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Ragnarok Page 9

by Tim Korklewski

  The types of encounter models warriors can confront during a Scenario are vast. All players participating in a Scenario help set up the Encounter Pool so they have some control over the Saga they wish to tell.

  To accomplish this, each player rolls 1D6. The player who rolls highest chooses the first encounter model and places it in the Encounter Pool. Then, each player chooses an encounter model, in turn order, until there are six encounter models in the Encounter Pool (players may repeat encounter model types). Assign each encounter model a number, based on when they are chosen (the first encounter model chosen is 1, the next is 2, and so on). These numbers correspond to the results of another 1D6 roll when determining which encounter models to place on the battlefield during the HQ Phase (see the Encounter Model Chart, below).

  If an encounter model has Water listed in its description (for example, the Kraken is a Water Demon) players cannot choose it as an encounter model unless the Terrain Elements on at least 25% of the table have the Keyword Water.

  During the HQ Phase in each Round, choose one player to roll 1D6 and add the result to the Round number. If the total is 8 or higher, an encounter model deploys on the battlefield. The player rolls 1D6 again and compares it to the Encounter Model Chart to determine which encounter model from the Encounter Pool deploys.


  1D6 Roll Encounter Model Chart

  1 First encounter model chosen

  2 Second encounter model chosen

  3 Third encounter model chosen

  4 Fourth encounter model chosen

  5 Fifth encounter model chosen

  6 Sixth encounter model chosen

  For example, at the beginning of Round four, the chosen player rolls a 4 on 1D6, resulting in a total of 8 and signifying the deployment of an encounter model from the Encounter Pool. Next, the chosen player rolls 1D6 and compares the result of 3 to the Encounter Model Chart to determine that the third encounter model from the Encounter Pool deploys.

  If a player rolls the number of an encounter model that is already deployed, they must re-roll until they roll the number of an encounter model that is not yet deployed.

  Deploying and Activating Encounter Models

  Once the player determines which encounter model is deployed, immediately add it to the table. To determine where it deploys, the player who rolled the encounter model result rolls 1D6.


  1D6 Roll Deployment Result

  1–2 The encounter model deploys anywhere in the rolling player’s Deployment Zone, touching a table edge (in the case of a Flank Deployment, the player chooses in which Deployment Zone it deploys).

  3 The encounter model deploys anywhere along the table edge to the left of the rolling player.

  4 The encounter model deploys anywhere along the table edge to the right of the rolling player.

  5 The encounter model deploys—touching the table edge—in the Deployment Zone of the player directly across from the rolling player.

  6 The rolling player can deploy the encounter model along any table edge they choose.

  Encounter models have Stats and activate just like any warrior model in the game with the following exceptions:

  Encounter models always activate in the End Phase. To activate an encounter model, measure the distance to the closest warrior within the encounter model’s LOS. The encounter model attempts to Attack the target warrior.

  An opposing player takes over the encounter model’s activation. Encounter models must use all their AP to Move directly toward the target warrior or make a Charge action against the target warrior. They must use any remaining AP to Attack the target warrior.

  If the encounter model has a Ranged Attack, it may use that instead of Moving toward or making a Charge action against the target warrior. Always err on the side of dealing the most possible Damage to the target warrior!

  If there are no warriors within the encounter model’s LOS, it Moves toward the closest warrior but does not Attack.

  Repeat steps 1–4 for all encounter models, until there are none left to activate.

  Like standard warrior models, encounter models remain on the battlefield until they are destroyed or removed from play.



  Animals are by far the most common creature found within the Fractured Realms. Typically, they possess only limited intelligence and tend to shy away from other beings unless they are disturbed, threatened, or backed into a corner. There are plenty of predators, however, and there are times when even the greatest of War Clans looks like an appetizing meal to be hunted and devoured.



  These massive carnivores usually keep to themselves and only hunt on occasion. Most of the time, they live in solitude with their mates and cubs and prefer to be left alone. There is nothing more jarring than a rampaging Bear that was provoked.


  The enormous predecessors to your standard Bears, Dire Bears are immense forces of the wilderness that consume vast amounts of meat and are best left alone by all but the bravest warriors.



  Completely unpredictable and aggressive, the Boar is a prized hunting trophy many warriors looking to feed the remnants of their ruined War Clan hope to gain. If found and raised from birth, Boars make great companions. Some War Clans use them as hunting companions, even to hunt other Boars.


  A Dire Boar is the stuff of legend for many mortal hunters in the Fractured Realms. Taking down such a dangerous beast is sure to lead to sagas told for ages of the hunter who slew it… that is, if they survive the encounter.



