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The Hand of Pestilence

Page 8

by Charlie Richards

  “Yeah, give me that, too,” the other vampire said, tossing the card down. “Oh, hey, did you guys order appetizers?”

  Garrett waggled his brows. “I took care of us.”

  “Good,” the blond grunted. After the waitress left, he leaned forward and scowled at Garrett. “What the fuck, Gar?” he asked, keeping his voice low. “You ditch without even a word to either of us? What’s going on?”

  “First, Pestilence, this is Daniel and Tristan,” Garrett introduced, pointing to the blond first. “Guys, these are my beloveds.”

  Tristan’s jaw sagged open while Daniel’s brows shot up.

  “B-Beloveds?” Tristan stuttered. “Both of them?”

  Daniel waved his hand and shook his head. “Uh, not to be rude, but Aiden’s been around for years, and you never claimed him as your beloved before.” Then his eyes narrowed, and he stared at Pestilence. “And no offense, but what kind of name is Pestilence?”

  Pestilence smirked as he leaned forward, also keeping his voice low. “I am Pestilence, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” He winked. “That Pestilence.” Resting his hand on the back of Aiden’s chair, he smiled as he glanced between the pair. “And we are bonded through my blood, so we are his beloveds.”

  “Holy shit,” Tristan whispered.

  Daniel opened his mouth, but Garrett lifted a hand, stalling him as the waitress approached.

  “Here we are, gentlemen.” Diana placed their drinks on the table, smiling at the group. “Your appetizers should be out in just a couple of minutes. Are you ready to order?”

  Aiden smiled sweetly and told her, “Sorry. We were catching up.” Lifting the menu, he added, “We haven’t even looked, yet.”

  Nodding, Diana told them, “I’ll check up on you in a few.”

  After Diana had left, Garrett leaned forward again. The other vampires did the same, and he began to explain from the beginning. When he reached the part where he’d been knocked unconscious, Pestilence cut in.

  Pestilence explained about his meeting with Master Condor and his subsequent swiping Garrett from the estate.

  They paused once when Diana brought their appetizers. After a quick glance at the menu, they all ordered a variation of the burger and fries. Daniel asked for onion rings instead.

  By the time their meals arrived, Daniel and Tristan were glancing around in obvious shock.

  Finally, Daniel picked up an onion ring. He squished it, then fit the end into a pale red sauce. After soaking it, he popped the fried food into his mouth.

  Pestilence eyed his burger. Due to Aiden’s urging, he’d added bacon and cheese. Picking it up, he lifted it to his lips and took a big bite. Flavors burst across his tongue, drawing a surprised moan of pleasure from him. Pestilence chewed appreciatively.

  Aiden grinned at him as Pestilence swallowed and took another bite.

  “Not your usual fair?” Tristan smiled, mirth filling his dark eyes. “Or don’t you need to eat at all?”

  “Not my usual fair,” Pestilence admitted after swallowing. Staring at his fries, he set down his burger. So far, all the stuff he’d tried had tasted delicious. Following Aiden’s guidance, Pestilence dipped the end of the fry into a dollop of ketchup before popping it into his mouth. Humming appreciatively, he chewed and swallowed before saying, “That’s delicious, too.”

  Daniel winked at him, then turned to Garrett. “I didn’t find your wallet, Gar, but I have the other stuff you asked for.” He picked up the second half of his burger. Before taking a bite, Daniel nudged Tristan. “Guess we’re gonna be looking for a new coven, huh?”

  Tristan nodded as he swallowed his own bite of burger. “Yep.” Then he frowned as he glanced around the group. “Although, now that I come to think of it, when was the last time one of our members transferred out?”

  “Huh.” Garrett cocked his head. “Damn. Before Condor took over.”

  Daniel made a sound of agreement.

  “Is that not normal for a coven?” Pestilence asked curiously.

  “Normally, we—” Tristan paused and smiled as Diana approached.

  “Anyone need a refill?” Diana asked, glancing at their empty glasses and mugs. “Dessert?”

  “I’ll take another Druid Fluid and a piece of your peach cobbler, please,” Aiden told her.

  Everyone ordered a refill, and the vampires asked for a second of each appetizer as well as a chili-cheese fry.

