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Page 11

by Tim Korklewski


  This model may spend 1 AP to immediately move their SP in a straight line, ignoring Terrain Elements and intervening models. Alternatively, this model may spend 2 AP to Charge in a straight line, ignoring Terrain Elements and intervening models.


  After Deployment, choose an enemy model. The model with the Special Ability Obsessed receives +1 to all Attacks and ST versus the chosen enemy model.


  While within range (x), this model may spend 1 AP to heal a friendly, non-living model for 1 HP. You cannot heal a model beyond its base HP. While a model with the Special Ability Patch is on the table, all friendly, non-living models reduced to 0 HP become Incapacitated and Prone. Unless a friendly, not Incapacitated, model with Patch is within range (x) of the Incapacitated, non-living model when the End Phase begins, remove the Incapacitated and Prone models from play.


  This model gains +1 DF when in base-to-base contact with another friendly model. Additionally, this model may select one model with whom it is in base-to-base contact to also gain +1 DF for as long as it remains in base-to-base contact with the model who has the Special Ability Phalanx.


  All ST against a model with the Special Ability Phasing is at -2. Phasing models may move through any Terrain Elements and other models without penalty if their ending point is within view. Phasing models may not end their Movement within a Terrain Element with the Keyword Blocks LOS or with their base overlapping another model’s base.


  This model may re-roll their DR on a failed Clash roll. They must keep the second roll.


  When this model activates, it immediately heals 1 HP. This model may also spend AP to heal 1 HP per AP spent. It may not heal past its base HP. When reduced to 0 HP, this model does not die; rather, it is Incapacitated and suffers all the penalties of being Incapacitated. If a model with the Special Ability Regeneration ever regains HP while Incapacitated, it becomes Prone and must Stand, as usual. If this model suffers additional Damage while Incapacitated, it dies and is immediately removed from play.


  This model may re-roll one failed RA per activation.


  When attacked in melee combat, this model gains +2 Size.


  When targeted by Push, Pull, or Knockdown, this model gains +2 Size.


  After Deployment, deploy this model anywhere on the battlefield that is at least 12” away from an enemy model.


  Enemy models must re-roll successful Mind-based Attacks or effects against this model. They must keep the second roll.


  All areas of a Terrain Element are Climbable for this model. This model does not suffer the usual hit bonuses to Climbing models and is not knocked Prone if it Falls while Climbing. When Falling, the Fall has -2 Height.


  This model may move through Difficult terrain without penalty.


  This model can cause one other friendly model within range (x) who has not yet activated this Round to immediately activate following this model’s activation.


  Choose one enemy model with which this model has LOS that has not yet activated this Round. Spend 1 AP to roll Taunt (x) versus the enemy model’s MN. If you succeed, the chosen model suffers -2 MA and -2 RA against all friendly models but this one. If the Success Stage is 3 or more, the chosen model must spend all its AP to move its SP directly toward this model—or Charge, if within range. If the chosen model is within MR for any of its Attacks, it must spend any remaining AP to Attack this model.


  Models with the Special Ability Teamwork gain an additional +1 MA and +1 ST when they gain the Overwhelm bonus.


  Spend 1 AP to move this model up to (x) in a straight line. This model must have LOS to its ending point. During this Movement, this model does not suffer Free Strikes, cannot suffer reactions, and can ignore other models and Terrain Elements. This model cannot end its Movement with its base overlapping another models’ base or any Terrain Element with the Keywords Blocks LOS or Impassable.


  When within ML or MR of this model, or when Charging or being Charged by this model, enemy models must roll MN versus (x). If they fail, they gain a Terrified counter and receive -1 MA, -1 RA, and -1 DF. The Terrified counter remains until the End Phase.


  Treat all Damage from Status (x) as Lethal.


  This model may re-roll one failed MA attempt per activation.



  This model can hit models using the Special Ability Phasing without penalty.


  Aid increases (Stat) by (x). Aid decreases by -1 at the end of each round until the (Stat) returns to its normal value.


  A model can use another friendly model’s LOS to target an enemy with a Ranged Attack. Ranged Attacks made in this way suffer -1 RA.


