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The Isle of Ilkchild (The King of Three Bloods Book 4)

Page 29

by Russ L. Howard

  “Karl, in that case will you still travel to the east?”

  “No, my days of merchanting in the east are come to an end. No, Sur Sceaf, I will not be venturing in that direction ever again, unless I go with a full military escort. But I can still do merchandising among the nations of the west. And although the Friscans and Citriodorans do business with the Pitters they do not allow them to enter their lands. The Friscans, being the idle rich that they are, would sell their own mothers for the right price. “

  “Why do you think Hryre Seath is any different than the former emperor?” Mendaka asked.

  “He is evil incarnate.” Karl shrugged, “It is well known that his father said he was to share the throne with his twin sister. So he had her drugged so that she appeared to be dead. Then he buried her alive. Afterward he had her dug up, pickled her brain and keeps it in a reliquary close to his side.”

  Sur Sceaf said, “Know this, Karl, you will always be welcome among the Herewardi, for you are a blood elf. Your service to us has more than earned you that. Now, you must introduce me to these free men, for I am sure we have need of their skills in building my estate and others, that is, provided they can tolerate my peculiarities up close and personal.”

  “If by that you mean your many wives, then I have prepared them well. Their wonder is...” he paused, “how it is possible for you to serve so many damned masters.”

  The friends laughed heartily and Sur Sceaf thought about how much he missed having Karl around. They walked over to the Hickoryans and Karl introduced them.

  “I welcome you, Jon Dee Lee, on behalf of the Syr Folk,” said Sur Sceaf, “I hope you find the peace and freedom you have been seeking for your people. After you’re settled, I should very much like to meet with you and introduce you to the other leaders of the communities here.”

  “I have heard only your praises from Karl, Betsy, and your charming sister, the desert queen. So far I’ve been immensely impressed with how quickly King Sur Spear has organized this move.”

  Sur Sceaf laughed. “If you mean how swiftly my father responds when he’s made up his mind, then I must confer, he strikes like lightning. Even as a boy, I couldn’t run fast enough to escape his swats. And I see you have a son who looks to be the same age as my sons Arundel, Aelfheah, and Elwod.”

  “This is my son, Custus Ruhm Lee and my darling wife, Hebe.”

  Sur Sceaf greeted her by placing her hand to his forehead as he knelt, “The pleasure is mine, my lady.”

  Hebe smiled, “My lord, I was most impressed with the hospitality we experienced in the high desert from your lovely sister, who not only won our love, but assured us of your great kindness and fairness in dealing with outlanders such as us.”

  Sur Sceaf declared, “The moment you stepped foot on this isle you were no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the Syr Folk.” Turning to the lad next to them he extended his hand in the token of friendship, “How goes young Lee?”

  The young man offered a firm hand shake and inquired. “Smitten with love! Are you the father of the red-haired young lass called Brekka.”

  “She is my daughter.”

  The lad smiled, “She is the fairest maiden I have ever laid eyes on.”

  Sur Sceaf laughed. “There is far more than meets the eye. You would be advised, she is swift with stave and has already brought an elk down with only a knife. Now, if you will excuse me. Please make yourselves at home on this isle.”

  Russell and Ev-Rhett, had been impatiently standing by to carry out their father’s bidding on this busy day. Sur Sceaf then directed them to show Karl and the Hickoryans where they should strike camp near the haycocks.

  “Yes, Father,” they said in unison and bowed to Jon and Hebe Lee.

  Just then Karl’s wife, Betsy, had her handler bring up her sled dog teams to join them. She gave Sur Sceaf a big hug and they exchanged pleasantries.

  “Betsy, I am so glad you brought your northern dogs with you. I have a plan I wish to discuss with you and Karl.”

  Karl said, “Just one moment before we go. Your father charged me to give these to you.” Karl handed Sur Sceaf a letter and a skin with Sur Spear’s seal upon it. Then he handed a similar letter to Muryh.

  Sur Sceaf broke open the letter first and after reading the contents, exclaimed, “Impossible. Absolutely impossible. By all the Almightinesses, it is a miracle. Ilker is returned from the dead! Then it says Muryh is to present me with the contents of the maroon pouch.”

