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The Isle of Ilkchild (The King of Three Bloods Book 4)

Page 26

by Russ L. Howard

  With the exception of the people who had traveled to the coasts or to sea, this was very much a repeat of the previous moot fire.

  Sur Spear spoke: “Today a new constellation has arisen in the Herewardi heavens to shine on all Seven Kingdoms. The Lord Sur Sceaf has sent us great news of a new and fertile land with natural strongholds. I am convinced this will have as much meaning to the Quailor and Sharaka as it does to us.

  “It is a new land to the west rising out of the Deep of Aurvandil; an island of some great promise.” He paused as a buzz went around the assemblage.

  * * *

  Long Swan’s Log : It is the thirteenth day of the Moonth of Weeds in the year of 584 H.S.O. when the divine forces of Woonic energies flow their strongest and the Ur Fyr burns its brightest in the hearts of men. I sailed from the isle with Turtle Duck in the whaler called the Raven, to the Port of Ur Ford where I met with the Rabbi, Jesse ben David, and Pyrsyrus. We rode to Witan Jewell together and entered the moot fire, where the king Sur Spear, requested I relate my knowledge of the Isle of Ilkchild, its discovery, the encounters with the grass beast and the wyrm-kats, and our assessment of the isle as a new stronghold and settlement on fertile lands. I reported that the Lord Sur Sceaf had chosen the name of our confederation to be the Syr Folk. A term by which we would refer to the three tribes and any allied confederated tribe that joins with us from here on.

  After my report the High King, gave report from Wose that the Skull Worm has built up over twenty-six legions in the region of Copperopolis. A force, one can be sure, that will never be left idle. The king stressed the importance of gaining the dominance of the seas and the marvelous windfall an island fortress would have against the might of Pitterdom. Wose reported that the Pitter commissars, the Skull Worm, the Cha’Kal, Balaban, and Xombro are all gathering their forces to Copperopolis along with their allies, the Growling, the Vardropi, and their many mercenaries.

  On the second day of the moot fire, Sur Spear declared. “The establishment of an island fortress will supersede all previous plans to defend ourselves and ultimately make us more secure, but it will cause a shift in our resources, and in the beginning it is very possible it may expose us to greater vulnerability as we draw these resources from one community to give to another. I will have to ask you to forbear with me. Why?... Because there are none whom I will not call upon to sacrifice. We must now look to the seas for our salvation and freedom. Yet we have known the Pitters lack the ability to launch attacks at sea and by the time they develop it, we should be reasonably secure as the masters of that domain.”

  On the third day of the moot fire, King Sur Spear met with the leadership of the three tribes, now known as the Syr Folk Confederation. Suffice it to be said it was a consensual decision among the Roufytrof and the leadership of the Syr Folk to throw all our resources into building up the Syr Folk Kingdom on the Isle of Ilkchild. And as the king said, “Then we can come back at the Pitters with a vengeance, all the while remaining out of their reach.”

  Sur Spear finished the meeting of the fourth day with, “Once the confederacy is set up, Sur Sceaf will become the new high lord and under him will be the three lords, Mendaka, Elijah, Muryh. Onamingo will become the chief judge of the Syr Folk Confederation. We Herewardi have always sought the balance between the power of the community and the power of the individual. Perhaps now is the time that I should re-state the plan so that it is clear. Government is supposed to exist to bestow life and not merely impose order. The Herewardi have perpetually sought unity and wholeness through diversity and abhorred unity through compulsory conformity. Therefore we wish to always respect the sovereignty that each tribe has over its own people. We will of necessity adopt each other’s’ ways, but we may still express our own uniqueness.”

  Upon the fifth day of the moot fire, the leadership of the three tribes came up with a consensus. After much deliberation the Council of Women gave their approval.

  Upon the sixth day, after much deliberation and planning and full consensus was achieved the king entered the planning phase whereby it was determined what order the settlement of the isle would take.

  The king spoke about how the ideas being implemented on the isle had their start as a seed long ago in the Ruofytrof. “Now the Ruofytrof strives to prepare the path of Wyrd. Wyrd is the art of civilization, constitutionalism, and coherence of community. They operate from a master plan or trestle board. In the Roufytrof are the works of light performed in darkness. Like pregnancy the ideas grow amongst the Roufytrof.”

