Chapter 33
The ship hadn’t reached them yet but already Vasos and the others could see that the crew was a hodgepodge of trouble. From what they could tell there were five Cyclopes, a dozen telekhines (the dog face seal men) and three harpies.
“Well gentlemen this is where I get off.” Says Vasos heading to the side of the ship.
“What?” Questions Sevrrir a gas.
“Oh yeah did I forget to mention that the plan was for us to keep Chrysaor’s pirates busy while he fights the man himself.” Says Sander pulling out his flask.
“How do we know that those are his men?” Questions Sevrrir.
“You’re right, I’m sure he just lets roving bands of monsters sail around the waters he calls home.” Says Sander patting his back. “Good job there figuring it out genius.”
“Kiss my butt.”
“Why don’t you go do something while us grownups talk, I’ve got it, go clean yourself like a good kitty, you’re starting to smell.” Snaps Sander.
“You kids enjoy yourselves and remember, kill them before you kill each other.” Says Vasos jumping over the side of the ship.
“Do not allow that coward to escape!” Yells one of the telekhines pointing at Vasos when he resurfaces for a moment. “The rest of you push forward and take the ship before the fools have a chance to turn and flee!”
Yelling with pleasure the crew grabs the oars speeding up the ship and closing the distance between them quickly.
“You think they have any idea who they’re about to attack?” Questions Sander watching the monsters.
“Not a chance in hell.” Laughs Sevrrir and playing with his axe.
“This is going to be fun.” Smiles Sander. “You up for this?”
“More than you are.”
“Is that right? I’ll bet you that I can get rid of more monsters than you can.”
“You must already be drunk.”
“That’s beside the point.”
“Fine, what are the stakes?” Questions Sevrrir happily.
“The loser has to call the winner great king of the world for two days straight without complaint.” Answers Sander.
“You got it, this is going to be so easy, I haven’t had anything to eat all day and when I’m in lion form my appetite is much grander.”
“It won’t make one iota of difference my friend you’re going to lose, oh and look, here comes the punching bags now.” He smiles walking over to stand beside Sevrrir at the railing.
As the ships line up side to side the telekhine that is clearly in charge yells pointing his sword at them. “Drop that weapon and surrender now! There’s nowhere for you to run.”
Smiling at them Sevrrir throws his axe behind him. “Running never crossed our minds.”
Vasos was making good time to the shore until the two telekhines grabbed him by the legs and dragged him unwater.
“You will die slowly and painfully human unless you stop fighting and allow us to drag you to the shore.” Laughs one of them happily as it watches Vasos struggle to get back to the surface.
“Do you agree?”
Vasos nods his head emphatically in agreement as he allows them to take his weapon dropping it to the sea floor.
“You won’t be needing that.”
Cutting through the water to the shore using amazing speed the telekhines pull Vasos onto the beach throwing him on the sand gasping for air.
“Congratulations now instead of killing you slowly and then eating you we will kill you quickly and then eat you.” Smirks one of the telekhines.
Vasos stands up definitely. “I don’t think so.”
“What are you going to do? Fight us both without a weapon?”
“Not at all.” Suddenly his weapon flies out of the water cutting one of the telekhines in half crumbling it to dust and sending it back to the depths of Hades realm.
“What sorcery is this? Who are you?” The creature questions nervously.
“I am Vasos.” He answers proudly.
“The avenger?”
“Word travels fast does it not?” He smiles dropping his axe in the dirt next to him.
“I am not afraid of you Vasos.” The telekhine smiles with his dog face before barking so loud the sound echoes across the land.
“Calling for reinforcements?”
“You have no idea, make peace with the gods now.”
“You first.” Vasos says kicking his axe up out of the sand changing it into a sword as it lifts so it’s level with his head, swiftly he snatches it out of the air and throws it at the telekhine stabbing it in the heart before it can react.
The ground rumbles causing Vasos to catch his balance, turning around slowly he finds four chimera’s and ten Ipotane, the older ancestors of the centaurs are each carrying bows and arrows along with a sword. Two Ipotane each are holding the giant chains leading to colliers that leash the multiple heads of the chimera.
“You have started a fight on the wrong island.” Yells the head Ipotane named Talis.
“Not true, I am Vasos son of Aphrodite. I have come to this place by order of the gods. Chrysaor has plagued the seas and its people for too long. I have come to teach him a lesson in humility.”
“You’ll have to get past us first brave demigod, I admire your courage and will face you one on one but be warned that no matter the outcome of our battle these others will show you no quarter. They are fiercely loyal to Chrysaor.” Talis warns.
“But not you?”
“I am an unwilling servant, I was once a traveler across the world. I decided to become a legendary hero that would match Chiron, my travels eventually brought me here to Rhodes where I decided that I would put an end to Chrysaor and his pirates once and for all. I fought through his men until I reached his home challenging him to fight me one on one. I am ashamed to say that I lost badly and as I laid there broken and bleeding he offered me a choice, years of torture followed by death or immortality and servitude. Obviously I took the cowards way out and chose the latter. So here I am, an unwilling slave as long as he lives.”
“I am sorry to hear of your misfortune but delight that today is the day your servitude ends because after I defeat you and your friends I will defeat him.” Answers Vasos.
“You’re crazy.” Sevrrir yells.
“Count them or did you not learn how to count in the jungle?” Sander snaps back.
“They’re not even dead Sander! Look at them they’re just running around high fiving each other.”
“They’re not attacking us and they can’t do anything against us, ergo they have been defeated.” Sander smiles drinking from his flask.
“I disagree; as long as they can wake up from your little trance again then they are not fully defeated.” He reasons.
“Fine.” Sander sighs looking at the creatures.
All of the creatures stop high fiving and instead attack each other until only one of the harpies is left. With one final look at her the harpy squawks for a second before flying over the side of the ship and drowning herself in the water.
“And with that one the score stands at eleven to nine, if you weren’t so busy eating the enemies you might have been able to win but instead I am your great king of the world.” He laughs.
“The games not over yet check it out.” Points Sevrrir at the beach where Vasos is fighting the Ipotane.
Running to the helm Sander smiles. “Ship, take us to the shore.”
“You are well trained Vasos, a very worthy opponent.” Pants Talis slightly out of breath.
“As are you. We would do well as friends and allies.”
“Were the fates so kind.” He says attacking Vasos with his double swords in a flurry of intricate attacks.
Vasos smiles blocking and dodging them with ease.
Backing away for a moment Talis eyes him carefully. “I find it strange that you have yet to use any kind of powers against me.”
“It would be unfair of me to use my powers against you giving me an unfair advantage, that�
��s not what I want. If I am to win it will be using my skill with a blade alone.”
“Truly you are an honorable man!”
“Enough talking Talis, if you do not finish off this man quickly the rest of us will.” Barks one of the other Ipotane.
“Mind your tongue or you will feel my wrath next.” Snaps Talis quieting the other Ipotane.
“What we need is these other distractions removed so you may battle me unencumbered, luckily I have a way to take care of that.”
“How do you purpose to get such a feat accomplished?”
Answering the question for him is Sevrrir leaping over Vasos turning into a lion and attacking one of the chimera and taking the enemies by surprise. Vasos just smiles as Sander runs past him into the fray brandishing a spear.
“Now noble Talis show me the extent of your prowess.”
Immortals Children Of The Gods Page 33