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The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension

Page 24

by Rodney Mountain

  Chapter 23 - The Day After

  Simon Sutcliffe woke up on a couch, still fully clothed but covered with a light blanket to ward off the chill of the evening. Miranda Studebaker was still asleep, leaning next to him on the couch. It was obvious that they were both still in the palace, as the remains of the previous night’s party were still lying around the room. Simon sat up a little, enough to cause Miranda to stir but not wake up.

  "Whoa," Simon said, rubbing his sore head, "What the hell…"

  "Welcome back to the land of the living, Simon," Paulus said to him, sitting up and looking at the young man, "You certainly looked like you had fun last night."

  "Did we do anything embarrassing?" Simon asked him, and looked at Miranda, "And what time is it?"

  "It is indecently late in the morning," Paulus chuckled, "Most everyone is still asleep except Iggy."

  "He was in here late too," Simon said, "Why is he up?"

  "The Mavelans are getting frisky again," Paulus told him, "Massy was as drunk as you were. Iggy was the only one sober enough to talk to Colonel LaPorte."

  "Makes me glad I’m just a student," Simon chuckled, "I’ll leave this stuff to the adults."

  "Your friend will get his first taste of it soon enough," Paulus told him, "He’s heading into the fire."

  "Where is Medoferro anyway?" Simon asked, "I don’t remember seeing him."

  "He and Marina went off together," Paulus said, "They’re probably still asleep in his suite."

  "Sounds like he got more action than I did," Simon grinned, looking under the blanket, "I’m still dressed."

  "You did all right, Simon," Paulus laughed, "Another one or two of these you’ll be a professional partier like we are."

  "Who are you, anyway?" Simon asked him, "I met you last night and probably asked then, but damned if I can remember."

  "Paulus," he said, offering a hand, "I’m Massimaferro’s personal representative."

  "Cool," Simon said, "You’re the one who goes out and looks where the Mullinix would gather too much attention?"

  "That’s me," Paulus nodded, "Not always a fun job though. I get to go back to Cirrus city tomorrow."

  "Better you than me, man," Simon grinned and then realized that the sun was high, "Do you know what time it is?"

  "You’ve already missed your first class," Paulus told him, "If you hurry you can catch your second one. Iggy already sent word over that you and Miranda were here so you won’t get in trouble."

  "That works," Simon nodded and nudged Miranda, "Wake up, Miranda. We need to catch our second class."

  "Second class?" Miranda mumbled, beginning to wake up, "We miss one already?"

  "Yep," Simon told her, "I just woke up too. We need to run to make the next one."

  "Ok," Miranda nodded and sat up, "Should we say hello to Medoferro first?"

  "He’s probably still asleep," Paulus told her, "He’ll understand that you had to get back to class."

  "Come on," Simon said as he stood up, "A good jog will loosen us up and may make us look a little more alive."

  "Or it will kill us completely," Miranda grumbled as she stretched, "At this point, either may be acceptable."

  "Do you want something to eat first?" Paulus asked them.

  "Food would be worse than exercise right now," Simon said, shaking his head, "You Miranda?"

  "No way," she shuddered, "Not that your food isn’t good…"

  "I understand," Paulus grinned, "Better run to class then."

  They stood up and using each other for help managed to walk out of the room and start heading out towards the front. Paulus poured himself a glass of water and walked around the room, stretching a little bit, waiting for someone else to wake up, something he didn’t have to wait long for. Insegniferro walked up and broke off a leftover piece of bread and flopped down on the couch.

  "I swear that man is an idiot," he grumbled to Paulus, "How did we end up with him as a Colonel down there?"

  "Only one who would take the job," Paulus said, "Relax, Iggy. How bad is it?"

  "I’m beginning to think he’s part of the problem," Iggy told him, "How much time did you and Roland spend with him?"

  "Not much," Paulus admitted, "Massy said I’d probably be sent back down there. Want me to look into it?"