  On a successful hit, before you roll and Resolve Damage, roll Blind ST (x) versus the target’s MN. If you succeed, the target suffers -1 ML and -1 RN. Additionally, the target cannot use RA to target an enemy model more than 6” away for the rest of the Round.


  This weapon may only make one attack per round.


  Use this Attack Ability against mundane doors and traps. Roll Dismantle ST (x) versus DR. If you succeed, the target remains inactive for one Round per Success Stage you achieve.


  Drain decreases (Stat) by (x). Drain increases by +1 at the end of each round until the (Stat) returns to its normal value. To resist the effects of Drain, the target model must roll RS versus Drain (x). will increase by the +1 in the end phase of each round until it reaches normal.


  A model hit by this Attack receives a Fire marker. When this model activates, you may spend 1 AP to roll RS +2 versus the Fire ST (x) to attempt to put out the Fire. You can repeat this action until you successfully put out the Fire or run out of AP. If you succeed, remove the Fire marker. If a Fire marker remains on a model after its activation ends, you must roll RS versus Fire ST (x) or suffer +1 Damage.


  This model may use this RA for a Clash action. They can initiate a Clash the moment an enemy model enters LOS and is within Attack range.


  A model hit by this Attack receives an Ice marker. When the model activates later, roll Ice ST (x) versus RS. If you succeed, the model loses 1 AP per Success Stage. If you fail, the Ice marker is removed and the model suffers -1 SP until the end of the Round.


  A model who suffers the Status Impaled cannot spend AP on SP-based actions or Special Abilities and is Prone for the purposes of Melee Attacks. While Impaled, the model must stay in base-to-base contact with the model (or Terrain Element or other object) that caused the Impaled Status, even if that model or object moves. When you activate an Impaled model, you must spend 1 AP to roll DR versus Impaled ST (x). You may spend additional AP to make further attempts to free the model. If you succeed, the model is free and may act as usual with any remaining AP. If you fail, the model suffers -1 HP of Damage and it remains Impaled if it is not removed from play.


  On a successful hit, before you roll and Resolve Damage, roll Knockdown (x) versus Size. If you succeed, the target model is knocked Prone.


  On a successful ST roll, each Success Stage you achieve does +1 Damage, instead of every 3 Success Stages.


  This model may spend 1 AP to roll one
MA against all targets within MR of this Attack.


  This model may use this RA while in melee combat with MR.


  This Attack targets the enemy’s MN instead of their DF. Roll Damage and Status effects versus the target’s DR, instead of their RS.

  PULL (X)

  Roll Pull (x) versus a target’s Size. If you succeed, the target Moves 2” per Success Stage directly toward the attacking model. If at any point while being Pulled the target hits another model or object, both the target and the model or object it hits suffer a ST hit equal to the remaining number of inches the target was supposed to Move.

  PUSH (X)

  Roll Push (x) versus a target’s Size. If you succeed, the target Moves 2” per Success Stage directly away from the attacking model. If at any point while being Pushed the target hits another model or object, both the target and the model or object it hits suffer a ST hit equal to the remaining number of inches the target was supposed to Move.


  This model may spend +1 AP to use this Attack 3 times in melee combat.


  This model starts the Scenario without a Reload marker. Once this model uses this Attack, it receives a Reload marker. While this model has a Reload marker, it cannot use this Attack. This model may spend 1 AP to remove the Reload marker.


  When you hit an enemy model with this Attack, it receives a Restrain counter. A model with a Restrain counter has -2 SP and may not spend AP to Attack. The model may spend 1 AP during its activation to roll DR versus Restrain (x) to attempt to remove a Restrain counter. This attempt can be made multiple times.


  On a successful ST roll, every 2 Success Stages you achieve does +1 Damage, instead of every 3 Success Stages.


  On a successful hit, before you roll and Resolve Damage, roll Shock (x) versus RS. If you succeed, the target loses -1 AP, -1 ST, and -1 SP until the end of the Round.


  On a successful hit, before you roll and Resolve Damage, roll Stun (x) versus RS. If you succeed, the target loses -1 AP the next time it activates. Additionally, the target loses -1 AP for every 2 Success Stages you achieve, up to the target’s maximum AP.


