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Page 14

by L H Whitlock

  “We won’t let you hurt her.” Lit-ta raised the piece of lumber she had chosen for a weapon.

  Grave laughed. “You think that would hurt me?”

  Lit-ta’s arms shook, and her entire body trembled, but she held her ground, and Nora had to give her credit for that.

  “It’s okay,” Nora said, peeking around Grave’s side. Boy, was she thankful for the fullness of his cloak and the amount of protection it added. “I screamed, and Grave thought I was hurt.”

  Tension grew as Grave, Deon and Lit-ta stared each other down. Then Grave reached up and removed his hood. “I’m sorry. It is true. I heard her scream, and her door was locked—both of them, and I just acted on instinct.”

  He winced, the movement making the scars on his face even more jarring. “I’ll repair those.” He said over his shoulder to Nora.

  Deon and Lit-ta stared at Grave’s exposed face for several moments before they managed to break themselves out of it.

  “Well, what were you doing out there, anyway?” Deon asked. “You sounded like you were doing a lot of apologizing. What did you do to her?”

  Deon motioned to Nora. “You just give us the word, and we’ll get this bastard out of here.”

  “Bastard?” Grave said with the raise of his eyebrow.

  Deon visibly swallowed. “Er…sorry.”

  Nora saw Grave’s shoulders quiver with laughter, and she almost smacked him for messing with her poor friends, but then remembered what had happened when she jumped on his back and decided against it.

  Deon and Lit-ta quickly got their payback as Grave stumbled over his next words, trying to describe what he had been doing outside.

  “I... Nora and I had an…incident, and I was apologizing for it.”

  “It seemed like a lot more than just that,” Lit-ta teased, obviously enjoying how uncomfortable Grave had become and using it to her advantage. “I thought it was getting really sweet until you kicked her door down and stormed inside.”

  “What did you say?” Nora asked, her hand clinging to his cloak to further mask herself.

  Grave shook his head. “Those words were meant for your ears only. I thought you were standing on the other side of the door and still angry with me.”

  Nora shook her head. “I was in the shower. I didn’t even know you were out there.”

  “We must end this conversation. I want to get you to the doctor and make sure that nothing happened to you or your—” He stopped, apparently realizing that he may not have been the only one she kept her secret from.

  “It’s okay. Lit-ta found out a few days ago.”

  “Oh, by the great wulgors that roam this land, what have you done to her? Nora, are you okay? Come, let me take you to the medics.”

  Nora felt Grave’s energy change and noticed how his muscles tensed. Before he could step in, she reassured Lit-ta.

  “It’s okay, Lit-ta. I’m fine. It was really my fault, honestly. Grave didn’t mean to hurt me, and he’s just worried after finding out that I’m pregnant. You guys go on home and get some rest. I’ll pop by in the morning.”

  The two glanced at each other, exchanging a nervous look, then Lit-ta sighed with defeat. “Okay, but Grave… If you hurt her, I will…hurt you.” Her threat lost its robustness toward the end.

  Grave laughed. “You have my word; no harm will come to Nora under my watch.”

  Nora waved at her friends from behind the cover of Grave’s massive body and watched them leave. Once they were alone, Grave turned around, and Nora laughed. “Can I please at least get dressed first?”

  Grave nodded, and Nora swore a redness tinged his cheeks, but it was gone just as fast as she noticed it.

  Nora laughed again and clutched the towel to her. “Um, can I get dressed in private, please?”

  Now his cheeks turned a dark red. He whirled around on his boots and left the room, his cloak trailing behind him.


  Nora stepped inside the medical cabin, and Grave slipped in behind her. He hadn’t raised his hood again, and Nora found herself smiling. It wasn’t an easy thing for him to do, she knew, yet he did it for her. Nora looked around the medical room, finding her mind racing with questions and guesses about what the strange devices and tools could be used for. She didn’t see a doctor or healer anywhere.

  “Miss Yulle will be here soon,” Grave said. “I have already made the call to her.”

  “Oh! Miss Yulle is the medic?”

