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Choke Points

Page 13

by Trevor Scott

  Back in their room, Jake said, “We need to get moving.”

  “Where?” she asked.

  Jake paced the floor and then glanced out the window to the street below. “We were followed to the hotel.”

  “What? I didn’t see anyone.”

  “They were pretty good,” Jake said. “But not good enough.”

  She came to the window and said, “Who are they? Are they down there?”

  “No. This is a big hotel. But they’ll eventually find our room. We’ll be long gone by then.”

  “They’ll be waiting for us when we leave.”

  “I’m betting on that,” Jake said.

  There was a fight to come, he knew. But he wasn’t sure he wanted this young intel officer involved. Still, she could play a role.

  Jake said, “Listen, you can’t stay away from your agency forever. Is there anyone you trust to bring you in?”

  She shrugged. “I trust most of my friends and colleagues.”

  “Alright. You can call your boss from the lobby and have them send someone to pick you up.”

  Carla put her hands on her hips. “You’re trying to dismiss me.”

  “I’m trying to keep you alive.”

  “What about your two people killed in that apartment?” she asked. “Are you just going to forget about them?”

  “I know who killed them. I’ve always known. It was the Chinese or agents of theirs.”

  “But what about the why?”

  “The why is for your local police to discover,” Jake said. “And they may never know that. The Chinese are in a battle with the Gomez organization over trade issues.”

  “That’s crazy.”

  “But true. The Chinese are seeking world hegemony in politics, military might and in trade. They have central plans and will stop at nothing to meet their goals.” He pointed off toward the west. “Why do you think they want a foothold in the Azores? They have no land in the Atlantic region. But now they have a base on Terceira Island and will soon have missiles on Santa Maria. From there to the American east coast is only about twenty-five hundred miles. They could hit us with intermediate-range nuclear missiles, as well as all of Europe. That can’t happen.”

  “You have a devious mind,” she concluded.

  “If I can imagine the impossible, then the Chinese already have that operation planned and in progress.”

  “How can you know this?”

  “Because I’ve been dealing with the Chinese and Russians since before you were born.”

  She slung her bag over her shoulder and went to the door. “Okay, old man. Let’s go. Or should I call a wheelchair for you?”

  Jake picked up his bag and said, “You’re not too big for a spanking.”

  She raised her brows. “Maybe I would enjoy that too much.”

  “Get going. And be vigilant. Just because I think they won’t attack yet, doesn’t mean they won’t.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Just before leaving, Jake got a text. He saw that it was from Sirena, saying she had just landed. He texted her back with a proposal, and she fired back almost immediately.

  “What is it?” Carla asked.

  “Change of plan. My friend will pick us up out front and drive you to your headquarters.”

  “She’s back.”



  They went out to the elevator and headed down to the front lobby, Jake keeping his coat unzipped and ready to draw his weapon if needed.

  Jake checked out and they held tight in the lobby until Sirena texted that she was coming toward the front entrance driving a silver Audi A6.

  “Let’s go,” Jake said.

  Sirena pulled up, Jake pushed Carla into the back seat with the bags, and he got in the front passenger seat, smiling at Sirena.

  She pulled away from the front entrance before Jake could put on his seat belt, shoving him back against the leather seat.

  As he got in, he did notice the car that had followed them from the apartment to the hotel, with the Chinese man and woman in the front seat.

  “We’ve got a tail,” Jake said.

  Sirena glanced into her rearview mirror and said, “Black SEAT Toledo?”

  “Good eye,” Jake said. Then he quickly introduced Carla to Sirena.

  Glancing at Carla in the mirror, Sirena said, “Did you order this shit storm?”

  Jake smiled back at Carla and said, “She’s kidding.”

  “Never mind,” Sirena said as she powered her way through the light traffic. “If you knew Jake like I know Jake, you would have had enough sense to stay away. He’s like a bullet magnet.”

  “That’s not fair,” Jake said.

