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Immortals Children Of The Gods

Page 44

by M'tain Dubois

  Chapter 43

  Vasos had gone back and forth on what to do, every instinct that he had told him to not risk the others, this was his quest and after everything they had been through he couldn’t bear the thought of losing his friends. He had already come up with a plan that he was pretty sure would work; he figured that he would leave Sander here tied to the mast where it was safe. Then he would go to the island and brazenly challenge Argus in front of whatever monsters were left, then using his siren call he could speak an order that would force all of the monsters including his friends to just watch. That would make sure Talis and Sevrrir stayed safe whether or not he won.

  Vasos even dove into the water to start the plan but then he climbed back on board the ship and agonized over the decision again. Maybe his mother was right, how much of his Spartan training was still ingrained in him? Could it be that he was still just fixated on the soldier code he had learned? He wasn’t sure anymore and because of that for the first time in years he wondered who his father was and what happened to him.

  Staring at the fading sun Vasos knew he had to make a choice soon, Sander wouldn’t stay knocked out forever.

  It was like Sander could hear his thoughts all at once his eyes shot open staring at Vasos with an angry look. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Before you over react let me explain.”

  Sander looks down at the ropes tying him to the mast. “Please explain.”

  “I did this for you.”

  “Ah you shouldn’t have.” Sander says sarcastically.

  “I mean that I wanted to keep you safe so the plan was to knock you out and then force the others with my siren call to stay out of the fight, that way all of you would be safe and alive no matter what happened.”

  “That’s so kind and caring of you Vasos, charging in nobly to meet your death against impossible odds. Tell me Vasos, was it during that fight with Chrysaor that you got your over inflated ego?”

  “I was just trying to keep you safe jerk.”

  “By forcing us to lose a man we have come to think of as our brother? I’d rather charge in by your side and possibly die than be stuck here to the mast and know you died while I couldn’t do anything to stop it.” Sander admits.

  Vasos is all choked up staring at Sander as the thick vines growing out of the ship wrap tighter around him choking off his air. At the same moment the vines pull apart the ropes holding Sander setting him free.

  “By all rights I should knock you out, tie you up and leave you here while we do the quest without you. I’m sure the others would agree with me that if you are going to be reckless we should keep you out of the fight completely.” Sander reasons smugly.

  In response Vasos breaks free from the vines grabbing Sander and throwing him into the wall of the cabin. “I’d like to see you try.”

  “Listen. I understand you want to protect us but did you ever think of how we would have felt? Did you even consider it? We’re a family Vasos you said it yourself and families don’t quit on each other especially when they’re needed the most.” Sander resolves walking up to Vasos.

  “You…You’re right, I just don’t think I’m strong enough to keep all of you safe.”

  “No you’re not.” Sander agrees. “But WE are.”

  Vasos’ look softens as he smiles at Sander. “Thank you.”

  “Now let’s get a good night’s sleep and get this done in the morning, after some drinking of course.” Sander winks gulping down some wine.

  “I think you’ve rested enough on my account Sander and it’s a good thing because we’re going to head out tonight and take them by surprise.”

  “You’ve got another plan I hope?”

  “A doozy, we’ll have to move quickly and I’ll need your help.”

  The swim to the land was easy since Vasos was able to jump nearly the whole distance to the shore, it was a little scary to Sander that Vasos’ powers were growing at such as fast rate. He wondered how much more his own powers would grow or if they even would, he thought about asking Vasos if he did something special to make his grow but thought better of it when he saw him wrestling with a hell hound.

  “A little help?” He questions struggling to hold on.

  “Sure, no problem.”

  Vines sprout from the ground wrapping around the creature until the creature is stuck in place.

  “That was easier than I thought, now all we have to do is find as many of the creatures as we can and do the same thing.” Vasos says cheerfully.

  All night they had worked to find every creature on the island that they could and all though they had found at least twenty monsters Vasos knew that couldn’t be all of them. Slowly the sun crept into the sky lighting the island little by little as Vasos and Sander crept into a cave to rest for a moment.

  “What now?” Questions Sander with a huge yawn.

  “Now I fight Argus.”

  “I was hoping that we could rest a little bit, I’m so tired I’m not sure I could be any real use in a fight.”

  “Drink some more wine and you’ll feel fine I’m sure.” Vasos yawns himself. “Let’s go.”

  At first Vasos wasn’t sure that they would be able to find the strong hold but that fear was quickly alleviated when they heard the screams and grunts emanating from the center of the island.

