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Ragnarok Page 10

by Tim Korklewski


  Mara are insidious beings that historically terrorized many warriors’ dreams by materializing in their sleeping victims’ rooms. They sit on a victim’s chest, draining the victim’s life force and will to survive while tormenting them with horrid and confusing nightmares. Typically, Mara go unseen. However, when they are seen, Mara appear as gaunt humans with white skin and wispy clothing. They have black eyes and long, sharp fingers, which they use to rend the flesh of any who discover them.


  Because they stalk their prey in areas where there is more darkness than usual, most victims never see a Twilight Hound until it bites them. Twilight Hounds resemble large, murderous hunting dogs with black fur that seems to absorb any form of light in the vicinity. They are hulking, muscular, and stealthy; and they make almost no sound when approaching a victim. Occasionally, you can hear their hunting bray—a sound that can weaken even the most stoic warrior’s stance.


  The Vafidyr is pure chaos in physical form, and its shape changes constantly. In mere seconds, a Vafidyr can have multiple appendages, then tentacles, then beaks and mouths. These characteristics can appear, change shape, and disappear without much explanation. Even the Vafidyr’s very texture changes from moment to moment. It deviates between rubbery, to snake-like, to coarse fur, and even mortal-like flesh.


  Not all creatures that wander the Fractured Realms are corrupt and cruel. Many of Asgard’s denizens were elsewhere during The Shattering and now find themselves cut off from their home and fighting for survival, just like the mortals.


  Asgardian Ravens look exactly like their mundane counterparts in Midgard, aside from their immense size. When the realms were whole, Asgardian Ravens would fly between them and report all they saw to Odin and the other gods. Now, the Ravens fly between the Fractured Realms, gathering secrets and stories about the conflicts on every battlefield. Wise leaders build bonds with these creatures to gain access to these secrets, which allows them to topple their adversaries with ease.


  These mighty female warriors—a rare and terrifying sight—served Odin before The Shattering. The Valkyrie used to select the fallen warriors who were most worthy to become Odin’s royal soldiers, called Einherjar, to serve during Ragnarok. Now, they fight for survival the same as every mortal. They lost most of their divine power when The World Tree fell, but they still possess the power of Flight and their ever-returning spears.



  Though rare, Linnormr are wicked, primeval dragons that are a terrifying sight to see. Linnormr view all other beings as lesser than themselves and resolve to either destroy any who dare to cross them, or cause their victims endless suffering for the sheer joy it brings them. Linnormr are by nature gluttonous and greedy; they hoard items their victims thought valuable deep within their lairs. It is not uncommon for a Linnormr to sleep on a pile of treasures it has accumulated over untold ages.


  With a raw temper and rage like the fire that burns within, Fire Linnormr are brutish and quick to anger, even by Linnormr standards. Fire Linnormrs are typically red or ashen gray in color and you can see the glow of inner flame below the immense, sharpened scales covering their long bodies.


  Frost Linnormrs are death incarnate in the coldest of climates amongst the Fractured Realms. Arguably the largest of the Linnormrs, they typically wrap their immense bodies around tall mountain caps, their icy scales blending into their surroundings. Frost Linnormrs prefer to ambush their targets, using the chilling gusts of wind that howl through the mountains to cover their approach.


  You can typically find Land Linnormrs stalking the deepest forests or skulking in caves at mountain bases. These creatures with green and brown hues blend well with their surroundings. They mostly hunt Giants and Dire Beasts for food, but they are not above attacking smaller, sentient creatures, if the prey presents a worthy challenge.


  Due to their reclusive nature, it is rare to catch a glimpse of these smaller offshoots of the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr. Sea Linnormrs spend most of their time sleeping in the deepest parts of the seas, until something disturbs them or they feel the need to feed. Typically, Sea Linnormrs hunt Great Whales and may even fight the occasional Kraken for food; they have no issue attacking a War Clan’s ship to devour its passengers.



  Scoffins are multiple-legged Dragons roughly the size of a young Horse that can turn their victims to stone with their gaze. While they do not possess the ability to fly, like most of their greater kin, Scoffins are still a great threat. Aside from their dangerous gaze, they possess a caustic toxin that can dissolve any victim petrified by their gaze.


