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Wrath of the Iron Warlock

Page 4

by Patrick Cassidy

  “Wizard; magic and power maybe, but I’m afraid Shearfire is not human. He’s a seven headed dragon who seems to have lived since the dawn of time.”

  Chapter VI:

  The Wizard with the Painted Face, the Werewolves & the Cheseaur Cat:

  It almost chilled my blood that the conversation didn’t carry over dinner. It was all about the current case, but I kept hoping a conversation about the mysterious Shearfire would come up. Then again I had to admit, it was best to concentrate on one case at a time. Still I couldn’t stop thinking about it the rest of the night. The thought of a deadly seven headed dragon murdering a wizard. I knew it was possible, but from what I learned about Joseph Alatar I highly doubted he didn’t do his best to put up a fight against the monster. He had to at least driven him off into hiding considering how both his sons were still alive and conducting the family business in their own way.

  Other thoughts drifted to Bistro, I hope Ben didn’t feel differently about dragons after learning how his father died. Next morning, Ben and Crystal had whipped up some disguises. He had one for me as well.

  “What’s the idea”, I asked.

  “We’re going to act as if we’re a traveling circus”, he said. I almost laughed when I saw him in the clown costume. “I know”, he said with a smile. “It kind of needs to be sized right. My father was a rather tall wizard, but Cone Top the clown was one of his best disguises.” Crystal had just came back down into the dugout.

  “Talon is all set to pull the wagon. I didn’t expect those monsters to leave the winged horses alive.”

  “If they’re still alive I’m sure they stole them”, Mike said. “One thing I know about the Order of Chaos they always pay tribune to the same supreme wizard in charge.”

  “Tyrell must be having the life of Riley”, I said.

  “It’s not Tyrell who’d be getting them. The Warlock would gain possession.”

  “So the Warlock is part of the Order of Chaos then”, I asked.

  “Can’t confirm or deny”, Mike said. “Kate and I will stay here and handle communication. If you need back up, telepathically let me know. Tyrell and the Werewolves may not be convinced one way or the other about your disguise. When you find out what you need to find out, get back here, and we’ll plan from there.”

  “So what do you need me to do”, I asked.

  “Pose as our ringmaster. We’re going to need you to do the talking. We’re not only going to advertise the circus, but also were going to get me an appointment with the dentist. Cone Top is going to need someone to help cure a toothache. While you and Crystal are covering with the circus, I’m going to be talking to the doctor.”

  “There is one thing I should tell you about Chester Cats”, Mike began to say.

  “Don’t worry brother, anything we can find out we can learn as we go.” We got up and out of the Alatar Dugout, and got in the wagon. Combined with our skills in levitation and the strength of Talon’s wings we were off heading towards the most lawless area I would ever see in our world.

  “Where’s Bistro”, I asked as I set myself up with the ringmaster costume.

  “I suppose you know about Shearfire”, he said. “It’s the first break we had in years.”

  “I hope you didn’t banish Bistro”, Crystal asked. “For a dragon he seems nice.”

  “Unlike a certain genie we all know, I don’t punish the innocent as well as the guilty”, he said, almost making me a little mad about his cutting remark hinting at Maximillian. “I sent Bistro on a mission to see if he could get the 411 on Shearfire. He has contacts among other dragons and beasts. Plus he doesn’t like the desert, so I figured it was best all around. We don’t want to attract too much attention. Speaking of which, how did you find the sand Talon?”

  “Hot”, the griffin replied. “Bistro wasn’t kidding.” We all laughed and then continued the trip in silence. I thought about asking Ben about the little clue Kate gave me about the Alatar family history, but I felt it was best to bring it up another time. I still couldn’t believe that my father and Ben’s grandfather had worked together. Then again, I’ve said it many times since the birth of our partnership. My friend Ben Alatar was a mystery all together.