  “Yes, she joined us not long after we started the sanctuary. She came from Morala. She’s actually the one who set up this med bay and brought over all of the prenatal and maternity stuff. She’s delivered almost all of the children here. You can trust her.”

  “If you trust her, I trust her.”

  Grave groaned and rubbed his big hands over his face. “I don’t know why you still trust me, Nora. I said a lot to you when I was outside your door, and I don’t know how to repeat all of that. I don’t know how you aren’t looking at me with disgust right now, but I’m grateful that you’re not. I know it’s ruined, but thank you for at least allowing me to make sure you’re okay.”

  Nora scrunched her nose and swiped a finger over her eye before a tear could drop. “Oh, Grave.” She grabbed onto his arm and tugged him to her. He allowed her to control him at that moment when she knew she had no hope of forcing him to do anything if he wasn’t willing. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her face into his shirt.

  “You’re so hard on yourself. I should have reacted better. I was worried about the baby and I didn’t know how to handle that and keep it hidden at the same time. That’s why I ran home. Well, that and I was honestly a bit scared. I should have thought more about coming up on you from behind like that, and I was just rattled by how quickly and easily you tossed me off.”

  Grave’s face dropped, making his dark, hard angles seem deeper and his eyes held years of unspeakable horrors. He seemed older and tired, like he no longer belonged in this time. Nora’s heart ached for him. She reached up and smoothed her fingers over his face, tracing the deep scars, and smoothing out the years of pain.

  Grave caught her hand and kissed the palm. Nora couldn’t control the excited gasp that left her lips. Grave lifted her and sat her on the examination table. He stood between her legs and dropped his mouth to hers.

  The instant fire between them returned and any doubt or fear she had of him melted into a hot pool of desire. She loved the way his rough stubble brushed against her face and the way she could tell he returned her feelings from his heavy, rugged breathing and the desperate wandering of his hands. He felt down her body, caressing her, leaving behind streaks of lava where her blood once ran.

  He moved with possessiveness, cupping her breasts and running his hands down her back and sides. He skipped over her stomach, though she could tell he wanted to touch her there as well, but wanted to respect her privacy. She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid down, pulling him down on top of her. His hands never paused, nor did his kiss.

  “Oh!” A woman’s surprised voice sounded and a gust of chilly night air wafted in through the door. “My apologies you two. I thought you said you were ready for me!”

  Grave stood, helping Nora back to a seated posture in the process. He messed with her clothing, making sure she showed no sign of what they had been doing, even though Miss Yulle had caught them red-handed.

  Grave turned and leaned on the examination table next to her, appearing way too casual. “Miss Yulle. I apologize for waking you and disrupting your evening.”

  Miss Yulle crossed her arms over her busty chest and smirked at Grave. “Oh, so you’re just going to pretend I didn’t see what I just saw? Fine. Two can play at that game.”

  Grave scowled. “I swear, you and Rikar are conspiring against me.”

  “Oh, not against you, dear, only for you. Now, what can I help you two with? You probably should have stayed in for the evening if that’s the kind of thing you were wanting to do.” She win
ked at Nora as Nora’s face nearly burned off.

  Grave looked down at her and grimaced. “I apologize, Nora. Miss Yulle and I have known each other for a long time. She lacks the respect most people have for me.”

  Miss Yulle rolled her eyes. “Oh please, I just see past that tough brooding exterior. He really is just a twullie.”

  “Oh!” Nora gasped and covered her mouth, sure that Grave was going to pummel the poor woman.

  Miss Yulle laughed at Grave’s resounding growl. “See, all growl, but really, I bet he’ll just purr for you.”

  Nora glanced around the room, sure there was a way for her to sneak out of here to end this torment.

  “Miss Yulle… We’re actually here for a very serious reason.”

  Her smile dropped, and she nodded. “Of course, I apologize, Nora. I don’t see Grave much these days, and I couldn’t help but tease him. Someone’s got to.”

  “Yes, and you’ve made it your personal mission,” Grave replied. “We’re here for you to check Nora’s baby.”

  Miss Yulle looked from Grave to Nora, then Nora to Grave so fast that Nora worried she would fall over.

  “Oh, my goodness! Grave, I can’t believe it!”

