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by Pepper North

  She hesitated. There were a lot of crazy people in the world. She'd met a lot of them in the last few months. The lure of a hot shower and a warm bed was persuasive. She looked down at the floor and then back at him. "I don't want you to feel obligated to help me. I'm okay sleeping outside. I could even sleep in here on the couch if that's less trouble."

  Sebastian pulled her back in for a light kiss. "I want to get to know you better. There's something about you that draws me toward you. I promise you that if you tell me you aren't attracted to me, I will never touch you again. You're safe with me, Luna. Now, get your backpack, and we'll get going." He watched her immediately lean over to pick up the backpack. Smiling at her, he helped her into her jacket. He had another winter coat at home. She'd be lost in it, but it would be warm. She'd leave his house tomorrow wearing it.

  The dentist ushered his new receptionist out of the building, locking the door behind them. He guided Luna to his SUV with a firm hand on the small of her back. Getting in behind the driver's wheel, he started the car and turned up the heat. He automatically turned on the radio to a country western station that he enjoyed, turning down the sound so they could talk easily.

  "I didn't picture you for a country music fan," she said smiling.

  "What kind of music do you like?" he asked as he maneuvered the car out of the parking lot and in to rush hour traffic.

  "I like country, too. Not the woman cheated, a dog died, lost my job, kind of country music, but the new country music is really good," she laughed.

  "Well, my dog thankfully is not dead," he joined her in laughing.

  "You have a dog?" she asked amazed.

  "Well, I think he actually has me," Sebastian answered. "He'll probably sleep with you tonight. He's quite fickle."

  "I like dogs. I had one before, but when things fell apart, I didn't get to keep him," she said sadly.

  "Are you going to tell me the rest of your story? The part that you're afraid of telling me? I think by now you know I'm not going to judge you based on a crappy boyfriend's behavior," he asked curiously as he pulled into the driveway of a large ranch home set back in the trees. It was not far from the office but felt like a lifetime away from the bustle of the city.

  Luna shrugged her shoulders. She wasn't sure she wanted to tell Sebastian her story. He might look at her differently if he knew. Many people did. "Ummmm, I'm not sure that you'll want to know," she said drawing into herself. She reached down to touch her backpack to reassure herself.

  "Try me," he suggested as he pulled into the garage. He turned off the car and turned to look at her.

  Somehow in the darkened, quiet garage, it felt like they were the only two people in the world. She raised her eyes to meet his. "Can I wait for a while to tell you?" she asked simply.

  "Yes, Luna. I'll trust you to tell me when you're ready. Now, let's go inside. My housekeeper always leaves something in the oven. Is your jaw feeling better? Can you eat?" he asked searching her face for signs of pain.

  "I'm okay. Those pills work well. It's so much better than it was yesterday," she followed his lead and opened her door to step into the garage. She followed him through a door into a warm kitchen that smelled amazing. A fluffy white small dog greeted them with high yips and lots of wiggles. Luna dropped to her knees to pet the small bundle of energy. "Hi! What's your name?"

  "His name is Snow White," Sebastian shared.

  High pitched giggles flowed from her throat as she ruffled the dog's hair. "Really? Snow White? He's a boy dog, isn't he?"

  "I didn't name him," Sebastian reassured her. "I took him in when the neighbors just abandoned him when they moved. He showed up at my door just as their moving van drove down the road. We'd already met because they also frequently forgot to feed him. Snow White just moved in with me." He leaned over to pick up the fluffy, boisterous dog allowing him to give him several kisses on the cheek.

  "You just end up with all sorts of things that have been abandoned, don't you?" She asked laughing without realizing what she was revealing. "Wow! It smells amazing in here." She continued quickly when she realized that he shouldn't feel like he needed to share his dinner with her, "I'm not hungry, though. I won't take your dinner. I ate a lot for lunch today."

  "You will eat, Luna. You need to take your antibiotics with something in your stomach. My housekeeper leaves enough food for several meals. There is plenty for both of us and at least three more people. Set your backpack down and let's put everything on the table. Then, I bet you'd like to take a shower."