  Muryh looked stunned, “Unthinkable, let me see that letter.” Taking the letter in his hand, he commenced reading. “Sure enough it bears your father’s seal. By the gods, we live in strange times. First, Ilkchild cuts his way out of the belly of a fish, and now, Ilker has risen from his grave. By the gods, that family is full of cannot die. Must be the Baldurean blood?”

  Chapter 17 : The Great Lights of Herewardom

  It was the sixth morning after the first wave of settlers had arrived and once again Sur Sceaf was reluctant to climb out of his bed. He kissed Shining Moon good morning while he held her tightly in his arms.

  “These arms will not forget they feasted on you last night.” Shining Moon said. “The days belong to your people, my lord, but the nights are still ours.”

  “I have heard there are lands in the north where it is always night. How pleasant it would be if we lived up there.” Shining Moon smiled and traced his mustache with her fingers, “I know you must be underway so I will not try to tempt you to stay though I want you to. I’ll tell Taneshewa I left very little of you for her to feast on tonight.”

  “I will see you today at the laying of the Law Stone on the temple site.”

  They laughed, kissed once more and Sur Sceaf went off into the hall for a breakfast prepared by the Herewardi women. According to Muryh’s organization chart the women of the three tribes would alternate preparing community meals to the workers in shifts. It was a form of torture to walk by the hall with all the marvelous cooking odors that emanated from it. Especially, after weeks of wild meat and wild fare that they had to prepare themselves.

  * * *

  The Law Stone was placed on a sledge and drawn up the gorse trail by teams of oxen and mules. It had been a tedious and trying feat to bring it up over the stone top and then place it atop the mound for proper orientation. Every step was carefully engineered and choreographed by Muryh and his master builders. Rough places were smoothed over and new road had to be cut. During the morning hours, all non-invited people were asked to stay off the mound until the Law Stone could be properly oriented, set, and covered.

  Sur Sceaf had Muryh direct the crews as to its exact placement. He stood with his sons, his daughter Brekka, as well as Mendaka, Redelfis, and Khem when the stone was carefully placed. All the Hallers, the leaders of clans and tribes, along with Margot, Jon Lee and his family, and Karl and his wife were invited. Fromer rejected the invitation on the basis that it was ‘too heathenish for his liking.’ Anyone not invited had to take a wide trail around to retrieve their luggage or wait till late afternoon until the stone table was covered from view of profane eyes.

  As Sur Sceaf stood with his family and friends, he gave thanks for the Law Stone and dedicated it with wisent’s blood. Sur Sceaf began to talk of its significance.

  “As we stood here waiting, I was asked by the young blood Redelfis what meaning is attached to these engraven Herewardi knots. And so I would like to take a moment to explain to those who are unfamiliar with our symbols what these knots mean.

  “In Herewardi legend Hrus-Syr-Os was torn asunder into many pieces. That is why we sprinkle the stone with blood to remind us that no pleasure or great achievement can be accomplished without a price. Therefore, the Herewardi knot symbolizes the re-tying of these pieces, called the ancient wounds. Herewardi males are symbolically wounded with this sacred wound and have emblazoned on their breast the amulet of the Herewardi knot by which, one day, they will bind all their people into one. Now back to the Ae
sirus, Os-Syr-Rus, or Hrus-Syr-Os, depending on which kingdom of Herewardi say it. When all the pieces of Aesirus were scattered asunder, every piece was found by the Herewardi and assembled on Mount Heredom in the Big Springs of the Shenandoah Valley of the Firginias in the eastern Lands. That is, all the parts were found except the most vital part which the enemy could not subdue. That part was fled into the wilderness where it was swallowed up by the deep wood and kept hidden all these years. It was the Obelisk of Survivors, known in our heathen lore as ‘the Vessel of the Yet Unborn’. The knots represent our attempt to reconstitute the Herewardi Nation as it was under Hrus-Syr-Os under the direction of the Obelisk.”

  Arundel said, “This is indeed a holy moment and I am glad to be thus honored to be one of the few allowed to view its proper placement and setting.”

  Khem’s wife Annie spoke up, “It marks the end of a great journey of tears for your people, Arundel. I can see why it would feel holy for you. I am just grateful that in the shadow of that stone Khem and I have always found freedom and safety to be ourselves.”

