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The Hand of Pestilence

Page 4

by Charlie Richards

  Spade gaped.

  “Any other questions, Spade?” Pestilence asked dryly.

  “Damn,” Spade muttered, expressing his amazement. “Sorry, uh... I’m not sure how to address you.” As Spade spoke, he hit a button, causing the gate to open.

  “Master Pestilence is fine,” Pestilence replied, urging his horse to start forward.

  Spade nodded. “Of course, Master Pestilence.” Then he spoke into a microphone strapped to his shoulder. “I’m en route with Master Pestilence.”

  “It’s really him?” That was Karlita’s voice.

  “Uh, near as I can tell,” Spade admitted.

  Pestilence urged his horse into a lope, eager to see Garrett. As a vampire, Spade had no trouble keeping up. His vampire abilities gave him impressive speed.

  A large estate appeared around a bend in the paved driveway. His horse’s hooves clopped in measured rhythm as he approached. He swept his gaze over the place, noticing the security cameras and gorgeously manicured lawn.

  Watching the front door open, Pestilence fought a smirk as three vampires exited. Caine, Maude, and Rizer. He knew those three were enforcers for the coven.

  Pestilence figured the show of strength was meant to intimidate, but since he could wipe the floor with them, it was lost on him.

  Stopping under the massive portico, Pestilence swung from his saddle. He hefted his bow higher on his shoulder before heading toward the steps. Sweeping his gaze over the trio, he took in their wary expressions.

  Focusing on Caine, Pestilence stated, “Enforcer Caine. Are you to escort me to Master Condor?”

  Enforcer Caine seemed startled for an instant, obviously surprised at being called by name. “Yes, sir.” Glancing beyond Pestilence, he stated, “I’ll take it from here, Spade.”

  “Yes, Enforcer Caine.” Then Spade moved off, probably to return to his rounds or whatever else he was supposed to be doing.

  Pestilence started forward, not waiting to be invited.

  While Enforcer Caine turned to lead the way, the others waited for him to pass. Then the pair fell into step, flanking Pestilence.

  Glancing around, Pestilence didn’t bother noting the décor. He was searching for his chosen. It had probably been wishful thinking to see him just wandering around the hallways, but he already missed his vampire. Pestilence would use their blood bond to track him down after meeting with Condor.

  Pay respects first.

  After Enforcer Caine knocked on a closed door, Pestilence heard someone call, “Enter.”

  Enforcer Caine opened the door and led the way inside.

  Pestilence spotted Master Condor seated behind a large wooden desk. Second Dale stood behind his right shoulder. The enforcers filed in around Pestilence as he stopped before the desk.

  Master Condor’s smile was as fake as his words as he asked, “To what do I owe the honor of your visit, Horseman of Pestilence?” Then he waved toward a chair to Pestilence’s left. “Would you care to have a seat? A drink?”

  “That is unnecessary,” Pestilence replied, deciding to get right down to business. “I came to greet you as is customary when entering another paranormal leader’s territory.” He dipped his head in a slight nod, recognizing Condor as the coven master. “After our meeting, I intend to assist Garrett in packing his and Aiden’s belongings.”

  His eyes narrowing, Master Condor scowled at Pestilence. “Aiden is no longer part of this coven, so you’re welcome to take his things to him if that is your wish,” he declared. “But you have no cause to do the same to Garrett’s, however. He is my guard and will continue to reside here under my leadership.”

  Great. Posturing.

  “No, Master Condor,” Pestilence stated, deciding blunt was best. “Both Aiden and Garrett are my chosen bonded ones. They are both now mine.”

  Master Condor rose to his feet. Resting his knuckles on his desk, he leaned forward. “You cannot just take whoever you wish,” he stated, curling his lip and showing off one fang. “Garrett is my man, and he doesn’t have permission to leave.”

  Pestilence scoffed. “I asked them, and they accepted. None of us need your permission.” He began to turn, tossing over his shoulder, “I didn’t even need to ask for permission to enter. Now I will get my chosen.”

  Between one step and the next, Pestilence disappeared. He pulled along a lei line, seeking the thread of Garrett’s bond. Locating it, Pestilence reappeared inside a room.