  “For darkness is pregnant with light. First is seen the swelling and then is felt the birth pangs. Finally, the glory of birth is revealed through the omicron. Alas, from lip to ear the plans are first heard, that no prying eyes or unhallowed hand may lay hold of the sacred work. I wish to present to you the seed which the Roufytrof first sent forth.”

  On the seventh day of the moot fire, I was asked to speak. My mother, Ethelwynn recorded my words for me.

  “Men and brethren, ladies and families, lords, royalty, and gentry, I, Long Swan, the lore master declare before you in all soberness this day, that master Sur Sceaf has found an isle that is sacred, holy, and fertile. It is a treasure beyond measure. The reason this isle is a treasure is because it has the fertility of Witan Jewell, the croplands of Salem, and the great rivers and small streams of the Sharaka Lands. But as with all treasures, it should be known, it comes with its guardian protectors. First off, while we were whaling, several of Sur Sceaf’s crew were thrown into the sea and Ilkchild was swallowed by a giant sea wyrm. But Ilkchild cut his way out of the niccor’s stomach, and yet lives to tell the tale. It was thus felt we should name this island, the Isle of Ilkchild, in commemoration of all it symbolizes.”

  We had waited for this moment to show our trophies. I unfurled one of the packages while Turtle Duck unfurled another. A buzz of comment arose as the skins of these unknown creatures were laid out on the floor before their eyes.

  I explained, “These are the trolls of the isle. Elf Beard and Sunchild both still bear the scars of their attacks. It was the will of the Lord Sur Sceaf that all know to be aware of the hazards of the isle. As with all great treasures, this island comes with guardians such as these. But as the hides proclaim they can be defeated.”

  It was as if they had unveiled an unknown and unimaginable horror. Silence did not give way for sometime as the assemblage froze their eyes in a stare at the hides and elicited far ranging conversations.

  A gasp of horror went up from the crowd as I displayed the wyrm-kat hide.

  I continued to describe the wonders of the isle. “At the head of the isle sits a majestic faery-mound upon which Sur Sceaf scryed that a temple of magnificence would one day be built in the image of the holy core. And to the west of this holy mound there arises as a crown to the isle a large snow capped monolith of a mountain the size of Mount Shasta.”

  The assemblage was transfixed by my tale of our journey and the survival of Ilkchild after passing through the jaws of a hellish monster-wyrm. Shepherd Hall sounded like an erupting volcano with all the rising excitement and cross talk. Arms were waving with their descriptions of what they imagined and heads were moving in the excited atmosphere like glass floaters down a swift bubbling stream.

  * * *

  Long Swan’s Log: It is the 21st day of the Moonth of the Sun, the Day of Woon’s Ordeal, when he hung for nine days from the Tree of Terror to obtain the powers of other worlds and gained true magic through the runes. It is now in the year 584 H.S.O.

  It was determined in the moot fire that the Syr Folk would launch for the Isle of Ilkchild as soon as possible so as to initiate rapid colonization and settlement. King Sur Spear decreed that the first wave would consist of all the craftsmen and workers, some of the original settlers from the three tribes, and all those who originally were to be settled in Ur Ford will be transferred to the island. Farmers and shepherds, cattlemen and drovers will be included in the first wave. All available ships were to b
e commandeered unto this end.

  The king decreed that Sur Sceaf and his councilors would be mapping out the allotments with the help of the presiding member of the council of each tribe. Sur Spear wanted me to relay, that due to the spaciousness of the isle that the allotments will be far larger. All are to join in this labor of love that we might swiftly erect this new kingdom on the Isle of Ilkchild before the gathering storm of our enemies has time to strike.

  Once the physical infrastructure is laid out, then the next wave of settlers will be granted admittance and so on. Sur Sceaf, Muryh, and Mendaka have already commenced laying the foundation and preparing for the arrival of the craftsmen. Only sufficient troops will be left on the main land to keep the Pitters at bay in the build up phase, and the majority of the fyrds are to be sent to the isle, but could be summoned back to service in less than a week.