  Khem gave her a peck on the head with his lips, “That’s what I was going to say. What an honor to be here.”

  Before the assemblage could disperse, Muryh raised his arms into the swan swear. “May I have your attention please. I would like to read a decree from the high lord, Sur Spear, King of Herewardom.” He took the parchment out of its leather tube. “I read: ‘Thus saith Sur Spear, King of Herewardom. Let it be declared that I hereby proclaim Lord Prince Sur Sceaf, as the high lord of the Isle of Ilkchild and betoken it with the presentation of the great signet ring.” Muryh motioned for Sur Sceaf to come forward on the east side of the Law Stone. He reached into a maroon bag and pulled out the golden ring.

  Sur Sceaf had never expected to receive the God Hring this soon in his life.

  Muryh explained, “For those of you who are not Herewardi, this ring represents the Core of Herewardom. The Great Signet Ring is emblazoned with the seal of Herewardom which contains a beehive placed in the center of a ewe’s foot symbolizing that we follow the bees and the sheep to better lands. Thus, each side of the hoof forms the side of the capital letter H and the dome with the dot in the center, that represents the center bar of an H and it signifies the letter O for Omicron, but like all Herewardi symbols, it is a symbol within a symbol, and can represent a naval or a beehive. Sometimes it means you, the individual. On each side of the ring is engraved swans. This symbol is what we call the Holy Core. It means the holy joining or oneness. Or man plus woman equals God. It is the symbol of god, the mark of Howrus. The God Hring. The power of the Ur Fyr, the spirit force of life. It is the Ur Fyr that gives us the power to become a god or elf and dwell in the heavens among the Almightinesses. And like all things in heathenism it is hidden in plain sight.”

  Muryh turned to Sur Sceaf who held out his hand over the stone and Muryh slipped the ring over his finger.”

  Sur Sceaf held the ring up and said, “I wish my parents could have been here. I want to pledge my service to all those here assembled, that I shall not give my hands or eyes rest until I have builded a kingdom here free from the harassment and terror of the Pitter Empire and a place where every Syr Folk citizen can lay down in peace and freedom where none may come to hurt or make afraid.”

  As his wife and children gathered around him, the crowd erupted into cheers of “Hail the new high lord. Hail the Prince of Hereward.”

  * * *

  As Sur Sceaf inspected the newly built corrals and barns, he saluted his sons along with Redelfis, and Yellow Horse busy at work on nailing up the rails.

  “Arundel,” Sur Sceaf said, “I thought your brother Ilkchild and you to be here working this morning with Redelfis and Aelfheah. Why did he not accompany you?”

  “Father, Ilkchild does not join us till late in the day anymore,” Arundel declared.

  Yellow Horse was far more direct. “It seems his wives ride him long into the mornings.” The others laughed.

  “My ears would be pleased to hear the same about you all someday were you ever to find yourselves fitting faery-queens.”

  “Soon enough, I shall find a woman to set both your heart and my heart at ease in that matter.” Arundel boasted. “For it can’t be rushed nor simply willed so, especially if the Norn Sisters have otherwise planned.”

  “May the gods bless you according to your faith, my son. Now, do me a favor and go fetch Ilkchild and Faechild. Tell them to meet me at my pfalz tent. I have some very important news for you all, but first for him in particular. I was going to tell each one individually but now opt to tell the two of them together.”

  As Sur Sceaf went over his lists of public works concerning the Law Stone and directed his various work crews he saw Ilkchild and Faechild heading for his pfalz tent. He gave a work detail instructions on building a drain and then walked over to his family’s campsite.

  Ilkchild saluted him. “Father, Ary informs us that you have pressing news to deliver.”

  Sur Sceaf motioned for them to enter the tent. He put down the trestle board with Muryh’s instructions written on it just outside the tent door. As he entered the tent, he walked over and grabbed Ilkchild by the shoulders. “Brace yourself, my son,” then placed an arm around Faechild. “Fae I have loved you dearly as a wife, and Ilkchild I have loved you as deeply as any man could love a son.”

  “We know this, Father.”