  Sirena twisted a knob on the radio, turning up the volume on European heavy metal. Then she hit the gas to match the intensity of the music. Periodically, the music would cut off just long enough for a calm British woman giving GPS directions. Then the music would come back with a vengeance.

  Carla leaned forward, straining the seat belt against her shoulder. “Where are you going? Perhaps I could help.”

  Jake turned and saw that the Chinese were keeping up with them, but were back nearly a full block. “She’s got this, Carla.”

  The GPS lady routed them toward the large suspension bridge, but instead of going over it, they vectored toward the other side of the highway and quickly found themselves back alongside the waterfront.

  “We are heading toward Belem,” Carla said. “That’s not ideal this time of day.”

  Sirena shoved down the gas increasing their speed considerably as she weaved around slower vehicles in both lanes.

  “Good thing you got the Quattro with over three hundred horses,” Jake said. “Where are we going?”

  “To drop off your friend,” Sirena said.

  “I don’t need to be dropped off,” Carla complained.

  Sirena’s eyes shifted toward Jake. “Did you find out what you needed to find out in Lisbon?”

  “More than likely,” Jake said. “Chinese also. But they might have used hired guns.” He glanced in the side mirror and didn’t like what he saw. “The Chinese have called in a few friends.”

  Both Sirena and Carla checked the road behind them.

  Jake pulled out his Glock and waited for what was to come.

  Carla, seeing Jake’s gun, pulled out her own.

  “I can’t outrun those crotch rockets,” Sirena said.

  “Then let’s hope Gomez took out the insurance on this car,” Jake said.

  The two motorcycles behind them shot forward like out of a cannon and ended up on either side of them. Sirena caught the movement and swished the car to the left and then the right quickly, forcing the bike riders to back off. But it gave Jake a second to see that each motorcycle carried two people, and the passenger had a submachine gun.

  Jake powered down his window and said, “Tap the brakes slightly on my mark.”

  He watched the cycle on his side approaching quickly. With one motion, Jake unbuckled and shoved his body out the window, his gun pointed back. “Now,” Jake yelled.

  Sirena tapped the brakes, which brought the motorcycle toward Jake swiftly.

  Jake fired five times. Not at the men, but at the front of the motorcycle. When one of his bullets hit the front tire of the approaching bike, the tire blew and the rim hit the pavement, sending the motorcycle and riders flying over the handlebars.

  Just as Jake pulled himself into the car, bullets struck the back end of the car smashing in the back window. Carla hit the seat.

  By now, the motorcycle was coming up along the left side of their Audi. Jake twisted and shot a number of times, smashing through the left rear window and forcing the second motorcycle to retreat.

  The British lady cut in and told Sirena to stay left ahead.

  As the silence lingered for a second, Jake felt his phone buzz. For some reason he pulled out his phone and saw that the call was from Carlos Gomez.

  Jake tapped the gree
n button and said, “Hey, Carlos. What’s up?”

  The heavy metal came on loudly again until Sirena could silence it.

  “Is everything alright?” Gomez asked.

  “Yes, why?”

  Just then, Carla twisted around with her gun and fired three times, keeping the motorcycle from getting any closer.

  “Was that gunfire?” Gomez asked.

  “Yeah,” Jake said. “We’re having a little issue here in Lisbon.”

  “The Chinese?”

  “As suspected.”

  The British woman directed them in front of a brilliant old building with crowds of people out front.

  Carla said, “That’s what I was trying to tell you. This is Torre de Belem. The major tourist attraction of Lisbon.”

  Traffic ahead slowed, forcing Sirena to honk her horn and scatter pedestrians.

  Jake glanced back and saw that the SEAT and motorcycle were keeping pace but not approaching them.

  “Crap,” Jake said. “Cops.”

  “Listen, Jake,” Gomez said. “I need you and Sirena to handle something for me.”

  “We’re a little busy right now,” Jake complained.