  Sur Spear made it clear that there would be adequate fyrds to guard the settlements on the main land, but also that many fyrds were needed on the isle for labors and for subduing the wild beasts and trolls. In the discussions, questions were raised as to who would be invited to the island. It was emphasized that none might come to this sacred isle, but those who come under the tongue of good report and those who will be invested in the highest and best interest of the cause.

  The cause being that of building a new creation, a new nation dedicated to the proposition that all men are capable of governing themselves best. Then the matter of livestock transport, seeds, fodder, food supplies, hives, raw metals, implements and tools was dealt with. There was also the need for the construction of more boats and ships to transport the many settlers and everything that was to be taken. Ur Ford would be the funnel through which everyone would pass under the Rabbi Amschel’s vetting and inspection. All of this was to be accomplished within six moonths of this date.

  Sur Spear sent out a mandamus directing Pyrsyrus to move his port of operations and build a harbor on the new isle instead of at Ur Ford. Thereby he could assist Sur Sceaf in building the fortress with Muryh, while at the same time running his pirating ventures from the isle with his Pyringean pirates.

  The king decreed the purchase of much of what we needed from the Rogue Nations, the Citriodorans, and the Friscans using the whale oil as barter. He also issued an order for the boat masters at Charly’s Harbor, Ur Ford, and in the Sand Wand Islands to begin building belly ships and dragoons immediately on a far greater scale. Then he issued a mandamus to Heimdall to recommend and summon a core of masters, skalds, and teachers to be sent to the isle for forming a number of skaldic academys, remarking that there can be no greater education for our skalds than that of kingdom building.

  I quote from one of his royal proclamations: “Thus, let us set our hands to the task before us and begin gathering, building, and readying ourselves for this labor of love. This hive is swarming! We will do for Sur Sceaf’s isle as we did for the Isle of Pyrsyrus. And that which we purposed to do at Ur Ford, we will now do on Ilkchild’s isle. Let us also send warriors of the fyrd, hunters, and hounds to rid the isle of all these dangerous bastard beasts. I bid you go in peace and shape it so.”

  Sur Spear appointed me master and chief of the Roufytrof. Next, he appointed the Council of women to determine what amenities the city should have and to accept and implement the feedback of the women of the other tribes. He charged Paloma with the task of attempting to form a council of the women of all three tribes and to coordinate it with my mother, Ethelwynn’, the king’s chief scribe.

  It was estimated it would take two weeks to gather the necessary men for the first wave of settlers: master builders, carpenters, masons, water workers, builders, farmers, blacksmiths and metal workers, glazers and glass blowers, bee keepers, cattlemen and shepherds, not to mention their families together to be safely shipped in a perpetual emigration to the isle which was already being called the Holy Core.

  It was also determined in the folk moot that there would be vetted Hickoryan, Jywds, and Rogues invited to assist and settle as complete equals of the three tribes on the isle.

  * * *

  Ilker and Swan Ray were invited into the office of Sur Spear at the Shepherd Hall of Witan Jewell. Their appointment was set for the first point on the medicine wheel three days after the moot fire.

  Sur Spear smiled as they were ushered into the room. He rose from behind his desk and gestured to the two oxblood leather chairs before him. Once they were seated, Sur Spear resumed his own seat. The usual pleasantries were exchanged, but the king got right to the point. “Ilker, my friend, we have only spoken briefly about your future role in the Herewardi realms. For a warrior and a man of vision there are many callings available. You could take up an inheritance in Fort Rock, Witan Jewell, Zamora, or even in Stonyford, but I would like to ask you if you would prefer a role in the developments on the Isle of Ilkchild.”

  Ilker felt his heart race. He exchanged a swift look with Swan Ray before answering. “Certainly, as I listened to the possibilities of this new isle in the moot fire, I found myself becoming more and more excited. Since Surrey has brought to fruition the isle which had been prophesied in the Elven Prophecies of Elrus, I find myself eager to play a part in creating this new Syr Folk Confederation. Whatever assignment Surrey has for me, I’d be glad to perform to further the cause of the Free World.”

