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Immortals Children Of The Gods

Page 25

by M'tain Dubois

  Chapter 25

  “And what did Pontos promise you and why has he chosen to attack us?”

  “He promised that the crew and I would have its weight in gold and forever we would be safe when sailing. As for why he has targeted you I don’t know he didn’t tell me.”

  “I will get to the bottom of why he has attacked us but as for you and your crew my treacherous friend you will get in the life boats and leave, my friends and I will handle the voyage to Melos.” Leers Vasos.

  “You can’t do this; I won’t order my men to do it.”

  Vasos laugh fills the cabin. “Like you’ll have a choice.”

  Changing his voice to use his siren call, Vasos orders the captain to say nothing to anyone but instead just call his friends into the cabin, obeying Helios heads out calling the other two demigods into the cabin.

  “What’s going on Vasos?” Questions Sevrrir entering the room.

  “We have been betrayed by the crew and the captain.”

  Quickly he fills them in on the conversation he had with the captain and his plan moving forward.

  “That’s all well and good but I don’t know how to sail.” Worries Sander nursing his flask.

  “I have some experience but I’m not sure how helpful I’ll be with my fear.” Says Sevrrir.

  “So do I and I’m sure you’ll be fine we’ll figure out how to help you with it later, but between the two of us we should be alright to sail the ship. It’s that or we stay on a ship full of people we can’t trust.”

  “I hope we can overcome my fear but first we have to figure out how to get the crew to go into the boats willingly.” States Sevrrir.

  “I’ve got an idea on that.” Hiccups Sander.

  “What’d you have in mind?” Inquires Vasos with a mischievous smile.

  Five minutes later the captain and his crew are stumbling around the deck feeling drunk and desperately trying to get into the boats they have just fallen in love with. As the trio watches the crew empties into the boats kissing the wood everywhere they can, then with one last wave of his hand Sander drives insanity into the minds of the crew. Frantically the crew yells dropping the boats into the water to get away from the ship infected with the crazy thought that the ship is going to eat them.

  “I’ve got to say that was actually a good plan.” Sevrrir says looking at Sander with grudging respect.

  “That’s right I’m not just another pretty face.”

  “I’ll say.” Laughs Vasos until a giant metal eagle lands on the deck in front of him.

  Quick as thought vines wrap around the automaton and the axe Sverrir carries swings towards the creation only to be stopped Vasos sword.

  “Relax guys, that’s an automaton one of my father’s creations no doubt. It’s probably a gift to us.”

  Reluctantly Sander removes his vines and Sevrrir puts away his axe waiting to see what will happen next.

  After a minute Sander breaks the silence. “Well what happens now obviously just staring at the thing isn’t accomplishing anything other than making my eyes hurt?”

  “I’m not sure.” Vasos exclaims running his fingers over the bird searching for anything out of the ordinary.

  All of a sudden the button on the chest begins beeping insistently startling them.

  “Push it.” Says Vasos to Sevrrir.

  “It’s your father’s whatever, you push it. How do I know that thing isn’t going to shock or attack or something if I touch it, if you’re so sure he sent it you do it.”

  “Relax Sevrrir it not like it’s made of water.” He jokes pushing the button.

  Loudly after the button is pressed the message Kol recorded plays back for Vasos and the others to hear.

  After it finishes Vasos looks at the others for their opinions.

  “A riddle to find a god? That sucks, at least we know where we have to go.” Says Sander.

  “For now, for our second quest we need to find the lost armor of Achilles. No one knows where it is.” Sighs Vasos.

  “I wonder what help this Curios can send?” Ponders Sevrrir.

  “Who knows but any help we can get would be great, we’re at a serious disadvantage here at sea and I seriously doubt that the enemies we have are done.” Chimes in Sander.

  “I’m wondering what the hell a Norn is.” Puzzles Vasos.

  “Norns are the fates.” Answers Sevrrir. “What do you think we should say back?”

  “I’ll figure it out, I suppose we just press the button again to send a message.” Vasos answers pressing the button. “Kol it’s good to hear from you and know that someone else can appreciate what we are going through. I stand here with Sander demigod son of Dionysus and Sevrrir demigod son of Heimdall. We are sailing to the island of Rhodes where our first quest is for us to defeat Chrysaor son of Poseidon and Medusa and retrieve his golden mask. For this quest we will have to travel a long way over water so anything Curios could do would be greatly appreciated. Our journey has already been fraught with problems; we were attacked by a Cetea barely surviving. Also, we discovered that it was the ancient sea god Pontos who sent the creature after us and bribed the crew to turn against us, we have yet to find out why. Fortunately we have handled both problems but now we are the only ones left on the ship. In regards to the problem of the riddle if you tell us what it is we will help try and solve it, until we hear from you my friend good luck and may the fates protect you as well.”