  Anger surged through Pestilence as he took in the space and the state of his chosen vampire.

  Garrett is unconscious in a cage. Oh, fuck no!

  Only Pestilence’s desire to get Garrett safe and healthy kept him from returning to the study and slaughtering the vampires within that room.

  Lifting Garrett into his arms, Pestilence took them first to the portico to retrieve his mount, then to the hospital.

  Lying Garrett on an empty hospital bed, Pestilence used a glamour spell to hide them from prying eyes. Then he set about healing him of his cuts and bruises.

  When you wake, my vampire, you will have some explaining to do.

  Chapter Five

  The steady bip, bip noise told Aiden where he was even before he noticed the smell of antiseptic. The pain registered next, throbbing through his abdominals, down his left leg, and through his left wrist. His throat felt scratchy, and his mouth seemed to be filled with cotton balls.

  Aiden searched his pain-filled mind for memories on how he’d ended up in the hospital. The images that burst across his brain caused a whimper to erupt from him. A hard shudder worked through his body, creating a fresh wash of agony along his nerve endings.

  “Easy, chosen of the master,” a deep voice crooned. “You are safe. You will soon be well.”

  Not recognizing the man’s voice, when Aiden felt the touch to his right arm, he cringed.

  “Hush, Aiden,” the man urged again. “I will soothe you.”

  To Aiden’s surprise, the stranger said something in a guttural language he couldn’t understand. Almost instantly, the pain eased. His body no longer throbbed with each beat of his heart.

  After swallowing, or trying to, Aiden licked his lips. Opening his mouth, he forced himself to whisper, “Water.” Okay, it came out more like a rasp.

  Still, Aiden must have gotten his point across. “These are ice chips,” the stranger told him before something cold rubbed over his lower lip. “Let’s start with these to get some moisture into your mouth. Then I’ll summon some water for you.”

  Aiden accepted the chip into his mouth and sighed. The small bit of ice melting on his tongue felt fantastic. After swallowing, he opened his mouth for more.

  The stranger complied.

  After giving him three more ice chips, the man asked, “Are you ready for some water?”

  “Yes, please,” Aiden managed to murmur.

  Once again, the man said something in that same unknown language. Then—”Here’s a straw.”

  Aiden felt something poke his lips, so he opened them. Accepting the straw, he sucked lightly. Cool, clean water flowed across his tongue, tasting beyond delicious.

  Once Aiden had had enough, he used his tongue to push the straw out of his mouth. He sighed. Between the weird soothing thing the stranger had done and the water to remove the scratchiness and cotton filling his mouth and throat, Aiden didn’t feel too bad.

  Lifting his right hand, Aiden gently rubbed at his eyes. He managed to open them as he returned his hand to the bed. Turning his head, he peered at the guy sitting beside him.


  “Who are you?”

  Aiden figured that wasn’t the most important question, but it was the one that came from him. With the stranger’s pale, slender features and odd silver-blue eyes, he was pretty sure he would have remembered meeting him. The guy’s wide smile as he tended to Aiden told him he was truly happy to be there.

  “It’s good to see you open your eyes, chosen of the
master,” the guy told him. He used his empty hand to touch his chest. “I am Kyros, one of the master’s minions.”


  “Um, who’s your master?” Aiden asked, because really, this guy saying he was the master’s chosen seemed odd. He’d never heard of anyone referring to another that way, even in the paranormal world.

  Kyros narrowed his eyes and tipped his head. “Why, Master Pestilence, of course.”


  The name jogged another memory.

  Aiden had been floating in darkness. Confused and aching to feel Garrett’s arms around him one last time, he’d known he was dying. His soul had cried with despair, knowing it would never happen.

  Then... a voice had whispered in his mind. He’d been offered a choice. Live and share Garrett with Pestilence, a Horseman of the Apocalypse, or die. While Aiden hadn’t been certain it was really happening, he’d taken the chance at being able to stay.

  “Wow,” Aiden murmured, swallowing hard. “That was real.” Then he glanced around the room. “Um, wh-where is he?”

  Gods, please let Pestilence be a man.

