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Atlantis Riptide: Lost Daughters of Atlantis Book 1

Page 21

by Allie Burton

  Chase raised his hand. His Adam’s apple bobbed in his neck. “I’m the only air-breather who knows about you.”

  Goatee-guard’s eyes narrowed. “How can you possibly be an air-breather?”

  “It’s a long story.” Chase took hold of my hand and squeezed sending me strength. “We need to talk later.” Meaning not in front of all these strangers.

  I nodded. My emotions wavered between hopefulness and hopelessness. Between insecurity and rightfulness. Between love and hate.

  The guards who’d gone into the vent surfaced. Alone.

  “No one’s down there,” said one of the guards.

  I glanced at Chase. His bewildered expression mimicked my thoughts.

  “There must be another way out.” Chase jerked around, but the second guard stopped him.

  Goatee-guard gave his attention back to us. “You called them Free Atlanteans which means you are not a Royalist.”

  I shook my head trying to clear my brain. “I’m not on anyone’s side. I just discovered this world existed.”

  “Why call them Free Atlanteans then? Royalists, people on the correct side, call them Separatists because that’s what they are. People who want to ruin our current form of government.”

  “It’s what I was told by…” I didn’t want to get Finn in trouble. He might’ve tricked me, but he’d helped me out and showed me the world where I belonged. If he kept his word and was helping Princess Cordelia, I couldn’t endanger him, although I had my doubts about that, too.

  “We’ll sort out who’s on what side later.” Goatee-guard snapped his fingers. “Take them into custody.”

  * * *

  Entering the Atlantean palace from the main entrance was much different than entering through the hidden tunnels. The guard house in front was cut from pinkish coral. The oversized gateway arched over our heads like a towering filigree barrier reef. The ornate walls of the palace were decorated with starfish and shells. And the varying colored anemone burst from the ocean floor in a mosaic pattern that would’ve put the Sistine Chapel to shame.

  Except for the fact that we were captives and not guests, I would’ve been dazzled by the display of opulence.

  Instead, I was overwhelmed with rolling emotions. Shock. Awe. Surprise. Fear. This should’ve been my home. Instead, it could become my jail.

  Goatee-guard marched us through a grand foyer and then led us down a sloped hallway. The walls narrowed and became less decorative, more functional. Atlanteans passed in the other direction and stared. My skin prickled with their curiosity and disapproval.

  Turning a corner, the hallway darkened. No coral decorated this area. The rooms were formed by large rocks cut into caves. Caves with bars for doors.

  A shiver traveled the length of my spine. The guard had promised to straighten everything out. How long would that take? By our accommodations, possibly never.

  Chase squeezed my hand as if understanding my fear. “Why are you bringing us here? These are cells. We’ve done nothing wrong.”

  Goatee-guard swiveled his head. He curled up his nose in distaste. “By being a supposed air-breather you’ve done something wrong by existing.”

  I couldn’t let Chase take the blame. “I was trying to help by warning you.”

  “There’s a war brewing.” Goatee-guard stopped in front of one of the cell-like caves. “We don’t know who to trust. Palace policy. Get inside.”

  One of the guards opened the bars and pushed Chase and I in. I stumbled against him and he held me tight. I clung, not caring how I seemed so needy. The bars slammed shut on us.

  “We want to see a judge.” Chase demanded. “A speedy decision.”

  I swam up and gripped the bars with white knuckles. Even my strength couldn’t bend them. “How long will we be in here?”

  “Until we determine whose side you’re on. And what to do with the air-breather.” Goatee-guard marched away.

  His words sounded like a death sentence for Chase. My tattered heart bled. I’d believed he’d betrayed me, which led him to find me, which led him to die at least once. And possibly once again.

  I squeezed my eyelids to shut out the image. We’d been through so much because of our mistrust. I should’ve confronted Chase about his aunt, not stormed off like a spoiled…princess.

  Chase came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “I’m sorry.”