  “You two are not going to believe what I am about to say, that is why I am easing into it. But know this, it is true, if the word of my father is true, and I have never known his word to be ought but truth.”

  “Very well, I can take the truth. What is it? Has Kane or Ilrundel been injured or is it some worse blow the Norns wish to heap upon us again?”

  Sur Sceaf saw the puzzled look on Ilkchild’s face and Faechild squinted at Sur Sceaf like she expected some sort of trick or a present. He took a deep breath and said, “Your father yet lives. Ilker is alive.”

  Ilkchild fell back against a make shift table with a dazed look over his face as if he had entered an interior world. Faechild stared in disbelief.

  After a very long silence, tears began rolling down Ilkchild’s face, “What will he think of me? I have rejected him. I have let my anger make me curse him for dying and deserting us. I even blamed him for my mother’s death. If any of that gets back to him. By the holy gods, Surrey, will he ever forgive me?”

  Sur Sceaf saw Faechild was in silent tears, so he took her in his arms and held her tightly while he addressed Ilkchild.

  “Son, your actions were the actions of a child’s mind stricken with grief. In three days Turtle Duck is going to Ur Ford to receive more settlers. Ilker has left a letter for you, as he and Ilrundel have been commissioned to gather colonists coming from Zamora and Stonyford. You can send your greetings with Turtle Duck. Ilker says when they return, they will come to see you and Faechild here on the isle.”

  “That could take up to a year to resettle all those colonists. I just don’t know what to say,” Ilkchild said. “Father, – should I even be calling you that anymore?”

  “Of course you may. You will always be a son to me. But now you have your own father and blood calls unto blood.”

  “I will always think of you as my father, but it is such a great honor to think of the man that used to bounce me on his knees and take me hunting, the man I learned to be a man from, is home. My father is home to stay. I can’t tell you what that means to me. My lord, may I assist you today while I sort my thoughts out so that I may approach my wives properly and think about what I shall say to them.”

  “You may stay and assist. You would do well to learn from Muryh should you ever have to build a city-state of your own and I can tell you, he is teaching me much.” Sur Sceaf said as he patted Faechild’s back, who was still weeping for joy.

  “My father, back from the dead,” is all she could bring herself to say. Then after a sniff before she said, “I shall seek out Paloma for comfort.”
/>   “When I am done with work, I will come to your tent tonight, my love.”

  * * *

  Long Swan’s Log: It is the nineth day of the Haelige Moonth in the year 584 H.S.O. I take great pride and joy that my favorite brother, Sur Sceaf has been chosen to be the high lord of the Isle of Ilkchild and given the prestigious God Hring. As a lore master it is my responsibility to make sure everything is recorded and securely stored in the event of another great world cataclysm. The Great Signet Ring was created by the Hickoryan Alchemist, Josmit, on the forge at Roaring Springs for Howrus and has come down through the line of high lords ever since that time.

  In recent times, the Signet Ring has come to mean the possessor is the heir apparent to the king.

  The Great Law Stone known as the Table of Hereward was oriented, placed, and covered in due and ancient form on the Holy Mound of Godeselle in a red cloth. It was positioned so that the dawn shadow of the twelve foot obelisk of gold would fall from the east across the table during the summer solstice.

  The table is composed of a large granite block three foot high, four foot wide, and twelve foot long. Upon it the Herewardi lords of Old met and took counsel from generation to generation. It is most holy. It was wrought in great labor and traveled wherever the Great Signet Ring went. The Eye of Howrus is in the center of it and decorated with engravings of Wake knots as a border. Upon each point of the compass is engraved the ewe’s foot print with a beehive forming the cross bar of the capital letter H just like the Signet Ring. The H represents a fence around the Herewardi Folk and is a voiceless glottal fricative symbolizing the breath of life and the presence of Spirit or Ur Fyr.

  The table itself we call the Law Stone, upon the sides of which are written the Forty-Four Laws, twenty-two on each side. They are sacred laws and ancient landmarks which cannot be unwritten. In the sacred Syr Script the ancient word for father is abba or atta which equals three and the word for mother equaled forty one. When they are joined, they make forty-four, the god number. For all laws of Herewardom are based on the Father and the Mother of the Race and are rooted in our seed code.


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