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Atlantis Riptide: Lost Daughters of Atlantis Book 1

Page 23

by Allie Burton

  I refused to be impressed. My bare midsection came in contact with his bare shoulder. Tingles raced down my spine.

  Must be from the binding cutting off my circulation.

  Kidnappers weren’t careful with hostages. Right?

  Especially not a Separatist who doesn’t believe in the princess legend. Who doesn’t believe in me.

  My stomach revolted at the thoughts. The meager contents spilled over and threatened to come up my throat.

  The empty corridors echoed my helplessness. Where were the guards who were supposed to keep me safe, or what I called locked away? There was no one to sound the alarm. No one would realize I was missing until morning.

  And by the way the guards had treated me yesterday, I doubt anyone would care.

  Melancholy swirled in my tummy, mixing with the fear. I was pathetic. I shouldn’t care what the guards thought. And whether I was or wasn’t a princess. I was still being kidnapped by a Separatist. I had to do something.

  Lifting my head, I squirmed to get a glance at my kidnapper. Longish, black hair fell over his forehead making him appear a bit untamed. Like a rogue or a renegade. A starfish, similar to the one covering my mouth, plastered over his cheeks covering most of his face. A strong chin jutted out with determination. Sensual lips a girl could enjoy kissing.

  Not that I wanted to. He was my kidnapper after all.

  The shape of his face looked familiar. His chin reminded me of someone I once knew.

  This guy obviously didn’t know that Mollusk held the real power. I was just a figurehead they never listened to, never asked for advice, never let out of the palace.

  Anger at the usual over-protectiveness soured inside my stomach, wiping out the sadness. The fear still remained. Where was a Royal Guard when you needed one?

  The guy made his way along the edge of the corridor as if he knew where he was going. No hesitation or hint of confusion. He swam at an even pace. He knew his way around the palace.


  My mind played guessing games with the possibilities. Rogue Royal Guard? Separatist Spy? Palace servant who didn’t like me?

  We made it to the grand foyer and then the guy stopped. He turned toward the wall with the starfish design. I lifted my head again and watched him counting with his finger. Seven stars from the left. Three down.

  My heart jumped like a salmon swimming upstream, then picked up its pace, thudding in my chest. It couldn’t be.

  He reached toward the starfish and turned it clockwise.

  My body froze, waiting for the click to come.

  My kidnapper knew the secret.

  Atlantis Red Tide is available now on Amazon!

  Other books in the Lost Daughters of Atlantis series:

  If you love the Atlantis books, you’ll love…

  Cinderella Assassin

  A Glass Slipper Adventure

  What if your fairy godmother sent you to the royal ball to assassinate the prince, but instead of killing him you fell in love?

  The kingdom is in upheaval. The royals are imprisoning anyone with fairytale blood in a crusade to get rid of magic and make technology—something they can control—dominant. It all gets personal when Ellery’s best friend, a smoke sprite, is arrested, and Ellery must find a way to rescue her.

  Ellery’s fairy godmother devises a devious deal. She will get Ellery into the hi-tech palace to save her friend, if she kills the prince while at the ball. But there’s a problem. Several, actually.

  Ellery passes as human but if the truth is discovered she’d be imprisoned. A truth she refuses to face. She doesn’t travel in royal circles and wouldn’t recognize the prince if he kissed her. And, she certainly doesn’t want to kill anyone. Ever.

  But Ellery will do anything to save her friend.

  When Ellery arrives at the ball, she meets a charming stranger and attraction ignites. He follows her into the palace prison. There they discover a dark royal plot that will destroy the fairytale creatures. Will she choose to fight for her magical friends or her heart?

  “What a great story—super unique retelling! Characters were so dynamic and interesting. I loved it!”

  – Reviewer


  My stomach jiggled. “How will I ever get past the detectors at the palace with these magical items?”

  The clutch, the dress, and my very own fairy blood would betray me.

  “That’s what the shoes are for.” She held out her hands and two glass-heeled shoes appeared.

  The clear shoes sparkled in the light. Two-inch heels led to a slender sloping arch. A decorative green jewel topped off near the toes.

  “I enjoy shoes as much as the next girl but how are high heels going to help?” I’d decided on the dress based on practicality. I couldn’t run in high heels.

  “These shoes are made with Elfin glass and they aren’t only high heels.” She pinched the gemstone and the heels lowered. The shoes became flats. “The shoes will be acceptable at the ball, and when you go to find Arbor you can make them more comfortable.”

  I’d known this would be a dangerous quest. Getting past the sensors at the palace, searching for Arbor. If I got caught, I’d be arrested or worse. I might need to run, but Arbor was worth it. “Clever.”

  Gardenia’s arched eyebrows asked what else would be expected. Wearing no make-up from what I could tell, she had a natural beauty. Rosy cheeks, pink lips, white-flawless skin smelling of flowers and cut grass. “The shoes also have deflection technology. Magic and majik.”

  “So, the SCUM won’t detect I’m half-majik.” Nodding, I let confidence seep into my skin. This deal was definitely in my favor.

  “Or the magical items in your possession.” She snapped her fingers and another item appeared in the palm of her hand.

  A knife.

  I flinched and my skin prickled.

  “This is the Dagger of Justice. It weighs the guilt of the intended target.” She reached up toward my head. “You will wear it as a hair ornament.”

  The sharp steel point glinted. The ruby-encrusted handle reminded me of blood. Blood I might make flow.

  “W-what do I need a dagger for?”