  Diana’s eyes widened, but she didn’t question them.

  Pestilence eased back in his chair and slung his arm along the back of Aiden’s. Full and comfortable, he listened to the vampires whisper about the oddness of their coven letting new members in but none were leaving. He learned that under normal circumstances, if a vampire wasn’t part of the inner circle, they transferred out after several decades. Either that or they stayed on the coven grounds and used donors.

  Garrett and his buddies had all transferred in at the same time, so for them to ask to move on wouldn’t seem suspicious. His friends planned to put in the transfer request and keep Garrett posted. Daniel handed over something he referred to as a burner phone.

  His vampire nodded, so he seemed to understand.

  Clearing his throat, Pestilence reminded, “That kind of technology doesn’t work in”—he paused and glanced around—”where we live.”

  “Is there any way for them to contact me there?” Garrett asked as he grabbed the last potato skin and dipped it in a tub of ranch dressing.

  “There is,” Pestilence confirmed, turning his attention to Daniel and Tristan. He pinned them both with a hard stare. “But you can never share it with anyone. Not even your master.”

  Daniel and Tristan exchanged a look, then nodded.

  “Especially not him,” Tristan muttered. He tossed his napkin on his empty plate. “Can’t believe the shit he tried to pull, but I know you’re not lying about it.”

  Pestilence finished his second glass of wine, then rose to his feet. “We should finish this conversation in the park.” He met Garrett’s gaze.

  What I must do cannot be done here.

  Garrett nodded and rose. Then he paused. “Uh, can you get the tab, Daniel?” He grimaced, reminding, “No wallet. Remember?”

  “I can pay,” Aiden offered, climbing to his feet. “I got mine from the hospital.”

  “Naw, don’t worry about it,” Daniel countered, pulling out his wallet. “I got this. Just let me find the waitress.”

  While Daniel took care of the check, the rest trooped out of the restaurant.

  “Oh shit,” Tristan muttered, then began herding them to the left. “Around the corner. Now.”

  “What’s wrong?” Pestilence asked, although he allowed the clearly upset vampire to guide him around the corner.

  “I just spotted Colby,” Tristan told them. “I don’t want him to see you.”

  Pestilence glanced over his shoulder, but he didn’t know who he was supposed to be looking for. “Why not just alter his memory?”

  Garrett groaned and not in a good way. “He’s one of the small population that are immune.”

  “Ah.” Pestilence chuckled. “I would not have that problem.”

  Aiden snickered. “Right. Forgot about that.”

  Just as Pestilence started to grin, he felt the snap of a bond reverberate through his mind. He stopped and gasped. Sadness at the loss flooded him.

  “Hey, you okay?” Aiden slipped his hand into Pestilence’s and squeezed. “You’re hurting. What’s wrong?”

  Pestilence felt Garrett’s arm around his waist from the other side. “Pestilence?” his vampire questioned. “What’s up?”

  “I just lost another—” Pestilence just caught himself from saying the word demon right there on the street. He shook his head. “I’ve never lost so many in succession unless in battle.”

  “Okay, time to hurry, then,” Garrett stated. “Let’s get to the park.” He told Tristan which park. “Mee
t us there. We’ll get our stuff, you’ll get a contact device, and then we can get home. Okay?”

  Sighing, Pestilence nodded.

  “I’ll be right behind you,” Tristan promised. “Here comes Daniel now.”

  Pestilence wrapped his arms around his men and guided them into the alley. Once hidden from view, he zipped them along a lei line. He reappeared in the park.

  Plucking a different strand, Pestilence called to the demon general he knew was on duty in his realm. His bonded minions rotated duties, so they could spend most of their time with their aminas—their souls. Maiersto was the demon currently residing in the demon realm.

  By the time Maiersto showed up, Garrett’s friends had arrived.

  Pestilence ordered Maiersto to check on his newly deceased minion’s task and to be careful. Considering the dead demon had been over five hundred years old and quite savvy, his death raised Pestilence’s suspicion... especially since his demon had been right there in Philadelphia... again.

  What the hell is going on?