  “After that,” the billionaire said. “The jet is refueled and waiting for you at the Lisbon airport.”

  Jake glanced back and saw that a police cruiser, lights flashing, had picked up the chase. “Once we make a delivery and get rid of the Chinese we’ll get to the airport. Where are we going?”

  “I told you,” Sirena said. “To drop off your girlfriend.”

  “What?” Gomez asked.

  “Nothing,” Jake said. “Can I call you back for more info once we lose these assholes?”

  “Of course. Carry on.”

  The line went blank and Jake shoved the phone back in his pocket. Then he checked the bullets left in the magazine. Probably okay, he thought.

  “How much farther?” Jake asked Carla.

  “About a kilometer,” Carla said. “Just up ahead and to the left.”

  Just after Carla said this, the British GPS lady confirmed the directions.

  This road was more open and with less cars, so Sirena was able to pick up the speed.

  More gunfire came from behind them. This time it came from those on the motorcycle and from the car.

  Turning to Carla, Jake said, “You better pull out your ID for the gate guards.”

  “They won’t let you in,” Carla said.

  “I know. But they will let you come through.”

  Their attackers continued to fire at their Audi, but their bullets hit the back of the car, plinking through the metal.

  Sirena hit the next corner hard and fast, squealing the tires as they cut across the lane and nearly hit the sidewalk on the other side. Just ahead was the gate for SIED, the Portuguese Defense Strategic Information Service.

  Powering the engine hard for a second, Sirena cut the wheel to the left and then cranked hard to the right and hitting the brakes, sliding the car to a halt close to the entrance.

  Jake shoved his arm out the window and waited for the pursuit to catch them.

  Carla jumped out holding up her ID in her left hand and keeping her gun at the side of her right leg. The gate guards first nearly shot her, but then they must have realized she was one of them, since they lowered their guns.

  The SEAT and motorcycle screeched to a halt a short distance away and started to fire at the Audi.

  Jake returned fire, emptying his magazine. He heard shots coming from the other side of the car and, as he swapped out magazines, saw Carla and the gate guards also open fire on the Chinese. The two people on the motorcycle hit the pavement, and the SEAT car powered up in reverse, swiveled hard around and squealed tires getting away.

  Ears ringing like crazy, Jake turned and saw Carla speaking with the gate guards. He got out and checked on the young Portuguese intel officer.

  “Are you alright?” Jake asked Carla.

  “Yeah. I think I’m fine,” she said. “This is the most excitement I’ve had since joining SIED.”

  Reinforcements came flying toward the gate on foot and in vehicles.

  Luckily, the police had rightfully taken the SEAT as the shooters and were hot on the trail of the Chinese officers.

  “Hey,” Sirena said from the car. “Let’s go. We can’t stay here.”

  He knew she was right.

  Carla gave Jake a big hug. “Thanks for keeping me alive.”

  “You’re on your own now, girl,” Jake said, running to the other side of the car. “If your bosses need confirmation of your activities in the past couple of days, let me know. You have my private number. Not many do.”

  Carla smiled at Jake. “Take care. Don’t die.”

  That had been Jake’s motto for years. He waved and got into the Audi. Sirena immediately hit the gas and took off.

  Instead of going back the way they had come, Sirena headed to the outer northern ring of Lisbon. This time she kept the car within the speed limit.

  After a while, Sirena finally said, “Are you alright?”

  Jake shoved his gun back into the holster under his left arm. “Just wonderful. You?”

  “She was cute,” she said.

  “I think my son Karl would like her.”

  “What have we gotten ourselves into now?” Sirena asked.

  “Same old shit. The Chinese are relentless. They couldn’t kill us on Pico, so they tried to finish the job in Porto and Lisbon.”

  “But why?”

  Jake had started to wonder the same thing. “Once I found out that others in our company had been targeted, I decided not to take it personally. The Chinese are obviously trying to hurt the Gomez organization. I think Gomez is about to enlighten us further.”