  All those years bouncing off my father’s knee and hearing story after story about the joint ordinary and wizard agency that he was head of was fascinating to me. Of course I never had any notion of becoming a wizard detective like Ben did. If only my dad could see me now. I had learned about some of those he worked with, but I still wonder why he never told me about working with Ben’s grandfather. I started to wonder if he knew Ben’s father as well.

  El Draco definitely looked like a ghost town from the old west. Only difference was the sound of motorcycles, and people in it. We had Talon land and allowed him to kind of take his time getting used to walking on hot desert sand. We found a spot near the hotel that seemed to provide a little shade. Not big enough for the wagon, but enough for Talon to stand or lie under and keep cool for the time being. We got out and got ready to advertise for the circus. Some people took interest even the kids who laughed while Ben playfully lost control of juggling some balls. One had landed right on his face. He then beeped his clown nose to get an extra giggle out of them. I had to admit he was good with kids and rather convincing as a clown. I noticed some of the Werewolves starting to role in. Cleo started to tell us that they had no interest in us. Ben seemed to have his own hunch about why they were there. The reason seemed to be just flying in. A group of wizards and witches riding on hippogriffs were herding some unicorns into a coral. I got a good look at the brand that was on them, and looking from them to our friends on the bikes, I could tell it was the Crows’s Nest brand. The one wizard gave some instructions before flying over in our direction at the hotel.

  “Circus in town”, he said with a smile as he tied off his hippogriff.

  “We’re representing a traveling show”, I told him trying to stay in character. “I do hope you would be able to attend.”

  “We could use a circus here, might help bring some levity back to this town.”

  “Tuskora”, a huge biker growled from behind him. He had an eye patch, long grey hair and beard. Spikes on the shoulder pads of his leather jacket, and was carrying a double barrel shot gun.”

  “What do you want Wolfgang”, the young wizard replied. So this was Archie Wolfgang, the leader of the Werewolves. I was getting ready to let my hand grab my wand, but a sharp look from both Ben and Crystal told me not to do anything.

  “Now that’s no way to talk to enforcers of the law”, Archie told him.

  “My eye”, Tuskora beamed, but Archie struck him right in the eye, and had his boys jump him before he could do anything. A witch was just coming out of the hotel and had her wand ready to defend Tuskora. He tried to reach for his, but Archie shot it out of his hand, putting a big hole in it. I don’t know what spell he used, but apparently he had a reputation for hiding two wands inside a double barreled shot gun. The young witch was about to use hers, and it got knocked out of her hand, and then a shout came from a tall wizard dressed in the orange black and blue robes, sporting a pair of two specters, a long pointed hat, and the painted face that I heard so much about. Nobody had to tell me twice about who this caper was. Crix “Painted Face” Tyrell.

  “That’s enough”, he commanded. He approached Archie who was now standing over young Travis Tuskora, holding on to his right hand, and barely able to open his right eye. “Archie, you can explain this I’m sure.”

  “Just teaching the young unicorn thief some manners my lord”, the leader of the Werewolves said with a low bow. He then flashed an evil smile, Tyrell seemed to know what he was thinking.

  “Well don’t beat him to death over it, bring him to the jail to be locked up the Warlock will decide his fate. If he’s lucky he’ll be thrown into a gladiator fight, or forced into a duel either way he’ll be de
stroyed faster than a melting witch. Take him away.” He then walked over to the witch who just came out of the hotel, and managed to levitate her wand into his hand. “I think I’ll keep this for a while. I’m not going to arrest you, but you start any trouble, you’d be in the same boat with your boyfriend. If you’re smart you’ll go on about your business.”

  “He’s done nothing wrong, you and I both know it”, she said.

  “Keep telling yourself that darling, in away I feel sorry for you. Wasting your affections on a unicorn thief.” She ran back into the hotel without another word crying. Right away I walked up and interjected.

