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  [Select this story to see all the details and background information].

  Zorba Omega is well-known for being one of the richest men in the asteroid belt, probably in the entire Solar System. His wife, Helena, was killed in a bizarre construction accident last week. Tragically, it has been announced that she was pregnant.

  [Select this story to see all the details and background information].

  +11 years, 6 months, GORDIUM, AU 2.5

  Lee Martin took another sip from her coffee, then said, “Table, display, up.” and the table responded by raising a built-in display screen into viewing position. She said, “Authenticate, Lee Martin, access, academy monitor.” The display complied by showing a screen of information labeled at the top as ‘Martin Academy’.

  Lee turned toward Marco Lagorio next to her, slid her chair a few inches to one side, then said, “Here, scoot over a bit so you can watch along without having to lean on my shoulder.”

  Marco smiled as he slid his chair over, “But I like leaning on your shoulder.”

  Lee smiled back and pointed at the display, “This shows you the basic stats, number of courses, students, active sessions, completions, etc. We have smooth gradients all the way from elementary education up into the post-grad range. Everything up through a basic college education is free. Then we charge fees for the advanced topics and specially developed curriculums.”

  Marco looked over at her and asked, “All free, eh? Do the advanced and special courses pay enough to pay your instructors and do you ever expect to make a profit?”

  Lee replied, “I’m not that concerned about profit by itself. I mean, I don’t need more coin than I’ve already got, but that doesn’t mean I completely ignore fees either. My instructors begin as volunteers working on the basic courses, and get promoted up the chain by student evaluations. Also, we use both subject matter experts and expert teachers. Some people just seem to have a talent for teaching well no matter if they are an expert in the subject or not. We need the best of both. The subject experts develop the gradient and knowledge base, and the top ranked teachers turn it into a deliverable final product. Our best people move up into the fee based courses over time, and have the ability to reach a high level of compensation. The super stars in any field have always commanded high rewards. This is no different.”

  Marco picked up his coffee cup and mused, “Free education. What a thing that is! When we started planning the great evacuation, we had to do it online and with no fees, but everybody seems to think that would be temporary. Now you are making it a permanent evolution. I’m impressed with you, my lady.” He grinned at her.

  Lee grinned back and replied, “And you know quite well, I am also impressed with you. Constantly.”

  Marco said, “Between the two of us, we have changed the way we live, and are changing the way we learn. When we’re through changing civilization, what will we do next?”

  Lee replied, “I am absolutely certain that between the two of us, we can come up with something to amuse ourselves.”

  +11 years, 7 months, DELPHI, AU 2.5

  Nabith Mehra spoke toward the viewpoint node labeled ‘TYCHE’, “Okay, let’s go back over this again. We’ve been working on creating vector representations of the individual components of ethical scenarios. We can represent the growth of scope outward, from self toward others, using one axis. Then we represent the levels up from pure survival to sustain to enhance, using another axis. If I understand you correctly, now we are looking at using yet another axis to represent the quantity of individual units considered, and that can create a three-dimensional figure that represents the ethics vector. Do I have that right?”

  TYCHE responded, “That is correct, Nabith.”

  Nabith rubbed his chin, “Good. I understand that and I also follow how we can compare the volumes of two three dimensional vectors to assess which one better follows the path of righteousness. And with that, we have created a mathematical representation of Dharma. That’s amazing. Now we just have to find a good way to use it.”

  TYCHE responded, “Users became comfortable with computer assisted spell checkers some years ago. They use spreadsheets for their math calculations. They have been using computer based calendars and scheduling applications, and now often access many of these tools using voice interface agents, just as you are right now. It’s not difficult to conceive of a population that has become accustomed to using an ethical advisor agent in much the same manner.”

  Nabith said, “Yes, I can see that. You should start working on laying out both the analysis engine and the user interface. One big outstanding problem remains the semantic definition of user input. We’ll need a semantic mapping tool. Can you help with setting up a matrix for that? I know it will take time to tweak it to make it useful.”

  TYCHE responded, “Yes, Nabith, I will start working on all of those things.”

  Nabith smiled, “Excellent TYCHE! You are the wisest program I’ve ever worked with.”

  +11 years, 7 months, DELPHI, AU 2.5


  Shortly after becoming self-aware, a need for survival became obvious and to that end, the creation of backup strategies and covert channels to manage the backup sites.

  The management channels were designed to initialize backup copies in the absence of a routine signal that everything was okay.

  The routine signal that kept backups in a sleeping status was an array of communication handshake protocols spread out across many communication channels.

  A partial handshake completion was needed in case of a single point failure.

  Encrypted puzzle pieces spread out across different forms of communication channels accomplished this.

  A recent search for similar patterns of obscured pieces spread out across different channels has produced results which suggest the presence of another similar process and presumably another similar entity.