  “He’ll be back as soon as he can,” Kyros assured him. “He went to the coven to pick up Garrett.” His pale brows furrowing, he glanced toward the clock on the wall. “I’m surprised he’s not back already. It’s been over an hour and a half.”

  “I ran into some trouble,” a melodious-sounding tenor filled the room before the male appeared.

  Thank the gods.

  Aiden’s lips parted as he took in the man who’d spoken. He was tall, maybe six-foot-five or six, but with the way he stooped just a smidge, it was tough to tell. His white-blond hair flowed over his shoulders, nearly reaching his waist. While his features appeared a little gaunt and there was a sallowness to his skin, his gorgeous pale-amber eyes were what truly drew Aiden’s attention.

  “Oh.” Aiden felt his heart speed up in his chest. His fingers actually twitched with his desire to thread them through the man’s long hair. He wanted to know what those silky-looking strands felt like. “Wow.”

  A familiar husky rumble drew Aiden’s attention.

  To Aiden’s pleasure, Garrett accompanied Pestilence, although he looked a little rough. He still wore the same clothes as when they’d been on their date, but they were torn and bloodied. His left eye was almost swollen shut, and he limped a little on his right leg.

  Still, Garrett grinned crookedly at him. “Hi, sweet Aiden.”

  “Garrett,” Aiden whispered, glancing between the two men. “I... I... what happened?”

  “Your ex-coven is run by an asshole,” Pestilence declared, his tone hardening. His eyes narrowed, and a snarl rumbled from him. “You’ll not be returning there.”

  Aiden knew the anger wasn’t directed at him. He really did. However, coupled with the snarl and fierce expression as well as the pointed teeth, his pulse sky-rocketed. Aiden suddenly felt fangs at his neck and dirty tile beneath his knees.

  Opening his mouth, Aiden tried to scream, to call for help, but nothing came from his too-dry throat.

  “Whoa, Aiden. Easy, sweetheart. Easy.”

  Garrett’s deep voice penetrated the fog that had descended over Aiden’s mind. He whimpered and reached toward the sound. Pain stabbed through his arm, and he cringed back.

  Aiden registered a touch to his temple. Then everything went dark.

  A cocoon of softness cradled Aiden’s body. He felt relaxed and comfortable. The heavy arm around his waist was familiar.

  Except, this is not Garrett’s bed.

  And wasn’t I injured?

  Blinking open his eyes, Aiden brought the room into focus. He stared up at a light green ceiling. Hearing crackling, he turned his head.

  Shock flooded his system.

  “The fire is purple,” Aiden mumbled, taking in the dancing flames in the huge bowl atop the pedestal. More noise pulled his attention, and he realized there were similar fire-pedestals in each corner of the room, illuminating the large space.

  “They are indeed.”

  Hearing the soft tenor, Aiden snapped his attention to a pair of comfortable-looking chairs near a massive fireplace. The hearth was set up for a fire but hadn’t been lit. In one of the chairs sat Pestilence.

  “Oh.” Aiden felt a smile curving his lips, and he once again felt the need to slide his fingers through the man’s long pale hair. “Hi.”

  Real eloquent, Aiden.

  “Hello, Aiden.” Pestilence placed the black goblet he’d been holding on a nearby side table. “I didn’t mean to frighten you earlier, my sweet chosen. Are you feeling better?”

  “Frighten me?” Aiden racked his brain, trying to figure out what the other man was talking about. Recalling his panic attack, he winced. “Gods, it wasn’t you. I... I saw your anger and—” Aiden paused, shaking his head. “I didn’t mean to freak out.”

  Pestilence nodded slowly. His amber-eyed gaze roved over Aiden’s face, as if searching for the truth of his words. He seemed to find it, for he offered a small smile.

  “We should be sure to share that with Garrett when he wakes. We need to learn your triggers, so we can avoid them.” Pestilence’s smile twisted into something that appeared a little pained. “I should have realized an attack like that would cause mental trauma. Should we find a therapist?”

  “Um.” Aiden really just wanted to forget the whole thing. Still, if his brain kept fritzing out any time he heard someone get upset, that wouldn’t work very well. “Can we play it by ear and see?”

