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Forever Friend Zoned

Page 7

by C. Morgan

  “But we can if you will try to forgive me. I’ll work on forgiving you.”

  My mouth fell open. “Goodbye, Todd.”

  “I’ll go, but I’m not giving up on us. I believe we are meant to be together. We were young and dumb but I’m ready now. I’m ready to make this work between us. We have to commit.”

  “I was ready to commit. Remember? You put a ring on my finger and promised to be my husband. You promised to be faithful to me.”

  “I put an engagement ring on your finger. We weren’t actually married.”

  “Oh, you’re right. I guess I missed the part where we were still free to screw around. I took the whole committed to each other thing a little too seriously.”

  “I’m glad you were faithful to me. That will make this whole thing easier. We can work through this and we will be stronger together.”

  I got up from my chair and walked out of the room. “You know where the door is,” I said and headed for the stairs. If my mom wanted to hang out with him, she was free to do so. I sure as hell didn’t want to stay in the same room with him for another minute.

  I closed the door to my room and prayed my mother would leave me alone. I couldn’t deal with her. Todd’s apologies felt a lot like insults. They stung. They burned and they revived all those feelings of being inadequate. As usual after talking to Todd, I felt like a total loser. I felt like an overweight blob that wasn’t worthy of being loved.

  He had said as much. When he told me we were over, he specifically told me I didn’t deserve him. I knew I shouldn’t let his words affect me, but damn if they didn’t cut right through my sensitive outer layer. Sue told me I needed a thicker skin. If I could stop by Nordstrom’s and pick one up, I would have gladly done so. Unfortunately, thick skins were born of pain and suffering. My thick skin was still in the making.

  I grabbed my phone and called Sue. She would say all the right things to help pull me up. “Guess what?” I said when she answered the phone.

  “You lost twenty pounds!”

  I burst into laughter. “If only my fairy godmother would get off her ass and do something. No, I didn’t lose any pounds. Todd was just here.”

  “Why in the hell was he there?”

  “To tell me he wants me back.”

  “Fuck him,” she snapped. “Please don’t tell me you told him you would take him back.”

  “No, I didn’t. God, no.”

  “Are you really being serious?” she asked. “He didn’t really go to your house.”

  “Yes, he did. He said he wanted me back and we could work through our problems.”

  “Your problem with him fucking other women?”

  “Yeah, but that wasn’t really a problem because we weren’t officially married. I guess I missed that part in his proposal. But because he’s such a big man, he was willing to forgive me for getting fat. In fact, he is going to help me lose weight so he can be seen with me again. Of course, because he’s damaged goods, he can’t actually do any kind of workout. He’ll cheer me on, though.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m so sorry he’s like a pimple on your ass that just won’t go away.”

  “He said he wanted me to help him with his career.”

  “How are you supposed to do that?”

  “He wants my dad’s connections. He doesn’t give a shit about me. He wants my money and my family’s name. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he wanted to take my name.”

  “Why did you even talk to him?”

  “My mother let him in. You know they always liked him. He was the football star and handsome and blah, blah, blah.”

  “Was is the keyword. That guy is an asshole. I always hated him. He treated you like shit. You deserve so much better than him. You’ll find someone who treats you like a queen. Tell your mother he is not allowed in. Call the cops on his ass.”

  “If only I could.”

  “Are you sore from the gym?” she asked, deftly changing the subject.

  “I am. It didn’t even feel like we did much, but that woman kicked my ass.”

  “That’s a good thing. I did like her. A little perky, but she was nice, and she knows her stuff. Are we going to sign up for another session?”

  I blew out a breath. “I don’t know. Probably.”

  We chatted a bit more before hanging up. My hankering for something sweet had disappeared. Maybe he was the key to my diet success.

  I just needed to talk to him, and I would lose my appetite.

  Chapter 11


  I wiped down the machine after I finished calibrating it. I gave it a few test runs and was satisfied it was properly calibrated. I moved on to one of the treadmills that had been reported as not working correctly. Half the time, it wasn’t a machine error. It was the human kind.

  A breast pushed up against my arm. I turned to find Fran leaning in. “Hey,” I said and stepped back. I resisted the urge to wipe my arm.

  “I have someone I’d like you to meet.”

  She stepped close again. The woman was relentless. It was like being stalked by a wild animal. She was the apex predator, and I was the helpless prey. “Right now?” I asked.

  She smiled and trailed her fingertip down my arm. “Yes. If you play your cards right, this introduction can mean a lot.”

  “Maybe I should take a shower first.”

  “Nah, you are just fine the way you are.”

  “All right,” I said, a little disappointed I wasn’t going to get a break.

  We started walking toward her office. She swatted my ass. “You’re going to do great,” she said.

  I walked a little faster. This wasn’t the first time she had made some very inappropriate comments and had touched me. It was getting out of control. I shuddered thinking back to last week when she’d cornered me in the locker room. She claimed she didn’t know I was in there. I didn’t understand why it mattered if she knew I was in there or not. It was the men’s locker room. Why in the hell was she in there at all?

