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Wrath of the Iron Warlock

Page 9

by Patrick Cassidy

  It was around noon or sometime later when they heard the sound of a motor cycle. Ben stepped out staff in hand. He was now face to face with Archie Wolfgang.

  “That’s far enough Wolfgang”, Ben growled. “Unless you’ve come to give yourself up.”

  “Depends on the deal you’re willing to make”, Archie said as he lit his cigar. “I hope you don’t mind, I’m here as a matter of professional courtesy. I hope you appreciate my coming here; especially since I have your friend Professor Pallando.”

  “What have you done to him”, Ben asked raising his staff in the process.

  “Easy, he hit his head. He’s alright, and he’ll be in one piece as long as you and your little band there do exactly as you’re told. We’re all gathered at my hangout off the main highway. You want your friend back alive and unharmed you can have him, just bring the Warlock to the old abandoned church across from the bar. I managed to talk Tyrell into a fair exchange, the Warlock for Professor Pallando, then you go free, and we’ll resume the duties of taking charge of our town.”

  “After we get Jim back, what happens?”

  “You all go free, but don’t ever show up in El Draco again. You may not find it so easy next time. You have till the full moon rises tonight in order to comply with the terms of the trade.”

  “Will you give us time to get prepared”, Ben asked.

  “As I said, you have till the full moon is at its peak tonight. We’ll give you time to get there, I’ve even wrote directions down. You start the Warlock from the church, we’ll send the Professor from the bar. Remember, before the full moon’s light tonight.” He turned his motorcycle around and drove off without another word.

  “Poor Jim”, Cleo said as Ben unfolded the piece of paper with the instructions on how to get to the old church.” Travis quickly interjected once he saw what was written on it.

  “I’m surprised that thug could write. You don’t need these directions, I know where this old church is.”

  “We’ll follow your lead out there Travis”, Mike said. “I wouldn’t trust these directions, then again I wouldn’t trust Archie, or Tyrell either.”

  “I’ll go and try to get help”, Dr. Cats said. He disappeared without a trace before anyone could say a word to him. Mike pulled out his mirror and told Kate to bring the car up to the jail house and to inform her of the situation. Ben had an idea. He looked at Crystal and motioned her over toward the back door so that only the two of them could speak in private.

  “Crystal do you know where the Werewolves hangout?”

  “I’ve been by the place hundreds of times, but never been in. What do you have in mind?”

  “Get yourself a broomstick and see if you can steal one of those lunar amulets from their bikes. Once that’s done wait for us at the church. I’m counting on you to do this carefully, while your there see if you can get a layout of the area. If I plan this right we might be able to rescue Jim and retain the Warlock.”

  “I better not take a broomstick for this, don’t worry I won’t fail you, I promise”, she said with as soon as Ben opened the back door. She quickly transformed into a swan and flew outside. Although still bound, the Warlock couldn’t help but be a little smug about the odds turning in his favor.

  “Such a pity, then again had you let me go a lot sooner I would’ve saw fit to pardon you. The offer still stands of course. I’ll be more than happy to release your friend myself.”

  “I wouldn’t be feeling so happy underneath that shell Warlock”, Ben growled. “If anything does happen to Jim; I’m not only going to personally bust you out of that armor, but I’ll turn you into a garbage can for the raccoons to have an all night party.” It wasn’t long before Kate and Clair pulled up in what appeared to be an old red Ford Mustang convertible. “I see you kept grandfather’s car in perfect condition”, Ben said to Mike.

  “You know my passion for classic cars”, Mike replied. “Plus this is one I perfected with the flying enchantment. Crow and I will ride in the back with the Warlock, you and Travis take point with the hippogriffs.”

  “Right. Travis, lead the way.” It was a long flight. Ben and Travis would take turns gliding down to check the highway to make sure they were heading in the right direction. It didn’t take them long to see the bar, and the church sitting on the other side of the desert road.” They landed behind the church. Ben and Travis dismounted their hippogriffs as Mike, Crow, Kate, and Clair stepped out of the car.

