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Black Hearts Dance

Page 17

by Gerald Lopez

  Standing in front us, in the middle of the street, was Rory with a trumpet in his hand, dressed in a gold uniform with gold boots and epaulets. The ensemble looked like a cross between a vintage outfit The Beatles might have worn in the yellow submarine movie, and an ensemble Liberace’s chauffeur would’ve worn on stage. Rory raised his trumpet, then played a quick tune before he lowered it and spoke.

  “Your hostesses for the annual Carson Court Glitter Ball have arrived to officially open the festivities!”

  A spotlight shone on the street and Rory blew his trumpet again as eight men clad in gold Speedos and gold gladiator sandals exited the van, then removed two golden divans from it. Mrs. Carson, dressed in a shimmering gold sequined dress and jacket, was helped out of the van and onto the divan which was resting on the street. Next, a chubby drag queen with an enormous red bouffant wig, dressed in a gold sequined caftan was given a hand out by two handsome men. She reclined on the second divan. The sexy attendants lifted the divans, walked them down the street, and stopped across from the entrance to the arches.

  “Mrs. Carson looks so glamorous,” Shannon said.

  Rory blew his trumpet once more and the Speedos clad men lowered the divans and helped Mrs. Carson and the drag queen up.

  “Mrs. Isabel Carson Keene and Henrietta happily welcome all of you to the annual Glitter Ball!” Rory said.

  Mrs. Carson and Henrietta each held up large golden scepters and everything went dark, including the outdoor lights and gold lights on the arches. Suddenly sparks from the scepters Mrs. Carson and Henrietta held filled the air and lit up the sky. The men in Speedos had formed a semicircle behind the hostesses and were now lifting large staffs in the air. One by one each staff let out a loud “bam” and golden glitter filled the sky. The waiting crowd went wild, yelling, cheering, and honking their car horns. All the lights that been off came back on again and illuminated the night.

  The hostesses boarded their divans once more, and were carried by their golden boys to where Frankie now stood in front of the red ceremonial ribbon. Frankie addressed two attendants who were dressed in uniforms similar to what Rory wore, then handed Mrs. Carson and Henrietta a large pair of scissors which they used to cut the ribbon. The hostesses were then helped onto their divans and brought back to the left of the entrance, where they’d be able to see the guests enter, yet keep from being run down.

  “The real fun is about to start,” Elise said.

  I stuffed some cotton candy in my mouth and kept my eyes on the street. The song “Supermodel” by RuPaul was heard as two glittering rickshaws pedaled by hunks in gold trunks stopped in front of the entrance. A drag queen with big gold hair stepped out of one of the rickshaws escorted by a handsome man wearing a gold tuxedo. The drag queen in the other rickshaw walked out wearing a nude, gold rhinestone accented bodysuit, and a gold wig which dragged behind her on the floor. Her escort, dressed in a thong with a gold fig leaf on the front picked up his date’s long locks and carried them like one would the train on a royal’s gown. Two drag queens walked into the area and waved to the crowd. One drag queen wore a short Marie-Antoinette inspired outfit covered in gold bows, rhinestones, and glitter. The other drag queen looked like Bo Peep in an outfit dipped in gold, silver, and bronze. They posed, and the attendants in gold used the large staffs they held to shoot glitter into the air.

  Next, a gold convertible drove up filled with drag queens and their escorts, all of whom struck poses as they stepped onto the pavement. It was a dizzying array of costumes, glitter, big hair, towering drag queens balanced and posing in impossibly high heels, and handsome male escorts.

  I’d finished my cotton candy and looked at my group. “Is everyone ready to go in and party?”

  “Yeah!” Alex said.

  We were hit with another dose of gold glitter as we walked into the entrance and made our way to the now crowded main tent. There were go-go boys dressed in gold sequined thongs and body glitter dancing on top of the platforms I’d seen empty earlier.

  “I smell food,” I said.

  “We’d better go balance out the junk food we ate with some more healthy treats,” Alex said.

  “I think I’ll exercise a little on the dance floor,” Shannon said, starting to move her shoulders to the music. “C’mon, Elise, Forrest—keep a girl company.”

