Book Read Free


Page 8

by Tim Korklewski



  Have the most VP at the end of the game.


  Have the most VP at the end of the game and have at least 4 VP.

  Scenario 4: The Dead Dragon’s Hoard

  Dragons are known to jealously guard their plunder; many tales confirm that they would die to protect it. You hear that someone or something formidable enough to lay waste to such an immense beast felled one in a brutal combat. You decide to see if you can retrieve any valuables from its corpse.


  Place a model with a 120mm or similar-sized base in the center of the battlefield to represent the Dead Dragon. This model is Size 3 and has the Keywords Blocks LOS and Light Cover. After determining Deployment Zones, but before deployment, each player takes turns placing Objective markers on the battlefield until there are two Objective markers for each player. You cannot place Objective markers within 8” of a Deployment Zone or within 4” of a table edge, another Objective marker, or the Dead Dragon. Objective markers are Size 1 and have the Keywords Difficult and Light Cover.


  Beginning in Round Two, warriors who have base-to-base contact with the Dead Dragon and are not Engaged in melee combat may spend 1AP to roll MN (D1) to find something of value on the Dead Dragon. If they succeed, they gain a Grisly Treasure marker. A Grisly Treasure marker has a 30mm or similar-sized base. Place the Grisly Treasure marker in base-to-base contact with the warrior who obtained it. A warrior may only have one Grisly Treasure marker at a time.

  If a warrior carrying a Grisly Treasure marker is killed or Incapacitated, place the Grisly Treasure marker in base-to-base contact with the warrior who was carrying it (this allows the player to choose its final resting position). Another warrior may spend 1 AP to pick up the Grisly Treasure marker while in base-to-base contact with it, provided they are not Engaged in melee combat.

  If a friendly warrior carrying a Grisly Treasure marker moves into your Deployment Zone, they discard the Grisly Treasure marker and gain a Claimed Treasure. Keep track of how many Claimed Treasures you accumulate off to the side of the battlefield.



  End the game with more Claimed Treasures than your opponent(s).


  End the game with more Claimed Treasures than your opponent(s) and have at least two more Claimed Treasures than anyone else.

  Scenario 5: Doorway to the Bifrost

  The Bifrost Bridge has long been broken, splintering into untold pieces during The Shattering. The doorways once used to access the Bifrost Bridge still exist, however; and, while they no longer grant access to Asgard, they do still have the power to transport your War Clan to another surviving realm!


  Place a 3” x 3” or larger tower Terrain Element in the center of the table. This tower’s base should not exceed 6” x 6”. This tower represents the Bifrost Doorway, is Size 7, and has the Keywords Impassable, Blocks LOS, and Heavy Cover.

  After determining Deployment Zones, but before deployment, each player takes turns placing Objective markers on the battlefield until there are two Objective markers for each player. You must place Objective markers within 5” of the Bifrost Doorway, along the vertical and horizontal center lines. There can be only one Objective marker on the center line on each side of the Bifrost Doorway. This creates a cross pattern with the Bifrost Doorway at the center of the cross. Each of these Objective markers has a cardinal direction associated with it, so they are named North, South, East, and West.

  In a multi-player game, after placing the four Objective markers to create the cross, you cannot place any remaining Objective markers within 8” of a Deployment Zone or within 4” of a table edge, another Objective marker, or the Bifrost Doorway.

  Objective markers are Size 3 and have the Keywords Blocks LOS, Impassable, and Heavy Cover.


  Beginning in Round Two, warriors who are not Engaged in melee combat and have base-to-base contact with an Objective marker forming the cross of the Bifrost Doorway may spend 1 AP and roll MN (D1) to obtain a Rune Key token. A warrior can only carry one Rune Key token at a time. Be sure to note from which Objective marker (North, South, East, or West) the warrior obtained the Rune Key token.

  If a model carrying a Rune Key token is Incapacitated or killed, place the Rune Key token in base-to-base contact with the warrior who was carrying it. Another warrior may spend 1 AP to pick up the Rune Key token while in base-to-base contact with it, provided they are not Engaged in melee combat. The Rune Key token still has the cardinal direction attached to it (North, South, East, or West).

  A warrior who carries a Rune Key token, is not Engaged in melee combat, and is in base-to-base contact with the Bifrost Doorway may spend 1 AP to roll MN (D3). If successful, the warrior discards the Rune Key token and gains an Unlock Decree. Keep track of how many Unlock Decrees you have off to the side of the battlefield. Friendly warriors cannot discard more than one Rune Key token with the same cardinal direction in this way.

  If a War Clan gains all four Unlock Decrees, one for each cardinal direction, the game ends immediately.



  Have more Unlock Decrees than your opponent(s) at the end of the game.


  Be the only player to have all four Unlock Decrees at the end of the game.

  Scenario 6: Rampage of Trolls

  Roving bands of trolls are not known for shouting “Armr lif!” (Poor health!) at you. Indeed, they wish to ensure you have poor health and that it is of a limited nature. It is time to thin the herd.