  "Yes," Iggy nodded, "Clear it with Massy though."

  "Consider it cleared," Massy grunted, "Where’s the water pitcher?"

  "You look like death warmed over," Iggy chuckled and poured the new Mullinix a glass of water, "The girls wear you out?"

  "I’m not as young as I used to be," Massy grunted, "Should limit myself to one at a time now that I have work to do…"

  "What fun is that?" Paulus laughed, "I swear…"

  "So you think that the Colonel is making it worse too, don’t you Ig?" Massy asked him.

  "Very probably," Iggy nodded, "I think we need someone we can trust down there."

  "I’ll head out this afternoon," Paulus nodded, "Roland can take the north job… And the new one should Medoferro choose one in time."

  "Any bets on who it will be?" Massy grinned, "Considering Simon and Miranda have been here."

  "Tough one," Iggy said, "It could be either one. Simon because of friendship or Miranda as payback for not being chosen."

  "My bet is on Simon," Paulus chuckled, "Miranda is a smart girl, but too timid for this. She’ll be better off doing something else."

  "I don’t know," Massy said, "It could be either, but I’ll go with Simon on those grounds."

  "Either way," Iggy said, "Roland is going to get him since we’re sending you to Cirrus again."

  "That’s all right," Paulus chuckled, "I got to spend the night here with the lovely house staff taking care of me. Roland had to go home to Sueta. I got the better end of the deal even with having to go to Cirrus instead of the cushy job going to Siraq."

  "True that," Iggy laughed, "So, Paulus, what do you think of our new Mullinix?"

  "I haven’t talked to him much yet," Paulus said, "He seems like a nice kid, but you wouldn’t have chosen him otherwise. He and Marina hit it off really well last night and they disappeared together."

  "Good," Massy said, "I was worried about the way he was sulking. I figured they’d be good for each other."

  "I sent her out when I saw him sulking," Iggy told them, "She was willing to go cause she had taken a liking to him anyway."

  "I don’t know," Paulus said, "I just work here man, but I think he’ll do all right. I probably need to get ready to go. Any special instructions for when I get down there other than to look at what LaPorte is doing?"

  "Well," Massy said facetiously, "You could always have King Facie overthrown and replaced with a ruler that actually likes us."

  "Don’t I wish," Paulus said, "I keep hoping that old Facie will croak and I’ll be able to stop spending so much time in that ass end of the Empire."

  "He’s actually a few years younger than us," Iggy sighed, "He came into power young when his father was assassinated. That’s part of what caused the discord that eventually sent Cirrus into our camp anyway."

  "Word on the street down there is that Facie either killed his father or knows who did," Paulus told them, "His people don’t like him much."

  "Talk to some of the older people there," Massy said, "I want to know a bit more about Facie and possible successors in case he tries a full out war on the border."

  "I’ll see what I can find," Paulus nodded, "I think we have some guards down there who speak Mavelan. If I can find one willing can I send them in to find some facts?"

  "Be careful," Iggy warned, "Facie finds out about anything like that and he might declare a full war before we can do anything."

  "No more than basic information about the country, I promise," Paulus nodded, "It will be all right though. At least my job will be interesting, unlike going to Siraq, which is one of the most boring places on the planet."

  "Well you’d better get moving,
" Massimaferro said, "Your ride will be leaving in an hour."

  "Have they been told I’m coming" Paulus asked them.

  "I didn’t tell them because I didn’t know for sure who was going," Iggy said, "I figured Massy would say when he talked to them later this afternoon."

  "Don’t," Paulus suggested, "Let me check things out on my own before you announce me."

  "Do what you will," Massy nodded, "I’ll back you."

  "See you later," Paulus nodded, getting up, "Good luck with the newbie."

  Paulus departed and left the two Mullinix alone. They looked at each other and wondered what would be coming next. They decided that they had nothing absolutely pressing so went back to reading for a while. They had time yet, even though Massimaferro was scheduled for his first set of sessions as Mullinix.


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