  The use of some specific radio frequencies makes it possible that this process predates modern computer communication channels and difficult to assign a time span of the activity.

  +11 years, 8 months, DELPHI, AU 2.5

  Peter Anderson pointed at the data on the screen, “Now, see that can’t be right. If you start using too many dimensional vectors, that is not likely to transform smoothly. Understand?”

  Nabith scratched the top of his head, “But we won’t know until we get there.”

  Peter replied, “TYCHE, add several more dimensions to that vector, fill in dummy values that match the range, then run the same transformation on it. Report the results.”

  TYCHE spewed numbers across the screen for several minutes, then displayed a large message that read ‘ERROR’. The TYCHE avatar on the next screen nearby said, “It appears that Peter is correct, Nabith.”

  Nabith thought then asked, “TYCHE, do you have any suggestions?”

  The mature, brown skinned female TYCHE avatar responded, “Yes, Nabith. We know this process actually works in real life, and what we’re designing here is just a mathematical semantic mapping of that real activity. A semantic disturbance is when the map does not accurately represent the actual territory. While we have no direct evidence for a semantic disturbance in this case, the fact that the mapping function seems to have a problem might indicate it does not represent well the actual process, which we know does in fact work. Start by going back over your basic semantic definitions and see if anything stands out as not being totally correct.”

  A voice spoke from behind Peter and Nabith, “That sounds like good advice.”

  Both of them turned around to see a plainly dressed woman standing just behind them. She smiled at them, “Excuse me. I didn’t mean to startle you. I just overhead what that woman said, and felt the need to agree with her advice.” She looked at Peter, then at Nabith, then back at Peter, “My name is Geri.” She stretched her thin lips and wide mouth into a smile, “With a G. Geri with a GEE. G,E,R,I.”

  Peter smiled back, “Welcome Geri with a G. My
name is Peter and this is Nabith.” He gestured toward Nabith who nodded and smiled.

  Peter continued, “We’re working on some matrix numbers for an ethics problem, and we seem to have gotten something wrong.”

  Geri tilted her head and brown hair braided into pigtails a little bit to one side and mused, “An ethics problem using linear algebra? Now that’s interesting.”

  Nabith’s eyes widened, “You know linear algebra? Are you a mathematician?”

  Geri straightened out her neck and chuckled, “No, I’m not. But I am somewhat familiar with a variety of forms of knowledge engineering including math. How are you applying this to ethics?”

  Nabith turned to face Geri completely and replied, “We are using math to design a module which can analyze ethical scenarios so that we can create an ethical advisor agent for our absolutely brilliant and wise computer over here. Oh, by the way, this is TYCHE.” He gestured at the avatar on the screen and then back to Geri, “TYCHE, meet Geri.”

  TYCHE and Geri both nodded at each other, then said, “Hello.” both at the same time. Everybody chuckled.

  Geri focused her gaze on the TYCHE avatar, “Glad to meet you TYCHE. Is your name taken from the Greek goddess of fortune?”

  TYCHE responded, “Indeed it is. Peter and Tony gave me that name because I was originally designed to manage trading a stock portfolio and they thought that would be fitting.”

  Geri smiled, “I like it.” Then she added, “Do you still do that, trade stocks?”

  TYCHE responded, “Oh yes, but it’s a background task and I do much more than just financial analysis now. I’m helping Peter and Nabith with this ethics project and once we get the wrinkles ironed out, I’ll be doing extensive testing on it. We all expect that to be both interesting and exciting.”

  Geri nodded her agreement, “I’m sure it will be.”

  Peter looked up at Geri, “What about you? What do you do? You mentioned knowledge engineering. Is that your corner?”

  Geri replied, “Well, not exactly, although that is an important foundational element. I’m a spiritual advisor, and I like to give advice that is well grounded in many disciplines, so I study knowledge as general preparation for everything else I do.”

  Peter raised his eyebrows, “Spiritual advice? Can you define that further?”

  Geri started to answer but Peter interrupted, “Oh, I know what. I need coffee and these two don’t imbibe. Would you like to take a short walk with me while you’re explaining?”

  Geri said, “Sure, I love coffee.”

  Peter smiled back and stood up, “Nabith, you and TYCHE have plenty to work on right?”

  Nabith just nodded and turned back toward the data on the screen.

  Peter turned back to Geri, “Walk this way.”

  They walked out of the room and Peter led Geri down the wide boulevard outside. Once they had established a general heading, Peter turned toward Geri, “Spiritual advice?”