  They disappeared into the melee of strobe lights and colorful attendees dancing in the center of the space.

  “Wow, Forrest even dances good,” Alex said, then looked at me. “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m always hungry,” I said. “For you.” Then I kissed Alex passionately, holding him tighter when he tried to break loose.

  “I didn’t think you were one for public affection,” Alex said.

  “Babe, we’re in a gold tent surrounded by drag queens, gay men, and go-go boys—I think it’s OK to be affectionate here. Let’s go grab some grub.” I slapped his ass and pushed him gently toward the food tables.

  After munching on shrimp and chicken nuggets, we found a somewhat quiet section of the floor to dance on. The song playing was yet another RuPaul hit “Sissy That Walk”. I was grinding my ass into Alex’s crotch, when a stunning creature headed my way with her arms moving gracefully to the music. She was dressed in a sheer, straight, long dress covered in strategically placed gold sequins. Her hair, streaked in shades of chestnut brown, was worn up in a french twist. She had a large brooch perfectly placed in the front of her hair. Seductive dark brown eyes stared at me beneath golden lashes and gold glitter eyeshadow. Her full lips smiled—she was a caramel-colored goddess.

  “Hello, I’m told you’re Layton and Alex Shayne,” the woman said, as she danced in front of me. I didn’t like having my dance with Alex interrupted, so I continued grinding into him.

  “I see I’ve interrupted something,” the woman said. “I’m known in town as Delilah.”

  That stopped both Alex and me in our tracks.

  “Pleased to meet you,” Alex said, extending his hand to Delilah.

  “Mademoiselle,” I said, holding her hand and kissing the air just above it.

  “How did you know?” she said.

  “Know what?” I said. “The fact you’re of French extraction or that you are exactly what you look like—all woman… of the straight out of the womb variety.”

  “Both,” she said, then smiled warmly as she started dancing again.

  “There was just a trace of a French accent in your voice,” I said. “And no matter how good a drag queen is, I haven’t seen one that can move like a woman in her prime.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Shayne,” Delilah said. “I was just on my way to get myself a cocktail. Would you and your partner care to join me?”

  I looked at Alex for an answer.

  “Sounds like a good idea,” Alex said.

  The three of us exited the tent and walked to what I’d nicknamed, in my mind, “The Pink Zone”.

  “Have you been to France, Mr. Shayne?”

  “I’ve visited Paris and Versailles,” I said. “It was a nice visit. I enjoyed the food and was astounded by how beautiful the women there were. You have both the beauty and a slight accent. And please, call me Layton.”

  “Alright, Layton, and thank you for the compliment,” Delilah said. “Have you been to France, Alex?”

  “Several times,” Alex said. “It’s a beautiful country.”

  “Yes it is,” Delilah said. My father was French and American, my mother was American. I lived in Paris until I graduated from high school, then I moved here.”

  The go-go boys were still dancing on their tables, but the song playing now was “It’s Raining Men by” The Weather Girls. The three of us stepped up to the bar.

  “I can recommend the Pink Glitter Bomb Cocktail,” Alex said.

  “That sounds delicious,” Delilah said.

  We each got Pink Glitter Bomb Cocktails, then headed to the candy bar. Delilah and Alex picked up containers of pink bubble gum popcorn while I grabbed another
cotton candy, then we found three seats in the crowd.

  “Why are you being so forthcoming, Delilah?” I said.

  “I’ve been told to be friendly to you, Layton.”

  “By who, if I may ask?” I said.

  “By my grandmother who’s been friends with Mrs. Carson Keene for years and friends with General Keene when he was alive. She’s decided to help you, once she’s seen how you work a while.”

  “Interesting,” I said. “In most small towns there are two places that hold all the secrets. Both places are considered sacred and hard to breach. One is the main church in town and the other, when it applies, is the local whorehouse.”

  “There’s a great deal of truth in that statement, Layton,” Delilah said, swaying to the beat of the music.

  “Does that mean your establishment holds some of the answers to what happened here?” Alex said.