  I turned to face him. “You’ve done nothing wrong. I’m sorry I suspected you of betraying me and my secret. I should’ve asked.”

  “I understand why you might’ve thought that, especially with Aunt Sarah confronting you in that way.” He ran a finger down my cheek, reminding me of better times.

  Reminding me of all he meant to me.

  “How did she find out? What type of research did she find on me? I’d been so careful. Changing my name, traveling across the country.”

  “She knew you’d saved that boy. She saw how you fixed the log ride.” Chase leaned his forehead against mine. “I guess I got my sense of curiosity from her, because you intrigued her as much as you intrigue me.”

  “Oh?” I liked that I intrigued him.

  “Aunt Sarah dug into your background and discovered internet articles about your circus act.”

  My shoulders dipped. She knew about me, knew about my past. Chase now knew about my weird circus life. Warmth raced to my face. He’d think I was a circus freak.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” The hurt tone clashed with the softness of his hand on my face.

  I bit my lip. I’d told Chase more about myself than anyone, but not everything. I studied the ground afraid to look at him. “I was afraid you’d think I was an abnormality. A circus freak. Or you’d want to take advantage of me.”

  “Like my aunt.”

  I lifted my head and stared at him directly, wanting him to see the painful truth. To know the real me, all of me, and to see his reaction. “Bill and Carlita, the circus owners, forced me to perform. They kept me away from other people, other kids. I was home-schooled and had no friends.” I kept my tone flat, unemotional, even as feelings bombarded me and tore up my insides. “I’d been thinking about leaving for awhile. What pushed me over the edge was learning I’d been adopted.”

  Chase’s expression softened. “I’m sorry you’ve led such a hard life.”

  I shrugged trying to shake off my own sadness. “I’m my own person now. Doing what I want, when I want. Except for the bars currently locking me up.”

  “I’m sorry I made your life worse.” He twisted a strand of my hair between his fingers. “I never would’ve told anyone your secret. Since the moment we met I knew you were special.”

  “Special as in freak or special-special?” I hated how my insecurities invaded, tainted my view.

  “Special-special.” He leaned into me. Our lips were only inches apart. “Very special. So special, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. And when I found your tent empty and Plankson told me you were gone…”

  I moistened my lips with my tongue. My heart swooned in my chest. My love for Chase exploded like underwater fireworks sparkling inside and probably shined from my eyes.

  “I had to go after you, to tell you what you meant to me.” His lips touched mine in a slight caress. “And then Plankson grabbed me.”

  I held onto his waist afraid I might slip beneath his grasp. We’d had so many near misses. Loved and lost so many times.

  Chase held me tighter. “I care about you.” He kissed my cheek. “I want to be with you.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “No matter what happens, I love you.”

  Three simple words set off the grand finale of my internal fireworks. Tingles of pleasure shot through my veins and exploded on my skin. Warmth wrapped around me like a comfy blanket.

  His lips came down on mine again. Gentle at first and then the caress turned into an onslaught. I responded to his urgency.

  Heat flashed through my body. My knees weakened. My heart rejoiced.

  With light pressure,
he opened my mouth with his tongue and dove inside. Our tongues tangled and twirled like a dance. He tasted like chocolate, and salt like the ocean we were beneath.

  His body pressed against mine and my tummy tingled. My heart thudded as if trying to reach outside my chest to be closer to Chase. I wanted him to feel all my love.

  “Lovebirds and kidnappers.” Goatee-guard’s familiar voice interrupted.

  We jumped apart like guilty schoolchildren. My breath hitched. Heat flooded my face.

  Chase wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Kidnappers? What’re you talking about?”

  “Princess Cordelia is missing.” The last word was a whisper. “Obviously, the Separatists are behind it. Since you’re a Separatist, tell me what you’ve done with her?”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Royal Power Play

  Finn, my half-brother, must’ve kidnapped Princess Cordelia. My instincts might’ve been right about Chase but they were wrong about Finn. But I wasn’t ready to fink him out yet. Not until I knew for sure. I’d jumped to a wrong conclusion with Chase, I refused to make the same mistake now.