  Grave’s body tensed, and he shook his head once. Nora watched in horror as Miss Yulle’s face washed of all color.

  “Oh, right. Well.” She clapped her hands together. “Nora, have you ever had an ultrasound before?”

  Nora shook her head. “No, I’m from Yunnika… We don’t have those there.”

  “Right. Well, just lay back on the table with your legs flat. I’m going to put some jell on your belly. It’ll feel cold but won’t hurt or anything. Then, I’ll rub this wand over your belly, and a picture of what’s inside your womb will come up on the screen. I can read the heartbeat and other vitals as well.”

  Nora nodded and laid down, resting her head on the pillow and keeping her legs flat as instructed. She pulled her shirt up over her belly, and Miss Yulle stepped forward.

  “Thank you for escorting Nora here, Grave, but, this is pretty intimate for the mother, maybe you should wait outside.”

  Grave nodded and turned for the door, but Nora caught his hand. “Grave, please… Please stay. If you don’t mind, of course.”

  A look she had never seen on Grave passed over his face, but he was back to his steely look before she could truly register what it was.

  “Of course.” He grabbed a rolling stool and pulled it up by Nora’s head, then sat rigid and quiet.

  She wished he would hold her hand, but she could only imagine how this must be for him; not knowing what happened or why she was pregnant. Or, maybe he was uncomfortable because he was trying to be supportive of her carrying a stranger’s baby.

  “I’m going to pull the top of your pants down a bit so I can get low on your hips,” Miss Yulle explained. “Is that okay?”

  Nora nodded. She did feel self-conscious being so exposed, but Grave had seen her naked just an hour ago, so what did it matter? She also felt empowered and sexy with her stomach swelling with life. It made her feel feminine and triggered something deep within, a feeling of abundance, and like she was fulfilling the purpose she was made for, to carry this child and protect it. Miss Yulle squirted a glob of cool, clear jelly on Nora’s stomach, then used the wand to smear it around.

  Her skin prickled, and she shivered as her body adjusted to the temperature. Then a strange sound came out of the machine. It sounded like something sloshing in water to a fast tempo. It took her a minute to realize what it was her baby’s heartbeat.

  She brought a shaky hand to her mouth to conceal her choked cry, and tears ran down her cheeks, but she didn’t make any move to wipe them away. A connection she hadn’t felt before suddenly gripped her, and she felt guilty for having even thought of giving her baby away. Inside her, right now was a little life, it’s heart beating alongside hers, it’s body being nourished by her own. No. She knew at that moment that even if the child looked exactly like Mighton that she would swallow the painful memories. This child was more a part of her then anything had ever been, and she would not let some stranger raise it.

  “Is… Is it okay?” Nora asked.

  Miss Yulle’s face glowed with a smile. “Oh yes, dear, your little one sounds perfect. A good, strong heart.” She studied the monitor for a moment. “Looks good, too. Would you like to see?”

  Nora nodded rapidly, and Miss Yulle turned the screen.

  Both Nora and Grave gasped, and he adjusted in his seat to lean closer to the screen, his eyes shifting from the wand to the picture. “Is that the feet?” he asked.

  Miss Yulle nodded. “Yes, give me a minute, and I’ll find the little hands, those are my favorite. I love the small little fingers.” She moved the wand around, pressing into Nora’s belly to the point of near pain. “There they are!”

  Two tiny little hands came into view, clasped together as though in prayer. Silence filled the room as Nora and Grave looked at the monitor.

  “Oh!” Nora exclaimed. “Is that the face! It’s so little! And perfect. You can even see a little nose.” It looked like her nose, and if she weren’t mistaken, the child had tiny, pointed ears, just like her!

  Miss Yulle smiled. “Would you like to know if you are going to have a boy or a girl?”

  Nora’s throat swelled, and she shook with emotion. Did she? She had never expected to find out before the birth, even when she found out that these machines existed, it just seemed forbidden. She swallowed her traditions and took a deep breath, letting them leave with it.

  “Yes,” she whispered, and Grave took her hand and squeezed. She looked over at him and saw his other hand covering his mouth, his eyes intense.