  “Forgive me for budding in, but the big guy started the fight, perhaps that is worth mentioning.” Tyrell turned to face me. I knew if I didn’t say something smart in the next minute I would have blown our cover. Working with Ben did teach me to think fast. “Of course, far be it from me to tell someone so wise and in a position of authority. I just thought if you were interviewing witnesses, but I could see you have matters well in hand.”

  “You’re not from around here are you”, Tyrell asked me.

  “My friends and I arrived here only today, we’re representing a traveling circus and we’ve been sent on ahead to do a little promoting. We have good old Cone Top there showing off some of his best tricks. A skilled acrobat and fire eater, and I of course being the ringmaster head the outfit lock stock and barrel.”

  “I see”, Tyrell said. “What’s wrong with the clown?” He was looking over at Ben.

  “Another reason why we’re here sir, poor Cone Top has got himself a bad toothache. We’ve been looking for a good dentist.”

  “Lucky for you, Dr. Cats’ office is right over across the street.”

  “Thank you sir. Well Cone Top, better go on over. The dentist will fix you right up, we’ll wait in the hotel if that is alright with you my lord.”

  “As soon as he gets his tooth fixed get out of my town”, Tyrell told me. “And tell that circus you represent not to bother come through here. This isn’t a very good time to have such an attraction.” I gave him a respectful bow and then returned to the wagon. Ben had already started to make his way to the dentist.


  “Archie”, Tyrell whispered as they were on their way back to the jail. “Keep an eye on the clown and make sure he’s really here for a toothache.”

  “Don’t worry my lord, if he doesn’t I’d be more than happy to give him one.”


  “What do we do now”, Crystal asked.

  “We wait for Ben in the hotel, maybe we can get a little information ourselves.” I then thought of a brilliant idea. “Talon, feel like having a conversation with Tuskora’s hippogriff while were inside.

  “I think I can strike up a friendly conversation with him”, the griffin replied.


  “Anybody here”, Ben asked as he entered the dentist office. He looked around for the dentist. He figured he heard the bell on the door as he walked in.

  “Back in the examination room”, a voice told him. Ben walked in through the examination room and the door slammed and bolted shut behind him. He made his staff appear in his hand and got ready to defend himself.

  “Well you’re certainly a different wizard from those who live here. I figured Tyrell would’ve confiscated your staff.”

  “Where are you”, Ben asked. “I appreciate the caution, but you do have a patient. It would put him at his ease if he could actually see the doctor.”

  “Not to worry my friend, just have a seat in the chair, the doctor is in”. Before he could say another word, a floating smiling cat appeared and was carrying dentist tools over to the chair. “Dr. Chester Cats. Let me guess; Bozo the clown.”

  “Cone Top for your information”, Ben said. “You can’t be the dentist.”

  “I’m the only one this town will allow”, Dr. Cats told him. “They’re a little touchy about dentists; because, we have of away of being snoops. Of course there’s not much they can do to a Cheseaur cat. Don’t worry I promise I’m very good at this. The wizard I had partnered with before Tyrell had killed him, taught me everything I know.”

  “Not that I wouldn’t mind the demonstration”, Ben told him. “I don’t exactly have a toothache.” He was about to get up from the chair when his wrists and ankles were bound to the point where he couldn’t get out of the chair. “What the...”

  “Just relax and everything will be alright”, the Cheseaur cat dentist said beaming his huge grin.

  “I just said...”

  “I know what you told me, but please stick to your story. I’ll tell you what you want to know, but Archie is out there, and at any minute he’s going to be checking in on the story of your tooth, now just let me do my thing and open your mouth”, he said as he removed the false bandage from Ben’s jaw. “Now I’ll do the talking you just shake or not your head. You know just keep it on a yes and no basis for the time being. Now the witch at the hotel, Clair. She’s Travis Tuskora’s girlfriend, did she call you in.” Ben tried to say no, but he could barely get the word to come out as the Cheseaur cat starting probing his mouth with one of the implements. As if to make matters worse the light he was wearing on his head was kind of blinding him. “Someone must have got you snooping around; otherwise, you wouldn’t be here.”

