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The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension

Page 22

by Rodney Mountain

  Chapter 21 - Meet and Greet

  Medoferro groaned as the three of them walked out to do the meet and greet. He was surprised to find out that Insegniferro and Massimaferro were dreading it almost as much as he was. He looked up at them and tried to figure out what he could say and not say.

  "Relax," Massy said to him again, "This part is annoying but it is tradition. Just grin like an idiot and try not to punch anyone."

  "We’ll get to laugh like hyenas about it at the party," Iggy told him, "This is the third one of these damned things I’ve been through. If I’m lucky it will be my last."

  "Why if you’re lucky?" Medoferro asked, not grasping the obviousness of it.

  "Because if it isn’t," Iggy said somberly, "It means that one of you two is dead. That’s not supposed to be the way it works. Tali had to go through four of these because of Crian. I intend to only go through three, thank you."

  "I swear we need to start sitting through these," Massy grunted, "I’m getting too old to stand up this long."

  "Too late now, just stand smile and suffer like I did the last two times," Iggy said and turned to the guards, "Ok. Start the procession."

  The people had lined up peaceably, as was the norm. Insegniferro, as the new elder, stood next to Taliaferro’s casket. Massimaferro took the next position as the new Mullinix. Medoferro was left last in the line, despite the fact that he was the one that most of the people wanted to see. It was sort of like being in a meat market, everyone looking you over.

  The procession began slowly. Each person got to pay their initial respects to Taliaferro. Some said small prayers, others merely looked at the lifeless remained of a man who had been a fixture in their lives for as long as most of them had been alive. It was a sobering thing to see, even in the dim light, what the wasting sickness could do to even the most powerful of men.

  The people only had a few moments to gaze on the body before moving on to Insegniferro. Insegniferro was not outgoing by nature and did little more than smile and nod. He said maybe five words the entire time, as this ranked as one of the least pleasurable things he had to do in his life.

  Massimaferro was actually rather outgoing. When he was chosen on the fly Taliaferro and Insegniferro knew they’d need someone outgoing enough to make up for Insegniferro’s reticence. Massimaferro was the one who was from the right area that fit the bill. He’d long been known as the most entertaining of the Mullinix. He’d shake hands and flash each person a smile, much like a politician in a republic.

  Medoferro was somewhere in between the two. He couldn’t stand as impassive as Insegniferro did, but he couldn’t force himself to be as outgoing as Massimaferro was. He nodded and gave half smiles to everyone who walked by. Mostly he just was himself, a person who hated crowds.

  The people watched him close, scoping out the new man who would have power over their lives. Some were awed and some were saying to themselves that he wasn’t much or that he couldn’t do it. But to a person they realized that he wouldn’t have been chosen if Insegniferro and Massimaferro didn’t think he could do the job.

  "How are you holding up?" Massimaferro whispered to Medoferro, "Fun, isn’t it?"

  "You really are a masochist," Medoferro told him, "How much longer?"

  "Only an hour or so," Massimaferro told him with a smile, "Buck up. I’ll buy you a drink after it’s over."

  "I’ll take you up on that," Medoferro said, smiling, "Count on it."

  "Right," Massimaferro chuckled and turned back to the passing crowd, "How are you doing sir!"

  Massimaferro was only off by about ten minutes, as the display ended seventy minutes after that exchange. When the crowd had all passed by the guards escorted the three of them off the stage into the back area. Even Massimaferro looked beat by the time they sat down in the back.

  "Why in the hell did I agree to take this job?" Medoferro said as he sat back and rubbed his legs, "Good god, I think basic training would have been better than that."

  "That’s the worst of it," Insegniferro said, "Now for the private celebration of Taliaferro’s life. This part will be much more pleasant."

  "Just what I need," Medoferro sighed, "More people."

  "You’ve met most of these," Massimaferro told him, "Your friends will be there too. There will be drinks and fun."

  "Plenty of fun," Insegniferro agreed.

  "Let’s go," Medoferro said, "I could use both."


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