  She accidentally bumped into me while I was wearing just a towel. It was only quick reflexes that managed to keep the towel around my waist. She pretended to be horrified to catch me in such a state. I didn’t believe her for a second. She absolutely tried to catch me in the shower.

  I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but damn, she came on strong. I was doing my best to let her down easily, but she was relentless. She saw me as a prize. She wasn’t going to stop until I put my foot down. If and when I put my foot down, I risked offending her. If I offended her, she was not going to want me to be her right hand.

  I had to make a decision, but for now, I needed to meet whoever was in her office. “He’s in here,” Fran said and slid past me, rubbing her chest across mine as she opened the door.

  I walked in behind her and saw her guest. His back was to me, but I knew who he was. My shoulders immediately went back. I couldn’t imagine why Charles Springfield was in the office.

  “Charles,” Fran said.

  The man turned to look at me. Not even really look at me. He looked right through me. His hair was more silver than the dark I remembered. He was still the same dominating figure I remembered. I could feel the chill coming off him. He was a cold man.

  Charles looked to Fran. “This is him?” he said in a gruff voice.

  “Yes. Jeff, this is Charles Springfield. He owns the gym.”

  I felt like I’d been kicked in the teeth. I should have done my research. I should have known he’d have a hand in the gym. He had a hand in everything. “It’s nice to meet you,” I said. I didn’t feel it. I wondered if he remembered me. I doubted it. If his daughter didn’t, I doubted he would.

  “Fran tells me you’re a trainer,” Charles said.

  “I am.”

  “I bought this gym for my daughter.”

  I almost gave it away by saying her name. “That’s a nice gesture.”

  He glowered at me. “I didn’t buy the gym as a gesture. I bought her the
gym to help her. She needs intensive help, and she isn’t getting that.”

  “We are ready to help.”

  Charles shook his head. “I haven’t seen any changes. I’m thinking I made a mistake building this.”

  “No!” Fran gasped. “It’s not a mistake. I will assign Jeff to her. She will be taken care of. Jeff came highly recommended. He will focus solely on her. He will get her into shape.”

  I wanted to object. I could not be responsible for someone else’s choices. If she didn’t want to get in shape, she wasn’t going to do it. I couldn’t reject the job. I needed it. I wanted it.

  “You think you have the skills to do that?” he asked me.

  “I know I have the skills.”

  “We’ll get her to where she needs to be,” Fran said. “I promise. Give us sixty days and you’ll see her transformation.”

  Charles looked me straight in the eye. Twelve years ago, I would have backed down. I wasn’t that same scared little kid. I had the strength to stand up to him. He did not intimidate me. “Well?” he snapped.

  “Well, what?”

  He didn’t like that and neither did Fran. I couldn’t help but feel a little satisfied that I got to stand up to him. “Are you going to devote your attention to her? I don’t want this to be a half-assed job. She needs a lot of help. If you’re not up for the challenge, say so now.”

  “I’m up for any challenge,” I said.

  Fran put her hand on my shoulder. “Thanks. I’ll get with you later to work out your schedule.”

  She was dismissing me. I walked out of her office and into mine. I closed the door behind me. I needed a minute to get my head straight. I was not thrilled with the idea of being forced to spend a lot of time with Alora. I was certain Charles didn’t know who I was. If he did, he would not have demanded I spend one-on-one time with her.

  I leaned back in my chair, folding my hands together and resting them on the back of my head. Seeing Charles brought back a lot of memories. I was not a kid from a wealthy family. My parents were never going to be friends with the likes of the Springfields. He was part of the issues I had. He’d made me feel unworthy.

  I thought back to the last time I’d seen Charles.

  I waited outside JCPenney’s where we agreed to meet. I pulled my shirt down several times, picking off invisible lint. Everyone else was already inside at the food court. I was waiting for Alora. I promised her I would walk her in. I saw the black car pull up to the curb and waited.

  Alora got out of the front passenger seat. “Hi, Jefferson.”

  “Hi, Alora.”

  Her father got out of the car and walked around the front. He was glaring at me. I was literally shaking in my boots that day. He moved to grab his wallet. I flinched, making a fool out of myself. He opened his wallet and pulled out a credit card. “Don’t go too wild,” he said to her.

  She smiled. “I won’t, Daddy. Thank you.”

  She put the card inside her little purse. Charles leaned down and kissed Alora’s head. “Have fun with your friends.”

  “I will.”

  He turned his attention to me. “I’ll expect you to keep your hands to yourself. If there are other boys in your group, you tell them I will not be happy if I find out any of them have touched my little girl.”

  “Yes, sir. I understand, sir.”

  “Da-ad,” she groaned. “Stop. You’re embarrassing me.”

  “I’m taking care of my little girl.”

  “Let’s go,” she said and grabbed my arm. I jerked away, staring at her father who was glaring at me once again.

  I made sure I stepped a few feet away from her. I did not want the man to be mad at me. I rushed ahead and pulled open the door for Alora. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Charles was still watching us. I wanted to be a gentleman like my mom taught me. I was hoping it would impress her dad and he wouldn’t hate me so much.