  “I sure as hell hope so,” Sirena said.

  “Oh. Welcome home, honey.”

  “Bite me.”


  Panama City, Panama

  Jake and Sirena had flown from Lisbon to Panama with a short refueling layover in Miami. Jake had gotten a little sleep along the way, but Sirena had been awake most of the trip. Something was really bothering her, Jake knew, but so far, she had been reticent with her thoughts.

  During the flight, Jake also read the dossier on the Singapore billionaire, Bobby Barnes. The man was mostly known for his massive and complex real estate deals, but Barnes also had interest in a number of manufacturing interests in Southeast Asia, from Indonesia to Vietnam, and nearly every country in between. The man also owned a number of cargo ships. As far as Jake could tell, the man was on the level. Barnes also banked in some of the same places as Jake—from Panama and Belize to Andorra and Lichtenstein.

  Jake and Sirena had said goodbye to the flight crew at the private operations area of the international airport. The crew would have normally been on the ground for at least twelve hours for rest, but Gomez had ordered them to stay in Panama and be ready to take Jake and Sirena anywhere needed.

  That was nearly fifteen hours ago. Now, Jake and Sirena were surveilling Singapore billionaire Bobby Barnes, who was renting a multi-million-dollar high-rise condo in the Punta Pacifica area of downtown Panama City. Luckily, the Gomez organization had been able to rent the nearly five-thousand-square-foot condo adjacent to the billionaire’s place on the eighteenth floor. And Sancho Eneko had given them the cloned cell phone information, so Jake and Sirena were able to hear every call the man made and even conversations close to the phone, which were nearly every one Barnes made. The man was never very far from his phone.

  Sirena came out from the master bedroom wearing a slinky black dress that exposed nearly half of her breasts and clung tight to her body, her legs accentuated by three-inch stilettos.

  “Wow,” Jake said, sitting in front of a laptop computer. He pulled off his headset and stood up. “That’s some dress.”

  She adjusted her substantial breasts. “I think I need to work out a little more. Or go on a diet.”

  “You look fantastic,” Jake said, taki
ng her into his arms and hugging her.

  She pushed him away. “Easy boy. We have a job to do. Anything new?”

  “The girl is on her way up.”

  Sirena found her purse and unzipped it for easy access to a subcompact Glock 43. “Let’s get her. How much is she worth?”

  “Five hundred Panamanian Balboa.”

  “What’s that in real money?” Jake asked, flipping through U.S. cash.

  “Balboa is the same as U.S. dollar.”

  “Good enough. Let’s do this.” He had switched from his leather coat to an oversized tropical shirt, his Glock easily covered on his right hip.

  As far as they could tell, Bobby Barnes had let most of his security detail go for the evening. There should be only one man left behind, Jake thought. Easy enough.

  They got out to the corridor and Jake reinforced his memory. Cameras were not allowed here. They were only on the elevators, lower floors, and throughout the lobby and ground floor shops, bars and restaurants. The rich and famous could pay for a little privacy and discretion.

  But a call girl needed a ride up in the elevator, since it took a room card to make the elevator go to any level.

  Jake waited outside the bank of elevators, while Sirena held tight outside their room door. When one of the elevators stopped on their floor, a very young girl stepped out. If it was possible, her dress was even more tight and revealing than Sirena’s.

  He let the girl pass him as Jake waited for the elevator to go away. Then he said with a German accent, “Excuse me, young lady.”

  The girl turned around, her eyebrows rising.

  Jake flashed the five hundred dollars. “This will be the easiest money you’ve ever made with your clothes on.”

  She looked confused, but she walked up to Jake and said, “I was told to go to your room.” She had almost no accent.

  Jake handed her the money and said, “Change of plans.”

  “You want me to blow you here in the hallway?”

  “No, afraid not. We will have to reschedule.”

  She shrugged and put the money into her tiny purse. Then she got on the elevator and went away.


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