  Place one Troll model in the center of the table; this is the Troll Warlord. Place additional Troll models on each side of the Troll Warlord along the center line 8” away from the Troll Warlord. Add one additional Troll model to the center line at least 4” away from another Troll for each additional player after two. After deciding Deployment Zones, but before deployment, each player takes turns placing Objective markers on the battlefield until there are two Objective markers for each player. You cannot place Objective markers within 8” of a Deployment Zone or within 4” of a table edge or another Objective marker. Objective markers are Size 1 and have the Keywords Blocks LOS, Impassable, and Light Cover.


  Use the Stats found in Bestiary for the Trolls. The Troll Warlord has +1 MA and +2 HP.

  When a Troll is killed, place a Troll Head token in base-to-base contact with the Troll before removing it from the battlefield. Any warrior in base-to-base contact with a Troll Head token may spend 1AP to pick it up, provided they are not Engaged in melee combat. If the Troll Warlord is killed, it generates the Troll Warlord’s Head token. All Troll Head token rules apply to the Troll Warlord’s Head token.

  If a warrior carrying a Troll Head token or the Troll Warlord’s Head token is Incapacitated or killed, place the token in base-to-base contact with the warrior who was carrying it. Another warrior may spend 1 AP to pick up the Troll Head token or the Troll Warlord’s Head token while in base-to-base contact with it, provided they are not Engaged in melee combat. A warrior can carry only one Troll Head token or Troll Warlord’s Head token at a time.



  Have more Troll Head tokens than your opponent(s) at the end of the game.


  Have more Troll Head tokens than your opponent(s) and have the Troll Warlord’s Head token at the end of the game.

  Gaining Glory for Campaign Play

  At the end of each game, players gain 20 Glory for each Victory Point they earned during the Scenario.

  Secondary Objectives

  To determine a Scenario’s Secondary Objectives, each player rolls 2D6 and consults the char
t below. These results create a pool of Secondary Objectives any player can decide they want to complete during the Scenario, based on the sum of 2D6, dice pairs, and whether both dice come up odd or even. Hold Your Ground! is always available to complete as a Secondary Objective. Ignore any identical Secondary Objective results.

  For example, Player A rolls a pair of 3s (for a total of 6). This generates the results for the Secondary Objectives Holmgang! (Pairs), Slaughter Them All! (Odds), and Marked for Death! (6). Player B rolls a 2 and a 4 (for a total of 6). This generates the results for the Secondary Objectives Steel Yourselves! (Evens), and Marked for Death! (6). Because Player A already rolled a Marked for Death! result, you ignore Player B’s Marked for Death! result but keep Steel Yourselves!

  In the example listed, the Secondary Objective Pool for Players A and B is as follows:

  Hold Your Ground! (Always), Holmgang! (Pairs), Steel Yourselves! (Evens), Slaughter Them All! (Odds), and Marked for Death! (6).

  In multi-player games, designate two players to roll for Secondary Objectives. All players use the same pool as they would in a standard, two-player game.

  Before the game begins, each player selects three Secondary Objectives they want to accomplish before the game ends. They can only complete each Secondary Objective they select once per game.

  Each Secondary Objective a player achieves adds 1 VP to their end game total.


  2D6 Roll Secondary Objective

  Always Hold Your Ground!

  Pairs Holmgang!

  Evens Steel Yourselves!

  Odds Slaughter Them All!

  2 Soar the Blood Eagle!

  3 Claim This Land!

  4 Gather Trophies!

  5 Vengeance for Fallen Kin!

  6 Marked for Death

  7 Push Through!

  8 Bleed by Example!

  9 Sheer Brutality!

  10 Pillage!

  11 Respect for The Fallen!

  12 Utter Destruction!



  You vow to all who serve under you that, amidst all the chaos, you shall never relent your territory to the enemy!

  If there are no enemy or encounter models in your battlefield portion at the end of the game, you achieve this Secondary Objective.


  Most battles are matters of dominance, bloodshed, and survival. Even amongst the carnage of warfare, matters of honor must be settled! The Holmgang duel is a tradition you cannot ignore!

  Before the game begins, choose one friendly warrior and one enemy warrior of roughly the same value. These warriors are designated for the Holmgang. The designated friendly warrior must be the sole warrior to wound and kill the designated enemy warrior in melee combat to achieve this Secondary Objective.


  There are times where prudence during war is the best tactic. It may be best to hold back your battle lust to defend the area. Let wisdom temper your blade and lift your shield!

  If more than 50% of your total Glory (rounding up) in warriors are still alive at the end of the game, you achieve this Secondary Objective.


  There are times when the only thing that truly matters is how high you can stack the bodies of those you vanquish!

  At the end of the game, if you killed more of your enemy’s warriors in Glory than your enemy killed of yours, you achieve this Secondary Objective.


  The Blood Eagle is the ritualized killing of powerful warriors and war chiefs in which you cut their back open, split their ribs, and pull their lungs from their chests. While grisly and cruel, there are times when your enemies must know not to trifle with you!

