinking that I wish…wish we didn’t have to wait. And the minute we get back to the Mother Ship—”

  “We’ll find the first handy priest. Or priestess or whatever to tie the knot,” Rast finished her thought with a grin. “I’m with you on that. But for right now, I think we need to take it easy.”

  “You’re not leaving, are you?” Nadiah asked. “Please, Rast, I promise I’ll be good. You can trust me not to…not to do anything I shouldn’t.”

  “The question is, can I trust myself?” He stroked her cheek. “But no, what I meant was let’s go slow so you can enjoy it. I mean, this is your first time being with anyone—is that right?”

  Blushing, Nadiah nodded. “I’ve been promised to Y’dex all my life so I never even got to hold hands with another male.”

  “Well, we’re going to do a lot more than hold hands tonight, I promise you that,” Rast murmured. “But slowly…I don’t want to rush things. Don’t want to scare you.”

  “What are you going to do?” Nadiah asked, feeling her heart begin to race again.

  “To start with? Touch you. Just touch you.” Rast smiled. “And I want you to lay there like a good little girl and let me do it. Can you do that for me, Nadiah?”

  “I…I guess so.” She nibbled her bottom lip. “Should I take off my tharp?”

  “Not right away. You’re naked under it, right?”

  She nodded and he made a low noise of approval deep in his throat. “Good. Just lie quietly on your back and let me touch you, then.”

  Nadiah arranged herself as he directed, her heart thumping loudly in her ears. She expected him to touch her breasts or reach between her legs but Rast surprised her.

  Starting at one of her burning cheeks, he stroked slowly downward, letting his fingertips trail over the sensitive side of her neck and down her bare shoulder. He did the same thing on the other side and then, starting at the point of her chin, he caressed down the pulse in her throat and the warm, bare skin between her breasts. His large hand came dangerously close to her curves but never quite touched them, making Nadiah feel like all her nerve endings were on fire with need.

  “Rast, please,” she whispered, attempting to catch his hand and press it over her breast.

  “Ah-ah-ah.” He shook his head. “Just lie still, all right?”

  “But you’re driving me insane,” Nadiah protested.

  He gave her a lazy smile. “That’s the idea of taking it slow. Don’t you like it?”

  “I…I don’t know if I like it or not,” Nadi
ah admitted. “I only know I want more.”

  “And you’ll get more—much more—in a little bit.” He leaned down to kiss her gently on the mouth. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I won’t leave you wanting. Just relax and try to enjoy yourself.”

  “All right.” Biting her lip in frustration, Nadiah subsided.

  “Good girl.” Rast reached down to pull up her tharp and her heart started pounding again. This is it. He’s finally going to touch me there.

  But instead of cupping her pussy, as Nadiah had imagined he would, Rast only started the same, slow, stroking caress up and down her legs which he had performed on her arms and throat. Nadiah moaned and shifted restlessly as his big, warm hand slid from the ticklish inside of her ankle all the way up to her inner thigh. It hovered there, just for a moment, then slid across to her other thigh. His fingertips brushed teasingly close to her mound before continuing their journey down to her other ankle.

  “God, your skin is like silk.” His deep voice was hoarse with desire and Nadiah suddenly realized that this was almost as hard on him as it was on her. Going slow wasn’t easy, apparently. So then, why was Rast so insistent on it?

  “I…I’m glad you like it. My skin, I mean,” she whispered.

  “It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful.” He looked into her eyes and stroked her cheek again. This time when his hand traveled down, it brushed lightly over the aching peak of her breast.

  “Oh!” Nadiah gasped, straining upward to get more of his touch.

  “This dress you have on is pretty damn sexy too,” Rast murmured, casually brushing the other breast, as if by accident.

  “It…it’s just my tharp,” she whispered breathlessly. “I…I told it to look like this. I thought…I hoped you might like it.”

  “I more than like it, sweetheart. I love it.” At last his big hand slid down to cup her pussy, stroking gently through the thin, silky material.

  Nadiah moaned and bit her lip. No one had ever touched her like this before, so intimately…so tenderly. It made her feel like her whole body was on fire with need. Suddenly, she couldn’t wait to feel his hands on her naked skin any more. With a whispered command, the tharp parted, leaving her bare before him.

  Rast groaned low in his throat. “God, Nadiah…”

  “Is…is this all right?” she asked, hoping he wasn’t upset. “I just thought…”

  “You thought you’d speed up the process, didn’t you.” He smiled lazily. “Well guess what, it won’t work. I’m not nearly done touching you yet. So you’re just going to have to lay there and take it a little while longer.”

  And with that, he went back to caressing her in long, slow strokes but this time touching every part of her body. His fingertips trailed over her skin, not avoiding her breasts and pussy but not paying any special attention to those sensitive spots either. It went on and on until Nadiah honestly thought she was going to go mad.

  “Please,” she begged him, panting. “Please, Rast…don’t you…isn’t there something else you want to do?”

  “Oh, there’s a lot I want to do to you, sweetheart. Starting with this.”

  Bending over her, he lapped gently at one tight nipple. Then, almost before Nadiah could moan he was sucking it deep into his mouth, drawing hard on the aching peak until she felt like she was going to come out of her skin.

  “Rast, oh Goddess!” she moaned brokenly, her hands squeezing into fists at her sides. She arched her back, pressing her breasts up to him, begging for more as he turned his attention to her other nipple as well.

  Rast seemed to take forever, licking and kissing her breasts. He sucked gently at first and then increased the suction until she felt she couldn’t stand it any more. He nipped her gently, too, sending little sparks of pleasure/pain from her tender nipples straight down to her pussy while she writhed and moaned under him.

