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Heir to the Underworld (Suffer a Witch to Reign Book 1)

Page 7

by D. H. Dawson

  ‘She has a point, Elena.’ Father pats his wife’s hand. ‘She’s an adult now. Carmen wishes to take part in the affairs of the court, the safety of the realm. I say we allow it.’

  Mother fumes and looks to Grandma.

  The kids have gone quiet, staring between us, wide-eyed.

  Grandma inclines her head, and Mother huffs. ‘Fine. But you be careful, and if anything happens to you, I will have the Commander’s son’s head.’ She gets up and leaves the table.

  I widen my eyes at Father, who slightly shakes his head. As the door closes behind her, I ask, ‘Is she serious?’

  ‘As a protective parent, yes,’ Father says. ‘As a queen? No. But I do expect the boy to protect you. If you track this thief out of the realm, will you take guards?’

  I purse my lips. ‘I’m not certain. It may be easier to follow with only two of us, but I will ask my new instructor. He is, after all, better at these things than I.’ I stand, and go and kiss Father’s cheek. ‘Thank you. For letting me do this.’

  Father smiles and chuckles. ‘Child, I’m pleased I have a daughter who puts the Crown and the Realm’s interests before her own.’ He taps my hand. ‘You’re a good princess. I only ask that you be careful, you understand?’

  ‘Of course, Father.’ I smile at the others and take my leave.

  I’m a little surprised that I upset Mother just to be able to go with Ares, to follow a thief we’re not even sure has left the realm just yet, but if they are one and the same as the thief who’s been in the castle, risking my siblings’ lives, I can’t let them get away with this.

  Ares sits in a quiet room, absorbed in a book. As I close the door, he starts, scrambles to set the book down, rises, and bows deeply. From the window behind him, he is lit with the golden rays of the rising sun, setting his hair aglow.

  ‘Your Royal Highness.’ He stands upright again. ‘Are you ready for your first strategy lesson?’

  ‘I am.’ I lower myself into a plush armchair opposite his, then he sits, too. ‘How will we track him?’

  ‘I found this.’ Ares holds out a ripped piece of fabric. ‘It was at one of the scenes. A Spirit witch’s jewellery shop just outside the castle was burgled, too. The witch gave me this.’

  ‘What kinds of things has this thief taken?’

  ‘Actually, it’s odd. All sorts of random witch objects, Princess. Not even powerful ones. Crystals here and there, books, even binding cords. That was from the shop.’

  ‘Binding cords have no power. They’re only used for children Spirit witches, to help them connect to animals and nature.’

  ‘It seems like this thief is trying to get his hands on anything related to witchcraft, but like they don’t really know what they’re looking for.’ Ares rubs his chin thoughtfully.

  I turn in my seat. ‘Check the vaults. Quickly,’ I snap at the two guards by the door.

  Ares’s eyes widen. ‘Oh, no. I hadn’t considered the vaults, but surely…’

  The guards disappear, but we stay seated. Ares isn’t allowed down there, and technically, neither am I. ‘There are a great many things this thief might want, but within the vaults, if any of the stories are true, are some of the relics the Old Witches used, as they imbued them with power to rule over humans. There are blades, potions, all kinds of things in there that could hold great power.’

  ‘Last thing we want are those items loose about the realms.’ Ares holds out the cloth for me. ‘If you please, Princess.’

  ‘I don’t think I can. Spirit tracking isn’t something I’ve ever done before.’

  ‘No time like the present.’ Ares sits back, hands resting on the arms of his chair.

  ‘You don’t know what you’re asking. It’s not something I can just do like that.’ I click my fingers together. ‘No. We need someone who knows this stuff better than I do.’

  Ares sighs, as though he’s disappointed in me. ‘Look, strategy dictates that whoever this thief is, if we piece all the evidence together, their movements will form a logical pattern. We just have to find it.’ His brow furrows as he stares down at the little pieces of evidence he’s collected, spread out on the table between us. ‘I was just told this morning that even the prince and little princess have had things taken.’ His hazel eyes darken. ‘That is very concerning.’

  ‘I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m glad they’re okay. I’m sure Father has doubled guards on them.’