  “Are you ready to do this Vasos?” Questions Sander looking over the massive crowd of monsters running around fighting and tearing apart a large unidentifiable animal they are feasting on.

  “I have to be, just remember your part to play in this little skit.” Vasos says determined. “There’s what? Only fifty or sixty of them?”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  “Good, then it’s time for my big entrance.” Vasos says jumping high into the air and landing in the middle of the encampment surprising and scattering the monsters. “ARGUS PANOPTES!! COME AND FACE ME!!!”

  “Why have you risked death coming to my home and who are you?” Roars a loud deep voice.

  “I am Vasos son of Aphrodite and you have something I must obtain on my quest from the gods.” Answers Vasos.

  “So it is not me you have come for but my armor instead and you thought what? That I would just hand it over to you?”

  “This quest was from both Hera and Zeus.” He answers.

  “And what do I care of Hera or Zeus? I served Hera faithfully for years even risking my life to keep that nymph from Zeus and what did she do? When Zeus sent Hermes to kill me she didn’t warn me and after I was killed she let me rot in Tartarus with the other monsters never bringing me back. As for Zeus what more do I need to say? He ordered me killed.” Argus says stepping into the light from his home in a giant cave in front of Vasos which is decorated by bones of those that came before him.

  Argus is easily thirteen feet tall with a bald head that was covered in yellow eyes hungry to see everything. The hundred eyes stared at him trembling in anger, they were everywhere what didn’t fit on his head was squeezed in on his neck and torso. The rest of his body was clear of eyes but that didn’t make it any less impressive, his rippling muscles were bulging and intimidating but what made it truly awe inspiring is that on his arms, chest and legs the gold armor of Achilles melded into his skin becoming one with everything it touched.

  “Whether you honor the gods or not, you will give me that armor.” Vasos demands confidently.

  “Look around demigod, how exactly do you think you will accomplish that?”

  “Like this.” Vasos says holding up his hands and in one giant move twenty of the strongest monsters walk in unison to stand behind Vasos. “Attack!”

  In a colossal rush of roaring anger Vasos’ forces attack as the chaos whirls around him Vasos stares at Argus extending his hand motioning him to face him.

  Argus walks forward with murder in all of his eyes which makes Vasos laugh for a moment until he sees a giant lion hop in front of Argus swiping at him with an enormous claw. To Sevrrir’s disappointment the claw just bounces off t
he armor without doing any damage at all, with a forceful backhand Argus knocks Sevrrir so hard he flies into the jungle disappearing from sight.

  “I don’t need my sword to defeat you Vasos.” He states sheathing his sword. “Hera made me with strength that could rival even Hercules at the time he was a demigod, I’m going to rip you apart with my bare hands, but if you wish to use your weapon feel free it will gain you nothing against my armor.”

  Tossing his axe to the side. “Come then Argus, claim your prize and add my bones to your door if you can.”

  Argus moves deceptively fast for his size, attacking Vasos with a flurry of punches that batters his arms as he blocks them. Dodging a fist at the last second, Vasos ducks under the attack landing an uppercut that throws Argus back a few feet.

  “Not bad Vasos you are stronger than you look.” Smiles Argus rubbing his chin.

  “I’m just getting warmed up.” Vasos boasts out loud but inside he is feeling tired already.

  “We shall see.” Argus leers attacking harder than he did before.

  The moves he’s using this time are different and more intricate penetrating Vasos’ defenses little by little landing more hits and driving him backwards.

  Before he knows it, Argus has him in the air above his head getting ready to break his back on his knee but to his surprise he suddenly finds himself on the floor looking up at Argus defending himself from a flurry of sword attacks from Talis. Most of the attacks simply bounce off of the enchanted armor but a few hit skin drawing crimson lines of blood. For a moment Vasos thinks that Talis might be able to pull it off but he is robbed of that hope when suddenly Argus’ sword explodes from Talis back, to his horror Argus lifts him up throwing him to the side.

  “Look around Vasos you are alone.” Laughs Argus sheathing his sword again.

  Fearfully Vasos forces himself to look around where he finds the last thing he wanted to see. Off to his right Sevrrir is badly wounded and barely on his feet bravely defending Sander’s unconscious body from a chimera, visibly Vasos can see that Sander is bleeding from several wounds including a nasty gash on his head and he’s not moving at all. There are only a few creatures of Argus’ left but they are already rallying together to finish them off.