  Models hit by this Attack gain a Toxin counter. When this model activates, roll Toxin ST (x) versus RS. If you succeed, the Toxin counter remains and the model suffers, -1 ML, and RN/Toxin ST. If you fail, the Toxin counter is removed.


  Models hit by this attack lose X from the corresponding stat, this will be listed in the attack type, for the Round. The attacker gains X of the corresponding stat and adds it to their profile for the Round. In the End Phase of that Round, the target model begins to regain their abilities, gaining +1 of the corresponding stat up to its maximum. The attacker begins to lose -1 from the corresponding stat down to its normal value from the End Phase of the initial Round. Transfer is not cumulative.


  A very special thank you to David Soderquist at Bronze Age Miniatures, Andy Hobday at Footsore Miniatures, Ed Pugh at Reaper Miniatures, Annie Norman at Bad Squiddo Games, Patrick Keith at Bombshell Miniatures, Cedric Littardi at Don’t Panic Games, Mario Suhardi at Mats by Mars, and Kirk Stephens at The Miniature Building Authority for providing miniatures, gaming mats, and terrain for Ragnarok.

  Thank you to Nicholas Bogart, Robin Horton, Caitlin Rigaud, and Nathan Rigaud for editing, ideas, suggestions, ripping all my hard work to shreds, and overall support.

  In addition, I want to thank each one of my partners who believe in my vision and what I am trying to accomplish with the Morpheus Engine. There is a plethora of talented people who deserve nothing less than to be in the spotlight and succeed at their passion of delivering the very best in miniatures content. Each of them deserves every bit of praise and success that comes their way.

  To all my partners,

  Thank you for your support!

  Tim Korklewski

  Support your local game store! Ask your retailer for miniatures, mats, and terrain from these companies:


  Bad Squiddo Games

  Black Sun Miniatures

  Bombshell Miniatures

  Bronze Age Miniatures

  CP Models

  DGS Games

  Don’t Panic Games


  Fire Forge Games

  Firelock Games

  Footsore Miniatures

  Gamezone Miniatures

  Imbrian Arts

  Megalith Games

  Mierce Miniatures

  Reaper Miniatures

  Red Box Games


  Acheson Creations

  Death Ray Designs

  The Miniature Building Authority

  Mats by Mars


  Tim Korklewski has worked extensively with several gaming companies to help produce content for many different games, including Malifau 2.0, Warzone: Resurrection, Dark Age, Wrath of Kings, and the upcoming A Song of Ice and Fire. Specialising in miniature wargaming, he has assisted in rules design, in-house playtesting, community management, and organized play (campaigns, slow-grow leagues, and tournament systems). He is also the owner and game designer for Hammer Fist Games. Aside from pushing toy soldiers around the table, Tim is an avid martial artist. While his days of competition in Kickboxing and MMA may be behind him, he still enjoys coaching and instructing both beginners and professionals. When not kicking things, he can be found cooking up a storm for family and friends at home in Lawrenceville, Georgia.


  ªRU-MOR was born in Tarragona, Spain, and studied Fine Arts at the University of Seville, specializing and working on artwork restoration. She began her professional career in 2000, sculpting historical, fantasy, and science-fiction miniatures. These days she combines her work as a sculptor with her work as a freelance illustrator, and has provided illustrations for various Spanish RPGs, books, and card games.


  Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

  PO Box 883, Oxford, OX1 9PL, UK

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  This electronic edition published in 2019 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

  OSPREY GAMES is a trademark of Osprey Publishing Ltd

  First published in Great Britain in 2019

  © Tim Korklewski 2019

  Tim Korklewski has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this work.

  All rights reserved

  You may not copy, distribute, transmit, reproduce or otherwise make available this publication (or any part of it) in any form, or by any means (including without limitation electronic, digital, optical, mechanical, photocopying, printing, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

  A catalog record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ISBN: 978-1-4728-3281-8 (HB)

  ISBN: 978-1-4728-3282-5 (eBook)

  ISBN: 978-1-4728-3283-2 (ePDF)

  ISBN: 978-1-4728-3280-1 (XML)

  Osprey Games supports the Woodland Trust, the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity.

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