  While still dangerous, Linnormrs look down on Wyverns as lesser Dragons. Wyverns are not nearly as intelligent as their mightier kin, but they are brutish and bloodthirsty, nonetheless. Sometimes referred to as a common dragon, Wyverns have green-brown scales and long, reptilian bodies; and they can fly with their immense, bat-like wings. They use their massive claws to hold their victims in place while they tear them limb from limb. If a Wyvern cannot catch its prey with its claws or immense bite, it flails poisonous barbs from its tail to catch them at range.






  Elementals are the sentient incarnations of the primordial elements that compose all of existence. They are just as dangerous and unpredictable as the forces of nature that birthed them. Each type of Elemental has its own unique method to fight those who disturb them, and they typically stick close to the source of an element with which they are familiar.


  Air Elementals typically take the form of a swirling vortex of wind and mist when they make their presence known to their victims. Occasionally, Air Elementals mimic their enemies’ basic forms, but they abstain from ever touching the ground.





  When they are still, Earth Elementals resemble a large mound of dirt or stone. When roused into action, however, they typically take the form of a massive Animal or bulky Humanoid.





  Fire Elementals tend to mimic their victims’ forms when they attack to startle their victims and gain the upper hand in combat.





  Water Elementals tend to crash into their victims like a typical wave; however, their motion and shape are much more direct and intense. Once they hit their victims as waves, Water Elementals take on any shape they wish.





  Jotnar, or Giants, are the eternal enemies of the gods. These nearly immortal beings wield great power and swear fealty to their elemental-imbued masters, who wish nothing more than to conquer what remains of the realms. Jotnar are far larger than humans and capable of immense feats of strength.


  Fire Giants are the most militant and tactically minded Jotnar; typically, they brandish immense, flaming blades and wear leather and scale armor. The Sons and Daughters of Surtr militantly plot their conquests into the Fractured Realms to assure their victories are both violent and efficient.


  Feared by many even before The Shattering, the massive Frost Giant raiding parties now spill into the remnants of the other realms to claim what the
y believe to be rightfully theirs: everything upon which they set their icy gaze. Frost Giants are, by far, the most violent of the Jotnar and are always dressed for battle in their immense suits of leather and chain armor.


  This most common form of Giant is considered the weakest amongst the various Jotnar. Mountain Giants are cruel (and simple-minded) behemoths that delight in using their massive clubs to smash anything smaller than them into a bloody pulp. Luckily, avoiding these monstrous simpletons is not terribly hard to do—their horrid hygiene ensures all but the most aloof can smell them coming from miles away.


  Reclusive and temperamental, Sea Giants dwell in underwater caves and in the deepest parts of large bodies of water. They often find themselves battling Sea Linnormrs and Kraken for tribute payments from coastal settlements. After The Shattering, these immense beings started to raid the very settlements they once protected.


  The smallest of the giants—and, in many cases, the dumbest—Trolls are savage and bestial Jotnar that run after their prey with a loping, ape-like gait. If they manage to catch their victims, they use tooth and claw to tear them apart. Trolls are immensely difficult to kill, due to their ability to regenerate even after suffering the most vicious wounds. Unless you use Fire or Acid, it takes a few extra swings of a Dane Axe to make sure these oafs stay down for good.



  Werebears are shapeshifting demi-humans that can easily transform from a large, muscular human form to that of a Great Bear. Much like their ursine kin, Werebears are reclusive and live much of their lives as loners and woodland protectors. They are often found associating with woodland druids and lone hunters who prefer the wild to civilization.


  Much like its mundane animal kin, the Wereboar is violent and unpredictable. Many Wereboars prefer to be left alone, due to their nature to fly into a rage and Attack whatever or whomever angers them. Their human intelligence allows them enough prudence to avoid civilizations with large crowds of people.


  The most savage and predatory of the shapeshifters, Werewolves are the most feared among the civilizations they prowl. In human form, Werewolves are indistinguishable from other humans; many even reside in settlements and fight their predatory urges to kill. When in full Wolf form, however, their predatory nature takes over and they hunt for prey just like their wild kin.



  Draugr are spirits of honorless dead that made their way back into a body and reanimated it by sheer force of will. Incredibly strong and hard to defeat, Draugr take great pleasure in ripping apart anything upon which they set their hollow gaze. Draugr can continue to reanimate themselves in other bodies unless you manage to kill their host body with Fire or completely dismember it.


  These creatures—humanoid in shape, but composed entirely of darkness—escaped the Abyss after The Shattering. Hungry Shadows must merely touch their victims with their chilling tendrils to attack, slowly draining their victims’ life. Occasionally, Hungry Shadows’ dead victims rise as Wandering Dead.