  ‘This thief took books, though only ones that teach magic, and princess Hara’s energy crystals.’ Ares rifles through the pages of reports written by witnesses or robbery victims. I can make out names of store-owners, and quotations from statements. ‘Princess, it seems the only things taken weren’t just witch objects, they’re specifically Spirit witch items. Have any of yours gone missing?’

  ‘Not that I’ve noticed, but I can check. Besides.’ I get to my feet. ‘We need a Spirit tracker, and I have an idea where we might find one.’

  Ares raises his brows. ‘And who would be a more powerful Spirit witch than a royal?’

  I frown. ‘Not more powerful, just—more practiced.’ I’m damn tempted to add, shut up, but that’s not very princess-y. ‘My magic instructor, Matthew.’

  ‘Oh. I see. Well, then. Let’s go see what this all-powerful Matthew has to say about this.’ Ares picks up the cloth, smirking.

  All powerful. Show you ‘all powerful’. I bite my lip and follow him down to the library.

  I watch Matthew bustle around his library desk, Emmett asleep on the top shelf, his round ears flat to his back. Ares marches up to him, as though addressing a solider he has command of.

  ‘Spirit witch,’ Ares says. ‘Your assistance is required.’ Ares thrusts the strip of fabric at him. ‘Track this person. Now.’

  Matthew blanches at the imposing War Commander’s son. It’s only now that they’re next to each other that I can see how much bigger Ares is. Taller, broader. Matthew’s surprised gaze finds me, and he bows. ‘Princess?’ He says, hoping for an explanation.

  ‘Don’t address her. Do as I said.’

  I roll my eyes. ‘There’s no need to be abrasive, Ares. Matthew is one of my instructors, just as you are. Treat him with respect.’

  Ares gives me a look, an impolite one that suggests he should not have to do so. I brush him aside and take the cloth. ‘I know you’re probably busy, Matthew, but I would appreciate your help in this matter. Your Spirit skills are more honed than mine.’ I smile at the snoozing familiar. ‘This is a matter of urgency. Will you help me?’

  Matthew smirks at Ares. ‘Of course, Your Highness. I would be honoured. How sweet of you to ask so kindly.’ Matthew shoots Ares a look and I try not to smile.

  Matthew sets the cloth down, then rifles through his desk. He picks up a jar of salt and sprinkles a circle around the cloth, placing a stem of rosemary on top, and closes his eyes.

  People in the library pause to watch, then see me, and hurry along. They keep their heads bent, and for the moment, I’m glad. I don’t know what this thief’s plan is, or if they’re working alone. Best no one figure out what we’re doing, too. As a royal, I might as well have my own personal boundary bubble.

  ‘Is this something you could teach me one day?’ I ask, watching his tracking spell, then wish I hadn’t interrupted.

  After a moment, Matthew’s hand glows faintly, yellow-white, and the fabric does, too. ‘Maybe one day, Princess.’ He smiles. I wonder how long he’s spent working on his magic. His superior—damn it, what’s his name?—must have been tutoring him in advanced magic for some time. It’s his job to know all these things. I push down a pang of jealousy.

  ‘The man whose shirt this was,’ Matthew says. ‘He was within the castle until recently. His presence here is strong, but it’s fading now.’

  ‘Where is he?’ Ares snaps. I glare at him, and he backs down a little.

  Matthew closes his eyes, tilting his head, as though seeing something I cannot.
‘He’s… he’s leaving the grounds at this moment.’

  ‘Good.’ Ares snatches the cloth back, frowns, and wipes the salt away and turns to leave. I can’t explain how, but it feels like an insult to Spirit magic. Ares glances back at me when I don’t move. ‘Your Highness? I thought you wished to join me.’

  ‘You don’t honestly think you can track someone without the tracker, do you?’ I ask.

  Matthew gives a shy smile. ‘I would be honoured to join you, Princess, if you require.’

  Ares sighs. ‘I didn’t know we would need him—’ He growls as someone bumps his shoulder. ‘Watch where you’re going.’

  A dark-haired young man raises his gaze. ‘Oh. Sorry.’

  I smile. ‘Cristian.’

  My third instructor looks around at us, a sly grin gracing his face. ‘Are we all together? The princess and her new instructors?’ He holds his hand out to Matthew. ‘I’m Cristian.’