  “Come on Warlock, time to go to church and confess your sins”, Crow sneered. The Warlock just shrugged, but allowed himself to be led into the church. The minute the doors were open, Ben and Mike shoved there staffs behind the Warlock, but Dr. Cats floated over to let them know it was alright.

  “Its alright, there is no reason to fear. All inside the church are here to help.”

  “They better be real good in a fight”, Ben said.

  “You people better know what you’re getting yourselves in for”, The Warlock growled. “You are a strong bunch together, but you’ll live to regret it all later when you are alone. I will see to that personally.”

  “Shut up”, Ben said as he kicked the Warlock in the knee. He knew it didn’t hurt him; because of the armor, but Ben was trying to send him a message regardless if it back fired or not. One of the wizards on the inside approached them.

  “Captain Pallando was my commanding officer in the war. I owe him my life. I was informed on what happened to him by Dr. Cats, and I immediately rallied everyone here to help. My name is Kent Lomax.”

  “It’s a pleasure to know you”, Ben said as he shook the other wizard’s hand. “I’m sure Jim would be happy your here to help. Alright everyone, get into position. Let’s get a few people up in the bell tower for additional cover. Whatever you do, once the spells start flying, try to take cover if any of them hit the bells. You might be able to use them as reflectors in order to send their attacks right back.” They all took positions, Ben and Mike were like generals getting the troops ready for war, and in many ways they were. Crystal managed to show up, she handed Ben one of the lunar amulets.

  “Give it to Clair”, Ben said. “Tell her that once she has it on, transform, and take on Archie. If she could make him back down or chase him away from the fight his boys will see that as a sign of weakness. Did you manage to find a blind spot for me?”

  “Yes, to the left side of the church theirs a trail that leads up to a huge big rock. I don’t think you’ll need to be invisible, but it overlooks the path of the trade.”

  “That’s all I need to know. Thank you, I’ll take it from here. Get together with Mike, and he’ll explain what he needs you to do.” Ben went up to Mike.

  “I found away to keep the odds in our favor, can you take care of things while I set my trick of the trade up? I know how much you’d like to give Tyrell an eye for an eye.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I haven’t got time to explain. Just give me ten minutes if you can before you call Tyrell out. I’ll do the rest.” Ben took not only his staff, but he also took the one that belonged to the Warlock and slipped out the back door. He then transformed into a fox and bounded off toward the big rock that Crystal had mentioned.


  “The moon is full, they better be there”, Tyrell sneered as he started pacing back and forth.

  “Don’t worry, my boys and I know what to do if they don’t”, Archie said. “Have a drink and calm yourself.”

  “I want to tend to him myself”, Tyrell said. “I’m going to satisfy the revenge requirement, and then the Warlock would never question my powers again.”

  “Why don’t the two of you just slug it out”, Archie said. “Sometimes if you want to be the alpha, you got to challenge the one in charge. Once you’ve gained the power, never show any sign of weakness. Trust me, I wasn’t leader of the Werewolves t
his long after our turf war with the Green Orcs. I could tell you about the leader of the pack at that time. In some ways you kind of remind me of him.”

  “When I want to hear the war stories of a hot tempered biker who howls at the moon, I’ll ask for you to tell me. Right now you better check on the prisoner.”

  “He’s alright, my boys are guarding him well.” Before Tyrell could say anything, Mike’s voice began to echo across the room.”

  “Tyrell, Crix Tyrell. If you’re ready to make the trade get your ugly painted face out here.”

  Tyrell stepped out of the rear of the bar, he saw Mike standing across the way in front of the church. Staff in his one hand, and the wand that was now his left hand waiting for action.

  “I remember you”, Tyrell said. “You’re the only wizard I managed to take down a few notches, but didn’t quite finish off.”

  “And you think you might get a chance to settle that score today”, Mike told him. “I don’t think that’s why we’re all here is it?”