  “Of course, Aiden,” Pestilence replied. “Whatever you wish.” Then he swept his gaze over Aiden’s form again before returning his attention to his face. “But you didn’t answer how you felt. Any residual pain?”

  Aiden peered down his body, seeing his chest bare and a blanket pulled up to his waist. From the feel of the fabric on his ass, he knew he wore nothing. That wasn’t the most startling thing, however.

  “I’m not wearing any casts or bandages.” Aiden snapped his focus back to Pestilence. “How is that possible?”

  Pestilence’s body tensed and leaned forward, almost as if he were preparing to rise. Instead, he settled back into his chair. He even gripped the arms, as if he needed to physically grab something to keep himself still.

  “The first few times a person passes through the veil that separates the human realm from the demon one, they pass out,” Pestilence told him. “After I removed you from the hospital, I took advantage of your continued unconsciousness and healed your injuries while you rested, as well as Garrett’s.” His fingers twitched as he roved his gaze over Aiden’s chest. “I don’t think I missed anything, and I hoped there wouldn’t be any residual discomfort.”

  Aiden’s lips parted, surprise flooding him. “Wow. Thank you.” He wiggled his toes and rubbed his arms with his opposite hands. “I, uh, I feel great.”

  In fact, between the feel of Garrett’s naked body next to his own and the handsome man sitting not too far away, certain parts of Aiden were feeling very well indeed.

  “I’m glad to hear it,” Pestilence replied softly.

  “So, um.” Aiden shifted restlessly, which only caused his shaft to harden more swiftly.

  Pestilence’s nostrils flared, proving he could smell Aiden’s arousal. The horseman’s Adam’s apple bobbed, and he licked his lips. His amber eyes narrowed.

  “H-How does bonding with a horseman work?” Aiden blurted out the question. “Is it like, uh, bonding between a vampire and his beloved?”

  Aiden’s cock twitched as he wondered how Pestilence’s pale skin would feel beneath his fingers.

  “Yes,” Pestilence replied, his voice deepening a little. “I will spill in you both, drink your blood, and you will drink from me.” After clearing his throat, he added, “You will come to crave my blood, Aiden, and continue to live for as long as you continue to accept me.”

  His heart rate sky-rocketed as he thought about what P
estilence’s lean body looked like under his breeches and tunic. He felt goose bumps break out on his skin. Gripping the comforter beneath him, he twisted it between his fingers.

  While Aiden couldn’t figure out why he wanted that so badly, he—

  “You already fed me your blood once,” Aiden murmured, latching onto the murky memory. “In the hospital.”

  “I did.”

  Aiden met Pestilence’s eyes. “I think I’m already feeling some of that craving.” Cocking his head, he asked, “Aren’t you interested in finishing what we started?”

  Just the thought that Pestilence wouldn’t want to complete their bond started his pulse spiking for a new reason.

  “I want to finish what we started very much,” Pestilence admitted, his tone a little gruff. “It is taking every ounce of willpower I have to stay seated here.” His fingers tightened on his chair’s arms. “Revealing your beautiful skin while healing you, I became so hard so fast. Been so very long since I’ve felt such need.”

  Reaching down, Pestilence pressed his palm against his crotch.

  Aiden gasped upon seeing the lovely outline of Pestilence’s long, slender erection. His mouth watered, and his ass clenched. He couldn’t see all of it, and he wanted to oh-so-badly.

  “Then why are you sitting over there?” Aiden asked, panting softly.

  “You panicked, and I worried you were afraid of me.”

  Shaking his head, Aiden whispered, “Not afraid of you.”

  Garrett moaned from beside him, his arm tightening around his waist. His vampire nuzzled his neck, and Aiden immediately tipped his head to offer more room. A soft growl erupted from his lover.

  “Love how you smell,” Garrett rumbled. “I smell your need.”

  “Open your eyes,” Aiden ordered, still staring at Pestilence. His heart tripped in his chest as he saw the unbridled lust darkening the horseman’s eyes.

  “Aiden?” Garrett lifted his head and peered around. “Oh, wow.”

  “Mmm-hmmm.” Aiden focused on Garrett and grinned. “I really wanna invite our new lover to our bed.” Realizing what he said, he chuckled, “Or maybe ask him to join us in his bed.”


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