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The Remarkable Miss Darcy

Page 19

by Jennifer Joy

  More silence. However, the notable absence of frowns was encouraging.

  Emboldened, Georgiana continued, "Using her uncle's address, I wrote under the name of George E. Gardiner. The publisher has four volumes ready and only waits for me to sign the contract to begin printing. He is already impatient for more."

  Michael broke their silence. "Remarkable," he said with a silly grin.

  "When can I read it?" asked Elizabeth.

  Mr. Bennet interrupted. "You mean to say my Lydia has read something other than a fashion magazine or Debrett's Peerage?"

  "She has read all of it," it pleased Georgiana to say.

  Mr. Bennet took Lydia's hand between his own, looking at her as if he were seeing her for the first time. "Impressive, my dear girl. Impressive."

  Basking in the glow of her father's praise, Lydia said, "Surprising, is it not? They were such good stories, I could not put them down. In fact, I begged Georgiana to write faster!"

  William bunched his eyebrows thoughtfully. "You said these are our stories?"

  Georgiana understood his meaning. She said, "I changed your names and certain details, of course, but the first three volumes feature you and Elizabeth. Your names are Edward and Margaret. The fourth book is about Tanner and Arabella, or Thomas and Ruby as I named you. And now, I have a grand story for the fifth installment. After that, I do not foresee having any trouble coming up with new material."

  Michael raised his hand. "I can help with that!"

  Georgiana laughed. She could hardly wait to hear his stories and bring their experiences to life on the page.

  As much joy as she felt at that moment, she owed her family an apology. "You are not angry? I am sorry I kept the secret for so long. Please understand I never believed anything could come of it, and when it did, I had been silent for so long, I did not know how to tell you. It will not happen again. I do not like secrets."

  William said, "I only wish I could have read them before now."

  Georgiana returned his warm smile. "You know what happens. After all, you lived it. I merely enhanced certain bits to add a touch more drama."

  "I should like to live it again from the safety of my armchair, and now I will have the opportunity to do so because of you. Thank you, Georgie. Or should I say, George E.?"

  It was the most perfect ending to the most eventful day of Georgiana's life. Or perhaps, better put, it was the perfect beginning.


  Two Months Later

  Michael finally went to the tailor. He needed a wedding coat.

  Georgiana would never forget how handsome he was or how cherished she felt when her brothers walked her to him to exchange their vows.

  The wedding feast afterward was a joyous occasion, made merrier for the presence of her relatives. Michael loved meeting them, and they welcomed him to the family as if he had always belonged.

  Not even Aunt Catherine spoiled the fun. Then again, Lord Harvisham hovered over her. At first, Georgiana thought he was doing her a favor by keeping Aunt Catherine from putting a damper on the day. But when he leaned down and kissed Aunt Catherine on the cheek, provoking a maelstrom of questions (as you can imagine!), he stunned everyone when he announced they had been married by special license two days before. The Archbishop of Canterbury was a personal friend of Lord Harvisham, Aunt Catherine made certain to point out. Their stay in London for Georgiana's wedding was the first stop on what was to be an extensive wedding tour.

  Once the shock had subsided and Aunt Catherine was out of hearing range, he shrugged his shoulders. "You know the old adage: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. The only way I could have any peace at all was to keep Cathy at my side. I can think of no one I would rather argue with in the years to come."

  "As opinionated as she is, you shall never run out of topics on which to argue," Georgiana owned.

  Lord Harvisham chuckled. "It is easier on our grandchildren to have us together. Besides, I rather like it when she calls me 'Lord' in public. She is far too pretentious for her own good, but I will use it to advantage," he added with a mischievous wink.

  "But you despise being addressed by your title," Georgiana said, swept up in his good humor.

  "It is good for her. I do hope, however, that you continue to call me Harvey," he said, turning to Michael and adding, "That goes for you as well, young man. We would love for you to stay with us when we return from our tour. You are welcome anytime."

  Harvey took to Michael immediately, especially once he found out what he planned to do with Mr. Bradford's home and properties. His admiration was encouraged all the more when Aunt Catherine expressed her strong opinion that they ought to live in the fine residence. He would not agree with his new wife when she provided him with an ideal occasion in which to voice his contrary stand.

  Having no other family, Nathan Bradford had willed his fortune, properties, investments, and possessions to Michael. But Michael could not bear to set foot in his friend's home, much less live in it. Understandably so.

  When he suggested they turn the ample residence into an orphanage with a school to teach the boys attending a trade with which they could earn a decent wage, Georgiana supported him wholeheartedly. It meant the servants in the household could keep their positions, and the futures of the children who applied themselves to their studies would be vastly improved. The house's location guaranteed its success and the continued patronage of the wealthy out to do a good turn.

  After the cake was served, Georgiana brought out the presents she had stayed up too late the night before wrapping. Lydia helped her distribute them.

  Lydia was soon to become Lord Kendall's Lady, and she took advantage of every opportunity to prance about the room to show off the diamond necklace he had given to her as an engagement gift.

  Even Chloe stepped a little higher with the matching collar he had made specially for her.

  William tore off the paper, his hand smoothing over the cover of the volume. "The Meryton Mysteries," he read aloud.

  Seeing the work of her hands bound into a volume was better than Georgiana had imagined it would be. She could not help but hug it to her whenever she held one of her creations.