  “Ouch”, Ben screamed as he felt the tool poke the inside of his mouth. “That hurts.”

  “Well yell out, most of my patients yell when I find and pull the sensitive tooth.” Out of the corner of his eye one of Archie’s boys walked up to pear in through the window. “Everything’s alright, just keep calm. I see it. I’ll have it out in no time, let me just get a feel for it here.” Ben continued to yelp in pain. He kept holding on to the chair tightly as if he was getting root canal. He tried to break himself free from the enchanted chair, but the cuffs had him secured in, no matter what spell he could think off he wasn’t getting out of that chair until Dr. Cats was done probing his mouth. Dr. Cats kept jabbing at the inside of his mouth until the Werewolf biker just smiled and walked away. “Alright he’s gone, we can have a normal conversation now.” Ben spat on the floor. “Hey not there, here.” Dr. Cats filled a glass of water and gave it to him. “If you need to spit, use the sink next to you. You ever go to the dentist Stupid.”

  “Only on an as needed basis.”

  “You need to go at least once a year”, Dr. Cats told him.

  “Yes Mom”, Ben sneered. “I’ll get right on that, by the way you didn’t pull any of my teeth out did you.”

  “No, your teeth are fine. Although I would consider making that appointment with your local dentist very soon. You do have some inflammation in the gums. You keep putting it off, I may suggest root canal.”

  “Enough about my choppers, what’s going on here?”

  “Well as you know El Draco is a lawless wizard community. It wasn’t always like that, but then the Warlock came. Drexel Draco and Crix Tyrell murdered the marshals who where in charge here, and the Warlock who claimed the town as his territory made those two in charge of law and order. Then the Werewolves came in helping them to enforce their so called laws.”

  “Any mention about treasure hunting”, Ben asked.

  “Although the rumors were never proven, Telly’s place at Crow’s Nest might be sitting on a gold mind, or it may end up just becoming more property for the Iron Warlock. Take a look outside.” They saw a group of Werewolves getting their instructions from Archie. “I can tell you what there saying, and I don’t even have to hear a word. It’s all black mail. Archie is obviously relaying what Tyrell told him they need to do. Nothing they haven’t done before, just keep surrounding Crow’s place to try to force him to surrender or drop his guard, of course now that they got Travis as their hold card; they’ll let him know that they have his nephew,
and the only way to save him from a certain doomed fate is to turn the deed to all his property over to the Warlock.”

  “And then from there they’ll see if the rumors about the treasure are true.”

  “Who’s to say their not true, but then again, the Warlock could be sitting on a gold mine as well. My theory is that both property’s maybe sitting on a piece of the treasure, or their might be a link where they’re buried.”

  “Interesting possibility”, Ben said.

  “I just hope something can be done to help Travis. Crow may be stubborn and a bit of a joker, but Travis has been like a son to him. He really loves that boy and wouldn’t want to see him hurt.”

  “He might need some reinforcements to help get them both out of this.”

  “Well Mr. Cone Top, I do hope there might be something you can do”, The Cheseaur gave a quick look outside. “I don’t see anyone, but we better give one good yell just to be on the safe side. All my patients yell when I give them a shot of Novocain.”

  “Yow”, Ben screamed as the injection was forced into his open mouth. “That’s the real deal. Haven’t you heard of just acting?”

  “I have, but I’m afraid you’re not that good of an actor.”

  “Oh really”, Ben hissed. He took out some money and gave it to Dr. Cats. “I’ll be seeing you.”

  “Just remember if you do need root canal, remember I recommended it.” Ben just smirked at what Dr. Cats just said to him, and stalked out of the office feeling his mouth.

  “This is why I don’t like going to the dentist”, he said to himself.

  Chapter VII:

  Griffin to Hippogriff:

  “Hey cousin”, Talon said as he approached the hippogriff.

  “Easy”, the other creature replied. “You’re better off if no one sees us talking to each other.”


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