  Chapter Eleven

  Aiden ached for Pestilence. He didn’t know how it had happened, but over the course of ten days, he’d managed to fall in love with the horseman. Seeing Garrett’s frown of frustration, plus the pain in his eyes, told Aiden his amazing vampire was in the same boat.

  “I have an idea, and I don’t like it,” Garrett muttered, grimacing. He wrapped his arms around Aiden and pulled him close, tucking his head against his neck. “I think it’s my old coven.”

  Gasping, Aiden murmured, “Would Second Dale really endorse the random murders of demons?” Then he groaned. “Ugh! Not like he’d be able to go against his master without taking over the coven.”

  “Right,” Garrett growled under his breath. “I need to call Daniel.”

  “You really think Daniel would know?” Aiden nuzzled his lips against Garrett’s temple. “And that third demon died just this morning. No way is Pestilence going to agree to take us to the human realm.”

  Just saying those words still boggled Aiden’s mind. He’d nearly died, been saved by a Horseman of the Apocalypse, and now lived with him in the demon realm. That realm happened to be broken into four sections, each ruled by one of the brothers.

  “All I have to do is pop in, make the call, and pop back out again,” Garrett told him. “I’m going to ask General Abyzou.”

  Aiden’s eyes lit up. “Of course!”

  General Abyzou had bonded with a vampire—Toni—that was part of a coven located in Arizona. Toni was part of the inner circle, and they stayed there much of the time. The general happened to be on duty that week.

  “Abyzou can take you to an area around that other coven. Not even in the same state, so you’ll be safe.” Another thought struck Aiden, and he grimaced. “But Pestilence will be pissed when you get back.”

  Garrett shook his head. “I’ll tell him,” he assured. “I’m just not going to take no for an answer.”

  “Do you, um, do you want me to come?” Aiden didn’t really want to go, but he had to offer.

  Chuckling, Garrett used his arm around Aiden to begin leading him out of their suite. “Uh, no offense, sweetheart.” He winked. “You still pass out when you travel through the mists. This is going to be quick, so you wouldn’t even remember anything.”

  Aiden nodded. That made sense. “Promise to stay safe.”

  Garrett dipped his head and kissed his cheek. “Always.”

  Ten minutes later, Pestilence glared at Garrett. “If that is the case, then allow me to ask them directly,” their horseman demanded, thrusting his finger through his hair. “It would be far simpler.”

  Sighing, Garrett rubbed his palms over Pestilence’s pectorals. “And then you would level the coven for the sins of a few.” Sliding his hands up to cradle Pestilence’s cheeks, he stated, “Let me find out for sure. Then we’ll deal with it.”

  “We?” Pestilence narrowed his eyes even as he allowed Garrett to press their foreheads together. “What do you mean by that?”

  “I mean, his behavior constitutes an act of war against another paranormal body.” Garrett hardened his voice. “The Vampire Council frowns on that sort of thing without permission.”

  Growling under his breath, Pestilence slid his hands up and down Garrett’s neck, finally settling on his shoulders. “I should be the one to take you.”

  “You’re busy shuffling demons,” Garrett countered. “I’ll ask General Abyzou to take me to a safe place, and I’ll get ahold of either Daniel or Tristan.”

  “Gods,” Pestilence grumbled. “I hate it when you’re all logical. I need to find a demon to replace this morning’s fallen, and the fates suddenly decided to spread a plague across southern Africa.”

  Garrett pecked a kiss to Pestilence’s lips, then eased away. “Let me do this for you, my chosen horseman.” He tugged on Pestilence’s hair. “I’ll be back before you can miss me.”

  “Not true,” Pestilence muttered. “I miss you every damn time you’re not within touching distance.” He glanced Aiden’s way. “You and Aiden both.”

  Chuckling, Garrett whispered, “We love you, too.”

  Pestilence jerked his head up, his eyes rounding. “What?”

  Smiling, Aiden closed the last few steps between them. He’d been giving Garrett a chance to tell their lover his plan without his involvement.

  Not anymore, though.

  “We do love you, Pestilence.” Aiden wrapped his right arm around his horseman’s waist and placed his other on his chest. He traced his palm over Pestilence’s slender, defined torso. “Guess we all need to learn to express ourselves better, huh?”