  “You got the Warlock”, he asked Mike.

  “We got him”, Mike said.

  “Alright”, Tyrell said. “Here’s how this works. Have the Warlock walk to the bar, and we’ll have Professor Pallando walk toward the church.”

  “Mind if I take a look and see if Professor Pallando is still with us. My brother and I at least gave you proof of life, the least you could do is extend the same courtesy.” Archie and his boys brought me up out toward the back door so that Mike could see for himself that I was ok. At the same time, Ben had made it to the top of the rock. He didn’t transform back yet, he was waiting for the right time to do so.

  “Alright, bring him out”, Mike said. Crow and Travis brought the Warlock outside, and Mike removed the spell binders. “Don’t get any ideas, you’re going up that trail slow and easy. You will stop if I tell you to. Or be prepared to be stopped.”

  “You won’t stop me again”, the Warlock said. “Once I’m on the other side, be prepared to pay the price. I hit like a tornado, strike without mercy, and I don’t stop until I’m satisfied with the damage.”

  “Just do as you’re told”, Mike told him. “Remember, you’re still our prisoner till you make it to the other side. We’ll be watching your every move.” The Warlock bowed his head, turned and started walking toward the bar. I did the same in walking towards the church after Tyrell gave me a similar warning before he turned me loose. I was thankful to have the spell binders off, but now the Warlock and I were supposed to walk past each other. I didn’t have my wand, but I was glad to see he didn’t have his staff. I still felt I should be ready to fend him off if I had to. I figured I could use lightning from my finger tips or fireballs from the palm of my hands incase if he tried anything; however, I kind of was anticipating he was having the same idea. Just as we came with in inches of each other, I suddenly couldn’t move. At first I thought the circle of light beneath my feet was a trick of the Warlock’s or Tyrell’s, but they were just as shocked as I was. Next thing you know, I was incased inside a box. I heard a shout and felt a curse hit the box. I was thinking to myself:

  “Game over, I’m dead”, but then I slowly realized that the box wasn’t destroyed. As soon as the doors opened up I was face to face with Ben who held out his hand to help me out of the box.

  “Ben, what was that.”

  “One of the greatest magic achievements known to safe your neck”, Ben beamed. “I like to introduce you to the Alatar Magic box trick. A family surprise that never goes out of style.”

  Chapter XI:

  Wrath of the Iron Warlock:

  “Warlock, no sudden moves. Remember you make a lovely target for the citizens of El Draco”, Mike called out.

  “Where did he go”, Tyrell hissed. “Archie, its’ time to quit playing around. Attack!” Before he or Mike could say anything else, the Warlock’s fists were clenched, we saw his eyes light up as if he was about to go into a fit of rage. Ben tried to slip me his staff, but it was ripped out of his hand. It flew back to its master, next we saw was sparks fly, causing fissures into the ground.

  “Hold on”, Ben said as he handed me his wand. He pointed his own staff at the head of the Warlock’s. Out shot that purple spell of his hitting its mark as always. Only now as the ground the Warlock was standing on was being lifted up, both of us were being pulled in to what looked to be a giant cyclone forming. “Mike keep the fight away from the town if you can, Jim and I will take care of our friend on the inside of the storm.”

  Mike told Travis to take a few of their band and try to block off the highways. We didn’t want anyone innocent, ordinary or otherwise getting hurt. Mike told Travis the best way to contain the rogue cyclone created by the Warlock was to use a wall of blue flames. At the same time Archie and his gang transformed and began to charge. Tyrell commanded some of the witches that were with him to mount on their broomsticks and see if they could take our side out from the sky. Mike had a similar plan to counter. Crystal had lead the party riding on the back of one of the hippogriffs. Some of the creatures who were at the Warlock’s mansion when we kidnapped him were getting in on the game as well. Clair had immediately sprung out of the church transforming into the were-she-wolf just as Ben had mentioned she would. After dodging a handful of spells and curses, she managed to pounce on Archie, forcing him to loose his shotgun.