  “We’re not Separatists. And we didn’t kidnap Princess Cordelia.” Chase rushed to our defense.

  “Maybe she ran away again,” I added.

  “How do you know about that?” Goatee-Guard leaned against the bars, his accusation sharp.

  I stiffened and glanced upwards. Unwilling to tell him about the tunnels because we might need them to escape later, my mind sought an excuse or a reason. “Um, um—”

  A scuffle at the end of the hall caught all of our attentions. Two guards pushed a guy with curly blonde hair forward. The guy didn’t appear to be in custody but he wasn’t on friendly terms either. “Let me see. I know people from Mermaid Beach.”

  Chase dropped his arm from around me and grabbed onto the bars. He squished his face against them. “Cuda?”

  The guy broke away from the guards and swam over to our cell. Chase’s lifeguard friend, Cuda stood before us.

  And he was breathing underwater.

  First Plankson and now Cuda. Was anyone living in Mermaid Beach truly an air-breather? No wonder I felt so at home there.

  Cuda’s mouth dropped open. “Chase? Pearl? What the heck? What are you doing here? I didn’t know you were a—”

  “I’m not.” Chase shot a glance toward Goatee-guard. “But Pearl is.”

  Cuda examined me with renewed interest. “I wondered about her, after the whirlpool incident.”

  “What about you?” Chase’s amazed tone matched the expression of wonder on his face. “You never told me. I mean, I knew you were totally into the ocean, but I didn’t realize how totally.”

  “I’m on a mission. One of my duties is to patrol the coast for signs of war.” Cuda motioned to the guards. “Give us some space.”

  The guards moved back to the doorway.

  “You need to explain to these guards that we’re not their enemy.” Chase must’ve been on the same wave length. “Pearl wanted to warn all of you—swimmers because she thought air-breathers, besides me, knew about your underwater world and were going to expose it.”

  “Which side are you on?” The expression on his face was one of anticipation expecting a certain answer.

  Funny, because even I didn’t know my own reply.

  “I’m not on any side. I didn’t even know this world existed until a few days ago.” I was repeating myself over and over. “I recently moved to Mermaid Beach from Florida.”

  “Were you always able to breathe underwater?”

  I had to make him believe me. I had to tell the truth. He was the key to getting out of this cell. “Yes. Ever since I remember.”

  “What about your parents? Siblings?”

  My throat swallowed the fresh rawness of hurt. “I was adopted.”

  Cuda pinched his lips together and then poked at Chase with a sharp finger. “What about you? I thought I knew you, that we were friends. If you’re an air-breather, how are you able to be down here without an air tank?”

  “Pearl did it. She can breathe into people and—”

  “How many times?”


  “How many times has Pearl breathed into you?” Cuda regarded me.

  Chase shrugged. “Four or five?”

  “Ok-aay.” Cuda crooked his finger at Goatee-guard. “These two are not Separatists. Let them go.”

  Goatee-guard’s laughter sounded fake. “Why should I trust you? With your background.”

  “Leave my family out of it.” Cuda sounded angry. “I’ve proved myself time and time again. Instead of treating them like prisoners, you should be educating them to our cause.”

  “Children, this is not a school or a playground.” Goatee-guard spoke down to us. “We’re in the middle of a war.”

  Cuda glanced at me. “Not yet we’re not. Should I inform Princess Cordelia of your attitude?” Cuda’s threat would’ve been more effective if not for the fact that the princess was missing.

  “Obviously, you know where she is then.” A look of superiority passed over the guard’s face.

  “What do you mean?”

  “She’s gone.”

  Cuda smirked with his own insider-knowledge. He bowed toward me. “Then, maybe you’ll listen to another princess and her command.”

  * * *

  A new realization hit. Hit so hard I almost fell over.

  I should have power. Not, underwater-super-strength-super-speed power, but real commanding power, political power. When I spoke, people listened.