  Garrett chuckled. “Yeah.” Then he pecked Aiden’s lips and backed up a step.

  “Wait,” Pestilence growled, his eyes narrowing. His body practically vibrated under Aiden’s touch, so he squeezed tightly and flicked his fingertip over Pestilence’s nipple through his tunic. His lover growled and focused on him. “Stop trying to distract me with sex.”

  Aiden felt his face heat, and he ducked his head.

  Pestilence cupped his jaw, urging him to tilt his face up. “Not that I don’t love it.” He pecked a slow sipping kiss to Aiden’s lips, licking and nuzzling. “But this is too important.”

  “What is it?” Garrett asked, cocking his head.

  “I love you both, too,” Pestilence stated, glancing between them. “If anything were to happen to either of you, I would cast a pox on whoever hurt you and everyone they knew.”

  Aiden’s heart skipped a beat. “Damn,” he whispered. Unable to help himself, he grinned. “That mental image should not make my cock throb, but it does.”

  Garrett laughed, bumping his shoulder into Aiden’s. “It’s a paranormal thing.” Then he cradled Pestilence’s jaw and kissed him lightly before pulling away. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “Going somewhere?”

  Turning his head, Aiden spotted Abyzou lounging in the doorway. He figured Pestilence had done that weird summoning trick. The winged demon smiled at him, his silver-gray eyes dancing with mirth.

  Pestilence nodded as he drew away from Garrett. “You will take my chosen vampire to a safe place, provide him with a phone, and watch over him as he makes a phone call or two.” He returned his attention to Garrett. “You be careful.”

  “Always,” Garrett replied, touching Pestilence’s lips with his fingertips. “See you soon.”

  Abyzou bowed slightly. “I’ll care for him as my own.”

  Then they were gone.

  Aiden sighed. “As much as I want to help you figure out what’s going on with your demons”—he tipped his head up to meet Pestilence’s gaze—”I don’t want to think that the people I lived with for the last few years could do this.”

  “I understand that feeling,” Pestilence told him, pecking a kiss to his lips. “And as much as I wish I could spend the hours while he’s gone fucking, so time will fly”—he waggled his
brows—”I do have to get this illness started.”

  Nodding, Aiden eased away from Pestilence. “I really do understand.” He made a shooing motion with his hands as he winked. “Just don’t think you’re taking your horse.”

  Pestilence laughed as he grinned. “Noted. I’ll have to go on foot.”

  Giggling, Aiden turned and bounced out of the room. He changed into a pair of riding breeches and a comfortable tunic similar in cut to Pestilence’s. Then he went in search of his horseman’s mount.

  Over the last couple of days, Aiden had discovered he loved horseback riding, and Pestilence’s mare took ever-so-good care of him.

  “You must be one of Pestilence’s men.”

  Hearing the deep voice behind him, Aiden nearly toppled off the horse. He grabbed the pommel just in time, keeping him upright. Turning, he gasped.

  Holy shit! Pestilence!

  Aiden couldn’t help himself. Never again would he allow himself to freeze. That didn’t mean he could stop the dark spots that threatened to obscure his breathing quite so easily.

  Gripping his saddle, Aiden struggled to control his breathing as a tremble worked through his body.

  Aiden? What’s wrong?

  Pestilence’s voice sounded through his mind, but Aiden couldn’t make himself focus enough to respond. To his shame, a whimper escaped his throat.

  “Hey? You okay, human?” the hulking, black-skinned male asked, sounding confused... and maybe even a little concerned. “It’s Aiden, right?”

  Even as Aiden nodded, a little brown head popped up from a saddlebag on the mount of the paranormal who could only be War. The creature appeared to be some kind of rodent. It chittered, sounding upset.

  War frowned as he glanced between them. “I didn’t mean to, Xerxes. He’s riding Pestilence’s horse.” Rolling his eyes at whatever the animal’s response was, he grumbled, “I thought he would know who I am. Not like I’m going to harm my brother’s chosen.” After a huffing sigh, War muttered, “Fine.”

  Then War maneuvered his massive black horse closer. Pestilence’s mare didn’t react, indicating that they must know each other. In the next instant, the rodent hopped out of War’s saddlebag and settled on his horse’s pommel.


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