  “That means that it could,” Delilah said. “But even I don’t know for sure. The current Delilah is never told all the big secrets until the previous Delilah feels her time on Earth coming to an end or just decides the truth needs to be revealed.”

  “You sound anxious to find out the truth yourself,” I said.

  “I won’t deny that I’m curious about what my establishment’s involvement may or may not be in regard to the mysteries of Carson Court. Be sure to make a good impression on my grandmother, Layton, so we can all get some answers.”

  “How will I know when I’ve made just the right impression?” I said.

  “When that time comes, my grandmother will arrange to meet with you, Alex, and the writer Shannon Henry.”

  “This is serious, then,” I said.

  “It certainly seems that way, Layton,” Delilah said. “The old guard here is passing away and they’re anxious to tell their secrets to someone they feel can make a difference in this town.”

  “That bodes well for us, I think,” Alex said.

  “Yes,” Delilah, said. “But it’s a bit scary too. The spirits in this home are restless and God only knows what they’ll do now that the court has changed hands.”

  “We’ve already experienced some of that,” Alex said. “Layton experienced too much of it for my taste.”

  “I was ghost bit,” I said.

  “I’ve heard of that happening to someone before,” Delilah said. “You’re lucky to have survived.”

  “It was like nothing I’d ever felt,” I said, realizing I’d been swaying to the music right along with Delilah.

  “I’ve heard it’s like being in the cold grip of death,” Delilah said. “The fact you survived means you’re a strong man. It takes a strong man to keep the spirits here at bay. That’s why people in town will be watching you closely. There’s a real fear of what could happen if the owners of Carson Court were ever too weak to keep things under control.”

  Chapter 27

  Set Loose

  “WHAT ARE people afraid might happen?” Alex said.

  “I don’t think they really know,” Delilah said. “So far, Carson Court ghosts stay in Carson Court. My guess is that people in town don’t want your ghosts visiting their homes.”

  “Makes sense to me,” I said. “And on that lovely note, let’s the three of us show those go-go boys how to really dance.”

  “I like the way you think, Layton,” Delilah said, then extended her hand so I’d help her up, which I did.

  We danced as a group, chatted about the town, and talked with other partygoers in between visits to the candy bar. In the middle of a dance, Rory walked up to us.

  “Hi,” Rory said. “Mrs. Carson and Henrietta would like to know if either one of Carson Court’s new owners would like to judge the Miss Glitter Ball contest.”

  “Not my type of gig,” I said, then looked at Alex who seemed unsure of what to say.

  Delilah tapped him on the shoulder. “Aw, go on—do it. You’ll have a good time, those ladies really know how to strut their stuff.”

  “And by ladies you mean—” Alex said.

  “The type that tuck and tape,” Rory said.

  The three of us laughed, then I saw Alex’s eyes light up.

  “OK, I’ll do it!” Alex said.

  Delilah clapped softly and I patted Alex on the back.

  “It’s ten thirty now,” Rory said. “The contest starts at eleven and we still need to get you a seat and scorecards. Are you ready now?”

  “Sure,” Alex said. “Let me just fill a candy bag to sustain me.”

  When we left the candy bar Alex had a small bag filled with gum, licorice, and mints and Delilah had a cone of cotton candy. I reached for my third cotton candy but was dissuaded by Alex who slapped my hand and said I’d had enough. Instead I told him I’d go for a vegetable and grabbed a carton of pink bubble gum popcorn. He responded by laughing.

  AN AREA had been cleared in front of the two large fans inside the main tent, and Mrs. Carson and Henrietta sat on their divans beside the area where the Miss Glitter Ball contestants would be walking. There was a gold chair next to the divans for Alex, the final judge. Forrest was there talking to Mrs. Carson, but when he saw us he headed our way.

  “So, which of you is judging?” Forrest said.

  Delilah and I pointed to Alex.

  “Alex is the brave one tonight,” Delilah said.

  “Hello, Miss Delilah,” Forrest said. “You’re looking exceptionally lovely tonight.”

  “Thank you,” Delilah said.

  “Why is Alex being brave?” I said.