  Before the game begins, designate an enemy warrior to suffer the Blood Eagle. When you kill that warrior, the model remains on the table and becomes a Sacrifice marker of equal base size. A friendly model may spend 1 AP to pick up the Sacrifice marker while in base-to-base contact with it, provided they are not Engaged in melee combat.

  If the warrior carrying the Sacrifice marker is incapacitated or killed, place the Sacrifice marker in base-to base-contact with the warrior who was carrying it. Another friendly model may spend 1 AP to pick up the Sacrifice marker while in base-to-base contact with it, provided they are not Engaged in melee combat. If a friendly warrior moves the Sacrifice marker into your Deployment Zone, you achieve this Secondary Objective.


  As your power grows, you need more resources to care for those under your watch; and none could be better than those your enemy possesses! It is time to show them who owns this territory!

  You may spend 1 AP while in base-to-base contact with a Terrain Element on your opponent’s battlefield portion to place a Conquest token on it, provided you are not Engaged in melee combat. Place the Conquest token in base-to-base contact with both the warrior and the Terrain Element. A Terrain Element may only have one of your Conquest tokens on it at a time. An enemy warrior may spend 1 AP while in base-to-base contact with your Conquest token to remove it, provided they are not Engaged in melee combat. If you have at least 3 Conquest tokens on Terrain Elements in your opponent’s battlefield portion at the end of the game, you achieve this Secondary Objective.


  Sometimes, your enemy’s head on a spike is the only point you need to make!

  Place a Decapitation token in base-to-base contact with the first enemy warrior you kill before removing it from the battlefield. Any friendly warrior in base-to-base contact with the Decapitation token may spend 1 AP to pick up the token, provided they are not Engaged in melee combat. While in base-to-base contact with an Objective marker, the warrior carrying the Decapitation token may spend 1 AP to discard it and achieve this Secondary Objective. If the warrior carrying the Decapitation token is killed, remove the Decapitation token from the game. The next enemy warrior you kill generates a new Decapitation token.


  You shall pay for what you did!

  Mark the first enemy warrior who kills a friendly warrior with a Vendetta token. If you successfully kill the enemy warrior marked with the Vendetta token within the next two Rounds, you achieve this Secondary Objective. If you fail to kill the enemy warrior with the Vendetta token within the next two Rounds, remove the token from that warrior. Mark the next enemy warrior who kills a friendly warrior with a new Vendetta token. You must kill the newly marked warrior within two Rounds. Repeat this process until you achieve the Secondary Objective or the game ends.


  They caused a great deal of strife for all of us! I shall hunt down and bestow the Mark of Nid on the dishonorable cur who wronged us all. If I do not survive this battle, see to it they suffer accordingly!

  A friendly warrior may spend 1 AP while in base-to-base contact with an enemy warrior to give the enemy warrior the Mark of Nid. You may only give one enemy warrior the Mark of Nid. If you kill the enemy warrior with the Mark of Nid before the game ends, you achieve this Secondary Objective. If the marked model is removed from the table by other means (i.e. it is not killed by the player) then another model may be given the Mark of Nid.


  Push them back! Break them against our shields! We shall take everything from them!

  If you have a greater Glory total in your opponent’s Deployment Zone than they do at the end of the game, you achieve this Secondary Objective.


  Stand aside, young ones. We shall show you how it is done!

  Declare at the beginning of a Round that you are attempting to Bleed by Example. Only your two highest point value warriors may kill enemy warriors or encounter models this turn, and each one must kill at least one enemy model. If you accomplish this, you achieve this Secondary Objective.

! (9)

  None can stand before me! I shall drown this land with your blood!

  If one friendly warrior kills two enemy warriors or encounter models during one activation, you achieve this Secondary Objective.

  PILLAGE! (10)

  Take it all! Leave them with nothing but despair!

  Friendly warriors may spend 1 AP while in base-to-base contact with an Objective marker to gain a Pillage token, provided they are not Engaged in melee combat. A warrior may possess any number of Pillage tokens. If a warrior possessing Pillage tokens is killed, remove their Pillage tokens from the game. If your warriors collectively possess 5 or more Pillage tokens at the end of any Round, you achieve this Secondary Objective.


  Regardless of the atrocities that surround us, we must make time to honor those who fought and died before us. We are all kin in steel and sinew!

  If three or more friendly warrior models have base-to-base contact with three or more different Objective markers at the end of a Round, you achieve this Secondary Objective.


  The mere sight of it disgusts me! See to it that you reduce it to rubble and burn it to ashes! Leave nothing standing!

  Before the game begins, select one Objective marker you wish to destroy. That Objective marker becomes your Object of Ire. You can attack the Object of Ire as though it were an enemy model. The Object of Ire has DF (0), RS (5), and HP (3).

  When the Object of Ire reaches 0 HP, you achieve this Secondary Objective. The Objective marker remains on the battlefield.


  Before the game begins, all players must agree whether to include animals, monsters, demonic entities, or other creatures that wish you harm in the Scenario. If you agree to include them (highly recommended), these encounter models can appear on the table at any time during the course of the game. Encounter models are not loyal to any War Clan and impartially attack all warrior models.


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