  A warm satisfaction came into Sur Spear’s bosom. “Lady Swan Ray, as the faery-mother of Ilker’s covey, I must ask if you can sustain your husband in this new calling, for as we know, as turns the neck so turns the head.”

  Swan Ray leaned forward and answered enthusiastically. “I most heartily do, my lord. I am as eager as he is to re-establish his name in the ea-urth.”

  “Then I am more than gratified to hear these words and would be pleased to arrange with Sur Sceaf a nice inheritance for you.”

  Ilker smiled at his wife and then turned back to the king. “I am much pleased, my lord. For with empty pockets I am honored at the grace you shower me with.”

  Sur Spear grinned. “Trust me, my good friend, this is not charity. You will earn every foot of your inheritance. And besides, you have earned an inheritance from your service in the midst of the enemy all these years. But now, I would like you to train warriors and assist with the settling process. Help Sur Sceaf to find good lands, sufficiently far enough from each other that each community might develop its own unique character in semi-isolation.”

  “I’d very much enjoy that.”

  “We need to train like we have never trained our warriors before. I just received a message from the Wose that he has counted twenty thousand Pitters gathered at Copperopolis, and he has information that they are expecting twenty-six more legions to join them there soon. And as we have come to expect, it won’t be long before that pot starts to boil over.”

  Ilker nodded. “Have you informed Queen Va-Eyra yet?”

  Sur Spear was surprised at the question. “Not yet. She’ll get the news bye and bye. Why do you ask?”

  “It’s just the Wose has taken a fancy to her.”

  “Wose,” Sur Spear sat back as though he had been blindsided, “Are we speaking of the same Wose? He whose arm has to be twisted just to get him to sit long enough at a festive board to finish a meal? Are you saying that Wose has feelings for my Va?”

  Ilker smiled, “Even so, that Wose.”

  Swan Ray declared, “With my own eyes, I saw his eyes follow her whenever she was near, and she oft reciprocated. The queen told me herself, that when the Wose returns from this mission, they will marry.”

  “Well, nothing will surprise me anymore, Ilker rising from the dead, Ilkchild’s surviving being swallowed whole by a niccor, and now the wild man going domestic on me.”

  They joined in a laugh.

  “Now comes the important business.” Sur Spear opened his desk drawer, took out a large vellum envelope and handed it to Ilker. “As you know, letters were sent by the Swannery to all of your wives who thought you dead and asked by the Swannery
if they wanted to remain with the men they had married upon your supposed death or to rejoin you. I am happy to say the final letter arrived just this morning. In the envelope you will find the answers of Faebee and Aedith, both of whom never re-married. They will rejoin you, and expect to arrive in two days time from Shasta. Saealbi writes she will rejoin you and be here in a week’s travel from Stonyford. Rhetta of Zamora writes she will rejoin you and will be traveling here with Saealbi. Finally, Hunigtear writes she will rejoin you from the Sand Wand Islands, and has two additional children from her marriage to Long Ethelbeard the Fisherman, who has been most understanding and asks only that he be able to visit with his children often.” Sur Spear looked a little embarrassed as he quoted. “She also writes that she will not believe it until she ‘touches your lips with her fingers and feels of your thick golden hair in her hands’.”

  “Praise be to the Almightinesses and Freya, the Mother of Love. Swan Ray and I were beginning to think we wouldn’t have much to salvage of our kingdom.”

  Swan Ray sighed, “The choice was easy for me, and I see I will have almost all my beloved sister-brides once again. I shall hope they will accept me as their new faery-queen.”

  Ilker turned to smile at her. “My dear, you need not concern yourself with such matters. Though they all loved Pam-El-Ea, you are worthy in all eyes. And although my seventh wife, the mantle falls naturally, since you and I had so little time together. As the recommendation goes, the first shall be last and the last shall be first.”

  Sur Spear looked at him with warm eyes. “This is one of the most interesting markers in my life. To see my friend restored to his house and his inheritance. And to see his lovely wife rewarded for her steadfast fidelity. May the Holy Elves bless you and your seed forever and may you find the rich communion with your wives and children you once enjoyed, return to you in full measure.”


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