  Matthew takes his hand and introduces himself. As Cristian turns back to offer the same to Ares, the strategist’s face curls in disgust.

  ‘Are you serious? Don’t tell me the rumours are true. You’re actually being trained by a human?’

  Hurt flashes in Cristian’s eyes and he withdraws his hand. All of a sudden it’s the strategist I’d like to have slapped.

  ‘How dare you,’ I snap. ‘He’s no less than you, Ares.’

  Ares makes a guttural noise, and I wish he’d never given me that rose yesterday. Perhaps he won’t be a friend, only a teacher. I wave Matthew over. ‘Regardless, we must leave.’

  Cristian recovers, smoothing his face. ‘Princess? If I may ask, where are you going? Would you like my assistance?’

  Ares gets in his face, nearly a head taller than Cristian, and bumps him with his chest. ‘The princess doesn’t need you.’

  Anger fizzles through me. I march up to Ares and pull him away myself. Guards at the edge of the library approach at the fuss.

  ‘What’s going on?’ one Helmet says.

  ‘Nothing.’ I turn to Ares, finger raised. ‘If you have a problem with one of my instructors, in fact, any of my people, you have a problem with me. Is that clear?’ I’m getting good at this harsh-princess voice, though I’m not sure I like it.

  Ares backs down, but he glares daggers at Cristian.

  ‘I don’t mean to be a problem, Princess,’ Cristian says to me quietly.

  I turn to him and meet deep, dark blue eyes. He looks… ashamed. ‘You are not. Anyone who holds prejudice in his heart is the problem. Not you.’

  ‘Your Highness?’ Matthew holds the cloth. Somehow he got it back from Ares. His eyes are closed. ‘The longer we wait, the further your thief gets.’

  ‘Of course.’ As I turn to speak to the guards, Irene appears. ‘Perfect timing. Please pack supplies. We’re going for a short trip.’

  ‘That was really fast,’ Matthew says, impressed, as he hauls his pack on. ‘Your maidservant is very efficient.’ My own supplies are divided between them.

  ‘She’s servant to a princess, of course she is.’ Ares carries his own pack.

  I sigh as we reach the top of the hill behind the castle. The sun is high, and I’m warm under my disguise. I’m not used to wearing a blade, and I’m not convinced it will be of any use if it’s a witch we’re after, but Cristian insisted. Just in case. He hasn’t had time to prepare any Gaia Wood weapons, but he has a few pieces of it in his bag. He’s quiet as we walk, as though not wanting to irk Ares. Cristian keeps pace beside me as Matthew leads the way, and Ares follows him impatiently.

  Matthew can’t tell how far we are from the thief, only that he’s breached the boundary and walked into the next realm, ruled and occupied by humans. Officially, we’re at peace with the Mortal Realms, but I don’t think they like royal witches very much.

  Cristian reaches over as we approach the border and tugs my hood down carefully. ‘We don’t want anyone to recognise you.’ The gesture is sweet and smooth. Truthfully, I didn’t know what to expect of any of my instructors. I smile at Cristian for trying to protect me, then glance at Matthew.

  He’s familiar, but I don’t know him well. Until recently, I wasn’t supposed to. He takes the lead well enough, though Ares doesn’t seem happy about that. Ares strikes me as someone who thinks himself a natural leader, and in most cases, he would be, but not today. That seems to ruffle him, making his temper sharper, his words terser.

  We all pause as we come to the boundary. There are four guards standing at a checkpoint, many more scattered all the way around. They bow to me. The boundary itself looks like a smooth pane of glass as the sunlight dances off it. We can go through, exit any time we like. It’s designed to keep Knights out, not us in.

  Matthew looks at me. ‘Are you ready, Princess? It’s the first time you’ve left the Gaia Realm.’

  Nerves flutter in my stomach. I will be much easier to spot if I use magic in a human-only realm. ‘Certainly,’ I lie. ‘Lead the way.’ The implications of what could happen if I am discovered in this realm, let alone if I’m caught doing fire magic, are too terrible to contemplate.

  Ares glares between us as I watch Matthew breach the boundary and disappear into the lands beyond. Ares follows.