  We got inside the mall and away from her father’s prying eyes. “Were you waiting long?”


  She grinned and nudged my arm with her shoulder. Once again, I jumped away. I was certain her father had eyes everywhere. No way was I going to get on that man’s bad side. We met the rest of our friends at the food court. I spent the next three hours running interference, making sure no one touched Alora. I was going to make sure her father knew he could trust me.

  “This is a mistake, Jeff,” I muttered to myself. “Walk away before he takes you out at the knees.”

  I could say all I wanted about not wanting her, but it was bullshit. I was not ever going to be over her. Possibly because I never really had her. It was still a fantasy in my mind. A dangerous fantasy. Her father was just as intimidating as I remembered.

  I didn’t think it was a wise idea to put myself in her orbit for several hours a day. She didn’t have the same old feelings I did, but I saw the way she looked at me last week during her session with Bunny. I might not be the smartest guy on the planet, but I knew when a woman was attracted to me. I didn’t know what to do with the information, but I knew when I was being sized up.

  What happened if she started crushing on me? “Son of a bitch,” I muttered. This was all wrong.

  I wasn’t supposed to date, according to ERock. I was supposed to be exercising my friendship chops. How was I supposed to try and keep her in my friend zone when the only thing I wanted for half my life was to be right up in her love zone?

  This was a recipe for disaster.

  “Bunny,” I said her name aloud.

  They seemed to be doing okay. I would talk to Bunny and see if she would take over the chore. Before my idea could really blossom, Fran came into my office. The space was way too small for the both of us.

  “What’d you think?” she asked.


  “Are you ready to get his daughter into shape?”

  I wanted to play dumb. I didn’t want her to know we knew each other. “Are you going to introduce us?” I asked.


  “You know, I was thinking since it’s a female, maybe it would be better if Bunny worked with her.”

  “No way. I promised my best trainer would be on his daughter.”

  I pressed my tongue to the roof of my mouth to keep from thinking the thoughts that were hovering just at the edge of my brain. “Bunny is a great trainer.”

  “Bunny isn’t you. I need you to do this. Prove your worth and you’ll keep your job. Screw this up, and we’re both out on our asses.”

  She walked out of the office. Her usual flirting was absent. Fran was a driven woman. She was stressed. Charles put the fear in her and she was going to rise to the occasion. Unfortunately, I was going to be rising to the occasion if I had to spend time with Alora bending her this way and that way. A personal trainer had to shut off that part of their brain when working with a client.

  I didn’t think I had an off switch when it came to Alora.

  Chapter 12


  “I like this version of a workout,” I said to Sue.

  She grinned as we walked around the second-floor catwalk that doubled as a track. It didn’t have the black spongy material of an outdoor track, but it wasn’t like we were running. We were speed-walking with our arms pumping.

  “I don’t know if this is really a workout. This is more like a speedy trip around the mall or a shopping spree.”

  “Bunny said we had to get our heartrate up. That’s what I’m doing, without her incessant nagging in my ear.”

  “She was only trying to help.”

  “She was only trying to drive me up the damn wall. I’m never going to look like her. I don’t know why she thinks her body is the only one that is healthy. We don’t get sick. We are healthy.”

  “Alora,” Sue said in her teacher voice.

  “I know, I know.”

  “We are doing this for our future selves. If we keep going on this path we are on, we aren’t going to be healthy. I want to feel good when I get out of
bed in the morning. I wouldn’t mind being able to buy a pair of jeans that actually button.”

  “Me too,” I said with a sigh.

  “We’re going to get there. You said you already felt like you lost a little bit.”

  “Very, very little.”

  “Did you do it?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “No. No way. I can’t weigh myself.”

  “You have to do it eventually or you will never know.”

  Just thinking about it made my heart pound. “What if I’ve gained?”

  “If you’ve gained but your clothes are fitting looser, then you’re gaining muscle, remember?”

  “I hate scales.”

  “Me too, but it is going to be our friend soon enough.”

  We passed the window of an energetic aerobics class filled with skinny women bouncing around. There was no possible way my body would ever bounce and bend like theirs. It was disheartening. “We could just go to the mall and do this. Or the park.”

  “One, it’s cold. Two, there are taco trucks everywhere.”

  I rolled my eyes. “It’s not cold.”

  “Cold enough for this Arizona girl. We should try the leg machine again.”

  “No way. That was humiliating. Bunny did that on purpose. She knew I was as strong as a limp noodle. The entire gym was laughing at me.”

  “They weren’t laughing at you.”

  I scowled at her. “You were laughing at me.”

  “I was laughing with you.”

  “I wasn’t laughing.”

  We rounded the corner where the stairs from the bottom floor opened to the second floor, and almost ran right into Jeff. I was such an idiot. I was always making a fool of myself and he always happened to be right there to witness it all.

  “Hello, ladies,” he said with an easy smile.

  “Hi,” Sue replied.

  He looked at me. I said nothing. I was afraid if I opened my mouth, I would only say something horribly embarrassing. “I’ve noticed you guys have been here almost every day. I admire your dedication.”

  “Thanks,” Sue said, being way too perky.


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