  At last, when Nadiah thought she really couldn’t take it any more, he sat back, panting. “You like that, do you?”

  “You know I do.” Nadiah looked down at her breasts. Her nipples which were dark pink from his erotic attention. “But Rast, I want more. So much more.”

  He chuckled softly. “Eager little virgin, aren’t you? Good, because we’re only getting started.”

  Nadiah had no idea what was coming next but she hoped it involved his hands sliding below her waist. Rast didn’t disappoint her.

  “Spread your legs, sweetheart,” he murmured as one large, warm hand stroked down her trembling abdomen. “I want to see if you’re wet.”

  Nadiah was sure that she was. Her pussy had never felt so wet and swollen in her life—even during the conversation they’d had about sex on the journey to Tranq Prime. Then, Rast had only been looking at her. Now he was actually going to touch her—she hoped.

  Slowly she spread her thighs, opening them wider when he directed. As her plump cunt lips came into view, she felt incredibly exposed and a little embarrassed to see that her honey had already coated her pussy and inner thighs.

  “So wet,” Rast murmured hoarsely. “God, I haven’t even touched you yet and you’re already so damn wet.”

  Nadiah bit her lip. “My people have a word for it—for a female who gets very wet for her male.”

  “Tell me,” he commanded.

  “Numala,” she whispered, blushing at the forbidden word. “It means liquid pussy.”

  “Numala.” He rolled the name on his tongue, making her blush again to hear it spoken in his deep, male voice. “I like that. It fits you.”

  “So your people like such females?” she asked.

  “We do.” He traced a pattern around her belly button and then his hand slid down to cup her mound. “I do. A hell of a lot.”

  “I…I’m glad,” Nadiah whispered. “Glad you find me pleasing.”

  “You’re a hell of a lot more than pleasing, sweetheart. You’re incredible.” Leaning down, he kissed her mouth, stroking her tongue with his possessively until Nadiah moaned. Finally he broke the kiss but continued to look into her eyes. “Last time I asked you to spread yourself for me,” he murmured. “This time I’m going to spread your pussy open myself. Spread you open and explore your sweet little cunt.”

  The hot promise in his deep voice excited Nadiah more than she could say. “Yes,” she whispered, spreading her legs wider. “Yes, Rast, please…”

  “So wet and hot,” he murmured hoarsely as he spread her open. “Just look, Nadiah. Even your little clit is swollen and hot.” He brushed very, very lightly over the tiny pink nub at her center but to Nadiah the light touch felt like an electric spark. She gasped his name and arched her back…and Rast did it again. And again and again.

  “Rast…Rast,” she moaned as he slid one careful finger tip back and forth over her clit again and again. “Oh…oh, Goddess!”

  She understood now why this act was forbidden on Tranq Prime. Nothing that felt this good could be anything but deliciously sinful. She’d often squeezed her thighs together for the pleasurable sensations it brought but never had she felt such pleasure as that slow, gentle fingertip strumming her clit.

  But just as she felt like she was reaching some kind of a peak, Rast backed off and began exploring the rest of her inner pussy. Nadiah gasped when she felt two blunt fingers come to rest at the very entrance of her well.

  “Not sure how far I can go here,” Rast murmured, looking at her. “I don’t want to break your cherry, uh, I mean change the color of your eyes by accident.”

  From speaking to her Earth friends, Nadiah understood what he meant. “Tranq Prime females have no barrier within,” she explained in a breathy voice. “We…you can’t change the color of my eyes unless you put yourself inside me and fill me with your seed. It’s a biological reaction that takes place when my body senses your seed inside. Does that make sense?”

  “Uh-huh.” Rast seemed to like the idea. “So I’d have to be buried inside you, my cock balls deep in your tight little pussy while I filled you with my cum?”

  His hot, dirt
y words sent a little quiver of pure lust through Nadiah’s entire body. “Yes,” she whispered breathlessly. “Ex…exactly.”

  “So, it’s safe to do this?” Slowly, one thick finger breached her entrance and slid deeply into her slick inner pussy.

  “Oh!” Nadiah bucked her hips, wanting more of the new, erotic sensation. “Yes,” she moaned. “Yes, more, please!”

  “I’ll give you more, sweetheart. But not with my fingers.” Giving her a heated look, Rast got off the bed and came around to the end. Kneeling, he motioned for her to slide down. “Come on, numala. I want to taste you.”

  This is what he talked about before…tasting me. Licking my pussy. Nadiah felt like she could barely breathe she was so hot. Her whole body trembled as she obeyed him, sliding down to the end of the bed until her lower legs from the knee down were hanging over the edge.

  “That’s good.” His truegreen eyes were burning with desire but Rast still seemed to want to take his time. “Very good, sweetheart. Now spread your legs for me again.”

  Moaning softly, Nadiah did as she as told. Goddess, she felt like she was on fire and only Rast could put out the blaze. He didn’t seem to be in any hurry to do so, though.

  “God, you smell so damn good.” With a low possessive growl, he rubbed his rough cheek against the soft curls of her mound, making Nadiah gasp. He did the same with the other cheek, rubbing possessively, as though he couldn’t get enough of her. It was as though he was bathing in her scent, breathing her in, getting her feminine aroma all over him.

  But Nadiah had begun to smell a new scent in the bedroom and it wasn’t hers. Rich, and dark and masculine, it filled the small space, making her feel drunk with need. His mating scent, she thought, as she had before. But no, that was impossible—wasn’t it? Nadiah didn’t know and she didn’t care, she only knew that his warm, male musk made her want to give herself to him completely, to spread her legs and open her pussy to be fucked by his thick shaft over and over until he filled her with his seed.


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