  She groaned. "I haven't had a hot shower in forever."

  "Sounds like that's a yes," he laughed. Holding up a finger to ask for one minute, he opened the kitchen door allowing Snow White to bound out into the fenced in backyard. Washing his hands and holding out the soap for her to join him at the sink, the two stood side by side. Each enjoyed the contact of their bodies as they held their hands over the deep sink. Drying his hands on a towel, Sebastian handed it over. When she'd finished, he handed her silverware and napkins to place on the table. He began pulling dishes from the oven. "It looks like we have chicken pot pie and apple pie for dinner. I bet there's a salad in the fridge." Tossing the pot holders on to the counter, he opened the refrigerator to reveal a large salad and a small jar of homemade dressing. He set these on the table and quickly poured two glasses of milk.

  After opening the door for the eager dog to come back in, Sebastian loaded two plates with pot pie at the stove before carrying them over to the table. He added a generous portion of salad and poured on the dressing. Setting a fully loaded plate in front of Luna, he laughed at her face. "Just eat what you can, Luna." He waved her into a chair and picked up his fork. "Eat, Luna." Snow White immediately draped himself over her feet staying as close as possible to his new best friend. With a smile on her face, Luna began eating.

  He waited until she had eaten most of the food and was beginning to slow down. By the look of the speed she attacked food with, he could tell that she had been hungry for a long time. "So, strange relationship? What kind of strange relationship?" he asked.

  "Oh, you know. Just strange," she said setting her fork down and looking at her plate to avoid his eyes.

  "There's nothing that you can tell me that I won't understand," Sebastian said softly.

  The silence drew out until finally, in a nervous burst of words, she admitted. "I was in an age play relationship, okay. I had always wanted someone to take care of me. It was wonderful until it wasn't. He found a new Little and showed me the door," Luna said sadly with her eyes cast down. "Now you think I'm a deviant."

  "I don't think you're a deviant. I think we need a little break before dessert if you're done eating?" he asked softly. When she nodded, he stood and took her hand pulling her to her feet. Without explanation, he led her down the hallway and opened a door into a room that had been closed for a long time. Leading her inside, he turned on a soft overhead light.

  "What?" Luna looked around in amazement. She was standing in the middle of a nursery created for some amazingly lucky Little girl. She loved the light pink walls with white, fluffy curtains. A large crib was placed next to one wall. The crib railing was lowered as if the Little's bed was waiting for someone to climb in. She wandered in automatically to run her shaking hand across the crib's railing. Luna felt tears running down her cheeks. She felt Dr. Graham gather her into his arms. He wiped her tears from her cheeks.

  "Don't cry, Luna. I didn't mean to make you sad." When she shook her head quickly, he continued softly. "I've been waiting to find a Little girl just for my own. I've always wanted to have someone to take care of completely. I can't imagine how your last Daddy could ever let you go. He was a fool."

  Luna laughed through her tears. "He was a fool. I don't think he really wanted to be a Daddy. I think he only thought he'd like to be in charge. It was too much responsibility. He just wanted to play at being a Daddy."

  Sebastian leaned in to kiss her lightly. "I feel like you were meant to come
to me. Will you give us some time to get acquainted and see if you might be willing to take a chance on a new Daddy?"

  She reached up to wrap a hand around the back of his head. She pulled his lips back down to hers, whispering against them, "I'd like that." He took over after her light kiss as he dived into her warm mouth. He calmed himself only by recalling that her mouth was sore.

  Chapter Seven

  Sebastian wanted to give her some time. A lot had happened in a short period of time. He didn't want her to make a rash decision. He convinced her to take a shower leaving the dishes to him. "Just put your clothes and anything else you have that needs to be washed like those mud stained jeans in the middle of the bathroom floor. I'll come in and get them after you get in the shower. Make yourself at home. There are several types of shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, lotion – pretty much anything you might need. My family comes to visit from time to time. I've gathered their favorites for their use when they visit. There is plenty for you to use also. When you're finished, put on my robe and come back to the kitchen for dessert."

