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The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension

Page 46

by Rodney Mountain

  Chapter 44 - A Mullinix Motorcade

  The movement of a Mullinix on tour was a newsworthy event, and people tended to come out to watch and catch a glimpse of the people who made their country work. Where the personal representatives went largely unnoticed, the Mullinix themselves couldn’t go anywhere without a large contingent of guards and using motorized vehicles. They didn’t have time to use the usual bicycle transportation that most Mullinix citizens did.

  The Mullinix used a large motorized vehicle called a land barge. Powered by steam, the unique vehicle was the size of a 20th century Winnebago, with half of it enclosed for protection from the elements and the other half open to allow the Mullinix to sit or stand and wave to the crowds as they traveled. It was a sight to see for all involved.

  The Mullinix vehicles were prepared early in the morning for Massimaferro and Medoferro to leave and get on the road. They were due in Nessun Cucchiaio by that afternoon for some formal ceremonies and to hear a few cases. The vehicles were loaded up and just about ready to go and the usual contingent of people was surrounding them, though a few special ones had been let behind the lines.

  "You ready for your first big trip?" Miranda asked him, "You’re looking good for it."

  "Still a little shaken by yesterday," Medo shrugged, "But I’m good. Looking forward to being out of the palace for a while."

  "Well," Miranda grinned, "One good thing for you. I’ve cabled my mother and told her she might get a special visit and to have her specialty waiting."

  "I’ll remember to make the stop," Medo grinned, "When are you getting back to the area?"

  "I’ve been accepted for Medico training," she told him, "So I go home in about two weeks. If you’re still up there I’ll pop in to see you."

  "I’ll look for you," Medo promised, "Good luck, guys."

  "Come on, Medo," Massimaferro said, "We’ve got time to make."

  Medoferro hugged Stacy, Marina and Miranda then jumped into the open vehicle next to Massimaferro, waving to the crowds as he was supposed to. The convoy, consisting of three vehicles and nearly two dozen guards, took off going at a slow steady pace through the capital. Before long they were cruising at a leisurely twenty miles an hour in the countryside, as fast as the steam powered vehicles could go efficiently.

  "How long until Nessun?" Medo asked him.

  "About four hours or more," Massimaferro said, "Depends on if it starts raining or not. These blasted things are slower than horses when it rains."

  "So why do we use them?" Medo wondered, "I’d think it would be easier to use horses."

  "Horses make a mess in town," Massimaferro chuckled, "These also can go for hours without taking a break."

  "They’re better security-wise," Suvorov said, moving up into the front, "In normal running they only go twenty to thirty miles an hour, but if we have to we can run them up to a half hour at double that. Something you can’t do at all on a horse."

  "You feeling better today, Rav?" Medo asked him, "Actually sleep a little last night?"

  "Knowing that you didn’t order that mess helped," Suvorov admitted, "I still had the nightmares, but now that the ghosts have been revealed…"

  "You can sleep a bit better," Massimaferro nodded, "I wish you’d told us sooner. If LaPorte knew about that stuff, I’ll kick his ass myself."

  "That much I don’t know," Suvorov shrugged, "I was a peon."

  "So what are we expecting over the next few days?" Medo asked Massy, "Are these trips usually slow or fast?"

  "A lot of traveling, A little sightseeing and a lot of bullshit," Massimaferro said, "We end up taking the dumbest cases on these trips. They tend to be the best ways to learn, though. Taliaferro and I went out soon after I was chosen."

  "Why Tali and not Iggy?" Medo wondered.

  "Iggy hates to travel," Massy chuckled, "Not to mention he was not much older than I was. Tali figured that he’d be better off traveling with me and letting Iggy get the hang of things at home on his own."

  "I can see that," Medo nodded, "No need for that here because you both are experienced."

  "Exactly," Massy nodded, "Tali and I had a great time too. Learned a lot and he was always showing me little things about each area. By the time he and I went out he was old enough to have been to all the parts of the empire more than once. That man loved to travel."

  "Speaking of traveling," Medo said, "Where are we going after Nessun Cucchiaio?"

  "Polonion and Macmanite for sure," Massy said, "Where we go after that depends a lot on if we hear from Roland and Simon. If the Siraqis want to do this quickly, we’ll head pretty straight for Skolnik, doing a few small areas on the way. If they want to delay it a couple weeks we’ll head north and stop at Serenik and Hulkensuxor."

  "All places I’ve never been," Medo said, "Before I went to Mullinix Centre I’d never really gone any further than Ralton or the Border Villages up near Siraq."

  "Later this year we’ll do a longer tour," Massimaferro promised, "Once we get Cirrus back under control."

  "We probably are going to have to go down there," Medo said, "I think half our problem is that there’s no real presence to know what is going on there."

  "That is why Paulus is there," Massy shrugged, "We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it."

  "Think we have enough guards?" Medo asked, looking around, "Two vehicles full of them?"

  "I’d have taken another if Massy had let me," Suvorov grumped, "Especially since they still haven’t found Tony Stack yet."

  "Somehow I doubt we really have to worry about Medo," Massy said, "Stacy told me about how he took down that creep. I think the old man would be proud."

  "I’ll let the guards handle it," Medo said, "Are they all guards though?"

  "Three communications weenies," Massimaferro told him, "Two photographers, a photoplay operator and a Medico."

  "Won’t there be Medicos out there if we need them?" Medo wondered, shaking his head at all the people there just for them.

  "Easier to take one with us," Massy said, "I felt the same way at first, but you get used to it. People like it when their leaders give them a show. You aren’t there just to keep them safe, though that is part of it. You are also there to entertain them."

  "The cases usually any different out here?" Medo asked him, "Or is it all the same after a while?"

  "The local cases tend to be easier," Massimaferro said, "After years of deciding who lives and dies or if someone is supporting a child for the rest of their life a minor assault case tends to be really easy."

  "That’s why you want me to take cases out here," Medo nodded, "So I can get my feet wet."

  "Exactly," Massy nodded, "Something could happen to me or Iggy tomorrow and you would have to be able to do it. You shouldn’t have to do it alone for a long time, but I want you to start getting the hang of it early."

  "I’ll think about it," Medo said, "So what do you usually do on these trips?"

  "Enjoy the scenery or sleep," Massimaferro grinned, "Your choice."

  "I think I’ll take the latter," Medo said, kicking back on the seat, "Especially since there won’t be anything interesting until we get to Nessun."

  "Suit yourself," Massimaferro said, "Care to play a game of cards, Rav?"

  "Sure," Suvorov nodded, "Choose the game…"


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