  The lowest of animated corpses and skeletons, these mindless, reanimated dead wander the shores of Helheim. Recently, they were found crawling to the surface of many realms in countless droves. While a single Wandering Dead is hardly a threat to even the greenest of warriors, a shambling horde of them can slaughter everything in their path.


  Special Abilities


  Opponents may re-roll failed rolls versus MN against this model.


  This model does not have to pay AP to Stand after being Prone and does not have to pay the additional AP to Jump. Reduce the ST of any Falling Damage this model suffers by -2.


  This model may move through Terrain Elements with the Keyword Water without penalty. In Deep Water, this model gains +2 to DF. Additionally, this model never needs to roll DR while Prone or submerged in Water.


  When making a Charge action, this model can target enemies to which it does not have LOS.


  This model receives +1 to all Attacks, DF, MN, and ST versus Animal models. This model is also Stubborn versus Animal Attacks.


  This model must designate the closest enemy model as its target when attacking and receives +1 MA and +1 ST (in melee combat) to all Attacks when it hits an enemy model. This bonus ends when the Berserker cannot Attack a model during a Round. The Berserker receives -1 AP during its next activation.


  Opponents who Charge this model do not gain the typical Charge bonuses.


  This model must only spend 1 AP for Charge actions.


  Enemies cannot deploy models that have the Special Ability Stealth within 18” of this model.


  All Attacks versus this model have -2 MA and -2 RA. An enemy model may spend 1 AP and roll MN versus this model’s DR to give it a Spotted counter. This model also gains a Spotted counter if it performs an Attack. If this model has a Spotted counter, enemies can Attack it, as usual. Remove the Spotted counter if this model leaves enemy models’ LOS.


  This model suffers -1 MA unless it has the Overwhelm bonus.


  Enemy models targeted by this Attack suffer -1 DF.


  (x) is the Ranged Attack’s value of the attacker. Roll DR versus RA against a non-template Ranged Attack (see Special Ranged Attacks). If successful, choose a target within half the distance of the original Attack. You can immediately make a Ranged Attack versus the new target with the ST and the effects of the original Attack.


  At the start of this model’s activation, roll MN (2). If you fail, this model drops any Objective markers it is holding and cannot score based on Objectives this turn. Instead, it must spend all its AP to move directly toward the nearest model (enemy or friendly) and Attack it. If you succeed, the model may act normally and interact with Objectives. This model also has the Special Ability Stubborn.


  This model never suffers Free Strikes.


  Flight speed is (x). This model may choose to ignore Terrain Elements and intervening models during its Flight Movement. Models with Flight must land before they can Attack in melee combat. If a model with Flight does not land by the end of its Movement, it may remain airborne. If it remains airborne, all ML and MR against it are at -2. Ignore terrain for LOS purposes against other airborne models.


  Glide Speed is (x). This model may choose to ignore terrain and intervening models during its Glide Movement. This model must land by the end of its activation.


  This model spends one less Godspark when using its God Powers.


  Enemy models must re-roll a successful Disengage roll against this model. They must keep the second roll.


  While within range (x), this model may spend 1 AP to heal a friendly, living model for 1 HP. You cannot heal a model beyond its base HP. While a model with the Special Ability Healer is on the table, all friendly models reduced to 0 HP become Incapacitated and Prone. Unless a friendly, not Incapacitated, model with Healer is within range (x) of the Incapacitated, living model when the End Phase begins, remove the Incapacitated and Prone models from the battlefield.


  This model adds an additional +1 ST and +1 DR to their Charge action.


  This model receives +2 RS for the purposes of Status effect rolls.


  This model cannot suffer the effects o
f (x) Status ability.


  You do not have to deploy this model as usual. Instead, during any HQ Phase after Round 1, you may choose a point on the battlefield and perform a Scatter Roll from that point to deploy this model. The Scatter Roll’s Hit Origin is the location in which you must deploy this model. If you cannot deploy the model in the location of the Scatter Roll’s Hit Origin, place it as close to the new deployment point as possible from the original deployment point along the Scatter direction.


  This model may not be targeted by Attacks. An enemy model may spend 1 AP to roll MN versus this model’s DR to give it a Spotted counter. This model also gains a Spotted counter if it performs an Attack. If this model has a Spotted counter, enemies can Attack it, as usual. Remove the Spotted counter if this model moves out of enemy models’ LOS.


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