  “Make your choice Vasos, will you run to the aid off your fallen comrade and turn your back on me, or will you attack me and doom your friend to the underworld?” Questions Argus.

  Before he can make the choice the golden bird lands in between the two combatants confusing Argus.

  “What is this?”

  “It’s our messenger bird.” Answers Kol’s voice from above them.

  Argus looks up only to be blinded by several bolts of lightning flashing from the clear blue sky destroying the creatures that were ready to attack, leaving Argus alone. At the same moment Sevrrir and Sander rise into air into the safety of Kol’s magic bubble.

  “This changes nothing!” Screams Argus pulling out his sword again.

  “Finish him brother!” Yells Kol.

  “Yes Vasos finish me.” Taunts Argus for a second before he jumps to the side trying to dodge.

  With a clank Vasos’ axe hits the back of Argus’ armor getting lodged just out of his reach. “Not fast enough Argus.”

  “Little good it does Vasos, it still couldn’t get through my armor.” States Argus.

  “It just needs a little help that’s all.”

  Vasos moves faster than he ever has before in so much that only Kol is able to follow the movement. Quick as light he is behind Argus glowing with power and lifting him off the floor by the axe buried in the armor then with all his might he slams him down into the floor penetrating the armor and cleaving him in half returning him to the underworld. As Argus’ essence returns to Tartarus the armor empties rolling around on the floor.

  All Vasos wants to do is check on his friends but he knows that he has to finish this quest first.

  Walking up to the armor he gathers it up holding above his head as he unenthusiastically says. “I am Vasos son of Aphrodite and I have completed the second quest.” He says unable to take his eyes off Talis’ body.

  The sky opens up with light shining over Vasos. “I am Zeus father of Olympus. You have completed the quest and earned your name in the halls of Mount Olympus forevermore. We are proud of you Vasos; now after a day of rest and celebration with your comrades you and Kol shall begin the final quests. Go with our blessings.”

  As the light fades Vasos runs to Talis’ body, to his surprise he finds Talis still alive but only just.

  “We did it Vasos didn’t we, tell me that you won, and tell me that I’m not dying for nothing.” He whispers coughing up a little blood.

  Kol and the others lower to the ground near him but keep their distance as they tend to the wounds of the others.

  “I beat him Talis, but hold on we’ll get you help.”

  “It’s too late for me my friend thank you for freeing me and now I can proudly enter the underworld having died by my own choices and no one else’s. Take care Vasos, finish the quests and become a hero of legend.”

  And with that Talis faded into ash returning to the underworld himself.

  Looking up at Kol with tears in his eyes Vasos silently questions about the others.

  Kneeling next to him with a hand on his shoulder. “They will survive.”

  Looking around he questions. “What happened? Someone is missing from your team.”

  “Curios is dead, killed by Loki.” Kol answers quietly with tears in his eyes.

  “I’m so sorry Kol.” He says trying to comfort him with a hug.

  “We should leave.” Floggen insists. “More monsters may be returning from the underworld as we speak.”

  “It’s time to pay your favor to me.” Erupts a female voice from nowhere as Vasos and Kol are engulfed in a maelstrom of energy.

  “No!” Yells Floggen and Hallthor running to their aid.

  Time slows and the two of them watch as Vasos and Kol fade becoming one with the energy around them disappearing completely.

  “Where do you think the goddess took them?” Questions Sevrrir limping over.

  “If Kol was right then somewhere in Asgard I’m sure.” Answers Hallthor.

  Abruptly the small clearing fills with light as Thor and Hercules appear looking angry and on guard prepared to fight.

  “Where are Vasos and Kol?” Demands Hercules stomping towards them.

  Quickly they explain everything that happened with the goddess and what happened in the clearing. After they are done the two gods talk off to the side for a while.

  “Where’s Floggen?” Questions Hallthor.

  “Who?” Asks Sander rubbing his head.

  “The little guy that was with us.”

  “He disappeared right before the gods showed up.” Sighs Sevrrir staring intently at the gods.

  Joining his stare Hallthor can’t take it any longer walking up to the two gods who appear to be arguing Hallthor interrupts. “So all we need to do is find out who the Norse goddess is right?”

  Both of them stop to stare at him.

  “Whoever it was that took them has hid them well son.” Sighs Thor. “Both myself and Hercules have contacted the other gods but no one not even Odin or Zeus can find them, they have been removed from our sight. Kol and Vasos are gone.”


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