  “To complete your end of the Binding Promise.” Her pupils flashed with a winning gleam, yet her expression stayed deadly serious.

  The words Binding Promise sizzled between us having a life of its own.

  My muscles tensed and the hairs at the back of my neck stuck up. This wasn’t like the bet we’d made earlier today. How bad could my end of the promise be if it didn’t include fairy academy? But if it wasn’t bad, why would I need a dagger? I should’ve asked before I’d agreed, except I hadn’t been thinking because of my guilt about Arbor.

  My throat tightened. “What do you want me to do with the dagger?”

  Gardenia’s lips lifted in a slight smile. “Assassinate Prince Zacharye.”

  Cinderella Assassin is available now on Amazon!

  Learn more on Allie’s website

  And Allie Burton’s Warrior Academy series…

  Warrior’s Destiny

  Warrior Academy Book 1

  An ancient amulet.

  A powerful soul demanding she obey.

  A double cross that ends with a curse.

  During a heist to steal an ancient amulet, sixteen-year-old Olivia unwittingly receives the soul of King Tut…and the deadly curse that comes with it.

  A member of a secret society, Xander believes he is destined to inherit the soul and wield its powers. He is determined to confront the devious thief and claim what is rightfully his.

  When he discovers the horrible truth behind the Society’s plans, he must join forces with Olivia to find a way to end the curse before it destroys the world. Facing untold dangers, Olivia and Xander must learn to trust each other and, eventually their hearts.

  As the mystery surrounding the amulet unfolds, is their love enough to save them and the world from destruction?

  “If you are a fan of Rick Riordan books
about a quest with love and history thrown in…this is for you!”

  – Hooked in a Book Review (Originally published as Soul Slam)


  Crawling ninja-style out of the sarcophagus, my black gym shoes hit the ground without a sound. But inside, a screech built in my lungs and released on a heavy exhale, the scream so loud it sounded like an alarm. “Aiyeeeeee!”

  Xander and the old man froze.

  I lunged at the case, swooped in, and grabbed the amulet.

  A jolt rocked my body. Pain rocketed up my spine, but I held tight to the prize. Clutching the piece in both hands, I hit the concrete floor like a football player making a catch and kept rolling.

  “A girl.” Xander’s surprised voice rose on a high note. “What the…Tut.”

  “Grab her!” The old man spoke in English.

  “Touch her?” Xander sounded horrified like I was the slime of the world. “I can’t.”

  “She’s got the amulet.”

  I tried to get to my feet, but the pulsing inside threw me off balance. I crashed back onto the floor. Pain seared my fingers and heat rushed my veins.

  My body jerked. My head spun.

  Something slammed into me from the inside, like it was in my body trying to get out. Back and forth I jerked. A powerful energy thumped from my ribcage to my stomach and back again.

  I trembled from head to foot. My vision blurred. Images swam before my eyes—a blue river, golden statues, Egyptian pyramids, deceit, and death.

  “What’s going on?” The sound coming out of my mouth warbled. “Am I dying?”

  This felt worse than the time I had pneumonia with no medicine, or the time I broke my arm and Fitch duct taped it…

  Fogginess seeped into my consciousness. If I blacked-out they’d steal the amulet, leave me to be caught, to go to prison, to face Fitch’s wrath.

  Whatever was inside me ignited like a nuclear bomb. My skin could no longer contain my organs. I’d explode into tiny pieces and scatter across the museum floor.

  “It’s happening… To. Her.” Jeb’s voice was faint as if coming from a distance, but I saw his shoes through squinted eyelids.

  “But it’s my right. My inheritance.” Xander stomped his sandaled foot near my head. “My destiny.”

  “It’s too late.” Jeb’s voice curled like a sneer with extra hatred. “The transfer has occurred. This stupid girl is now in possession of King Tutankhamun’s soul.”

  Warrior’s Destiny is available now on Amazon!

  Learn more on Allie’s website

  Also by Allie Burton

  A Glass Slipper Adventure – Young Adult

  Cinderella Assassin

  Cinderella Soldier

  Cinderella Spy

  Lost Daughters of Atlantis Series – Young Adult

  Atlantis Riptide

  Atlantis Red Tide

  Atlantis Rising Tide

  Atlantis Tide Breaker

  Atlantis Dark Tides

  Atlantis Twisting Tides

  Atlantis Glacial Tides

  Warrior Academy Series – Young Adult

  Warrior’s Destiny

  Warrior’s Chaos

  Warrior’s Prophecy

  Warrior’s Curse

  Warrior’s Rising

  Castle Ridge Series – Contemporary Romance

  The Romance Dance

  The Christmas Match

  The Flirtation Game

  The Playboy Switch

  The Billionaire’s Ploy

  The Heartbreak Contract

  Find all of Allie’s books on Amazon or her website.

  About the Author

  Allie Burton has always been a reader and writer. She wrote her first novel at the age of twelve when she was stranded at a hospital by a snowstorm. Receiving her first romance from her grandmother, she fell in love with the genre. As an adult, she read young adult books with her own teens and was excited to find something fresh and new. Now, she writes both.

  Having so many jobs as a teen and adult became great research material for the stories she writes. She has been everything from a bike police officer to a mascot escort to an advertising executive. She has lived on three continents and in four states and has studied art, fashion design, and marine biology.

  Allie is a member of several writing organizations. She loves to ski, golf, and run. Currently, she lives in Colorado with her husband and two children.




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