  “Out of the way lady, I don’t allow woman to fight in my gang”, Archie growled.

  “Good thing I’m not apart of your gang. If you’re worried about me getting hurt, I’m afraid you already took care of that”, Clair growled back. Archie saw the amulet around her neck. “Blame no one but yourself. This one is for nearly killing Travis.” The two of them went after each other like two wolves fighting to take control of the pack. At first Archie’s gang didn’t notice what was going on, but a few of them were almost stopping their battle in order to see who the winner was. Mike took advantage of this distraction to move in to start dueling Tyrell while Kate kept him covered shooting off silver bullets from her pistol.

  “I’m going to enjoy this, once I finish you off; you one eyed wand hand freak, I’ll take my revenge on your brother and his pal.”

  “If you take me down, the Warlock may give you what is left of them, but I doubt you’ll last that long you dirty snake in the grass.”


  Meanwhile, inside the cyclone, Ben and I managed to land on our feet on to the risen piece of land even as the Warlock broke the connection between his and Ben’s staff.

  “It’s over Warlock, you won’t be able to defeat the two of us.”

  “That’s what you think”, the Warlock sneered. “Even two against one won’t last against me. You got lucky the last time, but you’re dueling on my terms now.”

  “Warlock, listen to me, the people of El Draco suffered enough of your cruelty. If you surrender now, and return what you stole Ben and I will see to it you get a fair trial.”

  “The only trial you both should concern yourself with Professor, is the state of execution that I have sentence you both to. If you think about it, I’ll be killing two birds with one stone, three if you count Crow’s Nest. I’ll destroy the two of you and collect my treasure in the process. This cyclone is strong enough to rip a corpse out of its grave.” Trying to keep our balance on the flying piece of landscape, Ben and I engaged the Warlock. Spells and curses flew like wildfire. Then in two flashes of lightning, two skeletons appeared. Each with a pair of swords. Ben made a quick move with his own staff and the skeletal minions were knocked down like bowling pins. They were going to try put themselves back together, but got taken up into the wind by the cyclone. The Warlock and Ben exchanged blows with their meteor shower spells. I took the opportunity to hurl a spell that ripped off part of the armor from the Warlock’s right shoulder. The Warlock looked to see the damage, while Ben went for the legs. They were busted off, but he
was now flying on his own power. Where we expected to see legs when the debris from the armor cleared was a small cloud forming into a twister in order to keep him a float.

  “Wait a minute, he’s no Warlock at all”, I said in shock.

  “You’re right”, Ben said as the Warlock called a Chimera with his lightning spell this time. Ben began to fend off the creature. Trying to avoid getting burnt by its fire breath or bitten by either the lion teeth or snake headed tail. As for me, he managed to call in a Cyclops. “Go for the eye, and cast him to the winds”, Ben said as he shocked the Chimera with lightning from his fingers, and then sent the beast off into the cyclone. “Let’s try to unmask this fiend.” We each took a turn going after him while the Warlock kept trying to protect himself with any other minions he could think of to distract us while he moved in for the kill. Such as giant spiders and scorpions, even a giant killer bee. After a few rounds with his rogues we had him completely busted out of his armor and then I was able to recognize the face of the man beneath the mask.

  “General Sven Dyson”, I growled out. “You traitor.”


  “Alright, keep them away from the blue flames”, Travis told the wizards and witches that helped him set up the blue fire walls. “They so much as let it rain down on them, we’ll be in bad shape.”

  A mix of Tyrell’s, the Warlock’s, and Archie’s crew was headed their way. As soon as a Cyclops was about to swing his club, Bistro bolted down from the sky not only breathing hot flames on the creature, but pouncing right on top of him. He then blocked the oncoming werewolves and chimera with a wall of flames of his own. Two of the Chimera had jumped over and were coming towards him.

  “Bring it on”, Bistro roared. “I eat chimera for lunch.” Talon also came soaring in leading Tiger and his band of magician Marshalls in to help out.


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