  Well, I hoped they would. Commanding the captain hadn’t worked.

  “Release us.” My order echoed through the small chamber and reverberated up my spine. I stood taller and straighter with my shoulders pulled back.

  The guard shook his head. “I don’t think—”

  “In Atlantis, aren’t the princesses the only royalty left? Aren’t the Atlantean people waiting for the princesses to return? For my return?”

  Cuda smirked and nodded.

  Chase stood further back. Because he respected my new position or was terrified of me, I wasn’t sure. I hoped the whole princess thing didn’t change our relationship. We’d been through so much, we had to work it out.

  “I’ve proved my identity by turning an air-breather and Cuda concurs. Release us.”

  “I’ll take responsibility for them.” Cuda’s confident-demanding tone showed he had some authority.

  Goatee-guard’s right cheek spasmed, but he took out his keys and unlocked the cell. I swam past him and Chase followed.

  I felt different, stronger, more confident. “Since Princess Cordelia is gone, take us to whoever is in charge.”

  Chase and Cuda exchanged glances. They must’ve noticed the difference in me. I recognized a new feeling of power or status or someone deserving of respect. My chin tilted to a regal level. My shoulders pulled back. I stared straight ahead.

  In the dark cave I’d accepted I was an Atlantean princess, but here in the palace I realized all that it meant.

  We were led to the advisory chamber where the regent sat behind the desk. A silver-haired man, his maroon robes flowed behind him when he stood. “May I help you?”

  The majesty of the room struck me, deep where my insecurities lurked. Maybe I was a princess by birth, but not by upbringing.

  But I couldn’t show weakness. I swam-strolled into the grand room and lifted my chin to an even haughtier angle. Again, the acting skills came into use. “I am Princess Pelagia.”

  The regent staggered back, disbelief stamped on his face. He put his hand to his chest. “Cuda, explain yourself. Who are these people?”

  Cuda swam forward and bowed to the regent. “Regent Mollusk, she is one of the lost princesses. I’ve seen proof. He pointed at Chase. He is an air-breather she turned.”

  The regent twisted his lips together. His face blanched white. “Preposterous.”

  I almost laughed at the man’s incredulous expression.
“King Atlas was my father. Poseidon, my grandfather. You’ve been waiting for my return.”

  The regent’s gaze traveled between me, Cuda, and Chase. “We will expect proof.” He studied me. His lips turned down in a frown. “You look like your mother.”

  My heart lightened. He knew my mother and didn’t hate her. A million questions rushed to the forefront of my mind but I understood now wasn’t the time. “Thank you.”

  He stepped around his desk and bowed. “Welcome Princess Pelagia.”

  “You may call me Pearl.” A name I’d answered to all my life. “I need to take Chase to the surface. In the meantime, I’d like you to prepare a strategy for finding the missing Princess Cordelia. When I return, we will plot how to find the location of Princess Marisabel.”

  I portrayed confidence and calm, but inside I was happy dancing. Grooving to a new beat. An excited beat. A familial beat. A belonging beat.

  Squee! I have sisters.

  “Then we will approach the Free Atlanteans—”

  The regent froze in place. His face whitened.

  “I mean the Separatists, and show them the three lost daughters of Atlantis have returned. That we’re united. The legend is fact. We shall avoid war. And the three princesses shall lead all Atlanteans to peace and prosperity.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Possession To Princess

  With the setting sun at our backs Chase and I, guarded by Cuda, swam home to Mermaid Beach. It turned out, now that I was recognized as Princess Pelagia, a Royal Guard must be assigned for my protection. But since the regent insisted we keep the news of my return a secret, for my own safety, the regent decided that Cuda, since he already knew, would be most suitable for the role.

  “I’m not sure I like the idea of strange Royal Guards following me around in the future.”

  Chase wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Together, we walked up the beach toward the Boardwalk. “Neither am I, especially if it’s a guy.”

  “I might have a solution.” Cuda followed behind us. “We need to test one last thing, but not in the ocean where there might be spies.”


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