  "It is where our adventures started, and everyone in this room played a role in the story," Georgiana said.

  Lydia huffed. "Surely, my kidnapping deserves its own book."

  Georgiana had expected such a reaction. "I am still writing the next installment, but rest assured, you get a well-deserved happy ending." More than that, she would not say.

  Lydia looped her arm through Lord Kendall's, snuggling into his side. Though her ankle had healed weeks before, she insisted it was still weak and often relied on his arm to steady herself. She said, "I should hope so. If it is to improve on reality at all, it will have to be grand indeed."

  Georgiana looked at Michael. He comprised everything she had dreamed about for her own happily-ever-after. And she was certain that whatever adventures befell them, they would face them together. It would be a happy life. A grand life.

  Michael was thoroughly charmed by Georgiana's family. His family now.

  But when he was able to steal Georgiana away to the townhouse he had leased at a convenient distance between the courts and Darcy House, he wasted no time.

  What he had not expected was for her to disappear soon after his efforts to get her home.

  When she reappeared, she held another wrapped package in her hands. Extending it to him, she said, "This one is yours."

  It was a handwritten work bound together with string.

  He brushed his fingers over her writing. The hours she must have spent bent over the pages at her desk filled him with awe.

  "It is the quickest I have written yet, but I wanted to finish it for you today. It is done…" she said, wringing her indigo-stained fingers, "…except for the final lines of the last chapter."

  Michael flipped through the pages, his smile widening as he skimmed over what she had done. "It is our story
. I should have liked to have been named Alexander. It is a solid name," he teased.

  She blushed, stepping closer to him. "I wanted to make sure to remember every last detail, so we never forget."

  Michael held her manuscript against his chest. "It is the perfect gift. It makes the instrument I bought you pale in comparison." He set the pages down and reached for her, pulling her closer.

  "I love my new pianoforte, and my fingers itch to acquaint myself with the music you got. But I will not be distracted. I have yet to write the ending. It has given me some difficulty. I want it to be perfect." She chewed on her bottom lip and looked up at him through her eyelashes.

  Michael's heart skipped a beat. Her blue eyes captivated him, and he pulled her closer. Close enough for her breath to tickle his neck.

  She stepped away, picking up the manuscript and teasing him with the sweet smell of roses clinging to her hair. "I was hoping you could help me. Please, Michael." She held it in front of him again.

  He wanted to kiss her, not to read. But it was important to Georgiana, and he could not deny her. Taking the volume, he skipped to the end and read aloud.

  He pulled her into his arms, holding her so close he could not discern where he ended and she began. Tilting her chin upward, he whispered, "I love you."

  She rose to her toes, and

  The words ended.

  Georgiana wrapped her hands around Michael's neck, pulling him to her. "Every love story should end with a kiss."

  Her peppermint-scented breath brushed against his cheeks. To think he had once believed her shy.

  There was nothing shy about the impatient woman in his arms demanding a kiss.

  He played along. "And not just any kiss. It must tell the reader that the dear couple lived happily-ever-after. They must not doubt it."

  Georgiana tugged on his collar. "Kiss me, Michael."

  And he did. Most thoroughly. He would leave the words to Georgiana. Michael only concerned himself with pleasing his wife, and his efforts were rewarded in full when she melted into his embrace and kissed him breathless.


  Thank You

  Thank you for spending your precious time reading The Remarkable Miss Darcy. I’ve had her story in my mind since Michael Nelson first appeared, and I’m thrilled to be able to share it with you. Please let me know what you thought and help other readers find my book by leaving a review and recommending it to your friends!

  Many contributed to the improvement of this book, and to them I’m forever grateful. Renán, J Dawn King (Hi, Mom! *waves*), Mammy, Anji, and Betty. Thank you.

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  About the Author

  When Jennifer isn’t busy dreaming up new adventures for her favorite characters, she is learning Sign language, reading, baking (Cake is her one weakness!) or chasing her twins around the park (because … calories).

  Her wish is to continue to write sweet romances and mysteries with happy endings for years to come.

  While she claims Oregon as her home, she currently lives high in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador with her husband and two kids. All of them are fluent in Spanglish.

  Right now, Jennifer is imagining a new Happily-Ever-After for Darcy and Elizabeth, as well as a few other characters she’s met in her travels over the globe. She senses they have stories worth telling and promises to keep a detailed account of their many adversities (because, let’s face it, it makes for fun reading!)

  Other Books by Jennifer Joy

  Historical Romances

  Darcy’s Ultimatum: The Cousins Series, Book 1

  Anne’s Adversity: The Cousins Series, Book 2

  The Colonel’s Challenge: The Cousins Series, Book 3

  Earning Darcy’s Trust

  Accusing Elizabeth

  Love Never Fails

  Win, Lose, or Darcy

  The Elizabeth Conspiracy

  Fitzwilliam Darcy, Traitor

  The Honorable Mr. Darcy: A Meryton Mystery, Book 1

  The Indomitable Miss Elizabeth: A Meryton Mystery, Book 2

  The Inseparable Mr. and Mrs. Darcy: A Meryton Mystery, Book 3

  The Immovable Mr. Tanner: A Meryton Mystery, Book 4

  The Meryton Mystery Series, Books 1-3

  Sweet Contemporary Romances

  Written in the Stars: Starlight Terrace Proposals, Novella 1




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