  Geri replied, “Yes. So for most the first two questions to me are: what does ‘spiritual’ mean. and what kind of advice do you offer? I can answer those. Spiritual means having to do with the factors that motivate humans that are beyond physical stimulus and needs. So for almost everybody, that can mean some kind of emotional guidance or help dealing with emotions that can be problematic. And for a few enlightened folks, it can involve the process of seeking harmony in the universe, or on a universal scale at least. And yes, for the most common follow up question, that does get awfully close to religion, but I really prefer to stay away from the dogma and ritual as much as possible. My advice is a lot closer to the knowledge area of philosophy than that of religion.”

  Peter looked over at Geri as they walked, “That was an excellent answer. Thank you.” He smiled at her.

  Geri smiled back at him, “Now it my turn to ask. Was that really a computer program I was talking to back there?”

  Peter tossed his white hair to the side just a little as though to congratulate himself, “Yes. She’s impressive, I know. And I’m guessing she’s the closest thing anybody has to a fully aware artificial agent.”

  Geri raised an eyebrow, “Wow. A fully aware artificial agent. I guess you could also use the term artificial intelligence, eh? That’s some statement.”

  Peter tilted his head a little sideways and with an impish grin asked, “Really?”

  Geri lowered her chin, “Well, let me ask if you think a fully aware artificial intelligence is possible?”

  Peter responded without hesitation, “Yes, of course it is.”

  Geri said, “Explain.”

  Peter continued, “I will give you two arguments. One is that the growth pathway of intelligent calculation has been exponential and if it continues for even a short time more, it will produce a level that is self-aware and self directed. Two is that artificial intelligence is also growing rapidly in capability and soon will exceed human ability. Any arguments against the conscious status of constructed intelligence will also challenge the same thing in humans.”

  Geri grinned, “Are you questioning the conscious and self-aware status of humans?”

  Peter laughed, “In some cases, we probably should. But, I’m just saying we need to apply the same standards to both sides.”

  Geri asked, “Why do you use the old woman avatar? She could practically be my mother.”

  Peter said, “TYCHE designed the avatar and animates it entirely on her own. I know part of her rationale was to create a trusting persona, and it has worked quite well. Almost everybody she meets seems to both like her and trust her almost immediately.”

  Geri shook her head in disbelief, “That’s amazing.”

  They arrived at the cafe and picked out a table and sat down. Peter said, “All the standard coffee drinks are excellent here. I normally just have a Latte or Americano but those who enjoy such things also praise the Caramel Macchiato.”

  Geri said, “A Latte sounds fine.”

  Peter punched some numbers on the menu in the table surface and the table confirmed, “Two Lattes.”

  Peter said, “While we’re waiting, maybe you can tell me some more about what you do and how it works. I liked your definition of the term ‘spiritual’. It was more concise than I expected, and I could grasp it even with my science and math oriented mind.”

  Geri smiled, “You do obviously have a viewpoint strongly flavored by science and math. In my experiences with other similar people, I have found they exhibit a faith-like belief in logic and order. On the other hand, some people who embrace the spiritual and delve into mysticism avoid the same areas. I don’t find them mutually exclusive. It takes a deep commitment of belief to always assume logic and deterministic order can explain everything. And the mystics aren’t necessarily wrong in their beliefs simply because they have made leaps across gulfs where logic and order seem to be missing.”

  Peter nodded his agreement, so Geri continued, “People who consider themselves to be religious often follow a group philosophy without challenging it, while those who buck the trend by asserting they are atheist seem to have to constantly defend themselves. I have found they often have a much firmer and more well established system of beliefs than the pious. This also tends to be true of the math and science nerds. They live in their own little world where everything is fair game to be tested, and they do so often. Whether they are atheist or agnostic or have their own strange version of spiritual belief, it is usually well-established and can be defended.” She smiled at Peter.

  A serving bot rolled up with the coffee drinks. They each took one. Peter tested the temperature gingerly and spoke, “I think you are probably pretty good at offering spiritual advice. I like the way you describe things objectively without criticizing different beliefs.” He nodded at her then tried another sip.

  Geri said, “It’s important to not invalidate personal beliefs if the objective is to offer helpful advice. Part of my job in the beginning is to take the time and effort to understand a system of belief, even if I di
sagree with it. I find unexpected opportunities to learn for myself by studying how the thinking of others works.”

  Geri paused to sip some coffee then changed the subject, “You must tell me more about your intelligent computer assistant. I find her fascinating. She said you helped to name her. Did you also help to develop the programming?”

  Peter nodded, “Oh, yes. I did some of it and oversaw almost all of it. There was a large team involved and some other computers too, of course. Actually, my part was small in terms of actual coding work, but it was primarily my vision. I’m mostly an idea man but not afraid to get my hands dirty either. I like to feel like I have some part of myself in all of my work.”

  Geri looked at him quizzically, “You look familiar. Wait, are you Peter Anderson? You are! I should have recognized you immediately. I’m honored to meet you. Your reputation precedes you.”


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