  “You’re having a little boy,” Miss Yulle said with a smile. “A perfect little man.”

  Nora wept. She actually was carrying an heir for that monster. But she had no doubt Hayme would have claimed she was carrying girl and would have killed her then elected his own heir and maintained complete control.

  She released all of her pent-up fear, all the sorrow of leaving her family and her home. The horror of being raped over and over until the king’s seed finally took.

  Grave held her hand. Nora knew she was an ugly crier, and her face had gone bright red and blotchy like it always did. But he held her hand in silent support. He was there for her and giving her space all at the same time.

  When she finally settled, he wiped her face with a cool cloth and offered her a glass of water.

  “I–I’m sorry,” Nora whispered.

  “It’s a lot, Nora. You have nothing to be sorry for,” Miss Yulle reassured and patted her knee. “Will you let me check the baby? I want to see how far along you really are and check on your sack and the umbilical cord. I can also check on some possible birth defects and the like to make sure we don’t need any special equipment for the birth. You traveled interstellarly while pregnant, right?”

  Nora nodded.

  “I want to make sure nothing happened during those moments. Space travel is very dangerous for an unborn child.”

  Nora’s lips chilled, and her heart stuttered. Oh, moons, what if she had harmed her child? She choked back a cry. She was damned if she stayed and damned if she left!

  Miss Yulle smoothed her hand over Nora’s knee reassuringly. “I’m sure everything is okay. Just let me check.”

  Nora nodded and tried to relax back on her pillow as Miss Yulle squeezed more jell onto her belly. She pressed the wand to her stomach, and Nora gasped as the baby seemed to respond with a swift kick. She stared in wonder at the screen as she watched the tiny leg jut out and curl back up.

  Grave gasped and jumped to his feet. “Did he just kick you?”

  The baby kicked out again, and Miss Yulle laughed. “Sorry about that, Nora, he must not like my position.”

  Nora felt another round of tears all over again. Thank the moons I left. Thank the moons.

  Nora looked over at Grave and smiled. “Would you like
to feel him?”

  Grave’s mouth twitched, and he nodded. “I don’t want to make you feel awkward.”

  “It’s not awkward.” She took his large hand and guided him to her belly, pressing his palm firmly over the place her baby had just kicked.

  It took a minute or two, but finally, the baby kicked again. Grave gasped and yanked his hand away, then immediately placed it back. His muddy eyes were bright in wonder, looking almost boyish for a moment. Miss Yulle laughed and allowed him to feel Nora’s stomach for a bit longer before telling him that she had to proceed with the examination.

  “Your stomach is so hard,” he said, smoothing his large, calloused palms over her. She shivered with the juxtaposition of his warmth and the cold jell.

  Nora laughed, unable to help but notice the way he lovingly felt over her stomach, his hands so gentle on her.

  Grave reluctantly pulled his hands away to allow Miss Yulle to feel around with the wand, then he wiped his hand off with a rag.

  He sat faithfully beside her, not speaking, but this time the silence wasn’t comfortable. Nora could almost hear the thoughts and questions running through their minds. Finally, she broke the silence. She wanted Grave to know what happened and why she was pregnant. She wanted him to know that she didn’t have a loving husband or she didn’t get pregnant by accident. No matter what he thought of the story or how disgusted he might be after he heard, he had a right to know.


  Nora fidgeted on the table and Grave smoothed his fingers over her knuckles. She clutched his hand tightly as though anticipating something. Was she worried that Miss Yulle would find something wrong with the child?

  Grave couldn’t pull his gaze away from the monitor, from the little child huddled into a tight ball inside Nora’s stomach. Every now and then an elbow would move, or a foot would twitch, and he would anxiously look at Nora’s belly to see if he could see the bulge in her skin as the little one stretched inside her.

  He loved the rippling of her belly and how hard it was. He wanted to touch her and feel the baby for hours. If Nora was self-conscious about her growing stomach, she showed no sign of it. She seemed to be perfectly comfortable. That made her sexier in his eyes. She was a Goddess, carrying life within her, and that made her even more attractive to him.


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