  “Oh, yeah,” Rory said. “I forgot to add that sometimes the losing contestants get a bit miffed. They throw shoes at the judges or try to slap Henrietta or rip her wig off her head. They know better than to go after Mrs. Carson, but they have been known to go after the guest judge and Henrietta.”

  “Thanks for telling me that before I agreed to the job,” Alex said, sarcastically.

  “If I’d told you then you might not have agreed to judge,” Rory said, then adjusted the cap on his head, and smiled at us mischievously.

  Alex looked like he was about to say something when Forrest walked up to him, put his arm around his shoulder, and smiled my way.

  “I’m here to protect him,” Forrest said. “I’ll stand in the way of any angry drag divas or flying stilettos. You have my word Alex will be safe with me, Layton.”

  “I’ll hold you to that, deputy,” I said, then smiled.

  “We need to get Alex situated and set up,” Rory said.

  “Delilah and I will find a good spot from which to view the show,” I said, giving my arm to Delilah to hold. “I trust you, Forrest.”

  “I won’t let you down, Layton,” Forrest said.

  Once we had walked away, Delilah spoke. “Layton, you can trust Forrest. The man knows how to do his job and he never oversteps.”

  While walking toward the back of the tent we ran into Shannon and Elise.

  “Hi, Delilah,” Elise said. “I love your dress.”

  “Thank you, Elise,” Delilah said. “You look gorgeous as usual.”

  Elise introduced Shannon to Delilah and we all made small talk, until the lights flickered on and off signaling the start of the show. Rory started things off by introducing the judges, then stated there would be ten contestants performing routines. From ten the number would be whittled down to three, then a winner would be chosen and crowned by the former winner Ms. Claire Awe.

  I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the lip-synch performances were entertaining. Some of the lavish costumes were so over-the-top they actually transformed. There was one performer who wore a headpiece that actually expanded upward and out to unveil a large silvery moon and stars as she sang rather than lip-synched “Hijo de Luna”. That contestant ended up in the top three along with another who was dressed as a Grecian goddess and had lip-synched to Spandau Ballet’s “Gold”. The final contestant in the top three had performed Earth Kitt’s “I want to be Evil” while wearing a high black wig in the shape of horns, a sparkling black cat
suit, and a cape that turned into bat wings at the end of the song.

  The crowd applauded vigorously for the final three, then the final two who were the moon and stars lady and the want to be evil bat lady. The moon and stars contestant was declared the winner and the crowd cheered, but bat lady decided to be evil, which the crowd also loved. She grabbed the microphone from Rory and addressed the crowd.

  “So, you folks think I picked that song just for the hell of it,” the bat lady said as her slender body prowled around the stage.

  She was tall and walked with an almost feline grace as she strutted full of attitude. Her dark—almost black eyes, which stood out against her pale white skin, searched through the audience looking for allies. Apparently she’d found some because she spoke again.

  “I want to be evil!” the bat lady said. “If I’m going to always be a loser in life, then why bother to be good. Let evil consume me! I welcome the dark spirits of the dead here in this place to use my body as they will.”

  Shannon grasped my arm tightly and spoke. “This isn’t good, Layton.”

  “I’ve got your summoning card, ghosties!” the bat lady said, then reached down into her top and pulled something out.

  I heard the crowd gasp loudly before I saw the object the bat lady held aloft in her hand.

  “Yes, folks, step right up and get a good look at what I, Karina Marino am holding in my hot little evil hands. I’m not afraid to show it. Why should I be? After years of abuse from my molester of a father and being bullied in the playground I finally hold the cards… or rather heart I should say. It’s exactly what it looks like, folks. An authentic Black Hearts Dance heart!” She cackled.

  “Oh my God,” I said.

  “If you want it, come and get it spirits of the dead,” Karina Marino said. “I own this stage right now and invite you to reach across this tent with your cold, dead hands and come get it, ghosties. Take me, ghost of Edmond Littrell!” She raised her hands and cackled again.

  The lights flickered on and off. A light, but icy cold breeze blew through the space and I felt Shannon shiver, then Delilah leaned in close to me shivering. A hush filled the tent.


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