  He hesitated outside the bathroom door after finishing the dishes until he was sure that she was showering. He laughed softly at the sound of her off-key singing. He walked in quietly and froze at the sight of her too slender body behind the frosted glass. He watched her press a hand against the glass to let him know that she was there. Her silhouette turned back to lean her head under the water. Her body arched showing him the shadow of her small breasts lifting from the curve of her body. He forced himself to scoop up the clothing she had left for him on the floor. Taking one last look, he walked to the laundry room to start a wash. Snow White remained in the bathroom staring intently into the shower. "Lucky dog," Sebastian groused as he walked down the hall.

  Ten minutes later, she bounced in wrapped in his much too large robe. She looked happy. Her hair was damp and roughly brushed. Her pale face was shiny clean. She walked to him immediately and wrapped her arms around him. "Thanks! That was the best shower of my life." Her hug had been spontaneous. She let out a surprised squeak as he pulled her tightly into his arms, holding her body close to him. Immediately, she was aware that her nude body was millimeters away from his body with only the robe wrapped around her. She froze and then relaxed, thrilled by the feel of his arms around her. She rested her head under his chin.

  Savoring her closeness, Sebastian led her to a chair and sat down pulling her onto his lap. When she tried to scurry off, he held her securely in place. "Settle down, Little girl. I would like to hold you. Now, open up. Try a bite of this apple pie. It's the best pie I've ever eaten. You tell me what you think?" Sebastian held a bite to her lips. He waited and smiled as her eyes rolled up in delight. Feeding them both with the same fork, Sebastian alternated bites between their mouths until she waved off the fork. He quickly finished the pie before kissing the stray crumbs from her lips. His mouth lingered there. Tasting and pressing into the sweet interior of her mouth, Sebastian groaned as he enjoyed her kisses.

  A sharp bark made him raise his head. Groaning, he lifted his head before boosting Luna to her feet. "Go brush your teeth. Did you take your antibiotic this evening?" At her guilty look, "Go take them now. I see I'm going to need to remind you, he said easily with a smile. "I can do that - medicine, brush, mouthwash, Little girl. I'll be there to check on you when Snow White has visited the backyard one last time before bed." He watched her gently swaying bottom walked down the hallway to the main bathroom. Another bark reminded him what he was supposed to be doing. "Come on, Snow White," he said walking to the back door.

  Chapter Eight

  After making sure all the dishes were stowed for the night, and the doors were securely locked, Sebastian walked eagerly down the hall. Luna waited for him in the hallway clutching her backpack to her chest. She was looking wistfully into the nursery. "How had any Daddy ever let her go?" he wondered mentally before deciding, "it was such a gift to find a Little girl to care for, the man must be a fool."

  "Luna," he said wrapping a strong but gentle arm around her waist. "Do you want to sleep in the nursery tonight?"

  Turning tear-filled eyes to meet his, she nodded slowly, "Please?"

  He guided her into the charming room. "Put your backpack down, Luna." He waited for her to place it next to the crib. When she returned, he cupped her chin and lifted it to look into her eyes. "Little girls who sleep in their cribs need to wear a diaper. Let's go over to the changing table." She nodded slowly and let him lead her over to the adult-sized high bench with a variety of supplies and drawers under the padded top. He untied the belt to the robe watching her face for any sign of discomfort. He smiled as she blushed. He helped her slide her arms from the sleeves, and he tossed his robe to the side. Lifting her nude body by strong hands around her waist, he sat her on the padding before helping her lay down.

  Immediately, Luna clutched an arm over her slight breasts and her pubic areas. Somehow laying down made her feel even more exposed to his view. She felt her blush spread across her chest. She was afraid that he wouldn't be pleased by her nude body. She closed her eyes quickly to block seeing his disappointment. Suddenly, she could feel the heat of his body leaning over hers. Luna felt his warm lips press themselves against the sensitive flesh of her neck. She shivered as his mouth moved lower tracing her left collarbone. She peeked, eager to see his lips on her body. He lifted her hands to place them on his shoulders rather than shielding her body.