  These immense and elusive creatures—that stride through the trees as easily as a man would walk the earth—live deep within the darkest forests in what is left of Midgard and Vanaheim. They typically do not attack unless provoked, or if their territory is threatened or disturbed. When Great Apes do attack, however, they do so without warning, throwing themselves into combat. Great Apes rip and tear at their enemies until their enemies run away or are killed.



  Though they are typically hunted by all forms of predators across the Fractured Realms for their meat, many War Clans also train Stags as mounts. They ride the Stags into battle, impaling their enemies on the Stag’s sharp horns.



  Wolves excel at hunting in packs, tiring and picking off their prey with apex predator efficiency. Their hunting grounds cover great swathes of land, causing any settlements within those areas loads of trouble when it comes to raising livestock or hunting.


  Primordial predecessors to their smaller brethren, Dire Wolves possess all the traits of the Wolf but have larger bodies and are far more aggressive. Most Dire Wolves’ coats are darker than a regular Wolf’s, with fur ranging from ashen gray to black.


  Native to Niflheim, the Winter Wolf is a particularly evil manifestation of the Dire Wolf. Winter Wolves have blue-white fur and an extremely cold Icy Breath Attack, which they use to freeze their prey before devouring it.


  Vargr are twisted-looking Wolf entities that are particularly cruel and hunt not only for food, but because they enjoy the kill. Slightly larger than a normal Wolf, the Vargr are more adept at taking down their victims. A Vargr’s fur is typically gray, with hints of blood and gore matted into its fur like a vicious trophy of its carnage.

  Corrupted Beings

  Nidhoggr’s vile influence has spread, infecting multiple creatures and mortals across the Fractured Realms. These beings are now merely shadows of their former selves, barely recognizable. Even worse, their minds are utterly corrupted, as well; their madness driving them to perform heinous acts against all living creatures that cross their paths.



  The Eotin is a malformed freak of nature amongst the Jotnar. While it is similar in mannerisms and appearance to a Mountain Giant, the Eotin’s most startling feature is that it possesses two heads instead of one. These creatures are completely insane and attack their foes with utterly frightening accuracy until there is nothing left but gobbets of flesh, which they save to eat later.


  The Norse always used the term Skraeling to describe a race of people living deep within the forest, whom they considered primitive when compared to their own ingenuity and technology brought forth by raiding and constant warfare. Typically, these Skraelings were devout followers of the Vanir, the gods who dwelled in Vanaheim. However, after The Shattering, some dark force corrupted and twisted many of the tribes, who are now merely a shadow of what they once were.


  Froskiir are a diminutive version of the Skraeling that use trickery and vile tactics to win fights. Though a single Froskiir is not typically seen as a threat, they almost never hunt alone. The Froskiir stand half as tall as a typical Viking warrior and often have mottled gray skin and large mouths full of jagged teeth.


  Brutish and terrifying, the Mykill stand almost a full head taller than the average Viking warrior. They rush into combat with anyone who crosses their path in a blind rage. Like the Froskiir, the Mykill have mottled gray skin and many adorn their bodies with ritual scars to show how many creatures and mortals they have killed throughout their lives.


  Offspring of the powerful and elusive Norns, these fate-weaving women—once wise, old crones filled with knowledge and wisdom they passed on to any bold enough to find them—have become twisted, hate-filled creatures who want nothing more than to dance among the chaos and bloodshed they cause.


  Eyda Hags dwell in swamps, dark lakes, and sea caves and prey upon any who come too close to their perceived lairs. They drag their victims to watery graves and feast on their remains. If an Eyda Hag finds it difficult to capture a victim, she uses her dreaded Evil Eye to confuse her victim and fill them with a feeling of sickness and dread. Like other Hags, Eyda Hags are gaunt and gangly; however, their potbellies and a constant dampness—even when not submerged in water for hours—set them apart from their sisters.


  Black-skinned and black-hearted, Hrongl Hags feed upon the fear their victims emit. Hrongl Hags prefer to kill their victims slowly, so they can savor every drop of anguish and fear. The longer the Hrongl Hag’s claws are sunk into its prey, the weaker the victim becomes. When the victim breathes their final breath, the Hag captures it—along with the victim’s soul—in a crystal that hangs around her neck.


  These large, wart-riddled crones can change shape to look like regular humans. Casting aside all subtlety, they laugh gleefully while ripping their victims limb from limb. Illr Hags typically have deep, blue-black skin that blends in with their surroundings at night and is tough enough to turn aside many blows, making it difficult for brave warriors to take them down.


  Vandr Hags are hideous to look at with their green skin and bony features. Approaching their victims through the deep forests and swamps, Vandr Hags go out of their way to destroy anything they deem beautiful and honorable. A mere touch from one of these hideous creatures drains the strength from anyone on whom they can get their bony claws. Once their victims are helpless, the Vandr Hags feast on their motionless prey.


