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Immortals Children Of The Gods

Page 31

by M'tain Dubois

Chapter 31

  Vasos hadn’t slept that well in a long time, as he put his clothes on he couldn’t help but wonder if the bed was just that comfortable or if there was some magic in the place.

  “I trust you slept well my lord?” Questions a young lady entering the room with a tray of food.

  “I did thank you.”

  “I am glad, is there anything else I could do for you?” She questions beginning to pull off her shirt. “Helsa told me you have quite the appetite.”

  “I do.” He smiles beginning to kiss her until the eagle flies into his window landing on the edge of the bed.

  “Is there a problem my lord?” Questions the girl pulling off her shirt completely.

  “Business before pleasure.” He says getting up while putting his clothes back on.

  “Sometimes you can have both.” She smiles before lunging at him with a knife she had concealed. “Goodbye from Eris you demigod slime.”

  With a sigh Vasos grabs her arm flipping her into the floor and then kicking the knife forcing it to skid into the door. “Pathetic, slow and weak, clearly Eris trained you herself.” He says dragging her out of the room towards the dining hall.

  Kicking open the door Vasos finds Sevrrir and Sander are already there with the queen patiently waiting for him.

  Shooting to her feet the Queen calls for the guards at the sight of Vasos dragging in the servant girl. “What’s the meaning of this? I welcome you into my home and this is how you repay me by attacking my servant?”

  Sander sits leisurely watching while Sevrrir pulls out his axe and is ready to fight.

  “Your goddess sent this girl to my room to kill me or was it you majesty? Either way, you can tell Eris that it will take more than a pretty face to end me.” He says dropping the girl on the floor and pulling his weapon.

  “I do not serve Eris nor do any that follow my rule!” She yells pulling her sword as the guards surround them.

  A magical forceful voice fills the room her voice is beautiful but has a tingle of anger to it. “Vasos speaks the truth, this harlot has indeed pledged herself to Eris. She has given what secrets she knew to the goddess, our plans are now in danger have you made your choice Vasos?”

  The guards quickly take the servant away to be punished while Vasos walks to the middle of the room.

  “I was about to listen to the message my comrade sent before I was attacked, if you would allow me my lady I will retrieve it and make the decision now.”

  “Your device is here.” Replies the goddess as the eagle appears on the table.

  Without another word Vasos walks up pressing the button, a hush falls over everyone as they listen to the message.

  “Kol and myself agree to your terms, now may I know whom it is we are indebted to?” He questions.

  “Now is not the time young hero. Eris is sending monsters to attack you here and I must prepare to destroy them, you will find a ship is ready and fully supplied. The ship will sail itself all you need do is stand at the helm and speak your destination, I will send Selene on a ship to Argos as we agreed.”

  Before Vasos can reply he and his friends find themselves on the deck of a ship standing at the helm with the eagle next to them.

  On the horizon speeding towards the island are dozens of creatures.

  “Let’s go, ship take us to Thera.”

  Suddenly the ship lunges forward so fast it tosses all three of them backwards into the railing. Sander counters the speed by growing vines around each of them pulling them back to the helm. As they watch a tunnel opens up swallowing the entire ship, they can’t believe their eyes, above them is a swirling storm of red and black clouds and the ship is riding on a river of green and blue water. Monsters and creatures they have never seen before appear on the land stretching out either way but disappear just as quickly. Then in a matter of seconds as quickly as the journey began it ends with the ship being shot out of the strange tunnel into the surface of the ocean.

  “What in Hades was that?” Questions Vasos.

  “I’ve never seen anything like that in the Norse lands.” Says Sevrrir.

  “I’ve never seen anything like this before in the Greek lands.” Chimes in Sander.

  “Like you’d have been awake to see it if something happened.” Mutters Sevrrir.

  “Look!” Exclaims Vasos.

  Before them is a small island coming into view.

  “That can’t be Thera can it?” Questions Sevrrir.

  “I don’t know, look there’s another ship let’s ask them. Take us to the other ship.” He says.

  Quickly the ship sails to side of the other one gliding softly.

  “Hello there.” Vasos yells to a man fishing restfully. “We got caught in a storm and lost our bearings could you tell us what island that is?”

  “Sure.” The man yells back. “You are at the island of Thera, we have a good deal of shops if you are in need of supplies.”

  “I can’t believe it, the thing brought us to Thera in a matter of seconds!” Exclaims Sander. “Whoever that goddess is she really wants you to finish these quests.”

  “That’s not necessarily a good thing, if anything it promises big trouble for you later if you ask me.” Interjects Sevrrir solemnly.

  “Maybe it will be but that’s a problem for future Vasos to deal with.” Vasos Replies. “In the meantime let’s send a message to Kol letting him know what happened.”

  Walking over to the eagle and pressing the button Vasos sits in front of the machine to record his message.

  “I’m glad to hear that you figured out the riddle and have a destination finally, as for what happened at Selene’s castle. Well you and I are indebted to a secret goddess, yay for us! Hopefully it doesn’t come back to bite us later but even if it does thank you for backing me up on it. Thanks to our agreement my men and I have an enchanted ship now that is able to travel great distances in seconds by taking us through some weird tunnel none of us have seen or heard about before, in any case though we will be able to get to Rhodes in no time flat. So it seems that our first quest is finally here, good luck and be careful Kol. Watch yourself because nobody’s allowed to kick your butt except me.” Vasos finishes pressing the button with a smile.

  “Inspiring.” Sander says toasting the air. “I always love your little speeches they remind me of a simpler time.”

  “I thought so.” Smiles Vasos pushing him over as he takes a drink.

  “One last order to the ship and the real danger begins.” Sevrrir says solemnly.

  “Then we should get going everything feels like it’s beginning to get stagnant.” Sander says sarcastically.

  “I agree.” Smiles Vasos walking to the helm.

  “I was being sarcastic.”

  “So was I.” He laughs.

  “Am I the only one who’s taking this seriously?” Questions Sevrrir crossing his arms.

  Sander and Vasos look at each and then answer in unison. “Yeah.”

  “Just making sure.” He mutters.

  “Ok ship, take us to Rhodes.” Smiles Vasos.

  Again the strange tunnel appears engulfing the ship showing them another glimpse of everything they saw before. Vasos takes a mental picture of everything as it passes by before the tunnel opens up to the ocean again depositing them with the island of Rhodes in the distance.

  “Here we are.” Sevrrir says solemnly.

  Sander yawns pointing in the direction of a ship that is heading straight at them. “And here they come.”


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