  "Shy, Little girl. You enchant me. Your body is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with me," he whispered before kissing the tip of her right nipple. Her groan of longing went straight to his groin. He pulled her nipple into his mouth to roll it between his firm lips. Sliding a long hand along her ribcage and stomach to her reddish curls between her tightly clenched legs, Sebastian pulled slightly. Her hips lifted to press into his hand. He lifted his head to look at her. Her eyes were hooded with desire. She met his eyes and smiled. "We'll need to get rid of these curls, Little girl. Not tonight, but as soon as you're ready to be mine."

  "Yes, sir," she answered softly.

  "I hope you'll call me Daddy soon, Little girl," Sebastian leaned in to kiss her lips. When she lifted her head to chase his lips when he cut the kiss short, he dipped his head again. This time as her sweet mouth opened, Sebastian swept his tongue inside to taste her. Her tongue rose to wrap around his, welcoming his invasion and asking for more. Her thighs widened inviting his fingers to explore her previously hidden secrets. Sebastian ran his fingers down the seam of her labia. He smiled against her lips as he felt the wetness that had gathered there. She was a fantastic gift that had wandered into his life. He was going to savor every bit of her. With one final kiss, he raised his head.

  "It's time for bed, Little one. We'll play more tomorrow. Little girls need lots of sleep." Sebastian leaned down to select the correct size of diaper from the stacks below the changing table. He lifted her hips and placed the diaper under her sweet bottom pulling it between her legs. Unable to resist the lure of her arousal, he brushed his fingers across her labia as he smoothed the diaper into place. Sebastian lifted his wet fingers to his mouth and licked her flavor from his fingers. "Mmmmmm! You are delicious, Little girl." He watched her eyes close as she moaned softly. Smiling to himself, he finished diapering her by taping the diaper securely in place.

  He lifted her from the table pleased to hold her tightly against him. Kissing her forehead, he laid her gently into the crib and pulled a soft blanket from the railing to drape over her nude body. "Sleep tight, Luna. I'll wake you in the morning."

  "Rupert!" she exclaimed sitting up in the crib. She held the blanket to her chest as she tried to scramble from the bed.

  Sebastian caught her around the waist holding her in place. "Who's Rupert?"

  "I can't sleep without him. Rupert is in my backpack," she said with tears in her eyes. "I need to get him."

  "May I bring him to you?" he asked with a smile. "Thank god, Rupert is something that fits in her back
pack," he thought relieved.

  She nodded her head empathically, "Please! Please, would you get him for me?"

  Walking to the backpack, Sebastian lifted it easily. How sad it was that all her worldly possessions were contained in this light backpack. He set it on the railing of the crib and opened the main zipper to reveal a battered, stuffed raccoon. Pulling him out carefully, he looked at Rupert. "Hello, Rupert. A Little girl needed you to sleep well. Will you promise me that you'll bring her good dreams tonight?" He held the raccoon's mouth to his ear. "Thank you, Rupert." He held the stuffed animal in the crib. Luna reached out with both hands to hug Rupert to her now exposed breasts.

  "Lucky, raccoon!" Sebastian thought as he watched the joy of a Little girl holding her stuffie. Aloud, he instructed, "Time for sleep, Little girl." He draped the blanket over the Luna and Rupert as she curled on her side around the toy.

  "Thank you," she whispered as he turned down the light and walked to the door.

  "Thank you, Little girl, for trusting me. Sleep well. Remember your promise, Rupert," he said walking into the hall and closing the door slightly. Alone in the hall, he ran his hands over his face trying to believe all the events of the last forty-eight hours.

  Finishing his abbreviated workout by running on his treadmill in the exercise room at the rear of his house, Sebastian tried to comprehend the events from the last two days. He'd searched for so long for his own Little girl. It was hard to believe that Luna had just walked into his dental office. He smiled at the memory of her curled up in the crib. She was everything he could have dreamed of finding. Making a promise to himself to take care of her, Sebastian punched the button increasing the treadmill's speed until his brain had to focus solely on running.


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