  At the end Vasos presses the button and watches with awe as the bird sails into the air.

  “A lot of good that does.” Huffs Sevrrir. “I mean I hope that they can send help but in the end will the gods even allow them to? This quest is ours after all, if they wanted us to work together we’d all be together wouldn’t we?”

  “We’ll find out, if they are stopped from sending help or the gods keep us from solving the puzzle it’ll be pretty clear but if that was the case then I don’t think my father would have made the creation in the first place.” Replies Vasos walking to the helm. “Now let’s see if we can figure out where the hell we are since we’ve just been letting the ship sail on its own since the crew left.”

  “What we need is help.” Sighs Sander. “No offense to either of you but I’m not sure that you can get us there, it takes a whole crew to sail a ship. Having the both of you sail by yourselves is like me getting drunk and trying to win a horse race.”

  “You have anything other than complaints and doubts to go with that?” Questions Sevrrir clearly annoyed.

  “What about Bion? He said that anything we need he’d be willing to help.” He answers thoughtfully.

  “It’s worth a try.” Says Vasos pouring over some maps.

  “I’m starting to feel sick again.” Announces Sevrrir holding his stomach.

  “Drink?” Offers Sander helpfully shoving the flask in his face making Sevrrir gag even more.

  “Oh gods.” He says running to the side of the ship to throw up again with Sander in hot pursuit.

  With a sigh he watches Sevrrir get sick again and Sander intent on tormenting him “Bion it’s Vasos, I hate to ask you for help but we’re kind of lost at sea here, literally.”

  Shocking Vasos a hand appears on his shoulder. “There’s nothing wrong with asking for help from family Vasos, I told you if there was anything I could do I would.”

  “Lord Bion.” He says bowing but when he looks up Bion is busy watching and laughing at Sevrrir and Sander.

  Following his gaze Vasos is just in time to see Sevrrir turn into a lion and hit Sander with a clawless swipe sending him across the deck.

  Sander is laughing uncontrollably until he sees that his flask is no longer in his pocket but instead on the floor of the deck spilling out freely.

  “Not the wine! Anything but the wine!” He yells scrambling to get the flask.

  “They are too funny. How you get anything done at all is beyond me.” He chuckles looking back at Vasos. “So anyway what is it you would have of me?”

  “Well w
e have a problem here, the crew betrayed us under the influence of Pontos so we had to get rid of them which we did, but now we are but three men left to sail one ship and we don’t really have all that much experience so we need help there. Also we wish to know why Pontos conspired against us in the first place and if you can help us against him.”

  “A tall request, I will do my best to help you. First let’s take care of Sevrrir’s issue.” Walking over to him with a simple touch he removes his fear of water for good. “As a gift to you Sevrrir I remove your fear of water and should you ever wish it I will also give you wings to aid you in your lion form. Although I’m not sure that your mother would approve of such a change.”

  “Thank you Bion.” He bows. “I would like to have the wings but first I will speak with my mother.”

  “As for why Pontos has attacked and worked against you is obvious, he has made a deal with Ares and Eris, beware for they have many allies and this is just the beginning. I cannot attack him directly to aid you Zeus forbids a war among the gods.” He says rolling his eyes. “Regrettably he is already sending another creature to attack you but take heart in the regards that Curios will be sending help to you. Now when it comes to the ship I am not a titan of the sea, I am the titan of the earth that’s about as far away as you can get so what I can do is bestow upon you the ability to feel the land of this place you are sailing to. Never will you be lost at sea because you will be drawn to the land of your choosing.”

  “Thank you Bion.” Smiles Vasos.

  “Anytime my young friend.” Smiles Bion a little too evilly for Vasos liking before he disappears.

  “What was that look about?” Questioned Sevrrir walking up to Vasos. “I’m grateful and all for what he did for me but that look really creeps me the hell out.”

  “I agree something is amiss, I’m just not sure what.”

  “Who cares at least we have some hope now.” Sighs Sander staring out over the ocean. “Let’s just get the ship to Melos as soon as possible.”

  “I agree but before we get there we’re going to have to deal with whatever Pontos sends against us now.” Vasos complains.

  “We’ll defeat it I’m sure.” Smiles Sevrrir.

  Abruptly the boat shakes rocking back and forth as Karkinos the giant crab crawls onto the deck of the ship forcing the boat to slant.

  “This is what he sends? Not a problem.” Sevrrir says turning into a lion.

  But before he can attack a giant wave hits the ship as a giant sea hydra emerges from the sea on the other side of the boat.

  Sander turns to Sevrrir who’s lion face has a priceless look on his face. “Open mouth and insert foot.”


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