  Within the Fractured Realms lie the lands of many human-like races of sentient beings. Once, they made themselves scarce to the natives of Midgard; now, they join forces with War Clans who accept them, hunting down and destroying those who wish to ruin what precious little they have left.


  Beautiful and majestic beyond mortal standards, the Aelves are magical, graceful creatures who excel at arcane knowledge and fine arts. Typically much fairer-skinned than mortals, they also stand almost a head taller and have distinctive, pointed ears.




  Doppelgangers are gray, gangly, featureless Demimortals that can take the shape of another Demimortal and mimic not only its looks, but its voice and mannerisms, as well. With enough concentration, the doppelganger can transform its limbs to mimic the appearance of someone close by, as well as the equipment or weapons that person carries. Because of this, a doppelganger is almost never unarmed, and can be a formidable combat foe.


  The evil brethren of the Dwarves, Dvergr are cruel and twisted craftsman that delight in using insidious poisons to cause mortals to suffer. The major distinction between a Dvergr and a less bloodthirsty Dwarf is that the Dvergr’s skin ranges from soot black to gray.




  Stoic and honorable Demimortals, Dwarves are shorter than the average human, but much sturdier in build (and much better at growing beards). Masters of stone and metal, Dwarves are some of the greatest smiths in all the Fractured Realms. Many of the mightiest weapons and armor in the realms were crafted by these denizens of Svartalfheim.




  Small Demimortals, Gnomes are accomplished magicians and alchemists and many warriors seek them out to obtain magical potions and salves. Gnomes sneak about in caves and other underground dwellings, and it is said they are the only Demimortals to have the ability to travel between the nine realms via extraplanar tunnels. Gnomes are sneaky; they often like to steal from the unwary to add to their immense collection of trinkets from the Fractured Realms.


  These water folk are temperamental and unpredictable—no War Clan ca be quite certain how meeting one of these creatures might go for them. Some are cruel, some are kind; but all are considered unlucky. You can find Havfine near bodies of fresh or salt water, and they can cross from land to water with ease. Typically, Havfine have pale skin and their hair color ranges anywhere from pearl white to sea green. When submerged in water, their legs instantly transform into the lower half of a great fish, allowing them to swim with ease.


  With their black skin and black hearts, the Svartaelves reside alongside the Dwarves and Dvergr in Svartalfheim. Masters of stealth and subterfuge, Svartaelves are expert assassins and even better charlatans; they use unscrupulous tactics to cause pain to those whom they choose to enslave and torture instead of kill.


  Demons exist in many forms throughout the realms and have done so for time untold, causing strife to all who encounter them. The Shattering gave them freedom to torment the realms, uncontested.


  Though they appear as majestic white horses that reside by rivers, the Backahast are demons that survive on the flesh of those they kill. Their favorite tactic is to lure the unwitting to the shoreline and drag them to the depths, drowning them. Typically, the victim’s innards are the only sign of a recent attack, as they float back to the surface after the Backahast finish feeding.


  Barghests are Wolf-like Demons that prowl the lands trying to sate their unending gluttony. They look like pale, gray Dire Wolves, with heads like Giants covered in blood-slicked fur. It is said that when a Barghest feasts on enough innocents, it grows even larger.


  Black horses with the power of flight that once almost exclusively resided in Muspelheim, Fire Steeds have orange manes, glowing yellow eyes, and hooves that gleam like steel being forged into weapons. Many War Clans consider Fire Steeds prized mounts; however, these creatures can never be tamed. They never bend to a master’s will; instead, they form partnerships to bring fiery destruction of their foes.


  Ferocious, Wolf-like creatures that roam in packs, Hel Hounds h
ave reddish fur and glowing orange eyes that burn with a rage that matches the fire smoldering within them. Not only do they set alight any form of clothing or flammable material they bite, but they also breathe a fiery breath that can incinerate even the strongest structure.


  Hel Snakes are large serpents that devour corpses that wash up on the Nastrond’s shores. They have started to slither their way into the other Fractured Realms, devouring the corpses of the countless dead that have fallen in the battlefield. Lately, Hel Snakes are becoming quite bold and have started to attack living warriors, as well. They sneak up on a victim and coil around them; then hold the struggling victim tightly as they sink their poisonous fangs into them.


  The twisted spawn of the deepest depths of Midgard’s seas and some form of cyclopean madness, Kraken existed long before the nine realms were given order. Before The Shattering, most believed Kraken were nothing more than tall tales meant to test the mettle of fisherman and raiders. At first, Kraken resemble immense Octopi, larger than any longship that sails on the sea. The resemblance stops there, however, as these gigantic creatures possess an evil intelligence that gleams in their black eyes. Further, where most Octopodes have suckers, the Kraken have dagger-like spines that run the length of their ship-crushing tentacles.


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