  I wait a moment, my feet planted on the ground.

  ‘Are you alright, Princess?’ Cristian’s voice is soothing beside me.

  ‘Nervous,’ I say quietly. I’m mostly hidden from view, wearing a plain brown cloak under a hood. Cristian moves so we can see each other clearly.

  ‘I know you’re brave. You’re not alone.’ Cristian steps toward the boundary. He hesitates, then holds out his hand, trembling slightly.

  I take it and let him lead me into another realm, away from home, to follow an unknown foe. I’m glad it’s not just me and Ares on this journey.

  Chapter Eight


  My hand in Cristian’s feels like it’s weighed down by a sturdy anchor. I stare up at the boundary nervously before we pass through. He keeps me grounded, focused, and a little less afraid of what this day will bring in a strange new realm. I don’t like the idea that I need someone to hold my hand for me to feel safer, but it’s part of Cristian’s job to protect me, so I ignore it. I step up to the boundary, closer than I’ve ever been, and pass through.

  As I walk through the barrier, something stops me cold. I freeze and my body goes numb. I open my mouth to scream, but no sound comes out. My vision goes black until something eerily familiar comes into view. The figure of my nightmares walks toward me.

  ‘Is this a dream?’ My voice is hoarse and shaky.

  The figure’s angular-planed face moves as he shakes his head. ‘No. You and I share a connection. Through magic, I can reach you any time, like the day the Knights breached your realm.’ His voice is low, almost meditative.

  ‘What do you want? Why am I seeing you now?’ This figure seems only to want to taunt me, but how? How can I be connected to this person?

  For the first time, he moves so that his whole face is cast into firelight, and I can see every line. His features are smooth, his eyes and mouth unlined, though I would still guess he was my father’s age. He has a full head of black hair, braided down the back of his head, a little past the top of his spine. His brows are dark and bushy, beard full but neat. He doesn’t look evil, not by appearance, but by energy. ‘You know who I am?’

  ‘Some dark figment of my imagination,’ I spit out. ‘Let me go. Release me of this vision.’

  ‘It’s true, I hold you here, but not for the nefarious reasons you may expect. Carmen, I am warning you. Do not use your magic in this foreign realm.’ He comes closer to me, and I can see how dark his eyes are—shining and black, infinite pools of darkness. ‘You and your witch friends will suffer immeasurably if you are caught using magic of any kind, do you understand?’

  My mouth goes dry. ‘Why would you give me such a warning?’

  He says nothing. He reaches out and
grasps my shoulder. I cannot move, nor flinch from his strange touch. I would have thought his grip would be cold, but his hand is warm through the fabric of my cloak. His gaze meets mine, level and dark.

  It ends as quickly as it began, and I stumble through the barrier, hands on my knees to catch my breath. I end up choking and coughing out smoke I’d barely noticed in the vision.

  ‘Carmen?’ Cristian kneels to better look up into my face. ‘Are you okay?’

  I open my mouth to ask, ‘Did you see him?’ But snap it shut. Of course he didn’t, and what a dangerous, stupid thing to say.

  ‘It felt a bit weird for me, too.’ Cristian straightens as I do. ‘Walking through.’

  As I look between the guys, I can tell only a moment passed as they stepped through, and we followed. It seemed like I spoke to the dark figure for at least a couple of minutes, but somehow, that did not pass here. I quickly close the distance between myself and Matthew, shoving his glowing hand in his pocket. ‘Do not show magic here. None at all.’ I stare at Ares, too. ‘Both of you. Or we’ll all be in strife.’

  Matthew gazes up at me in surprise, my hand still clasped around his in his pocket.

  I clear my throat and step back. ‘Are you still tracking him?’ I ask, looking around. We’re in what appears to be a regular marketplace, bustling with lunchtime customers, vendors and farmers setting out fresh wares.

  ‘Yes, but there are a lot of people, it’s getting harder.’ Matthew’s brow furrows.

  I nod at him to take the lead, indicating that we’ll follow. Ares rolls his eyes. Not much of a follower, I see. Cristian is quiet, but I can tell by the way he looks at me he’s suspicious of something. Of me? I avoid his gaze as Matthew turns, hand in his pocket, trying to locate the thief.


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